A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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envie 156 envie, f., (mach.) the cutting edge of a meche h entailler (q. v.). environner, v. a., to surround, beset, inclose encircle, encompass. environs, m. pi., environs, ity. surroundings, vicin- envoi, m., action of sending; thing sent; aux compagnies de discipline, (Fr. a.) punishment for incorrigible men (v. compagnie de discipline). envoiler, v. r., (of steel) to bend in tempering, in hardening. epais, a., thick, large. Cpaisseur, f., thickness. Cpalssir, v. a. r., to thicken; to grow thick; (mil.) to reenforce a line, especially the firing line; to increase the depth of formation of troops. Cpanouir, v. a. r., (art., sm. a.) to spread, splay (as the base of a projectile, a gascheck, under the pressure of the powder un obturateur, to seat an obtura- tor. epanouissement, m., (art., sm. a.) spread, splay (of a gas check, of the base of a projectile, under the pressure of the powder gases); (elec.) pole-piece. Sparer, v. r., (man.) to kick, fling out the hind legs (rare). eparpillement, m., scattering; (art., sm. a.) scattering, dispersion (of shots, bullets, etc.);'(mil.) scattering (oftroops). eparpiller, v. a. r., to scatter, spread; (art., sm. a.) to scatter, spread (of bullets, fragments, etc.); (mil.) to scatter, spread about in small bodies (of troops). Cpars, m., spar, bar; crossbar, small transom; crossbar of a wagon; (art.) crossbar (of a de chime, (art.) crossbar of a gin; defond, bottom bar (of a wagon); de limoniere, (art.) shaft-bar of a limber; montant, standard of a wagon; du pavilion, flagstaff. epanln, m., (hipp.) spavin; ringbone; de b&uf, bone spavin; callcux, v. de bceuf; osseux, bone spavin; sanglant, blood spavin; sec. blind spavin, springhalt. eparviner, v. n., (hipp.) v. harper. epaule, f., shoulder. (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to the horse:) avoir de e , (fenc.) to fence from the shoulder (defect); avoir les s chevillees, froides, to be lame, stiff in the shoulders, to have pegged, cold, shoulders; -de bastion, (fort.) shoulder, shoulder angle, 9f a bastion; boiter de I' to , be lame in the shoulder; boiterie d' , shoulder lameness; chargee, shoulder whose bony base is too deeply embedded. chcvillee, a permanently stiff shoulder dcfaut de I' , hollow of the shoulder (of the human body); descendue, shoulder lower than the other; dislocation de I' shoulder , slip; droite, straight, upright, shoulder; ecart d' , v. s. v. ecart; effort d' shoulder strain; I' en dedans, (with) the shoulder on the inner track (travail sur deux pistes); itre pris des s, to be stiff, lame, in the shoulder; lire sur les s, (of a horse) to carry his weight too much forward; froidc, shoulder stiff on leaving stable; mettre (un cheval) sur les s, to throw too much of the weight on the fore quarter; de mortaise, (art.) windlass-bracket; de mouton, (carp.) chip-ax; naud d' , ( unif.) shoulder knot; patte d' , (unif.) shoulder-strap; plaque, flat, sunken