A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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embrouill 149 emplol<br />

embrouiM, p. p., gloomy, overcast (of weather).<br />

the<br />

embrouiller,<br />

weather).<br />

v. r., to be<strong>com</strong>e overcast (of the<br />

embrume, a., foggy.<br />

embuche, f., ambush, snare;<br />

to fall into a<br />

dormer, tomber, dans une -,<br />

snare;<br />

dresser des-s h, to lie in wait for;<br />

dresser une-<br />

, to lay a snare, ambush,<br />

embuscade, f., (mil.') ambush, ambuscade;<br />

-, dresser, tendre, une to prepare an ambuscade;<br />

en-<br />

, in ambush;<br />

de tirailleurs, (fort.) sort of small shelter<br />

trench to hold 4 or 5 sharpshooters.<br />

embusquer, v. a. r., (mil.) to place in ambush,<br />

to set an ambuscade; to lie in ambush.<br />

Cmerger, v. n., to emerge.<br />

Gmeri, m., emery, emery paper.<br />

emeriller, v. a., to rub, grind, with emery, emery<br />

paper.<br />

6merillon, m., swivel; (cord.) loper;<br />

---anneau, swivel ring;<br />

anneau &- ,<br />

croc b,-,- & croc, swivel hook.<br />

fanerise", a., covered with emery, emery;<br />

papier-<br />

, emery paper;<br />

toite-e, emery cloth.<br />

gmeriser, v. a., to lay on emery, coat, face with<br />

emery.<br />

Cmerite, a., emeritus.<br />

Emersion, f . emersion. .<br />

,<br />

tmeute, f., riot, disturbance.<br />

Cmeutier, m., rioter.<br />

emiettement, m., (art.) fragmentation, splintering,<br />

of a shell.<br />

femietter, v. r., (art.) to break up into fragments<br />

(shell on plate, etc.).<br />

Eminence, f., eminence, elevation, rising ground,<br />

hill; (fig.) eminence.<br />

Cmilite, f., (expl.) emilite.<br />

Emission, f., emission; (steam) emission, educting,<br />

exhausting; eduction valve;<br />

lumiere d'-, eduction port;<br />

tuyau d'- eduction , pipe.<br />

emmagasinage, m., warehousing, storing (hi arsenals,<br />

etc.).<br />

emmagasinement, m., v. emmagasinage.<br />

emmagasiner, v. a., to store up (in magazines,<br />

arsenals, etc.); to store up (work, etc.).<br />

eiumanclie, a., helved, fitted with a helve, a<br />

handle.<br />

emmanchement, m., hafting, helving;<br />

- & baionnette, bayonet joint.<br />

emmanclier, v. a. r., to fit a helve, a handle, to;<br />

to slide in or over; to set about, to begin.<br />

emmanteler, v. a., (fort.) to surround a place by<br />

a fortified enceinte.<br />

emmarchement, m., (cons.) width of a stairway;<br />

ligne d'- middle line of a , stairway (in plans).<br />

emmfcnagement, m., moving in; (in pi., nav.)<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>modations.<br />

