A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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COGI 146 electricity eflet(s) de campement, (mil.) camp equipage; contondant, (art.) racking effect; & double double , acting, double action (as, a pump, fuse, etc.)! d' eclatement, (art.) bursting effect, performance; d'habillcment, (mil.) clothing, kit, outfit; d'une machine, performance of an engine*^ s de la main, (man.) motions of the hand (in efflli, S, a., slender; cheval-, fine-, thin-shouldered horse. efflanque, p. p., (hipp.) thin (result of fatigue or of poor food); lean-flanked. efflanquer, v. a., (hipp.) to reduce a horse by fatigue, poor food, etc. effleurer, v. a., to graze, glance on, rase; to skim the surface of. efflorescence, f., (chem.) efflorescence. efflorescent, a., (chem.) efflorescent. effondr, a., (of the soil) plowed deep and man ured, broken up, thoroughly, (hence) bogey, miry; (of a cask, etc.) knocked in. effondrer, v. a. r., (of the soil) to plow deep, break up thoroughly, and manure, (hence) to bemire, to cut up, as by teaming, etc ; to knock in (a cask, etc.); to crumble, fall. effort, m., stress, effort, exertion, strain, force strength; (hipp.) strain; de boulet, (hipp.) strain of the pastern joint; cheval qui a un-, (hipp.) strained, foundered horse; - de.glissement, shearing strain; - de reins, (hipp.) strain of back and loins, dorso-lumbar strain; de rupture, breaking stress; - de tendon, (hipp.) tendon strain; - de tension, tensile stress; -- de traction, tractive effort. enraction, f . , breaking in , for purpose of stealing effriter, s'- to crumble. effroi, m., fright, terror. egal, a., equal; (man.) even (of a gait); (top.) even (ground). Cgalisage, m., (powd.) equalizing of grains (manufacture). Cgallsation, f., (mil.) equalization (of platoons sections, etc.). 6galtser, v. a., to equalize; (mil.) to equalize (platoons, etc.); (powd.) to classify, separate (grains, according to size). Sgallseur, m., - de potentiel, (elec.) potential regulator. egalisoir, m., (powd.) separator, separating sieve. Cgallsures, f., pi., (powd.) granulated and sieved powder. egalite, f., equality; smoothness, uniformity; state of level; Cgalite, angle d' d'actions, (torp.) angle made by the Whitehead torpedo with the horizontal when the piston and the pendulum neutralize each other's effects; position d' d'actions, (torp.) position of the Whitehead torpedo when the piston and the pendulum neutralize each other's effects. egare, p. p., lost; (mil.) missing (report of casualties after a battle); louche e, (man.) spoiled mouth. egarer, v. a. r., to cause to lose one's way; to lead astray; to lose; to lose one's way; la louche d'un cheval, (man.) to spoil a horse's mouth. riding); meurtrier, destructive effect, killing power (as, of a shrapnel); nominal, nominal effect, performance of an engine, etc.); s de pansage, (art., cav,) grooming kit; perdu, (mach., etc.) lost work; perforant, (art.) perforating, piercing, effect (of a projectile); s de petite monture, (mil.) kit of small parts, articles, etc., carried in saddlebags; s de pointure, (mil.) marked or stamped articles (of the equipment); s de la premiere