shoulder, restrained or still in its movements; 6paule, sur les s, on the forehand; trotter des s, to trot heavily, stiffly. epaulee, i., thrust, or push, with the shoulder; batir par s, (mas.) to build, run up (a waU> etc.), irregularly, unevenly. Cpaulement, m., shoulder (as, of a tenon, a spoke); (fort.) epaulment, parapet, breastwork, gun bank; (mach.) shoulder; (an.) shoulder, locking-shoulder; (sm. a.) recoilshoulder, firing-pin ment wall; guide-ring; (cons.) revet- d'appui, (sm. a.) locking-shoulder, lockinglug shoulder; de batter ie, (art., fort.) gun cover, gun parapet; de campagne, (art., fort.) field-gun ment; hauteur d' , (sm. a.) height of rifle epaul- above ground (when fired); rapide, (art., fort.) hasty epaulment (one to each gun); en retour, (fort.) an epaulment refused, thrown back. epauler, v. a. r., to sprain (the shoulder); to assist, support, back; (fort.) to protect by an epaulment; (mil.) to cover, protect (as, flank by a marsh or other obstacle); (sm. a.) to bring the piece to the shoulder (for firing); (carp.) to cut down, pare down, a tenon. Cpauletier, m., (mil.) officer inordinately vain of being such. Cpaulette, f., (unif.) epaulet, shoulder-knot; (fig.) commissioned rank; arriyerttl' , to win, get, a commission; bouillons d' , v. torsades d' ; corps d' , field of an epaulet; double , ( Fr. a.) the grade of captain; & ecailles, shoulder scale; ecusson de I' , field of an epaulet; {ifrange, fringe epaulet; It qraine d'epinards, epaulet with large bullion fringe; & gros grains, v. h graine d'epinards; obtenir I' , (mil.) to become an officer; to get his shoulder-straps, U. S. A.; h petites torsades, v. &/'range; torsades d' bullion of an , epaulet. e'panlie're, f., sort of man-harness; (unif.) shoulder- strap of a cuirass. e'pe'e, f., sword; swordsman; (fig., mil.) the profession of arms; abandon d' (fenc.) lack of control of the blade, (hence) invitation, apparent opening; absence d' , (fenc.) state of being uncovered, (hence) invite, invitation; --ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) sword-bayonet; se battre&l' , to fight with swords; une bonne a , good swordsman; briser son , (mil.) to quit the service; coup d' sword thrust, sword , wound; Z' dans les reins, (mil.) vigorously (as, of a pursuit); demander son h quelqu'un, (mil.) to arrest; ft I'estoc, thrusting sword; of the blade near lefaible de V , (fenc.) part the point; le fort de I' , (fenc.) part of the blade near the guard; gens d' , military men, soldiers; lame d' sword , blade; la main de I' , (man.) sword hand, right hand; mettre I' b la main, to draw; mettre son au service de Vetranger, (mil.) to take service in a foreign army; le mi fort de I' , (fenc.) the middle part oi the blade; passer au fil de I' , to put to the sword; plat d' flat of the , sword; poignee de I' . sword hilt, gripe; poser I' , (mil.) to return to a state of peace, to stop warring; remettre I' to , put up, sheathe, one's sword; rendre I' surrender; , to give up one's sword; (mil.) to

