A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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gtrfcir 166 event r, v. a. r., to narrow, shrink; (man.) to narrow; to cause a horse to narrow. Strfieissement, m., shrinkage, shrinking, narrowing. etreignoir, m., clamp, cramp, jack, hand-screw. etrein, m., (horse) litter. (itreindre, v. a., to bind, clasp, tie. etrCsillon, m., shore, prop, stretcher, stay, strut; (cons.) bridging piece. fitresillonnement, m., (cons.) battening, brac- in. ncr, v. a., to stay, to prop, to strut. ier, m., shackle, strap, binding-strap, hoop, fork, support (in many relations), stirrup; (harn.) stirrup; (pont.) trestle-cap strap; (inst.) fork (of a needle or index); support, d/armon, (art.) hound-strap; de bat, (mountain art.) side-rack (pack for supporting cargo that can not be lashed to packing hooks) ; coup de I' , stirrup cup; croiser les s, (man.) to cross the stirrups; de derriere (devant), rear (front) staple or clasp on a pack saddle; d'essieu, (art.) axletree hoop or stay; etre ferme sur les s, (man.) to have a sure seat; d, franc at full , speed; perdre les . (man.) to be unhorsed; pied de I' , (man.) left foot (of the rider); near fore foot (of the horse); porte-leviers, (art.) handspike ring; porte-ranchet, stake socket; portereau, de portereau, (art.) carryingbar strap (or a detachable limber chest); porte-timon de rechange, (art.) spare-pole ring; de sellette, (art.) bolster hoop or clip; de suspension, stirrup (e. g., of a bridge); vider les s, v. perdre les s; vin de I' v. , coup de I' . fctrifcre, f., (harn.) stirrup strap (i. e., a strap to secure the stirrups to the saddle when not regularly hanging from the stirrup leathers). fetrille, f., currycomb. etriller, v. a., to curry (a horse). fitripe, f., aller & cheval, to ride a horse furiously. etrlpe, a., (cord.) worn, fagged. fctriper, v. r., (cord.) to become fagged, to wear out. Striquer, v. a. . to scribe a piece of wood. Strive, f., (cord.) elbow, bend, nip; throat seizing; cross seizing; (in pi.) cross turns; amarrage en , (cord.) seizing of a shroud or stay close to its deadeye. Ctriver, v. a. r. n., (cord.) to cross, to seize; to become jammed or nipped; to get across, to form an elbow or bend. Ctriyifcre, f.. (harn.) stirrup leather; (in pi.) lashing, whipping. fctroit, a., narrow, tight, close; strict. etroitesse, f., narrowness. Ctrope, f., v. estrope. Ctroper, v. a., v. tstroper. ette, f., (mil.) in commands, abbreviation of baionnette. 6tude, f . , study , investigation ; & I' , under investigation, ment; research, experi- s preparatoires, preliminary experiments, in- vestigation. 6tui, m., case, box, sheath; instrument, etc., case; (sm. a.) cartridge case; de cartouche, (sm. a.) cartridge case; chargeur, (sm. a.) loading packet; & collet renverse, (sm. a.) cartridge case the interior of whose neck is cone-shaped; combustible, (sm. a.) paper case (obs.); crosse, (sm. a.) a pistol holster so contrived as to be used for a stock; de drapeau, (mil.) standard case, flag case; d epaulement, (sm. a.) shouldered cartridge case; b gorge, (sm. a.) grooved head cartridge 6tul de mathtmatiques, (inst.) box or case of mathematical instruments; metallique, (sm. a.) metallic cartridge