portion, (mil.) clothes, grand equipement, q. v., belts, etc.; in general, everything normally drawn from the regular administrative magazines; s de la deuxieme portion, (mil.) petit iquipement, q. v.; articles bought in market, and articles exceptionally drawn from administrative egarrotter, v. a., (hipp.) to wring the withers of a horse. eglander, v. a., (hipp.) to cut vives out. egli.se, f., church; the church, especially the Roman Church. (Eglise reglementaires, (mil.) regulation outfit, "uniform" articles (U. S. M. A.); retarde, (art.) delay action (of a fuse); & simple j (mach., etc.) single acting, single action; utile, (mach., etc.) useful effect, duty performance; (ball., sm. a.) the number of hits by one man in one minute (generally multiplied by 100). is strictly a Roman Catholic church, Protestants using temple instead.) egohine, f., keyhole saw. fegorger, v. a., to cut the throat of, to slaughter, slay, kill. 6gout, m., drip (water); gutter; drain, sink; eaves; slope or face of a roof. egouttage, m., draining, dripping, drip. egoutter, v. a. r., to drain, drip; to dry by dripping; faire , to dry. egouttoir, m., drainer; drip board; grating for tarred rope. egratigner, v. a to , scratch. egratignure, f., scratch; (art.) scratch, score (hi the bore of a gun). egravoir, m., awl, sharp-pointed bit. egrenage, m., shelling, picking; ginning (cotton). egrenement, m., (art.) crack, flaw, in the bore of a (bronze) gun. egrener, v. a. r., to pick, shell; to gin (cotton); (met.) to crack, to fly. egrise, m., ggrisee, f., diamond powder (hi the arts). egrugeoir, m., (powd.) rubber, mealer. egruger, v. meal. a., to pound, bruise; (powd.) to egueulement, m., (art.) running, spewing, of the metal (at the muzzle of bronze guns). egueuler, v. a. r., (art.) to spoil, break, the muzzle of a gun; (esp. of bronze guns) to run. spew, at the mouth. ehanche, a., (hipp.) hipshot. ejecter, v. a., (sm. a., r.f. art.) to eject. ejecteur,m., (sm. a., r.f. art., mach.) ejector. ejection, f., (sm. a., r.f. art.) ejection, elagage, m., lopping or thinning of branches; the branches lopped off. eiaguer, v. a., to lop branches, to trim trees. elan, m., start, spring, jerk, leap; dash; (mil.) dash, spirit of troops; faire un , to make a start, spring, dash; prendre d' , to take a start; prendre un , v. faire un . eiance, a., lank, thin, slender"; cheval , swayback horse, one shrunk in the flank. eiancer, v. a. r., to rush or shoot forward; to make a dash, rush. eiargir, v. a., to enlarge, widen, extend, spread out; to release, set at liberty (a prisoner). eiargissemen t, m., widening, extension; discharge, release (of a prisoner); (art.) enlargement of the bore; de la tranchee, (siege) widening of the trench (by infantry working parties). let in. eiargissure, f., eking piece, piece 61astlcite,f., elasticity; formule d' , Hooke's law; de la puissance, (steam) variation -of the power of a steam engine from its nominal power. eiasticimfctre, m., instrument to measure the elongation of test bars. eiastique, a., elastic. eiecteur, m., elector; voter. eiectriclte, f., electricity; & basse tension, low-tension electricity; dynamique, dynamical electricity;

