A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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tichaume 142 eclatcmeiit Cchaume, m., thole-pin. echaux, m. pi., drains, irrigating channels. Ccheance, f., term, expiration; (mil.) expiration of a dclai; & I' , when due; a lonque , with a long time to run (of a note, etc.). 6chec, m., check, repulse, foil, miscarriage; etre en , to be s topped, checked ; eprouver un , to be defeated, repulsed. echelette, f., rack of a cart. echeller, m., peg-ladder; de grue, jib or arm of a crane. echelle, f., ladder; scale; ship's ladder; brisee, folding ladder; de corde, rope ladder; & la courte , by mounting on one another's shoulders; faire la courte , to mount on one another's shoulders; dcs dixmes, diagonal scale; double, (siege) scaling-ladder of double width; (in den. ) double ladder (i. e., two ladders hinged at the top); d'eau, water-gauge; d'escalade, (siege) scaling-ladder; de front, plain scale, uniform scale; fuyante, vanishing scale; graduee, graduated scale; graphique, scale; dcs hauteurs, vertical scale; d incendie, fire-ladder; dcs longueurs, horizontal scale; mareometrique, open-sea tide-gauge; de meunier, staircase without risers; mobile, sliding scale; numerique, representative fraction; de pente, (fort., top.) scale of slope; pont , m., (siege), ladder-bridge for crossing ditches; dcs ponts, river-gauge; de projection, scale of projection; de projection h I'horizon, scale of reduction to the horizon (stadia work); proportionnelle, diagonal scale; a rapporter, v. de reduction] de reduction, plotting scale, reducing scale; diagonal scale ; de reduction,'& I'horizon, scale of reduction to the horizon (stadia work); de siege, scaling-ladder ; simple, ordinary scale of length; stadimetrique, stadimcter scale. Cchelle-observatoire, f., (mil.) field observatory (ladder suitably erected and supported). echelon, m., round, rung, of a ladder; (mil.) echelon (in many applications); grade; (art.) synonym of de combat, q. v.; de combat, (Fr. art.) what is left of the batterie de combat after taking out the batterie de tir, i. e., battery wagon, forge, 6 caissons, 6 spare teams (hence) first line of wagons of a battery; decroiser les s, (mil.) to form direct from oblique echelons; direct, (mil.) echelons parallel to one another and to the line of battle; de la hierarchie, (mil.) grade; oblique, (mil.) oblique echelon (to guard against a possible flank attack); de pare, (Fr. a.) section of an army corps ammunition park. echelonne, a., (mil.) echelonned; tir ,v.s. \.tir. Cchelonnement, m., (mil.) echelonning, operation, result, of disposing troops in echelon; de la detente, (steam) compounding; des hausses, (art.) use of increasing elevations, in ranging; du tir, v. des hausses. echelonner, v. a., to proportion; (mil.) to form, draw up , post , dispose , troops in echelon ; les hausses, (art.) in ranging, to give or use increasing elevations for the first salvo. echenal, m., gutter; (fond.) gate. echeneau, m., v. echenal. . echenal. Cdict, m., hank. echeveau, m., hank, skein (French cotton spinning, 1,000 meters). echevette, f., skein (French cotton-spinning. 