case; musette, (mil.) haversack; bag; porte-avoine , (cap.) grain sack; porte-bolte to, mitraule, (art.) canister box or case (on axle, one on each side, field artillery; on gun-pack, mountain artillery); porte-charge, (art.) leathern cylindrical case for a single round; brebord, (sm. a.) flanged cartridge case; de revolver, (sm. a.) holster. fituvage, m., seasoning (of wood); (fond.) drying of a mold. etuve, f., stove, drying-stove, drying-oven; room heated by a stove; hot-air or vapor bath; (fond.) foundry stove, drying room (for molds); & eau, (chem.) water-oven, water dryingoven; r -locomobile to, disinfection, traveling disinfecting plant; & qumquet, (chem.) drying-stove with lamp; & vapeur, steam drying-oven. etuvement, m., bathing, fomenting. Stuver, v. a., to put anything into a drying-stove, stove, to dry; to bathe, foment; (fond.) to dry a mold. euthymetre, m., (inst.) horizontal stadia rod used in combination with the tacheometre, q. v. fevac liable, a., (med.) that may be removed, taken to the rear. evacuation, f., (mil., etc.) evacuation; (med.) transfer of a patient from one hospital to another, sending of sick and wounded to the rear; (steam, etc.) exhaust, eduction, evacuation; (mach.) evacuation pipe; convoi d' , (med.) hospital train or convoy (land or water) conveying sick and wounded to the rear, from field or corps hospitals; hopitald' , (med.) "overflow" hospital; transport d' , generic term for any method of transporting the sick and wounded in the field. Svacuer, v. a., (mil., etc.) to evacuate, (more esp.) to send back or to the rear (of troops in disorder, broken up); (med.) to transfer a patient from one hospital to another; to send the sick and wounded to the rear, home; faire to clear , (a room, etc.) of people. 6vad6, m., escaped prisoner. evader, v. r., to escape, break out of prison; faire to , help, cause, a prisoner to escape. evaluation, f., evaluation; des distances, (mil.) estimation of distances . ^valuer, v. a., to value, estimate, rate; les distances, (mil.) to estimate distances. Evaporation, f . , evaporation. evaporer, v. a. r., to evaporate. cvase, p. p., bell-mouthed, splayed, wide at the mouth; cupped; fosse , (fort.) a ditch whose counterscarp is not parallel to the scarp; en pavilion, bell-shaped, hollowed out like a bell. Cvasement, m., splay, spreading; (art.) enlargement (of the vent, bore); (fort.) splay (of an embrasure); state of being not parallel (as, scarp and counterscarp); (sm. a.) splay (of cartridge-case neck). evaser, v. a. r., to enlarge, increase; to T^iden (an opening) to splay; (art.) to become enlarged. evasion, f., escape (from jail, prison, cpnfmement). evfenement, m., event; deforce majeure, act, or fact, beyond one's control; act of God. vis major: napoleonien, (mil.) last phase of a battle, crisis upon which depends victory or defeat. fevent, m.. air-hole; ventilation passage; air-shaft of a mine or gallery; decomposition of cement, etc., by exposure; (art.) punching hole (of a fuse); flash-hole, flame passage (of a fuse); (art., sm. a.) small cavity, flaw or honeycomb; (met.) longitudinal crack (defect); (fond.) escape-hole (for gases), gas-port; (mil. min.) sort of defensive mine, destroying the effect of a hostile mine, by acting as a lin of least resistance;

