A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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fardeau 172 faux-frais fardeau, m., load, burden; passer le , (art.) in mechanical maneuvers, to lift (a weight, gun) over (as, a wall). larder, v. n., to sink, sink in (of a wall); to ran or go too close to (one boat to another in a river). tardier, m., dray for carrying stone. fargue, f., washboard of a boat. farine, f., flour; powder or meal produced by trituration; de bois, (er.pl.) sawdust; fossile, infusorial earth, kieselguhr; de montagne, v., fossile. farouche, a., shy; shying; ferocious. fascicule, m., part, number (of a serial publication); (Fr. a.) sheet sewed in the livret individuel of a soldier quitting the active army and containing certain documents (ordre de route in case of mobilization, and other data). fascinage, m., brush-revetting (of a river bank); (fort.) fascine-making, fascine work; (field fort.) generic term for gabion, fascine, and hurdle work. fascination, f., (fort.) fascine revetment. fascine, f., fagot; bavin; hurdle; (fort., siege) fascine; bundle of small branches for fascines; d'ancrage, h ancre, anchoring fascine; de blindage, covering fascine; de couronntment, trench fascine; fifarcir, filling fascine; fondriere, & fosse(s), water fascine, sinking fascine; goudronnee, (artif.) pitched, tarred fascine for inflammatory and illuminating purde gravier, fascine filled with gravel (hydraulic engineering); de pierre, fascine filled with broken stone (hydraulic engineering); de premier rang, fascine of the lowest course; de retraite, securing fascine; & revetir, revetting fascine; & tracer, tracing fascine. fasin, m., mixture of earth, ashes, and small twigs. fatigue, f., fatigue, weariness; toil, hardship; fatigue of metals, etc. (i. e., strain, long-continued strain); cheval de , horse used for the hardest kind of work. fatigue, a., fatigued; strained; (cord.) worn, fagged. fatiguer, v. a. n., to fatigue, tire, weary; to try. strain; to labor, work, overwork; to be strained (said of springs when weakened, of the parts of a mechanism). fau, m., beech tree. faubert, m., (nav.) mop, swab. fauberter, v. a., (nav.) to mop, swab. fauberteur, m., (nav.) swabber. faubourg, m., suburb, outskirt (of a town). fauchage, m.. mowing. fauchaison, I., mowing time. fauchant, m., sweeping, oscillating motion (of machine guns). fauche, f., a mowed crop; mowing time. fauclier, v. a. n., to mow, to reap; to throw the legs sidewise in walking; (hipp.) to dish, to paddle (said also of a lame shoulder); (mil.) to sweep by fire, to mow down (as. by skir- faulde, f., charcoal pit; charbon en , charcoal made in open air for common use (unfit for powder manufacture). faune, f., fauna. faussage, m., v. faussement. fausse, a., (sm. a., etc.) sprung' bent; - -& court pli, sharply bent or sprung; & long pto, sprung over a considerable length. fausse aiguille, v. s. v. aiguille. fausse(-)alarme, v. s. v. alarme. fausse(-)alerte, v. s. v. alerte. fausse ame de cnargement, v. s. v. dme. fausse-axe, f., pattern spindle. fausse-bande, f., (harn.) false saddle-bar. fausse-bolte, f., de roue, (Fr. art.) nave box on spare-wheel axle, 95mm gun. fausse(-)braie, f., (fort.) low rampart; talse bray; detachee, detached, advanced, false bray. fausse-cheminlie, f., sheet-iron stovepipe. fausse-coupe, f., v. s. v. coupe. fausse-culasse, f., v. s. v. culasse. fausse-6querre, f., v. s. v. equerre. fausse-fus6e,f., d'exercice, v. s. v. fusee. fausse-gourme, f., v. s. v. yourme. fausse-gourmette,f., v. s. v. gourmette. fausse-lance, (art.) v. s. v. lance. fausse-manche, f., v. s. v. manche. fausse-marche, f., v. s. v. marche. fausse-martingale, f., v. s. y. martingale. faussement, m., (sm. a.) springing mishes or by the horizontally oscillating motion of a machine gun). fauchere, f., (harn.) wooden rod; crupper for pack mules. faucheur, m., mower. fa uc 11 1 e, f., reaping hook, sickle. fauciller, v. a., to cut with a sickle. faucillon, m., billhook; bois , bois to, , brashwood. fauconneau, m., jib of a crane. fauconnier, m., monter ft cheval en , (man.) to mount a horse on the off side. fauconniere, f., saddlebag. faiili!, m., basting thread. faufilage, m., basting. faufller, v. a., to baste; se to , creep in or through. faufllure, f., basting, act of basting. of a gun barrel, state of being sprung. fausse-parois, f., v. s. v. parois. fausse-pifcce, f., v. s. v. piece. fausse-porte, f., v. s. v. porte. fausse-poutrelle, f., v. s. v. poutrelle. fausser, v. a. r., to bend, warp, break; to make or become crooked; to strain, force; to set. get wrong; (mil.) to be irregular in line, out of line (of troops that have lost the dress); (sm. a., etc.) to spring, be sprung (of a gun barrel, etc.); une lame, (sm. a.) to spring, bend (said of a sword blade, in block test, when it fails to recover its first direction); une serrure, to force or spoil a lock. fausse-rCne, f., v. s. v. rene. fausses-bottes, f. pi., v. s. v. botte. fausset, m., faucet; spigot; pin. faute, f., fault; (mil.) breach (of discipline); contre la discipline, (mil.) breach of discipline; contre I'Jionneur, (mil.) any breach of military honor. fauteur, m., promoter, inciter (as, of a mutiny, of a riot, etc.). fauve, a., drab, fair (of leather); betes s, deer. faux, f., scythe; m., falsehood; forgery. faux, a., false, artificial; sham, mock; imitation; counterfeit; blank; (man.) false, broken (of a gait); sse aire, (cons.) coarse material on which the true flooring (aire) is laid; collier, collar of a preventer stay; sse cdte, (hipp.) false rib; itre en porte-h v. , porter & ; fa ire sse route, to lose one's way; porter ft to have an , overhang, to project from; to be out of the perpendicular; sse position, double position (in computations); sse route, error in one's reckoning, loss of one's way; soldat, (mil.) false muster. faux-bouton, m., (art.) square, chuck square, cascable square. faux-cadre, m., v. s. v. cadre. faux-cercle,m., (r. r.) under hoop. faux-chas sis, m., v. s. v. chassis. faux-c6t6, m., (nav.) list. faux-coup, m., (fenc.) random thrust, miss. faux-cul, m., v. s. v. cul. faux-entrait, m., (carp.) top beam. faux-gtai, m., preventer stay. faux-fond, m., v. s. v.fond. faux-fourreau, m., v. s. v.fourreau. faux-frais, m. pi., v. s. \.frais.