eiectrieite 147 embarrasser eiectricite & faible tension, v. ft basse tension; d. forte tension, high-tension electricity; . d haute tension, v. d forte tension; staiique, statical electricity. electro, m., (elec.) electro-magnet. eiectro-aimant, m., (elec.) electro-magnet. eiectro-balistique, a., (ball) electro-ballistic. eiectro-cliimique, a., (elec.'} electro-chemical. Electrode, f., (elec.) electrode. eiectro-dynamique, a., (elec.) electro-dynamic. eiectro-dynamometre, (elec.) electro-dynamometer. eiectro-galvanique, a., (elec.) electro-galvanic. eiectro-galvanisme, m., (elec.) electro-galvanism. Electrolyse, f., (elec.) electrolysis. eiectrolyser, v. a., (elec.) to electrolyze. Electrolyte, m., (elec.) electrolyte. eieveur, m., breeder, (esp.) horse-breeder. eilngage, m., (art.) slinging of a piece by a strap or sling; the sung itself. eilngue, f., (cord, art.) strap, sling, sling chain; & barrique, cask-sling; en chaine, .(art.) sling chain; de culasse, (art.) breech-sling; grande , v. de culasse; . d pattes, can hooks; petite , (art.) muzzle sling; de voice, v. 'petite . eiinguer, v. a., to sling (a weight, cask, gun, etc.). eilnguet, m., capstan pawl. elite, f., elite; d' , (mil.) picked (of men); crack (of a regiment, etc.); corps d' , (mil.) crack corps, body of picked men. ellipse, f., ellipse; (art.) elliptical frame for packing tools on tool mule; enveloppe, f., (ball.) ellipse containing 97.4 per cent of all the points of fall. eiectrolytique, a., (elec.) electrolytic. eiectro-magnetique, a., (elec.) electro-magnetic. eiectro-magnetisme, netism. m., (elec.) electro-mag- eiectro-mStallurgie, f., (elec.) electro-metallurgy. eiectrometre, m., (elec.) electrometer; & quadrant, quadrant electrometer. 1 electronic trie, f., (elec.) electrometry. eiectro-mineur, m., (mil. min.) electric boring, lighting, and ventilating engine. eiectro-moteur, (elec.) electromotor, motor. eiectro-statique, a., (elec.) electrostatic. eiectrothermique, a., (elec.) electro-thermal, eiegir, v. a., to lessen the thickness of a piece of wood; to make narrower, less thick (wood). element, m., element; (elec.) cell; s constructs, (mach.) machine elements; etalon, standard cell; de pile, de pile primaire, voltaic cell; s simples de machine, v. s constructifs. eiette, f ., (in a shoe) a side lining of leather. eievage, m., raising, breeding, (of domestic animals). eievateur, m., lift, hoist, elevator; (art.) arm (of a disappearing carriage); (sm. a.) platform, cartridge carrier; feed mechanism, feeding lever, carrier lever; d deux branches, (ma. a.) double-branched cartridge carrier; d ressorts, (sm. a.) spring carrier, spring feed mechanism; d ressorts compensateurs, (art.) shell-hoist (Krupp 42cm). elevation, f., elevation, altitude, height, rise, rising ground, eminence; increase; (drawing) elevation; anterieure, front elevation; : de cote, side elevation; coupe, sectional elevation, section and elevation; de dcrriere, rear elevation; de devant, front elevation; f deface, front elevation; laterale, side elevation; posterieure, rear elevation; des tourillons, (art.) height of trunnions above platform. eievc, m.. pupil; cadet (at a military, a naval, school); (mil.) lance (in composition); d'administration, (Fr. a.) n. c. o. of the administration after graduation from the school at Vincennes, and before appointment as officier d'administration; ellipsolde, m., ellipsoid; de bonne rupture, (mil. min.) the ellipsoid whose semiaxes are the vertical and horizontal radii of good rupture, respec- ancien de , graduate of ; tively; de rupture-limtte, (mil. min.) the ellipsoid whose semiaxes are the vertical and horizontal radii of limiting rupture, respectively. eioignement, m.. distance; des forts, (fort.) distance of works from the enceinte, or main central work or position. eioigner, v. a. r., to stand off, remove, to vithdraw, to go away; (mil.) to stand on, beat off the enemy. eionger, v. a., to come alongside; une manoeuvre, (cord.) to stretch out, run out, a rope. email, m., enamel; d' encadrement, (hipp.) external enamel, enamel sheath (of a tooth). enlargement, m., receipt written on the margin of a bill; feuille d brigadier, (art., cav.) lance-corporal; caporal, (inf.) lance-corporal; de marine, (nav.) naval cadet; martyr, (cav. slang) a private in training for corporal's chevrons; sapeur, (Fr. cav.) lance-sapper. Clever, v. a., to raise, hoist; build, erect; exalt, advance; to raise, breed (horses, etc.); to put up, throw up (works, fortifications, etc.). j , (Fr. a.) monthly pay sheet, for officers, reenlisted n. c. o., and commissionnes. emarger, v. a., to cut down ortrim a margin; (adm., Fr.a.) to receipt for pay (on the margin), (hence) to draw one's pay. emballage, m., packing (as, of arms, ammunition, clothes, etc.); spurt (bicycle); fil d' , packing thread; toile d' , packing cloth, burlap. emballer, v. a. r.. to pack, pack up; (of a turbine) to race; (of a bicycle rider) to spurt; (man.) to run away (horse). emballeur, m., packer; (man.) horse liable to run away. embarcadere, m., wharf, quay; r. r.) station (strictly, station of departure, v. debarcadere). embarcation, m., boat, small boat; generic name for rowboats and small sailing craft. embargo, m., embargo; lever, mettre, un , to take off, put on, an embargo. embarillage, m., (art., expl.) packing, stowing, of powder, etc., in barrels. embariller, v. a., (art., expl.) to pack, stow, in bar- * rels, to barrel (powder, etc.). embarquemeut, m., embarking; (r. r.) entraining. embarquer, v. a. r., to embark, go on board; (r. r.) to get into a train; le pas de...., (mil.) to take up the step. embarras, m., obstruction, obstacle, impediment. embarrasser, v. a., to obstruct, impede, embar-

