A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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essouffler 162 etalon<br />

essouffler, v. a. r., to blow, wind (a horse, a man),<br />

to be<strong>com</strong>e winded.<br />

essourisser, v. a., (hipp.) to cut the cartilage of a<br />

horse's nose.<br />

essui, m., drying-room.<br />

essuyer, v. a. r., to wipe, wipe off; to dry, dry off;<br />

(fig.) to bear, endure, support;<br />

le feu, (mil.) to stand fire without flinch-<br />

ing.<br />

est, a., m., east, the east; easterly, eastern.<br />

estacade, f., estacade; boom; barricade of piles;<br />

(Jort.) stockade;<br />

fixe, row of piles, piling, pile stockade (across<br />

a river, etc.);<br />

flotlante, boom, floating boom, chain-boom;<br />

mixte, a <strong>com</strong>bination of fixe and<br />

flottante (i. e., piles with logs, etc., chained<br />

or secured between; does not interfere with<br />

navigation);<br />

de, en, pilotis, v. fixe;<br />

de stir etc, secondary boom protecting the<br />

main one, guard-boom.<br />

estafette, f., estafette; courier, express;<br />

montce, (mil.) mounted orderly; courier<br />

(U.S.A.).'<br />

estafilade, f., gash, cut.<br />

estafilader, v. a., to gash; to cut, slash, the<br />

face.<br />

estampage, m., stamping, forming, shaping.<br />

estampe, f., print, engraving; stamp, die, swage;<br />

ronde, rounding tool.<br />

estamper, v. a., to stamp, emboss; to swage.<br />

estampille, f., stamp, mark (e. g., on stock of<br />

guns); (Fr. a.) official stamp or seal caused to<br />

be affixed by minister of war on samples,<br />

models, etc., sent to regiments.<br />

estampoir, m., v. etampoir.<br />

estampure, f., v. etampure.<br />

estimation, f., estimate, estimation, valuation.<br />

estime, f., estimation; (nav.) dead reckoning;<br />

& I' , by estimation (e. g., of readings, when<br />

the index stops between graduations).<br />

estimer, v. a., to estimate, value; (nav.) to get<br />

the course by dead reckoning.<br />

estoc, m., stump, stock; (sm. a.) thrusting sword<br />

(obs.), sword point;<br />

arme d' , thrusting weapon;<br />

coup d' , thrust;<br />

couper & Wane , to cut down a tree to the<br />

root;<br />

d' , (fenc.) with the point;<br />

d' et de tattle, (fenc.) cut and thrust;<br />

frapper d' to , thrust.<br />

estocade, f., long sword (obs.); (fenc.) thrust, pass;<br />

wound produced by a thrust.<br />

estocader, v. a., (fenc.) to thrust, make a pass.<br />

estompe, f., stump (drawing).<br />

estomper,'to stump (drawing).<br />

estoquer, v. a., to rivet, to jog, to jump; (sm. a.)<br />

to jump a gun barrel.<br />

estoqulan, m., catch-bolt, catch; pawl, ratchet.<br />

estoupln, m., wad of oakum.<br />

estrac, m., (hipp.) lank, lean, heron-gutted horse.<br />

estrade, f., platform;<br />

battre I'<br />

, (mil.) of cavalry, to scout, to patrol,<br />

so as to keep in touch with the enemy.<br />

estramacon, m., (sm. a.) long, double-edged<br />

sword (obs.); (fenc.) cut;<br />

coup d' , (fenc.) cut.<br />

estran, m., (hydr.) beach or strand between high<br />

and low water marks.<br />

estrapade, f., (gym.) "skin the cat"; (man.)<br />

saut-de-mouton, q. v., of a horse who stops,<br />

kicks, and tries to throw his rider.<br />

estrapasser, v. a., (man.) to tire, knock up, override,<br />

overwork a horse.<br />

estrapontin, m.. hammock.<br />

estrope, f. , (cord.) strap, block strap;<br />

d'aviron, oar grommet (to confine the oars<br />

to the tholepins) ;<br />

en bois, wooden collar;<br />

& crochet, (nav., art.) shell-sling;<br />