vent 167 execution event, deboucher I' , (art.) to punch, fuse ; - de degorgement, (fond.) riser; de prise defeu, (art.) flash-hole; cut, a reglage de I' , (art.) determination of the point where a fuse should be punched or cut ; regler 'V , (art.) to determine where a fuse should be punched or cut. Cventnil, m., fan; fan light; screen; bat-wing gas burner; en , fan-shaped. Cventer, v. a. n. r., to fan, ventilate, air; to give vent to; to discover, to get wind of anything; to hold or pull a weight from the wall while hoisting; to lose strength, decompose, by exposure (of cement, etc.); (mil. min.) to discover and destroy or neutralize a hostile mine; (hipp.) to raise, elevate, the nose too much; I'approche (la marche. la presence, etc.) de I'ennemi, to discover the enemy's approach (march, presence, etc.); une mine, (mil. min.) to discover a mine or the wires or train leading to it; une veine, to bleed, let blood. tactics, sail tactics. exam e 11, m., examination; investigation; survey, inquiry, d'admission, entrance examination; d'avancement, (mil.) promotion examination; certificat d' , certificate of having passed an examination; ccrit, written examination; oral, oral examination; passer un , to pass an examination; pratique, practical examination; de sortie, graduation examination; subir un , to undergo an examination; de theorie, examination in the theoretical part of a subject, book work. examinateur, m., examiner. excavateur, m., excavator, digging machino. excavation, 1., excavation; excavating; hollowing out; digging a foundation; machined, , excavating machine; excavation d'une mine, crater of a mine. excaver, v. a., to excavate, hollow, dig out. excfidant, a., m., exceeding, in excess; surplus, excess, overweight; (in pi., adm.) excess (over what one is responsible for). excfider, v. a., to exceed; tire, weary; to knock up (a horse); to wear out. excentre", a., eccentric; out of center; out of true. excentricite", f., eccentricity. excentrique, a., eccentric; m., (mach., etc.) eccentric; eccentric gear, wheel, or motion; eccentric chuck (of a lathe); (r. r.) switch; barre d' eccentric , rod; bras d' , v. barre d' ; bras el collier d' eccentric , rod and belt; circulaire, circular eccentric; en c&ur, en forme de cozur, heart-wheel, fventoir, m., (min.) adit. Gventrer, v-. a., to rip, rip up or open. ^venture, f., (art., sm. a.) crack, honeycomb (rare). Cversite, f., (expl.) eversite. 6videment, m., hollow, aperture, cut, grooving, recess, cavity, guttering; de la balle, (sm. a.) hollow in the base of a bullet; du bloc, (r.f. art.) breechblock mortise; du ful, (sm. a.) lateral groove of the forestock. fivider, v. a., to cut hollow, to make a hollow, groove, recess, or cavity; to scoop out; to hollow out; to groove; to cut sloping or slanting. Cvidiire, f., hollowing, sloping out, scooping out. evler, m.. stone channel or gutter; picrre a' , sink-stone. evitiige, m., navigable breadth, navigable channel (of a river, canal), fairway. evitee, f., v.evitaae. evitement, m., (r. r.) turn-out; garc d' turn-out , station; voie d'- , side track (of a single-track road). Cviter, v. a., to avoid, shun. evolubilitfi, f., (nav.) quickness, readiness, in heart-shaped cam; a deux tetes, (Fr. art.) elevation gear (field piece); d', making evolutions (i. e., in answenng helm). Gvoluer, v. a., (mil., nav.) to make evolutions; d la vapeur, ft la voile, to make evolutions under steam, under sail. Evolution, f., (mil., nav.) evolution; (mach.) (complete) stroke, as of a piston; s de ligne, (inf.) the drill or evolutions of a line of several battalions, of a regiment, of a brigade in line (obs.); (cav.) the evolutions of a brigade or of a division of cavalry (obs.); s sous vapeur, s sous voiles, (nav.) steam de I', expansion, (steam) expansion eccentric; de la marche en arriere (avant), back, go astern (forward, go ahead) eccentric; poulie d' , eccentric sheave; roue , eccentric tappet, gab; tirant d' , v. barre d' ; du tiroir, slide-valve eccentric; triangulmre, triangular eccentric. exces, m., excess; spherique, spherical excess. excitateur, a., exciting; (expl.) determining; m., (dec.) discharger, discharging rod; liquide , (elec.) liquid of a plunge battery or cell, exciting fluid, electrolyte. excitation, f., excitement; (elcc.) excitation; compound, en compound, composee, (elec.) composite excitation; en derivation, (elec.) shunt excitation; double , (elec.) shunt and series excitation; en double circuit, v. double ; independante, (elec.) separate excitation; separee, v. independante; en serie, (elec.) series excitation. exclusion, f., (steam) cut-off; du service, (mil.) state of not being allowed to serve (of convicts, etc.). excoriation, f., sore on foot, or abrasion, produced by shoe. excroissance, f., excrescence (defect of wood). excursion, f., excursion, inroad; (mil.) raid, incursion; (mach.) stroke, travel (as, of a piston). exficuter, v.a.,to execute, perform, accomplish; to go through (ar, a maneuver), carry out, fulfill; to put to death; une bouche & feu, (art.) to serve a gun; les cheminements, (siege) to advance, push forward, the zigzags; les feux, (art., sm. a.) to fire; to perform, practice, the firings; militairement un pays, to punish a country, to subject it to rigorous treatment by way of punishment. execution, f., execution (of a sentence, of a man- euver, etc.); achievement, fulfillment; (adm.) synonym of gestion (rare); (mil.) the call for execution; de la bouche h feu, (art.) standing-gun drill; service of the piece; des breches, (art.) breaching; des feux, (art., sm. a.) firing, practice in the firings; d'un judgement, (law) execution of a sentence; militaire, military execution; forcing inhabitants to pay their contribution; the mised, , execution; ft mort, execution of a death sentence; ordre d' , death warrant, warrant for execution; des ordres, carrying out, execution, of orders; peloton d' , (mil.) firing party; des requisitions, (mil.) execution, accomplishment, of requisitions; de la sape, (siege) sapping.