faux-fret 173 fer faux-fre"*, m., v. s. v.fret* faux-fuyant, m., bypath. faux-guindage, m., v. s. v. guindage. faux-jour, m., v. s. v.jour. faux-rnaiitelet, m., v. s. v. mantelet. faux-marquC, m., v. s. v. marque. laux-planclier, m., v. s. v. plancher. faux-pont, m., v. s. v. pont. faux-quartier, m., v. s. y. quartier. faux-r'ais, m., v. s. v. rais. faux-ranchct, m., v. s. v. ranchet. faux-rond, m., v s. v. rond. faux-sabord, m., v. s. v. sabord. faux-siege, ra., v. s. v. siege. faux-tampon, m., v. s. v. tampon. faux-titre, v. s. v. titre. faux-tranchant, m., v. s. v. trancJiant. faveux, a., relating to favus. favus, m., v. teignefaveuse. f6cule, f., fecula. federal, a., federal. fedfcraliser, v. a., to federalize. federation, f., federation. feder

faux-fret 173 fer<br />

faux-fre"*, m., v. s. v.fret*<br />

faux-fuyant, m., bypath.<br />

faux-guindage, m., v. s. v. guindage.<br />

faux-jour, m., v. s. v.jour.<br />

faux-rnaiitelet, m., v. s. v. mantelet.<br />

faux-marquC, m., v. s. v. marque.<br />

laux-planclier, m., v. s. v. plancher.<br />

faux-pont, m., v. s. v. pont.<br />

faux-quartier, m., v. s. y. quartier.<br />

faux-r'ais, m., v. s. v. rais.<br />

faux-ranchct, m., v. s. v. ranchet.<br />

faux-rond, m., v s. v. rond.<br />

faux-sabord, m., v. s. v. sabord.<br />

faux-siege, ra., v. s. v. siege.<br />

faux-tampon, m., v. s. v. tampon.<br />

faux-titre, v. s. v. titre.<br />

faux-tranchant, m., v. s. v. trancJiant.<br />

faveux, a., relating to favus.<br />

favus, m., v. teignefaveuse.<br />

f6cule, f., fecula.<br />

federal, a., federal.<br />

fedfcraliser, v. a., to federalize.<br />

federation, f., federation.<br />


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