COGI 146 electricity<br />

eflet(s) de campement, (mil.) camp equipage;<br />

contondant, (art.) racking effect;<br />

& double double , acting, double action (as,<br />

a pump, fuse, etc.)!<br />

d' eclatement, (art.) bursting effect, performance;<br />

d'habillcment, (mil.) clothing, kit, outfit;<br />

d'une machine, performance of an engine*^<br />

s de la main, (man.) motions of the hand (in<br />

efflli, S, a., slender;<br />

cheval-, fine-, thin-shouldered horse.<br />

efflanque, p. p., (hipp.) thin (result of fatigue<br />

or of poor food); lean-flanked.<br />

efflanquer, v. a., (hipp.) to reduce a horse by<br />

fatigue, poor food, etc.<br />

effleurer, v. a., to graze, glance on, rase; to skim<br />

the surface of.<br />

efflorescence, f., (chem.) efflorescence.<br />

efflorescent, a., (chem.) efflorescent.<br />

effondr, a., (of the soil) plowed deep and man<br />

ured, broken up, thoroughly, (hence) bogey,<br />

miry; (of a cask, etc.) knocked in.<br />

effondrer, v. a. r., (of the soil) to plow deep,<br />

break up thoroughly, and manure, (hence)<br />

to bemire, to cut up, as by teaming, etc ; to<br />

knock in (a cask, etc.); to crumble, fall.<br />

effort, m., stress, effort, exertion, strain, force<br />

strength; (hipp.) strain;<br />

de boulet, (hipp.) strain of the pastern<br />

joint;<br />

cheval qui a un-, (hipp.) strained, foundered<br />

horse; - de.glissement, shearing strain; - de reins, (hipp.) strain of back and loins,<br />