100 meters). ecJiiffe, m.,ecliiffre, m., (cons.) partition wall of a stair; mur d' , partition wall of a stair. echine, f., spine, spinal column. echiquete, a., (mil.) checkerwise. echiquier, m., checkerboard; exchequer; en , (fort.) v. s. v. guinconce (mil.) disposition of troops checkerwise. ecliomc, m., thole-pin. fichouage, m., (nav.) stranding, running aground. echouement, m., (nav.) v. echouage. ecliouer, v. n., to strand, to go aground; to strike, to run aground; to cast away; (fig.) to fail, miscarry, go wrong; to foil, be foiled. echoue, a., (nav.) stranded; a sec., stranded high and dry. Eclair, m., lightning; flash; de chaleur, heat lightning; de feu, de flamme, (artif.) fixed rocket filled with bright stars, eclairage, m., lighting, illumination; electrique, electric lighting; au gaz, lighting by gas; du terrain, (top. drawing) illumination of a map. Cclaircie, f., clear spot in cloudy sky; (top.) clearing or glade in a wood. feclair cir, v. a. r., to clear, clear up; brighten, polish; clarify ;solve,explain; elucidate; (of theweather) to clear up; lesrangs, (mil.) to thin the ranks. eclairement, m., (top. drawing) illumination. 6clairer,v.a.n.,tolight, give light to; to enlighten; (mil.) to inform, keep informed; to reconnoiter, watch; to clear or cover the front of an army by scouting; au gaz, to light by gas; une marche, (mil.) on a march, to send recon-. noitering parties ahead; le terrain, (mil.) to explore, scout over, the ground; une tranchee, (siege) to illuminate a trench. eclaireur, m., (mil.) scout; (nav.) scout boat; oiler en s, (mil.) to scout, to reconnoiter; cycliste, bicycle scout, scout mounted on a bicycle; d'escadre, (nav.) scout boat; d'objectif.(art.) an officer orn.c. o. whoreconnoiters and reports on the number, position, etc., of the enemy's batteries, for the purpose of regulating the fire of his own side; de position, (cav.) scout posted on high ground near tne line of march of a column; lookout; du terrain, (cav.) ground scout ; s volontaires, (Fr. cav.) a body (19 troops), authorized but never formed , to consist of volunteers from the reserve or the disponibilite , satisfying certain fixed conditions, and required to serve only during maneuvers or on mobilization ; eclat, m. , splinter , piece , fragment ; crack (in wood) ; explosion, burst, bursting; brilliancy, clearness; (art.) splinter (of a shell, etc.); (sig.) flash (of a signaling apparatus); action d' , (mil.) brilliant deed of arms; de bois, splinter of wood; de I'image, distinctness, clearness, of the d'obus, de projectile, (art.) splinter (of a shell, etc.); pare s, (fort.) splinter-proof; en retour, (art.) splinter falling back into shell crater. eclatante, f., (artif.) rocket with stars. eclatement, m., burst, bursting; breaking out; explosion; (art.) bursting (of a shell, a gun); (steam) bursting, explosion (of a boiler); charge d' , (art.) bursting charge, burster;