SpSc, rengatner V , v. remettre I' ; liter V , to draw the sword; vierge, unfleshed sword. Speron, m., spur; ice-fender, stream-fender (of a bridge); starling; buttress; mole, breakwater, jetty; (top.) mountain spur; counterfort; (nav.) stem, ram; (art.) trail-spur, trail spade; chausser les s, to put on one's spurs; d la chevaliere, (unif.) officer's spur, ordinary spur (held on by straps and buckles); dcchausser les s } to take off, remove, one's spurs ; donncr de I' , des s, (man.) to spur, put spurs to; dur dl' , (man.) not spur-wise; fixe, screw-spur ; gagner ses s, to win one's spurs; mobile, v. d la chevaliere; d'unpont, starling, fender, of a bridge; sensible dl' , (man.) spur-wise. SperonnS, a., spurred. Speronner, v. a. n., (man.) to spur; (fenc.) to move the foot to the side (in a manner resembling a spurring motion). Speronnier, m., spur maker. Spenin, m., v. eparvin. Spi, m., beard (of wheat, etc.); pile, mass; (eng.) stockade of fascine work, jetty, line of mattress, etc., work (along or across a river or channel); (hipp.) cowlick; line formed by change of set of the hair; de barrage, (eng.) stockade thrown across a river; de bordage, (eng.) fascine, etc., work, to protect the banks of a river or canal; en , (mas.) herringbone-wise; de pierres enrochees, (eng.) pile of riprap; du vent, wind's eye. SpidSmie, f., epidemic. Spidemique, a., epidemic. Spiderme, m., skin; (of trees) outer bark. Spier, v. a., to spy, to keep a close watch over. Spierrer, v. a., to clear of stones. Spin ard, m., spinach; graine d' , (unif.) large bullion (of an epaulet), v. s. V., epaulette. Spine, f., thorn, spine. Spineux, a., thorny, difficult. Spingler, v. a., (art.) to prick the vent of a gun. Spinglette, f., (cord.) small marlin spike; (art.) priming wire; (sm. a.) needle; (Fr. a.) ornamental pin, prize for target practice; d vritle, (art.) v. degorgeoir d vrille. Spisser, v. a., (cord.) to splice. Spissoir, m.. (cord.) marlin spike (iron); splicing fid (wood). Spissure, f., (cord.) splice; de cable, cable splice; carree, short splice; courte, v. carree; en diminuant le toron, tapering splice; d'estrop, v. de ganse; de ganse, eye splice; en greffe, horseshoe splice; longue, long splice; d ceil; v. de ganse; d'cemllet. v. de ganse; ronde, sailmaker's splice; avec le toron entier , full splice. Spite, f., wedge tenoning; small wedge or pin driven into a treenail to swell it. Spitoir, m., iron pin, for making an epite. Spizootie, f., (hipp.) epizootic, epizooty. SpointS, a., having lost the point, with the point broken off; (hipp.) hipshot; sprained in hip or haunch. Spointer, v. a., to break off the point of anything. Spointure, f., (hipp.) state or condition of being hipshot. Sponge, f., sponge; (farr.) quarter of a horseshoe; (hipp.) hygroma of elbow, shoe boil, tumor on point of elbow, in horses that keep their forelegs under them while lying down. 157 gpreuve Sponger v. a., to wash or clean with a sponge; to dab off. Spon tillage, m., stanchioning, shoring up, propping. Spontille, f., stanchion, shore, prop; - volante, movable stanchion. Spontiller, y. a., to shore up, to prop, support by a stanchion. Spouser, v. a., to wed; (fig.) to take the form of. Spoussetage, m.. dusting; rubbing down (of a horse) ; (powd.) dusting. Spousseter, v. a., to dust, to rub down (a horse); (powd.) to dust. Spoussette, f., dusting rag, duster. Spreuve, f., proof, trial; test, chemical test; service test; experiment; (phot.) proof; ii I'-- , under trial; (in combination) proof; ill'de, proof against; (mil.) protected against; d I'del'eau, waterproof; d I'- des eclats, (fort., etc.) splinter proof; - d'admissibilite, v. s. v. admissibiUte; - d'admission, v. s. v. admission; - d I'air comprime, (art.) compressed-air test (cast-iron shells); - d'alcalintif, (expl.) alkali-test; lane d'-(s), (sm. a.) proof-bench; proving- - du bloe, (sm. a.) striking test (for the edge of a sword); - de la bolte, (sm. a.) bending test (sword blade); butte d'-, (ball.) proof butt; - de chaleur, (expl.) stability test, heat test; champ d'- , (ball., etc.) proving ground; - d chaud, hot test; _ au - choc, de choc, falling-weight test, percussive test; - de conductibilite, (etec.) conductivity test; - de conservation, v. quinquennale; - de contrdle, v. semestrielle; d'- , probationary; - dtcennale, (powd., Fr. a.) decennial inspection and test of certain powders of old - de deformation, bending test; - de deformation par ployage, v. de deformation; -- de densitl, (expl.) density test; - de durce, endurance test; .- d I'eau, waterproof test; - de I'eau, (sm. a., etc.) water test; -- d'ecrasement, crushing test; -- d'elasticite, (sm. a.) elastic test (sword blades, bayonets, etc.); -- d'elasticite par mandrinage, (art.) mandrel test of elastic strength of gun-hoops; -- d'emboutissage, heading-up test (for plates); - encombrante, pressure test (by weights resting on object); - d'escarpolette. axletree test; - d'etancheite, (sm. a.) test to determine whether cartridge cases are water-tight; faire I'de, to try, test, prove, anything; faire ses-s, to pass, stand, a test, to be found satisfactory; - d la flexion, bending test; de fonctionnement , working test; - de forge, forge test; - d froid . cold test; - d'hummte, (expl.) humidity test; - d' incineration, (expl.) ash test; - individuelle, test of each piece, as opposed to a piece taken at random from a lot; - d'isolement, (elec.) insulation test; - de la jante, (sm. a.) striking test (flat of sword on curved block); mettre & I'-, to put to the test, make a trial of; - d mouton, v. d'escarpolette; - d outrance, resistance test, proof to the limit of ultimate strength, proof to bursting (as, of guns); - de pliage, folding test; - de ployage, bending test; - de poinc_onnage, (art.) punch test; - positive, (phot.) proof , photograph;

