A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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devancer 132 direct devancer I'appel, (Fr. a., etc.) to enter the service before the legal date fixed for such entry (navy colonial troops, etc.). devaut, prep., adv., before, head; vent , head wind. devant, m., front, fore part of anything, fore end; breastplate of a cuirass; cheval de , (art.) lead horse; les s, (mil.) the front of an army; gagner le de, to forge ahead of, outstrip; jambe de , (hipp.) fore leg; de sabot, (hipp.) toe of a hoof; du systeme percutant, (Fr. art.) front block of the firing mechanism of the canon b, balles. devastation, f., devastation. devaster, v. a., to devastate, lay waste. developpee, f., development (as, of a spiral, etc.). dSveloppenient, m., development (of a curve, etc., of a photograph, of a bicycle); (fenc.) spread. developper, v. a., to develop, to uncoil (a wire from a drum); expand; uncover, unfold, extend; Vallure, (man.) to increase, develop, the gait. d6 verrouiller, v. a., to unbolt. devers, a. , warped, crooked; inclining, out of plumb (as, a wall). divers, m., inclination, warp; (r. r.) inclination of the vertical axis of the rail to the interior of the track; de I'essieu, set of an axle-arm. deversfi, a. , sloping. deversement, m., inclination, state of being out of level, out of plumb; overflowing (of canals, weirs, etc.); (ball.) angular displacement of the axis of a bullet with reference to the base, and vice versa; lateral, spreading, lateral yield (as. a railway track). dSverser, v. a. n., to bend, curve, to bend out, to put out of level; to bend, incline, to be out of plumb, out of level; to change the direction of a stream, of waters; se , to warp, to get out of level, out of plumb; to fall into, empty into (of a river, canal, etc.). deversoir, m., weir; sluice-gate. dfivetir, v. a., (fond.) to open a mold. dSviateur, a., (ball.) deviating. deviation, f.. deflection, deviation; compass deviation; (ball.) deviation, error; laterale, lateral error, lateral deviation; longitudinale, longitudinal deviation, error in range; en portee, v. longitudinale. devidage, m., winding off, unwinding, uncoiling, (as, from a reel, drum, etc.). devidement, m., v. devidage. devider, v. a., to unwind, reel off (as, wire from a drum). devidoir, m., reel, spindle. devier, v. n. , to deviate, swerve , turn out. devirage, m., (art.) unscrewing of the breechblock (esp. an accidental and hurtful unscrewing). de"virer, v. a., turn back (as, a capstan); to come unscrewed., to work backward; (as, a winch); to disengage (as , a screw from its seat), to unscrew; to turn an oar flat; to turn upside down, to turn turtle (of a boat); (cord.) to take out the kinks of a rope, to unkink; an,, le, cabestan, to heave back, turn back, the caps tan; le cable, to surge the cable. devis, m, estimate; specifications; approximati, rough estimate; es^raa^/,estimate, of cost, materials, etc. dfivisser, v. a., to unscrew; la culasse, (art.) to unscrew the breech-plug. dfevoiement, m., flaring; inclination, slope (as, of a chimney, etc.). devoir, m., duty; militaire, military duty (in general); rentrer dans le , to returnto one's duty, allegiance (as, after a mutiny). de'voyer, v. a., to place obliquely, to put out of trvie; to bend and turn (as, a smoke pipe, a funnel); to set (a saw). dextrine, f., (chem.) dextrine. diafole,. m., (art.) devil-carriage, truck-carriage, small truck (Fr, art.) used in maneuvers with the gin; & roulettes, small truck for transporting the carriage of the revolving cannon. diagonal, a., diagonal. diagonal, m.,(hipp.) legs diagonally opposite; droit, off fore and near hind legs; gauche, near fore and off hind legs diagonal , f . , diagonal brace , tie ; en , diagonally. diagonalisation, f.. (man.) training of a horse in the extension of his diagonals. diagonaliser, v. a., (man.) to train a horse to extend his diagonals. diagramme, m. , diagram; de I'indicateur, (steam) indicator diagram. diamant, m., diamond; lozenge; point of an earthauger or jumper; (fort.) drop ditch, diamond ditch; de I'ancre, crown, throat, lower part of the shank of an anchor; fosse , (fort.) diamond ditch, drop ditch; hrabot, glazier's diamond. . diamfctre, m. , diameter ; demi , se midiameter ; d''evolution , (nav.) tactical diameter; primitif, (mach.) pitch diameter. diane,f. , (mil. ) reveille (and call for same); battre, sonner, la , to beat, sound, reveille; coup de , morning gun ; coup de canon de , morning gun. diapason, m., tuning-fork; (drawing) scale of hachures, of graded tints, oftones. diaphragme, m., diaphragm (mach.) stop valve, sliding stop-valve; en ce.il de chat (inst.) diaphragm with adjustable orifice. diaspongglatine, f., (expl.) diaspongelatine. diaste'mome'trique, a., (inst.) measuring distances by direct reading (i. e., without having to go over the distance to be measured). diatomique, a., (chem.) divalent. diazobenzol, m., (chem.) diazobenzole; azotate de , (expl.) fulminating aniline. dictateur, m., dictator. dictionnaire, m., dictionary; chiffre, cipher dictionary, code book (cryptography). difedre, a, diedral; diedral angle. diete, f.,. diet; (medical) diet; absolute, (Fr. a.) abstention from food of any sort; avec aliments, (Fr. a.) hospital diet comprising two articles of the list of articles prescribed); lactee, (Fr. a.) milk diet. differentiel, a., differential: palan , (cord.) differential tackle; vis le, differential screw. dignitaire, m., dignitary, digue, f., dike, dam, bank, embankment; defensive, (fort.) dike or dam of an inundation reservoir; defascinage, fascine-work dike; -d'inondation, v. -defensive. diguer, v. a. ,to dike dam. , dilaniateur, a., (expl.) brisant, rending, dilatabilite, f . . , dilatability dilatation, f ., dilatation, expansion; construction de , (cons.) allowance for expansion in the joints of metallic constructions. dilater, v. a., to expand, dilate. dimension, f., dimension, size; dimension (of a unit). diorrexine, L,(cxpl.) diorrexine. direct, a, direct, straight; (dec.) in series; (fenc., etc.) straight to the front .