gclatement 143 ccolc gclatement, gerbe d' , (art.) sheaf of fragments; de la guerre, (mil.) outbreak of war; hauteur d' , (art.) height of burst (of a shell, shrapnel); hauteur theorique moyenne d' , (art.) height of mean point of burst above the ground; intervalle d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the point of burst to the target; of burst; point d' , (art.) point point moyen d' , (art.) mean point of burst; portee d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the point of burst from the muzzle of the gun; portee d' du point moyen, portee theorique moyenne d' , (art.) .range of the mean point of burst; projectile d' , (art.) any projectile intended to act by explosion; shell, shrapnel; retard d' , (art.) horizontal distance a shell goes on ricochet before bursting; surface d' , (art.) area over which effects of burst are felt. gclater, v. a. n., to burst, shiver, shatter, split, splinter; to explode, blow up; to flash, crack; (mil.) to break out (as, war); (art.) to burst (shell, gun); f a ire ; to burst, cause to burst, explode; au repos, (art.) to burst a s&eU outside of a gun (as, in a sand pit, to determine fragmentation). Cell, m., splinter of wood. gclimetre, m., (inst.) clinometer; d limbe ftxe, nonadjustable clinometer; d limbe mobile, adjustable clinometer; non-rectiflabU, v. d limbe fixe; pendule, pendulum clinometer; rectifiabk, adjustable clinometer. eclipse, f., eclipse; affutd , (art.) disappearing carriage; butd , v. s. v. but; Jiautcur d' , (art.) drop (of a disappearing gun) tourelle d , (fort.) disappearing turret. eclipse, p. p., (art.) down (of a disappearing gun) .gclipser, v. r., (art.) to disappear (of a gun, a turret). gclissage, m., fishing, fish-jointing. Cclisse, f., splinter; splint; any junction or assembling plate; (r. r.) fish, fish-plate; d cornier es, angular fish-plate, bracket-joint; plate, ordinary, flat, fish-plate; dressort, spring fish-plate. 6cliss, adj., fish-jointed. ecllssement, v., eclissage. Cclisser, v. a., to splint (as ; a broken arm); to join or assemble by a junction plate; (r. r.) to fish. 6clopp, a., lame; m., (mil.) any man (not an officer) temporarily unable to march in ranks (including sick, wounded, or indisposed not requiring to go into a hospital). Cclopper, v. a., to lame, to cripple. fecluse, f., sluice; dam; lock (of a canal); floodgate; ' weir; (fond.) gate; s accolees, chain of locks; aire d' , lock chamber; chambre d' , v. aire d' ; de chasse, (fort.) sluice gate for introducing water into a ditch ; devcrsoird , lock weir; d' entree et defuite, (fort.) sluice gate for filling and emptying a ditch; Jieurtoir d' , lock sill; l&chcr une , to open a sluice; de manoeuvre, (fort.) sluice gate, for emptying and filling a ditch; d maree montante, tide-gate; peage d' , lockage; porte d' , lock gate; de retenue, (fort.) sluice gate, flood gate; d sas, canal lock; seuil d' , lock sill; d vannes, flood gate with openings; sash sluice. Cclusfee, f., sluice-full, lock-full, of water; water dammed up in a river (otherwise not navigable). Ccluser, v. a., to provide with locks, sluices; to pass a boat through a lock; to lock. fccoincon, m., (cons.) diagonal; defen&tre, (cons.) reveal of a window; de porte, jamb of a door; corner stone of the chamfering. Ccole, f., school; (mil.) school (i. e., drill); instruction, season of instruction, of practice. I. General terms; II. French military schools. I. General terms: de bataillon, (inf.) school of the battalion (and similarly of the other units and duties, of all arms); cheval qui a de V , trained horse; des distances, estimating-distance drill; des clairons, (mil. mus.) bugle practice; d' equitation, (man.) riding school; faire I' de, to practice at ; dfeu, (art.)) target practice, season of target practice, practical instruction in target practice; dfeu d tongue portee, (art. ) long-range practice; haute , (man.) "high school" riding; d'intonation, (mil.) voice drill, instruction in the giving of commands at drill; de marechalerie, school of farriery; de navigation, (pont.) boat drill; de nceuds, instruction in cordage; de nuit. (art.) night practice; pas d' , (inf., etc.) goose step, balance step; du peloton de la piece, (art.) standing-gun drill; de pointage, (t. p.) aiming drill; de ponts, (pont.) bridge drill; regimentaire, (mil.) regimental school; du soldat, (inf., etc.) recruit drill, squad drill; staff col- superieure de guerre, war academy, lege; des tambours, (mil. mus.) drum practice; de tir, (inf.) target practice, practice firing, season of target practice; tir d' , (inf.) target practice. II. French military schools: d' administration militaire, for officers, etc., of thQintendance, at Vincennes; d' aerostation militaire, school of instruction in ballooning, at Chalais; d'application de I'artillerie et du genie, school of application for officers of artillery and of engineers, at Fontainebleau ( de Fontainebleau); d'application de cavalerie, school of application for officers of cavalry, at Saumur (admits some artillery and engineer officers, veterinaries, and n. c. o.'s fitted to receive commissions) ( de Saumur); d'application de medecine et de pharmacie militaire, medical school of application, V aide-Grace, Paris; d'application des poudres et salpetres, school for the study of military chemistry, for polytechniciens who enter the poudres et salpetres, at Paris; d'application du service de sante, v. d'application de medecine et de pharmacie; d'artillerie, one in each army corps and one at the headquarters of the Nineteenth artillery brigade, for instruction of artificers and supply of material for target practice, and for other purposes related to the artillery service; centrale de pyrotechnic militaire, v. de pyrotechnic militaire; du ler (2emc) degre, v. regimentaire; de dessin topographique, at the depot de la guerre, for the training of draughtsmen for the service geographique; de dressage, an annex of the cavalry school at Saumur, for instruction in the art of training horses;

