A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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eau 140 Scart<br />

flush with the surface of the<br />

eau, au ras de V ,<br />

water;<br />

de. riz, arrack;<br />

rompre I' & un cheval, v. couper V , etc.,<br />

supra;<br />

roidliec, v. fence;<br />

saumatre, brackish water; pool of brackish<br />

water;<br />

x sauvages, v. x folles;<br />

de savon, soapsuds;<br />

scconde,<br />

nitric acid;<br />

lye-water; (chem.) dilute, weak,<br />

source d' , spring;<br />

de source, spring water;<br />

x stagnantes, stagnant water, stagnant pool;<br />

station & prendre dc I' , (r.r.) watering station;<br />

1 terriloriales, territorial waters;<br />

Ute d' head of , water;<br />

tirant d' , (nav.) draught of water;<br />

tombee, rainfall, amount of rainfall;<br />

de trempe, (met.) chalybeate water, hardening<br />

water;<br />

trouble, turbid water;<br />

tube d' , water glass;<br />

vif de V , height of the tide;<br />

1 vives, spring tides;<br />

vote d' leak; waterway; general term for<br />

canals, rivers, etc., (hi questions of transportation).<br />

eau-de-vie, f., brandy.<br />

eau-forte, f., etching; (chem.) nitric acid.<br />

eballement, m., play.<br />

Cbarbage, m., removal of edges, burrs, seams, surface<br />

irregularities, from castings, projectiles,<br />

plates, and metal objects in general.<br />

Cbarber, v. a., to trim (castings, etc.); to nip burrs;<br />

to remove irregularities, etc., from castings,<br />

projectiles, etc.<br />

ebarbeuse, f., (mach.) trimming machine, finishing<br />

machine.<br />

Cbarboir, m., trimmer, burr-nipper; parer; scraper.<br />

Cbarbure, f., burr, fash, beard.<br />

ebattement,<br />

riage.<br />

m., balancing, rocking, of a car-<br />

gbauchage, m., rough hewing, rough shaping;<br />

dressing down, turning down; rough filing;<br />

(sm. a.) turning of exterior of barrel; (art.) removal<br />

from projectiles with lead centering<br />

band of so much of the envelope as does not<br />

correspond to the ribs.<br />

febauche, f., sketch, rough sketch.<br />

fcbauche', m., any material got roughly into shape,<br />

e. g., (met.) a welding packet.<br />

Cbaucher, v. a., to rough-work; .to dress down,<br />

turn or hammer down, approximately to shape;<br />

to block out, give its approximate shape to<br />

anything; to sketch, sketch roughly; to outline.<br />

Cbaudrage, m., (cord.) <strong>com</strong>bing out.<br />

Cbaudrer, v. a., (cord.) to <strong>com</strong>b out, to remove poor<br />

or weak fiber.<br />

Cbavurer, v. a., to trim off (seams, burrs, etc.).<br />

ebbe, f., ebb tide.<br />

ebe,f., v. ebbe.<br />

Cbene, m., ebony.<br />

Cbeniste, m., cabinetmaker.<br />

ebergement, m., projection of a slope.<br />

ebonite, m., ebonite. .<br />

eboueur, m., road-scraper.<br />

eboulement, m., landslide; falling in (as, of a<br />

mine, etc.); crumbling, falling down (of a<br />

wall, etc.); pile of rubbish due to crumblingde<br />

terre, landslide.<br />

ebouler, v. n., to slide, to fall in (as, a mine)- to<br />

crumble, give way, tumble down (walls, embankments,<br />

etc.).<br />

Cboulis, m., rubbish (fallen in); rubble.<br />

ebouslner, v. a., (mas.) to remove the bousin (a.<br />

v.) from stone, from rock.<br />

ebraisotr, m., (fond.) fire shovel, furnace shovel.<br />

ebrancher, v. a., to strip or cut off branches (from<br />

trees, bushes, etc.).<br />

tbranchoir, billhook.<br />

, mur<br />

Sbranlement, m., shock, concussion; shaking,<br />

disturbance, <strong>com</strong>motion, disorder; (mil.)<br />

wavering.<br />

fibranler, v. a. r., to shake, unsettle, disturb,<br />

stagger; (mil.) to shake, to cause to waver;<br />

to move, to be set in motion (as, of troops setting<br />

out on a march); to waver, to be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