directeur 133 discipline direeteur, m., director, superintendent, manager: (Fr. a.) head or chief of a ''direction;" field officer of .artillery, superintendent of a smallarm, factory, or of any establishment for the manufacture and preservation of materiel; chief of a direction d'artilJcrie, q. v.; head, chief, or director of an operation, of a service; d'administration centrale, ( Fr. adm.) head of a department of the administration, under the direct orders of the minister; d'administration regionale, head of a territorial, etc., subdivision of the administration; d'arttihrie, ( Fr. art.) chief or head of a direction d'artillcrie, q. v.; dcs attaques de mine, (mil. min.) the officer in charge of mining operations in a siege; chef de service, the head of a department or branch of the administration; (more particularly, Fr. a.) the chief of a direction (as, artillery, powders and saltpeters, etc.); dcs chemins de fer aux armees, ( Fr. a.) the 6*Ueer at the head of the military railway service; - dcs chemins defer et des etapes, (Fr. a.) the officer at the head of the service de Varriere for an army acting independently; dcs constructions navalcs, (Fr. nav.) chief of construction corps; de la defense souterraine, (mil. min.) in a sioo;e, the officer in charge of countermining operations; des etapes, (Fr. a.) chief of the service des eta-ncs of an army, is under the orders of its chief of staff; general des chemins de fer et des etapes, ( Fr. a.) general officer at the head of the service de I'arriere, is under the orders of the chief of staff, and acts for several armies under one command and in one theater of war; du genie, ( Fr. a.) the colonel or lieutenantcolonel of engineers in charge of a direction du genie; de la, manoeuvre, des manoeuvres, (mil.) officer who directs a maneuver or maneuvers and criticises and passes on the results; du pare, (siege) the officer in charge of a park; de service, ( Fr. a.) the administrative head of the services of artillery, engineers, intendance, and of the medical department, respectively, in armies, army corps, and military governments; du service de sante, (Fr. a.) the chief medical officer of an army corps and of a military government (in peace); chief medical officer of a corps, division, fort, etc. (in war); (Fr. nav.) chief medical officer; sous- , ( Fr. art.) major or captain of artillery on duty at a small-arm factory, etc., in special charge of fabrication; superieur des chemins defer et des etapes, ( Fr. a.) officer in charge of the service de I'arriere of an army acting alone. dlrecteur, a., directing, guiding; flanc , (art.) driving edge. direction, f., direction, conduct, management, administration, directorship; bearing; steeringpost, steering head (of a bicycle); branch of the administration or district, under the charge of a director; (more esp., Fr. a.) branch of the war department, under a military director; there are eight in all. one for each arm, and one each for the controle, "powders and saltpeters," medical department, and administrative serv- ices; d'arme, (Fr. a.) the direction of each arm of the service; d'artillerie, (Fr. a.) territorial subdivision, comprising arsenals, certain manufacturing and repair establishments, magazines, etc.; des ballons, (Fr.a.) the direction in charge of the whole subject of military ballooning; direction, ft billes, steering-post on ball-bearings (bicycle); des chemins defer de campagne, ( Fr. a.) direction or administration of transports beyond the base of operations, i. e., between the transition stations and the army, in the zone worked by military railways proper, and by a military personnel; accompanies the main headquarters of the army (sometimes called direction militaire. etc.); de la courroie, (mach.) v. s. v. courroie; de courant, set of a current; de , (mil.) guiding, of direction (said of a unit at drill); d' etapes, (mil.) the direction or management of the etapes service; du flot, set of the flood; generale des chemins de fer et des etapes, (Fr. a.) administration of the whole subject of transport for armies in the field; is adjoined to the commander in chief; du genie, (Fr. a.) a group of chefferies du genie (q. v.); dujusant, set of the ebb; de la maree, set of the tide; montante, upward direction; plongeante, downward direction; de service, (Fr. a.) the direction of a service, as, e. g., of the medical department of an army corps, of the intendance of one of the military governments; de la telegraphic militaire, (Fr. a.) department in charge of the military telegraph; in war, one to each army, and to each corps acting independently (the general subject of the telegraph service for a given theater of war constitutes the direction generale de la telegra- phic). (It is clear from the foregoing definitions and examples that direction, in a military sense, is a more or less comprehensive term. It means 1. An administrative subdivision of the war department; 2. An administrative subdivision, either of a territory or of troops in the field; 3. In certain special cases, the administration of affairs to secure a specific end. This idea is necessarily connoted in 1 and 2. Finally, by extension, it may be taken to denote the personnel of a direction.) directive, f., (mil.) private information given by the supreme command to subordinate chiefs, to enable the latter to act in conformity w.ith the general object sought. dlrectrice, f., directrix; (fort.) directrix of an embrasure, of a gun port; (F. m. art.) support for the guide de crosse (q. v.); (sm. a.) bayonet guide-rib (Fr. model 1874); (inst.) right line tangent to middle point of an air-level. dlrlger, v. a., to direct, manage, govern, conduct; la ligne de mire, (art.) to lay a gun. dlsant, m., le moins , (adm.) the lowest bidder. dlscipllnalre, a., (mil.) disciplinary; corps , disciplinary unit, punishment corps; peine , disciplinary punishment. disciplinaire, m., (mil.) man belonging to a compagnie de discipline. discipline, f., (mil.) discipline; punishment; compagnie de -, ( Fr. a.) v. compagnie; conscil de , ( Fr. a.) v. conseil; corps de , ( Fr. a.) v. compagnie; faute de , breach of discipline; desfeux, dufeu, (art., inf.) fire discipline; gardcr la , to maintain discipline; maintenir dans la , to keep under discipline; de marche, attention paid to all details on a march, especially to prevent elongation; peine de , disciplinary punishment; sans , undisciplined; se reldcher de la , to relax in discipline.