gclatement 143 ccolc<br />

gclatement, gerbe d' , (art.) sheaf of fragments;<br />

de la guerre, (mil.) outbreak of war;<br />

hauteur d' , (art.) height of burst (of a shell,<br />

shrapnel);<br />

hauteur theorique moyenne d' , (art.) height of<br />

mean point of burst above the ground;<br />

intervalle d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the<br />

point of burst to the target;<br />

of burst;<br />

point d' , (art.) point<br />

point moyen d' , (art.) mean point of burst;<br />

portee d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the<br />

point of burst from the muzzle of the gun;<br />

portee d' du point moyen, portee theorique<br />

moyenne d' , (art.) .range of the mean point<br />

of burst;<br />

projectile d' , (art.) any projectile intended to<br />

act by explosion; shell, shrapnel;<br />

retard d' , (art.) horizontal distance a shell goes<br />

on ricochet before bursting;<br />

surface d' , (art.) area over which effects of<br />

burst are felt.<br />

gclater, v. a. n., to burst, shiver, shatter, split,<br />

splinter; to explode, blow up; to flash, crack;<br />

(mil.) to break out (as, war); (art.) to burst<br />

(shell, gun);<br />

f a ire ; to burst, cause to burst, explode;<br />

au repos, (art.) to burst a s&eU outside of a<br />

gun (as, in a sand pit, to determine fragmentation).<br />

Cell, m., splinter of wood.<br />

gclimetre, m., (inst.) clinometer;<br />

d limbe ftxe, nonadjustable clinometer;<br />

d limbe mobile, adjustable clinometer;<br />

non-rectiflabU, v. d limbe fixe;<br />

pendule, pendulum clinometer;<br />

rectifiabk, adjustable clinometer.<br />

eclipse, f., eclipse;<br />

affutd , (art.) disappearing carriage;<br />

butd , v. s. v. but;<br />

Jiautcur d' , (art.) drop (of a disappearing gun)<br />

tourelle d , (fort.) disappearing turret.<br />

eclipse, p. p., (art.) down (of a disappearing gun)<br />

.gclipser, v. r., (art.) to disappear (of a gun, a turret).<br />

gclissage, m., fishing, fish-jointing.<br />

Cclisse, f., splinter; splint; any junction or assembling<br />

plate; (r. r.) fish, fish-plate;<br />

d cornier es, angular fish-plate, bracket-joint;<br />

plate, ordinary, flat, fish-plate;<br />

dressort, spring fish-plate.<br />

6cliss, adj., fish-jointed.<br />

ecllssement, v., eclissage.<br />

Cclisser, v. a., to splint (as ; a broken arm); to join<br />

or assemble by a junction plate; (r. r.) to fish.<br />

6clopp, a., lame; m., (mil.) any man (not an officer)<br />

temporarily unable to march in ranks (including<br />

sick, wounded, or indisposed not requiring<br />

to go into a hospital).<br />

Cclopper, v. a., to lame, to cripple.<br />

fecluse, f., sluice; dam; lock (of a canal); floodgate;<br />

'<br />

weir; (fond.) gate;<br />

s accolees, chain of locks;<br />

aire d' , lock chamber;<br />

chambre d' , v. aire d' ;<br />

de chasse, (fort.) sluice gate for introducing<br />

water into a ditch ;<br />

devcrsoird , lock weir;<br />

d' entree et defuite, (fort.) sluice gate for filling<br />

and emptying a ditch;<br />

Jieurtoir d' , lock sill;<br />

l&chcr une , to open a sluice;<br />

de manoeuvre, (fort.) sluice gate, for emptying<br />

and filling a ditch;<br />

d maree montante, tide-gate;<br />

peage d' , lockage;<br />

porte d' , lock gate;<br />

de retenue, (fort.) sluice gate, flood gate;<br />

d sas, canal lock;<br />

seuil d' , lock sill;<br />

d vannes, flood gate with openings; sash<br />

sluice.<br />

Cclusfee, f., sluice-full, lock-full, of water; water<br />

dammed up in a river (otherwise not navigable).<br />