SpSc, rengatner V , v. remettre I' ;<br />

liter V , to draw the sword;<br />

vierge, unfleshed sword.<br />

Speron, m., spur; ice-fender, stream-fender (of a<br />

bridge); starling; buttress; mole, breakwater,<br />

jetty; (top.) mountain spur; counterfort; (nav.)<br />

stem, ram; (art.) trail-spur, trail spade;<br />

chausser les s, to put on one's spurs;<br />

d la chevaliere, (unif.) officer's spur, ordinary<br />

spur (held on by straps and buckles);<br />

dcchausser les s } to take off, remove, one's<br />

spurs ;<br />

donncr de I' , des s, (man.) to spur, put<br />

spurs to;<br />

dur dl' , (man.) not spur-wise;<br />

fixe, screw-spur ;<br />

gagner ses s, to win one's spurs;<br />

mobile, v. d la chevaliere;<br />

d'unpont, starling, fender, of a bridge;<br />

sensible dl' , (man.) spur-wise.<br />

SperonnS, a., spurred.<br />

Speronner, v. a. n., (man.) to spur; (fenc.) to<br />

move the foot to the side (in a manner resembling<br />

a spurring motion).<br />

Speronnier, m., spur maker.<br />

Spenin, m., v. eparvin.<br />

Spi, m., beard (of wheat, etc.); pile, mass; (eng.)<br />

stockade of fascine work, jetty, line of mattress,<br />

etc., work (along or across a river or<br />

channel); (hipp.) cowlick; line formed by<br />

change of set of the hair;<br />

de barrage, (eng.) stockade thrown across a<br />

river;<br />

de bordage, (eng.) fascine, etc., work, to<br />

protect the banks of a river or canal;<br />

en , (mas.) herringbone-wise;<br />

de pierres enrochees, (eng.) pile of riprap;<br />

du vent, wind's eye.<br />

SpidSmie, f., epidemic.<br />

Spidemique, a., epidemic.<br />

Spiderme, m., skin; (of trees) outer bark.<br />

Spier, v. a., to spy, to keep a close watch over.<br />

Spierrer, v. a., to clear of stones.<br />

Spin ard, m., spinach;<br />

graine d' , (unif.) large bullion (of an epaulet),<br />

v. s. V., epaulette.<br />

Spine, f., thorn, spine.<br />

Spineux, a., thorny, difficult.<br />

Spingler, v. a., (art.) to prick the vent of a gun.<br />

Spinglette, f., (cord.) small marlin spike; (art.)<br />

priming wire; (sm. a.) needle; (Fr. a.) ornamental<br />

pin, prize for target practice;<br />

d vritle, (art.) v. degorgeoir d vrille.<br />

Spisser, v. a., (cord.) to splice.<br />

Spissoir, m.. (cord.) marlin spike (iron); splicing<br />

fid (wood).<br />

Spissure, f., (cord.) splice;<br />

de cable, cable splice;<br />

carree, short splice;<br />

courte, v. carree;<br />

en diminuant le toron, tapering splice;<br />

d'estrop, v. de ganse;<br />

de ganse, eye splice;<br />

en greffe, horseshoe splice;<br />

longue, long splice;<br />

d ceil; v. de ganse;<br />

d'cemllet. v. de ganse;<br />

ronde, sailmaker's splice;<br />

avec le toron entier , full splice.<br />

Spite, f., wedge tenoning; small wedge or pin<br />

driven into a treenail to swell it.<br />

Spitoir, m., iron pin, for making an epite.<br />

Spizootie, f., (hipp.) epizootic, epizooty.<br />

SpointS, a., having lost the point, with the point<br />

broken off; (hipp.) hipshot; sprained in hip<br />

or haunch.<br />

Spointer, v. a., to break off the point of anything.<br />

Spointure, f., (hipp.) state or condition of being<br />

hipshot.<br />

Sponge, f., sponge; (farr.) quarter of a horseshoe;<br />

(hipp.) hygroma of elbow, shoe boil, tumor<br />

on point of elbow, in horses that keep their<br />

forelegs under them while lying down.<br />

157 gpreuve<br />