devancer 132 direct<br />

devancer I'appel, (Fr. a., etc.) to enter the service<br />

before the legal date fixed for such entry (navy<br />

colonial troops, etc.).<br />

devaut, prep., adv., before, head;<br />

vent , head wind.<br />

devant, m., front, fore part of anything, fore end;<br />

breastplate of a cuirass;<br />

cheval de , (art.) lead horse;<br />

les s, (mil.) the front of an army;<br />

gagner le de, to forge ahead of, outstrip;<br />

jambe de , (hipp.) fore leg;<br />

de sabot, (hipp.) toe of a hoof;<br />

du systeme percutant, (Fr. art.) front block<br />

of the firing mechanism of the canon b, balles.<br />

devastation, f., devastation.<br />

devaster, v. a., to devastate, lay waste.<br />

developpee, f., development (as, of a spiral, etc.).<br />

dSveloppenient, m., development (of a curve,<br />

etc., of a photograph, of a bicycle); (fenc.)<br />

spread.<br />

developper, v. a., to develop, to uncoil (a wire<br />

from a drum); expand; uncover, unfold, extend;<br />

Vallure, (man.) to increase, develop, the<br />

gait.<br />

d6 verrouiller, v. a., to unbolt.<br />

devers, a. , warped, crooked; inclining, out of plumb<br />

(as, a wall).<br />

divers, m., inclination, warp; (r. r.) inclination<br />

of the vertical axis of the rail to the interior<br />

of the track;<br />

de I'essieu, set of an axle-arm.<br />

deversfi, a. , sloping.<br />

deversement, m., inclination, state of being out<br />

of level, out of plumb; overflowing (of canals,<br />

weirs, etc.); (ball.) angular displacement of the<br />

axis of a bullet with reference to the base, and<br />

vice versa;<br />

lateral, spreading, lateral yield (as. a railway<br />

track).<br />

dSverser, v. a. n., to bend, curve, to bend out,<br />

to put out of level; to bend, incline, to be out<br />

of plumb, out of level; to change the direction of<br />

a stream, of waters;<br />

se , to warp, to get out of level, out of plumb;<br />

to fall into, empty into (of a river, canal, etc.).<br />

deversoir, m., weir; sluice-gate.<br />

dfivetir, v. a., (fond.) to open a mold.<br />

dSviateur, a., (ball.) deviating.<br />

deviation, f.. deflection, deviation; <strong>com</strong>pass deviation;<br />

(ball.) deviation, error;<br />

laterale, lateral error, lateral deviation;<br />

longitudinale, longitudinal deviation, error in<br />

range;<br />

en portee, v. longitudinale.<br />

devidage, m., winding off, unwinding, uncoiling,<br />

(as, from a reel, drum, etc.).<br />

devidement, m., v. devidage.<br />

devider, v. a., to unwind, reel off (as, wire from a<br />

drum).<br />

devidoir, m., reel, spindle.<br />

devier, v. n. , to deviate, swerve , turn out.<br />

devirage, m., (art.) unscrewing of the breechblock<br />

(esp. an accidental and hurtful unscrewing).<br />

de"virer, v. a., turn back (as, a capstan); to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