Ccluser, v. a., to provide with locks, sluices; to<br />

pass a boat through a lock; to lock.<br />

fccoincon, m., (cons.) diagonal;<br />

defen&tre, (cons.) reveal of a window;<br />

de porte, jamb of a door; corner stone of the<br />

chamfering.<br />

Ccole, f., school; (mil.) school (i. e., drill); instruction,<br />

season of instruction, of practice.<br />

I. General terms; II. <strong>French</strong> military<br />

schools.<br />

I. General terms:<br />

de bataillon, (inf.) school of the battalion<br />

(and similarly of the other units and duties, of<br />

all arms);<br />

cheval qui a de V , trained horse;<br />

des distances, estimating-distance drill;<br />

des clairons, (mil. mus.) bugle practice;<br />

d' equitation, (man.) riding school;<br />

faire I' de, to practice at ;<br />

dfeu, (art.)) target practice, season of target<br />

practice, practical instruction in target practice;<br />

dfeu d tongue portee, (art. ) long-range practice;<br />

haute , (man.) "high school" riding;<br />

d'intonation, (mil.) voice drill, instruction in<br />

the giving of <strong>com</strong>mands at drill;<br />

de marechalerie, school of farriery;<br />

de navigation, (pont.) boat drill;<br />

de nceuds, instruction in cordage;<br />

de nuit. (art.) night practice;<br />

pas d' , (inf., etc.) goose step, balance step;<br />

du peloton de la piece, (art.) standing-gun<br />

drill;<br />

de pointage, (t. p.) aiming drill;<br />

de ponts, (pont.) bridge drill;<br />

regimentaire, (mil.) regimental school;<br />

du soldat, (inf., etc.) recruit drill, squad drill;<br />

staff col-<br />

superieure de guerre, war academy,<br />

lege;<br />

des tambours, (mil. mus.) drum practice;<br />

de tir, (inf.) target practice, practice firing,<br />

season of target practice;<br />

tir d' , (inf.) target practice.<br />

II. <strong>French</strong> military schools:<br />

d' administration militaire, for officers, etc., of<br />

thQintendance, at Vincennes;<br />

d' aerostation militaire, school of instruction in<br />

ballooning, at Chalais;<br />

d'application de I'artillerie et du genie, school<br />

of application for officers of artillery and of engineers,<br />

at Fontainebleau ( de Fontainebleau);<br />

d'application de cavalerie, school of application<br />

for officers of cavalry, at Saumur (admits<br />

some artillery and engineer officers, veterinaries,<br />

and n. c. o.'s fitted to receive <strong>com</strong>missions) (<br />

de Saumur);<br />

d'application de medecine et de pharmacie<br />

militaire, medical school of application, V aide-Grace,<br />

Paris;<br />

d'application des poudres et salpetres, school<br />

for the study of military chemistry, for polytechniciens<br />

who enter the poudres et salpetres,<br />

at Paris;<br />

d'application du service de sante, v.<br />

d'application de medecine et de pharmacie;<br />

d'artillerie, one in each army corps and one<br />

at the headquarters of the Nineteenth artillery<br />

brigade, for instruction of artificers and supply<br />

of material for target practice, and for other purposes<br />

related to the artillery service;<br />

centrale de pyrotechnic militaire, v. de<br />

pyrotechnic militaire;<br />

du ler (2emc) degre, v. regimentaire;<br />

de dessin topographique, at the depot de la<br />

guerre, for the training of draughtsmen for the<br />

service geographique;<br />

de dressage, an annex of the cavalry school at<br />

Saumur, for instruction in the art of training<br />


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