dorso-lumbar strain;<br />

de rupture, breaking stress; - de tendon, (hipp.) tendon strain;<br />

- de tension, tensile stress;<br />

-- de traction, tractive effort.<br />

enraction, f . , breaking in , for purpose of stealing<br />

effriter, s'- to crumble.<br />

effroi, m., fright, terror.<br />

egal, a., equal; (man.) even (of a gait); (top.) even<br />

(ground).<br />

Cgalisage, m., (powd.) equalizing of grains (manufacture).<br />

Cgallsation, f., (mil.) equalization (of platoons<br />

sections, etc.).<br />

6galtser, v. a., to equalize; (mil.) to equalize<br />

(platoons, etc.); (powd.) to classify, separate<br />

(grains, according to size).<br />

Sgallseur, m., - de potentiel, (elec.) potential<br />

regulator.<br />

egalisoir, m., (powd.) separator, separating sieve.<br />

Cgallsures, f., pi., (powd.) granulated and sieved<br />

powder.<br />

egalite, f., equality; smoothness, uniformity; state<br />

of level;<br />

Cgalite, angle d' d'actions, (torp.) angle made<br />

by the Whitehead torpedo with the horizontal<br />

when the piston and the pendulum neutralize<br />

each other's effects;<br />

position d' d'actions, (torp.) position of<br />

the Whitehead torpedo when the piston and<br />

the pendulum neutralize each other's effects.<br />

egare, p. p., lost; (mil.) missing (report of casualties<br />

after a battle);<br />

louche e, (man.) spoiled mouth.<br />

egarer, v. a. r., to cause to lose one's way; to lead<br />

astray; to lose; to lose one's way;<br />

la louche d'un cheval, (man.) to spoil a<br />

horse's mouth.<br />

riding);<br />

meurtrier, destructive effect, killing power<br />

(as, of a shrapnel);<br />

nominal, nominal effect, performance of an<br />

engine, etc.);<br />

s de pansage, (art., cav,) grooming kit;<br />

perdu, (mach., etc.) lost work;<br />

perforant, (art.) perforating, piercing, effect<br />

(of a projectile);<br />

s de petite monture, (mil.) kit of small parts,<br />

articles, etc., carried in saddlebags;<br />

s de pointure, (mil.) marked or stamped articles<br />

(of the equipment);<br />

s de la premiere portion, (mil.) clothes, grand<br />

equipement, q. v., belts, etc.; in general, everything<br />

normally drawn from the regular administrative<br />

magazines;<br />

s de la deuxieme portion, (mil.) petit iquipement,<br />

q. v.; articles bought in market, and articles<br />

exceptionally drawn from administrative<br />

egarrotter, v. a., (hipp.) to wring the withers<br />

of a horse.<br />

eglander, v. a., (hipp.) to cut vives out.<br />

egli.se, f., church; the church, especially the<br />

Roman Church. (Eglise<br />

reglementaires, (mil.) regulation outfit,<br />

"uniform" articles (U. S. M. A.);<br />

retarde, (art.) delay action (of a fuse);<br />

& simple j (mach., etc.) single acting, single<br />

action;<br />

utile, (mach., etc.) useful effect, duty performance;<br />

(ball., sm. a.) the number of hits<br />

by one man in one minute (generally multiplied<br />

by 100).<br />

is strictly a Roman<br />

Catholic church, Protestants using temple<br />

instead.)<br />

egohine, f., keyhole saw.<br />

fegorger, v. a., to cut the throat of, to slaughter,<br />

slay, kill.<br />

6gout, m., drip (water); gutter; drain, sink; eaves;<br />

slope or face of a roof.<br />

egouttage, m., draining, dripping, drip.<br />

egoutter, v. a. r., to drain, drip; to dry by dripping;<br />

faire , to dry.<br />

egouttoir, m., drainer; drip board; grating for<br />

tarred rope.<br />

egratigner, v. a to , scratch.<br />

egratignure, f., scratch; (art.) scratch, score (hi<br />

the bore of a gun).<br />

egravoir, m., awl, sharp-pointed bit.<br />

egrenage, m., shelling, picking; ginning (cotton).<br />

egrenement, m., (art.) crack, flaw, in the bore of<br />

a (bronze) gun.<br />

egrener, v. a. r., to pick, shell; to gin (cotton);<br />

(met.) to crack, to fly.<br />

egrise, m., ggrisee, f., diamond powder (hi the<br />

arts).<br />

egrugeoir, m., (powd.) rubber, mealer.<br />

egruger, v.<br />

meal.<br />

a., to pound, bruise; (powd.) to<br />

egueulement, m., (art.) running, spewing, of the<br />

metal (at the muzzle of bronze guns).<br />

egueuler, v. a. r., (art.) to spoil, break, the muzzle<br />

of a gun; (esp. of bronze guns) to run. spew,<br />

at the mouth.<br />

ehanche, a., (hipp.) hipshot.<br />

ejecter, v. a., (sm. a., r.f. art.) to eject.<br />

ejecteur,m., (sm. a., r.f. art., mach.) ejector.<br />

ejection, f., (sm. a., r.f. art.) ejection,<br />

elagage, m., lopping or thinning of branches; the<br />

branches lopped off.<br />

eiaguer, v. a., to lop branches, to trim trees.<br />

elan, m., start, spring, jerk, leap; dash; (mil.)<br />

dash, spirit of troops;<br />

faire un , to make a start, spring, dash;<br />

prendre d' , to take a start;<br />

prendre un , v. faire un .<br />

eiance, a., lank, thin, slender";<br />

cheval , swayback horse, one shrunk in the<br />

flank.<br />

eiancer, v. a. r., to rush or shoot forward; to make<br />

a dash, rush.<br />

eiargir, v. a., to enlarge, widen, extend, spread<br />

out; to release, set at liberty (a prisoner).<br />

eiargissemen t, m., widening, extension; discharge,<br />

release (of a prisoner); (art.) enlargement<br />

of the bore;<br />

de la tranchee, (siege) widening of the trench<br />

(by infantry working parties).<br />

let in.<br />

eiargissure, f., eking piece, piece<br />

61astlcite,f., elasticity;<br />

formule d' , Hooke's law;<br />

de la puissance, (steam) variation -of the<br />

power of a steam engine from its nominal<br />

power.<br />

eiasticimfctre, m., instrument to measure the<br />

elongation of test bars.<br />

eiastique, a., elastic.<br />

eiecteur, m., elector; voter.<br />

eiectriclte, f., electricity;<br />

& basse tension, low-tension electricity;<br />

dynamique, dynamical electricity;

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