emmSnager, v. a., to move hi.<br />

emmenotter, v. a., to handcuff.<br />

emmensite, f., (expl.) emmensite.<br />

emmetrer, v. a., to arrange materials so as to<br />

facilitate their measurement.<br />

emmiellure, f., (hipp.) charge, hoof ointment.<br />

emmortaiser, v. a., to mortise.<br />

emmurer, v. a., to wall in or up; to surround by<br />

a wall.<br />

Cmorfiler, v. a., to take off the wire or rough<br />

edge.<br />

{jmouchette, f., fly net for horses.<br />

emoudre, v. a., to grind, whet, sharpen.<br />

Gmoulage, m., grinding; (sm. a.) grmding of barrel<br />

to shape.<br />

Cmouler, v. a., (mach.) to grind.<br />

Cmoulerie, f., grinding shop.<br />

(jmouleur, m., grinder (workman); (sm. a.) barrel<br />

grinder.<br />

gmouleuse, f., (mach.) grinding machine.<br />

gmoulu, p. p., sharp.<br />

p. p., dull (of edge tools, cutting and<br />

thrusting weapons).<br />

Cmousser, v. a. r., to blunt, dull, to be<strong>com</strong>e dull;<br />

to chamfer, bevel; (fig.) to deaden, weaken;<br />

un bataillon, etc., (mil.) to cut off the corners<br />

of a battalion, etc., in square so as to form and<br />

octagon.<br />

empaillage, m., wrapping with straw (as, a swingbar<br />

in a stable, etc.).<br />

empailler, v. a., to wrap with straw (as, guncarriage<br />

wheels, etc.).<br />

empan, m., span (in measurements).<br />

empanacher, v. a. r., to adorn with a plume,<br />

(unif.) to plume (a helmet).<br />

empannon, m., (cons.) jack-rafter; (art., etc.)<br />

hound, brace;<br />

* de fleche, (rear) brace, hind hounds;<br />

s de timon, (fore) brace, fore hounds.<br />

empaquetage, m., packing, packing up; (sm. a.)<br />

assembling of cartridges in packets; packing of<br />

cartridges in the magazine or the loader;<br />

& 6, 8, etc., (sm. a.) packing of cartridges hi<br />

sets or packs of 6, 8, etc.<br />

empaqueter, v. a., to pack, pack up: (sm. a.)<br />

to pack cartridges in cases, in packages gen-<br />

erally.<br />

emparer, v. r., (mil.) to take a work, position,<br />

etc., by assault or main strength.<br />

empatg, p. p., cheval , coarse, thickset horse,<br />

with hairy extremities.<br />

empatement, m., (cons.) foundation, base,<br />

footing, of a wall; base, support, of a crane;<br />

(cord.) splicing, length of the strands in splicing.<br />

empater, v. a., to foot, to tenon; to shape the<br />

foot or tenon of a wheel-spoke; (cord.) to splice,<br />

to twist the strands of two ropes together<br />

when making a splice; (cons.) to give footing<br />

to a wall.<br />

empattement, m., foot (of a talus); foot, sole<br />

(of a rail).<br />

empature, f., scarf, scarfing, joining together<br />

(of two beams, end to end).<br />

empch6, p. p., embarrassed, hindered; (mil.)<br />

prevented from serving, from taking duty;<br />

cordage , (cord.) foul or entangled rope.<br />

empe"chement, m., impediment, hindrance; obstruction,<br />

obstacle; (mil.) any hindrance to<br />

performance of a duty;<br />

:<br />

en cos d'<br />

, in case of inability.<br />

empgcher, v. a., to stop, prevent, hinder, oppose,<br />

obstruct.<br />

empeigne, f., upper, of a shoe.<br />

empe"trer, v. a. r., to entangle; hamper, embarrass;<br />

to hobble (a horse); (of horses) to be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

entangled in the traces, to get the feet, legs,<br />

tangled in the traces, harness.<br />

empierrement, m., ballasting; ballast; metaling<br />

(of a road, of a railroad bed);<br />

en , metaled, macadamized.<br />

empierrer, v. a., to ballast a road.<br />

empiiage, m., piling (of projectiles, etc.).<br />

empilement, m., piling, stacking; pile (of shot,<br />

etc.).<br />

empiler, v. a., to pile up, stack (shot, etc.).<br />

empire, m., empire;<br />

de la mer, (nav.) sea power.<br />

emplacement, m., seat, site, emplacement; (art.,<br />

fort.) emplacement of a gun; (mil.) station<br />

(of troops in peace), position of troops, of a<br />

line (on the battlefield); (of field artillery)<br />

the actual line or position<br />

of the guns; the<br />

whole artillery position;<br />

. de batterie, des batteries, (art.) the (field)<br />

artillery position;<br />

cuirasse, (art., fort.) armored emplacement;<br />

de la machine ftxe, engine house.<br />

emplanture, f., (nav.) step of a mast.<br />

empiatre, m., plaster, salve.<br />

emp!6omanie, f., (Fr. adm.) craze or mania to<br />

hold office under the government.<br />

emploi, m., charge, employment, place, duty,<br />

office; (adm.) application of funds to a specific<br />

purpose;<br />

double , repetition, useless repetition;<br />

faire double avec, to be a duplicate of, to<br />

reproduce, repeat, unnecessarily;

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