enfer, iron collar;<br />

estrope de poulic, block strap.<br />

estroper, v. a., (cord.) to strap, to provide with a<br />

strap;<br />

une poulie, to strap a block.<br />

estropie", p. p., lame, crippled, disabled; m.,<br />

cripple.<br />

estropier, v. a., to cripple, lame, maim, mutilate,<br />

disable.<br />

estuaire, m., (hi/dr.) estuary.<br />

etablage, m., stabling; stallage; keep (of a horse,<br />

etc.); space between shafts.<br />

etable, f., stable (for animals other than horses).<br />

Stabler, v. a., to stable.<br />

etabli, m., workbench; frame (of a lathe, etc.);<br />

(artif.) laboratory table;<br />

valet d' , dog, holdfast.<br />

etablir, v. a. r., to establish, fix, set up; to institute,<br />

erect; to lay down; to take possession<br />

of; to construct (a railway, etc.); (mil.) to<br />

pitch (a camp);<br />

les bois, to mark wood for sawing;<br />

une machine, to construct and set up a<br />

machine;<br />

les pierres, (mas.) to mark stone for cutting.<br />

etablissement, m., establishment; settlement,<br />

settling, placing;<br />

s d' etudes, (Fr. art.) a generic expression<br />

for all boards, <strong>com</strong>mittees, and <strong>com</strong>missions<br />

in charge of technical questions and investigations;<br />

des marges,<br />

d'un port, establishment of<br />

a port;<br />

pcnitentiaire, any penitentiary establishment;<br />

des quartiers, (mil.) cantoning of troops.<br />

Stage, m., floor, story (of a house); row, step,<br />

layer; degree, class, quality, rank; (fort.) tier<br />

(as, of casements); (mach.) step (of a stepped<br />

cone or pulley);<br />

s defeu, (fort., etc.) tiers of fire;<br />

premier , second story (of a house).<br />

Stager, v. a. r., to tier, to be arranged in tiers;<br />

(mil.) to be drawn up in lines one above the<br />

other.<br />

Stagere, f., set of shelves.<br />

fetal, m., strut, brace, stay, prop; (cord.) stay;<br />

de cheminee, (nav.) funnel stay;<br />

pomme d' , (cord.) mouse, of a stay;<br />

en sautoir , diagonal stay.<br />

de tiie de Ugue, shear-head stay.<br />

Stale, f.,v.&ai.<br />

Statement, m., v. itayement.<br />

Staler, v. a., v. Itayer.<br />

Stain, m., (met.) tin; pewter;<br />

baltu, tin-foil;<br />

en blocs, block tin;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mun, <strong>com</strong>mon tin;<br />

enfeuilles, sheet-tin;<br />

en saumons, v. en Noes.<br />

Stalage, m., display; (in pi., met.) boshes.<br />

etalc, a., slack (of the tide), steady, still; m., slack<br />

water;<br />

cordage , (cord.) rope that slacks after being<br />

paid out;<br />

lire en to be , slack, at a stand;<br />

de flot, slack of the flood;<br />

dejusant, slack of the ebb;<br />

flood tide, highest of the<br />

maree mer ,<br />

flood;<br />

vent wind of moderate , velocity.<br />

Staler, v. a., to display; to stem (the tide, a current).<br />

Staleuse, f., (mach.) spreader, spreading machine<br />

(in rope manufacture).<br />

etalingue, f., (cord.) clinch of a cable; shackling<br />

of a chain-cable.<br />

Stalinguer, v. a., (cord.) to bend, clinch, a cable<br />

(to the anchor).<br />

Stalingure, f., v. etalingue.<br />

etalon, m., standard, legal standard (of weights<br />

and measures), gauge, standard gauge; (elec.)<br />

standard of calibration; (hipp.) stallion;<br />

approuve, (hipp.) in France, a stallion recognized<br />

by the government as suited to the<br />

improvement 01 the breed, and the owner of<br />

which gets a bounty;

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