unscrewed., to work backward; (as, a winch);<br />

to disengage (as , a screw from its seat), to unscrew;<br />

to turn an oar flat; to turn upside down,<br />

to turn turtle (of a boat); (cord.) to take out the<br />

kinks of a rope, to unkink;<br />

an,, le, cabestan, to heave back, turn back,<br />

the caps tan;<br />

le cable, to surge the cable.<br />

devis, m, estimate; specifications;<br />

approximati, rough estimate;<br />

es^raa^/,estimate, of cost, materials, etc.<br />

dfivisser, v. a., to unscrew;<br />

la culasse, (art.) to unscrew the breech-plug.<br />

dfevoiement, m., flaring; inclination, slope (as, of a<br />

chimney, etc.).<br />

devoir, m., duty;<br />

militaire, military duty (in general);<br />

rentrer dans le , to returnto one's duty,<br />

allegiance (as, after a mutiny).<br />

de'voyer, v. a., to place obliquely, to put out of<br />

trvie; to bend and turn (as, a smoke pipe, a funnel);<br />

to set (a saw).<br />

dextrine, f., (chem.) dextrine.<br />

diafole,. m., (art.) devil-carriage, truck-carriage,<br />

small truck (Fr, art.) used in maneuvers with<br />

the gin;<br />

& roulettes, small truck for transporting the<br />

carriage of the revolving cannon.<br />

diagonal, a., diagonal.<br />

diagonal, m.,(hipp.) legs diagonally opposite;<br />

droit, off fore and near hind legs;<br />

gauche, near fore and off hind legs<br />

diagonal , f . , diagonal brace , tie ;<br />

en , diagonally.<br />

diagonalisation, f.. (man.) training of a horse in<br />

the extension of his diagonals.<br />

diagonaliser, v. a., (man.) to train a horse to extend<br />

his diagonals.<br />

diagramme, m. , diagram;<br />

de I'indicateur, (steam) indicator diagram.<br />

diamant, m., diamond; lozenge; point of an earthauger<br />

or jumper; (fort.) drop ditch, diamond<br />

ditch;<br />

de I'ancre, crown, throat, lower part of the<br />

shank of an anchor;<br />

fosse , (fort.) diamond ditch, drop ditch;<br />

hrabot, glazier's diamond. .<br />

diamfctre, m. , diameter ;<br />

demi , se midiameter ;<br />

d''evolution , (nav.) tactical diameter;<br />

primitif, (mach.) pitch diameter.<br />

diane,f. , (mil. ) reveille (and call for same);<br />

battre, sonner, la , to beat, sound, reveille;<br />

coup de , morning gun ;<br />

coup de canon de , morning gun.<br />

diapason, m., tuning-fork; (drawing) scale of<br />

hachures, of graded tints, oftones.<br />

diaphragme, m., diaphragm (mach.) stop valve,<br />

sliding stop-valve;<br />

en ce.il de chat (inst.) diaphragm with adjustable<br />

orifice.<br />

diaspongglatine, f., (expl.) diaspongelatine.<br />

diaste'mome'trique, a., (inst.) measuring distances<br />

by direct reading (i. e., without having<br />

to go over the distance to be measured).<br />

diatomique, a., (chem.) divalent.<br />

diazobenzol, m., (chem.) diazobenzole;<br />

azotate de , (expl.) fulminating aniline.<br />

dictateur, m., dictator.<br />

dictionnaire, m., dictionary;<br />

chiffre, cipher dictionary, code book (cryptography).<br />

difedre, a, diedral; diedral angle.<br />

diete, f.,. diet; (medical) diet;<br />

absolute, (Fr. a.) abstention from food of any<br />

sort;<br />

avec aliments, (Fr. a.) hospital diet <strong>com</strong>prising<br />

two articles of the list of articles prescribed);<br />

lactee, (Fr. a.) milk diet.<br />

differentiel, a., differential:<br />

palan , (cord.) differential tackle;<br />

vis le, differential screw.<br />

dignitaire, m., dignitary,<br />

digue, f., dike, dam, bank, embankment;<br />

defensive, (fort.) dike or dam of an inundation<br />

reservoir;<br />

defascinage, fascine-work dike;<br />

-d'inondation, v. -defensive.<br />

diguer, v. a. ,to dike dam.<br />

,<br />

dilaniateur, a., (expl.) brisant, rending,<br />

dilatabilite, f . .<br />

, dilatability<br />

dilatation, f ., dilatation, expansion;<br />

construction de , (cons.) allowance for expansion<br />

in the joints of metallic constructions.<br />

dilater, v. a., to expand, dilate.<br />

dimension, f., dimension, size; dimension (of a<br />

unit).<br />

diorrexine, L,(cxpl.) diorrexine.<br />

direct, a, direct, straight; (dec.) in series; (fenc.,<br />

etc.) straight to the front .

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