vent 167 execution<br />

event, deboucher I' , (art.) to punch,<br />

fuse ;<br />

- de degorgement, (fond.) riser;<br />

de prise defeu, (art.) flash-hole;<br />

cut, a<br />

reglage de I' , (art.) determination of the<br />

point where a fuse should be punched or cut ;<br />

regler 'V , (art.) to determine where a fuse<br />

should be punched or cut.<br />

Cventnil, m., fan; fan light; screen; bat-wing gas<br />

burner;<br />

en , fan-shaped.<br />

Cventer, v. a. n. r., to fan, ventilate, air; to give<br />

vent to; to discover, to get wind of anything;<br />

to hold or pull a weight from the wall while<br />

hoisting; to lose strength, de<strong>com</strong>pose, by<br />

exposure (of cement, etc.); (mil. min.) to<br />

discover and destroy or neutralize a hostile<br />

mine; (hipp.) to raise, elevate, the nose too<br />

much;<br />

I'approche (la marche. la presence, etc.) de<br />

I'ennemi, to discover the enemy's approach<br />

(march, presence, etc.);<br />

une mine, (mil. min.) to discover a mine<br />

or the wires or train leading to it;<br />

une veine, to bleed, let blood.<br />

tactics, sail tactics.<br />

exam e 11, m., examination;<br />

investigation;<br />

survey, inquiry,<br />

d'admission, entrance examination;<br />

d'avancement, (mil.) promotion examination;<br />

certificat d' , certificate of having passed an<br />

examination;<br />

ccrit, written examination;<br />

oral, oral examination;<br />

passer un , to pass an examination;<br />

pratique, practical examination;<br />

de sortie, graduation examination;<br />

subir un , to undergo an examination;<br />

de theorie, examination in the theoretical<br />

part of a subject, book work.<br />

examinateur, m., examiner.<br />

excavateur, m., excavator, digging machino.<br />

excavation, 1., excavation; excavating; hollowing<br />

out; digging a foundation;<br />

machined, , excavating machine;<br />

excavation d'une mine, crater of a mine.<br />

excaver, v. a., to excavate, hollow, dig out.<br />

excfidant, a., m., exceeding, in excess; surplus,<br />

excess, overweight; (in pi., adm.) excess (over<br />

what one is responsible for).<br />

excfider, v. a., to exceed; tire, weary; to knock up<br />

(a horse); to wear out.<br />

excentre", a., eccentric; out of center; out of<br />

true.<br />

excentricite", f., eccentricity.<br />

excentrique, a., eccentric; m., (mach., etc.) eccentric;<br />

eccentric gear, wheel, or motion; eccentric<br />

chuck (of a lathe); (r. r.) switch;<br />

barre d' eccentric , rod;<br />

bras d' , v. barre d' ;<br />

bras el collier d' eccentric , rod and belt;<br />

circulaire, circular eccentric;<br />

en c&ur,<br />

en forme de cozur, heart-wheel,<br />

fventoir, m., (min.) adit.<br />

Gventrer, v-. a., to rip, rip up or open.<br />

^venture, f., (art., sm. a.) crack, honey<strong>com</strong>b<br />

(rare).<br />

Cversite, f., (expl.) eversite.<br />

6videment, m., hollow, aperture, cut, grooving,<br />

recess, cavity, guttering;<br />

de la balle, (sm. a.) hollow in the base of a<br />

bullet;<br />

du bloc, (r.f. art.) breechblock mortise;<br />

du ful, (sm. a.) lateral groove of the forestock.<br />

fivider, v. a., to cut hollow, to make a hollow,<br />

groove, recess, or cavity; to scoop out; to<br />

hollow out; to groove; to cut sloping or<br />

slanting.<br />

Cvidiire, f., hollowing, sloping out, scooping<br />

out.<br />

evler, m.. stone channel or gutter;<br />

picrre a' , sink-stone.<br />

evitiige, m., navigable breadth, navigable channel<br />

(of a river, canal), fairway.<br />

evitee, f., v.evitaae.<br />

evitement, m., (r. r.) turn-out;<br />

garc d' turn-out , station;<br />