Sponger v. a., to wash or clean with a sponge;<br />

to dab off.<br />

Spon tillage, m., stanchioning, shoring up, propping.<br />

Spontille, f., stanchion, shore, prop;<br />

- volante, movable stanchion.<br />

Spontiller, y. a., to shore up, to prop, support by<br />

a stanchion.<br />

Spouser, v. a., to wed; (fig.) to take the form<br />

of.<br />

Spoussetage, m.. dusting; rubbing down (of a<br />

horse) ; (powd.) dusting.<br />

Spousseter, v. a., to dust, to rub down (a horse);<br />

(powd.) to dust.<br />

Spoussette, f., dusting rag, duster.<br />

Spreuve, f., proof, trial; test, chemical test; service<br />

test; experiment; (phot.) proof;<br />

ii I'-- , under trial; (in <strong>com</strong>bination) proof;<br />

ill'de,<br />

proof against; (mil.) protected against;<br />

d I'del'eau,<br />

waterproof;<br />

d I'- des eclats, (fort., etc.) splinter proof;<br />

- d'admissibilite, v. s. v. admissibiUte;<br />

- d'admission, v. s. v. admission;<br />

- d I'air <strong>com</strong>prime, (art.) <strong>com</strong>pressed-air test<br />

(cast-iron shells); - d'alcalintif, (expl.) alkali-test;<br />

lane d'-(s), (sm. a.) proof-bench; proving-<br />

- du bloe, (sm. a.) striking test (for the edge<br />

of a sword); - de la bolte, (sm. a.) bending test (sword<br />

blade);<br />

butte d'-, (ball.) proof butt; - de chaleur, (expl.) stability test, heat test;<br />

champ d'-<br />

, (ball., etc.) proving ground;<br />

- d chaud, hot test; _ au - choc, de choc, falling-weight test,<br />

percussive test; - de conductibilite, (etec.) conductivity test;<br />

- de conservation, v. quinquennale;<br />

- de contrdle, v. semestrielle;<br />

d'-<br />

, probationary; - dtcennale, (powd., Fr. a.) decennial inspection<br />

and test of certain powders of old<br />

- de deformation, bending test; - de deformation par ployage, v. de deformation;<br />

-- de densitl, (expl.) density test; - de durce, endurance test;<br />

.- d I'eau, waterproof test; - de I'eau, (sm. a., etc.) water test;<br />

-- d'ecrasement, crushing test;<br />

-- d'elasticite, (sm. a.) elastic test (sword blades,<br />

bayonets, etc.);<br />

-- d'elasticite par mandrinage, (art.) mandrel<br />

test of elastic strength of gun-hoops;<br />

-- d'emboutissage, heading-up test (for plates);<br />

- en<strong>com</strong>brante, pressure test (by weights resting<br />

on object); - d'escarpolette. axletree test; - d'etancheite, (sm. a.) test to determine<br />

whether cartridge cases are water-tight;<br />

faire I'de,<br />

to try, test, prove, anything;<br />

faire ses-s, to pass, stand, a test, to be found<br />

satisfactory; - d la flexion, bending test;<br />

de fonctionnement , working test;<br />

- de forge, forge test; - d froid . cold test; - d'hummte, (expl.) humidity test;<br />

- d' incineration, (expl.) ash test;<br />

- individuelle, test of each piece, as opposed to<br />

a piece taken at random from a lot;<br />

- d'isolement, (elec.) insulation test;<br />

- de la jante, (sm. a.) striking test (flat of<br />

sword on curved block);<br />

mettre & I'-, to put to the test, make a trial<br />

of; - d mouton, v. d'escarpolette; - d outrance, resistance test, proof to the limit<br />

of ultimate strength, proof to bursting (as, of<br />

guns); - de pliage, folding test; - de ployage, bending test; - de poinc_onnage, (art.) punch test;<br />

- positive, (phot.) proof , photograph;

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