broken up.<br />

febrasement, m., splay, splaying;<br />

d' , wing wall, bay wall (as,<br />

brasure).<br />

of an em-<br />

fibraser, v. a., to splay.<br />

e'bre'cher, v. a., to notch, hack; break a piece out<br />

of, make a hole in.<br />

e"brillade, f.,- sudden jerk with the bridle.<br />

febroudage, m., plate wire-drawing.<br />

6broudeur, m., wire-drawer.<br />

Cbroudir, v. a., to draw wire through a plate.<br />

Cbroueinent, m. (Iiipp.) snort (due to surprise<br />

or fear).<br />

fibrouer, v. r., (hipp.) to snort, sneeze.<br />

ebullition, f., ebullition.<br />

teacher, v. a., to crush; to beat, squeeze, flat.<br />

ficagne, f., (cord.) part of a skein or hank that<br />

has been divided.<br />

gcaille, f., splinter, chip; scale;<br />

s, (met.) scale;<br />

s, defer, forge-scale, hammer slag.<br />

e'caillement, m., scaling, scaling off (as, an armor<br />

plate under fire).<br />

ficailler, v. a. r., to scale, peel off; to chip off; to<br />

flake.<br />

gcaillon, m., tush or tusk of a horse.<br />

ficarlate, f., scarlet.<br />

Ccarrir, v. a., to fine-bore, to polish.<br />

fecart, m., any place more or less remote; (in thermodynamics)<br />

difference of temperature; (man.)<br />

shy, sudden start (aside); (hipp.) strain; (opt.)<br />

dispersion, failure of rays to focus on account<br />

of spherical aberration; (carp.) scarf, joint,<br />

(length of) overlapping (in a joint); (ball.)<br />

error, deviation; distance from center of impact<br />

to point aimed at (of a group); distance<br />

from point of impact to point aimed at (of a<br />

single shot).<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

terms relate to ballistics:)<br />

absolu, absolute error, deviation: straight<br />

line from point considered to center of impact;<br />

absolu moyen, mean absolute error;<br />

angle d' horizontal, angle of lateral jump;<br />

angulaire initial lateral, angle of lateral jump;<br />

angulaire vertical, vertical angle of jump;<br />

carre, (carp.) butt and butt;<br />

en direction, lateral deviation;<br />

double, (carp.) hook and butt, two ends of<br />

timber laid over each other;<br />

d'eclatement en hauteur, difference between<br />

real height of point of burst and theoretical<br />

mean height;<br />

d'eclatement d'un point suivant la trajectoire,<br />

distance of point of burst from plane normal<br />

to mean trajectory and passing through mean<br />

point of burst;<br />

d'cclatement en portee, difference between<br />

range on burst and mean theoretical range on<br />

burst;<br />

d'epaule, (hipp.) shoulder strain;<br />

faire un , (man.) to shy;<br />

faux , (hipp.) slight strain of hip joint;<br />

fondamental, any error that will serve as a<br />

standard of <strong>com</strong>parison (e. g., the probable<br />

error, the mean-square error) ;<br />

geomttrique, hypothenuse of the right triangle,<br />

of which the sides are the mean horizontal<br />

and vertical deviations, respectively<br />

(sometimes called moyen geometrique and<br />

moyen );<br />

en hauteur, vertical error, error in range;<br />

horizontal, lateral error or deviation;<br />

horizontal moyen, mean lateral error (arithmetical<br />

mean);<br />

en largeur, v. en direction;<br />

lateral, v. en direction;<br />

en longueur, error in range;

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