voie d'- , side track (of a single-track road).<br />

Cviter, v. a., to avoid, shun.<br />

evolubilitfi, f., (nav.) quickness, readiness, in<br />

heart-shaped cam;<br />

a deux tetes, (Fr. art.) elevation gear (field<br />

piece);<br />

d',<br />

making evolutions (i. e., in answenng helm).<br />

Gvoluer, v. a., (mil., nav.) to make evolutions;<br />

d la vapeur, ft la voile, to make evolutions<br />

under steam, under sail.<br />

Evolution, f., (mil., nav.) evolution; (mach.) (<strong>com</strong>plete)<br />

stroke, as of a piston;<br />

s de ligne, (inf.) the drill or evolutions of<br />

a line of several battalions, of a regiment,<br />

of a brigade in line (obs.); (cav.) the evolutions<br />

of a brigade or of a division of cavalry<br />

(obs.);<br />

s sous vapeur, s sous voiles, (nav.) steam<br />

de I', expansion, (steam) expansion eccentric;<br />

de la marche en arriere (avant), back, go<br />

astern (forward, go ahead) eccentric;<br />

poulie d' , eccentric sheave;<br />

roue , eccentric tappet, gab;<br />

tirant d' , v. barre d' ;<br />

du tiroir, slide-valve eccentric;<br />

triangulmre, triangular eccentric.<br />

exces, m., excess;<br />

spherique, spherical excess.<br />

excitateur, a., exciting; (expl.) determining; m.,<br />

(dec.) discharger, discharging rod;<br />

liquide , (elec.) liquid of a plunge battery or<br />

cell, exciting fluid, electrolyte.<br />

excitation, f., excitement; (elcc.) excitation;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound, en <strong>com</strong>pound, <strong>com</strong>posee,<br />

(elec.) <strong>com</strong>posite excitation;<br />

en derivation, (elec.) shunt excitation;<br />

double , (elec.) shunt and series excitation;<br />

en double circuit, v. double ;<br />

independante, (elec.) separate excitation;<br />

separee, v. independante;<br />

en serie, (elec.) series excitation.<br />

exclusion, f., (steam) cut-off;<br />

du service, (mil.) state of not being allowed<br />

to serve (of convicts, etc.).<br />

excoriation, f., sore on foot, or abrasion, produced<br />

by shoe.<br />

excroissance, f., excrescence (defect of wood).<br />

excursion, f., excursion, inroad; (mil.) raid,<br />

incursion; (mach.) stroke, travel (as, of a<br />

piston).<br />

exficuter, v.a.,to execute, perform, ac<strong>com</strong>plish; to<br />

go through (ar, a maneuver), carry out, fulfill;<br />

to put to death;<br />

une bouche & feu, (art.) to serve a gun;<br />

les cheminements, (siege) to advance, push<br />

forward, the zigzags;<br />

les feux, (art., sm. a.) to fire; to perform,<br />

practice, the firings;<br />

militairement un pays, to punish a country,<br />

to subject it to rigorous treatment by way of<br />

punishment.<br />

execution, f., execution (of a sentence, of a man-<br />

euver, etc.); achievement, fulfillment; (adm.)<br />

synonym of gestion (rare); (mil.) the call for<br />

execution;<br />

de la bouche h feu, (art.) standing-gun drill;<br />

service of the piece;<br />

des breches, (art.) breaching;<br />

des feux, (art., sm. a.) firing, practice in the<br />

firings;<br />

d'un judgement, (law) execution of a sentence;<br />

militaire, military execution; forcing<br />

inhabitants to pay their contribution;<br />

the<br />

mised, , execution;<br />

ft mort, execution of a death sentence;<br />

ordre d' , death warrant, warrant for execution;<br />

des ordres, carrying out, execution, of<br />

orders;<br />

peloton d' , (mil.) firing party;<br />

des requisitions, (mil.) execution, ac<strong>com</strong>plishment,<br />

of requisitions;<br />

de la sape, (siege) sapping.

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