A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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deserter 130 ciesimioii deserter & I'ennemi, to go over to the enemy. cUiserteur, m., (mil.) deserter; ennemi, deserter from the enemy. desertion, f., (mil.) desertion; d I'ennemi, desertion to the enemy; & I'etranger, desertion involving escape to a foreign country; desertion from troops serving abroad; d I'intlrieur, desertion without quitting the country. dfishgrite, a., badly formed, imperfect (as, organs of a horse). dCshydrater, v. a., (chem.) to remove water from (a substance). designation, f., appointment, nomination, assignment; (mil.) detail. designer, v. a., to appoint, nominate, assign; (mil.) detail, tell off for service or duty. desincorporation, f., (mil., etc.) disincorporation. desincorporer, v. a., to disincorporate, disunite. desincrustant, a., (steam) scale destroying. dOsiiicrustation, f., (steam) destruction, removal, of scale. dfisincruster, v. a., (steam) to scale a boiler. desinfecter, v. a., to disinfect, fumigate. disinfection, f., disinfection, fumigation. dfisobfeir, v. a., to disobey. desobeissance, f., disobedience, contumacy. desoler, v. a. to , waste, lay waste. desordonne, a., disorderly, unruly, ungovernable. d6sordonner,-v. a., to revoke orders; to confuse, disorder; to throw into disorder. dsordre, m., disorder, confusion; uproar, riot; havoc. dts organisation, f., disorganization; (mil.) confusion or disorder (of troops, of the enemy , etc.); dismantling (as, of a farmhouse, to keep the enemy from making use of it); destruction, disorder (as, of the enemy's siege works, etc.). dCsot-ganiscr, v. a., to disorganize, disorder; (mil.) to break up the enemy, etc. ; to dismantle (as, a farmhouse, to keep the enemy from using it); to disorganize, destroy (the enemy's siege works, etc.). dfisorientation, f., (top., in gen.) loss of bearings; (inst.) state of being out of station. dfisorienter, v. a., (top., in gen.) to cause to lose one's bearings; (inst.) to get out of station; se -. to lose one's bearings, one's way. dfcsoxydant, a., (chem.) deoxidizing. dfisoxydation, f., (chem.) deoxidation. dfisoxyder, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidize. desoxygenation, f., (chem.) deoxidation. dfisoxygSner, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidize. dessanafcr, v. a., (harn.) to ungirth, to loosen the girths. dessechant, a., drying, dessicative. dess6ch6, a., dried, seasoned (of wood). dessechement, m., draining, drying; fosse de , drain; travaux de , drainage. dessfcclier, v. a., to dry, drain;" to season (wood). dessecheur, m., steam-drier. dessein, m., design, plan; project; resolution, intention. desseller, v. a., to unsaddle. desserrement, m., (mil.) loosening or loss of distance in columns on the march. desserrer, v. a., to slacken, to loosen; to unclamp; (inst.) to let the compass card down on the pivot; (art.) to unship a brake; se , to work loose; une vis, to loosen a screw. desserroir, m., screw-driver. desservir, v. a., to supply; to perform, or attend to, the service of anything; un caisson, (art., sm. a.) to pass out ammunition from a caisson. dessicatif, a., drying; m., (Fr. a.) regulation drying oil. dessication, f., drying; (of wood) seasoning. dessin, m., drawing, draught, sketch; design, plan; designing; dessin d'apres nature, sketch from life, from nature; d' atelier, working drawing; cahicr de , drawing book, sketchbook; caique, tracing; cote, drawing, etc., with dimensions marked on it; de construction, working drawing; au crayon, pencil sketch; dccalque, counter tracing; de, en, detail, detailed drawing sketch, of details; d' ensemble, drawing of the whole, general plan, general view; a' execution, working drawing*, lineaire, linear, mechanical, drawing; & main levee, free-hand drawing; militaire, sketch for military purposes; ne.gatif, negative of a drawing (blue print); ft la plume, pen-and-ink drawing; de projets, working drawing; topographique , field sketch; au trait, line-drawing, drawing in outline. dessinateur, m., draughtsman, designer. dessiner, v. a., draw, to sketch, design, delineate, outline; d'apres nature, to sketch, draw from nature, from life; it main levee, to draw free-hand. dessoler, v. a., (hipp.) to draw the sole of a horse's hoof. dessoudage, m., (met.) unwelding, separation along a welding joint. dessoudfe, a., (met.) unwelded, unsoldered, separated along a welding joint; angle , (met.) in plate rolling, the overlapping corners not welded together. dessouder, v. a., (met.) to unsolder, to separate along a weld; se , to become unsoldered, separated along a welding joint. dessoudure, f., (met.) unwelding, separation along a welded joint; break or crac"k in a welded joint or surface; unsoldering. dessous, adv., under, underneath. dessous, m., under part or side; wrong side (of cloth); avoir le , (mil.) to have the worst of it in a combat; beau , (hipp.) fine, well-shaped, legs; de gorge (d'une bride), (harn.) throat-latch; du vent, (nav.) lee-gauge. dessus, adv., on, upon, over, above; sens dessous, upside down, topsy turvy. dessus, m., upper part, top; right side (of cloth); lid, cover; avoir le , (mil.) to have the advantage, the upper hand, to get the best of it (in a combat) ; beau bon , , (hipp.) good back, fine and good upper line of back; de cou, (harn.) support of the breast-collar; neck or shoulder strap; enfer du caveqon, (man.) cavesson-iron; de nez, (harn.) nose-band; prendre le , (mil.) to get the upper hand, to have the best of it; de tete, (harn.) crown piece (of a headstall); du vent, (nav.) weather-gauge. destinataire, m. , f . , addressee. destination, f., destination; ft , (r. r.) through (of a train). destituer, v. a., to dismiss, discharge; deprive of employment; turn out; (Fr. a.) to dismiss an officer. destitution, f., dismissal, discharge, removal, de- privation of employment; deprivation of office, of grade; (Fr.a.) dismissal of an officer. destruction, f., destruction, ruin; (mil.) intentional destruction, demolition. desuni, m., (man.) horse that drags his hips, that gallops false, or on the wrong foot; au pas, au trot, irregular in his walk, trot. des union, f., disunion, separation.

desimir 131 devancer desunir, v. a., to disunite, disjoin, separate, divide; (mil.) to break up the enemy. detache, a., detached, loose; (fort.) detached; m., (mil.) officer or man detached from his regiment or corps, person serving on a detachment. dCtache-chaine, m., petard for breaking or unhooking a chain. detachement, m., (mil.) draft, detachment (in France, for transportation purposes, must have at least 6 men); ( Fr. a.) m a subdivided regiment, any part not the portion principale or centrale (q. y.); (mack.) disengagement; de corvee, fatigue party. detacher, v. a., to untie, unfasten, undo, take off, unchain, unrivet, detach, take down, unbind; (mil.) to detach, to draft; &, (mil.) to detach to or with, detail to or for; une ruade, to kick, let fly with the heels (horse). detail, m., detail; ^mil.) all matters of detail relating to administration and command; (top.) filling-in work of a map, reduction and plotting of details; officier de , (Fr. a.) lieutenant assisting the c. o. of a detachment of several companies, in administration and in papers, when there is no conse{l d'administration; revue de , (mil.) inspection of men's knapsacks, kits, etc. detalinguer, v. a., (cord.) to unbend (an anchor cable). detaper, v. a., to open, remove a bung; (art.) to take the tompion out of a gun. detelage, m. ? (harn.) unharnessing, unhitching. deteler, v. a., (harn.) to unharness, to unhitch. detendeur, m., (steam) regulator, pressure regulator (Belleville boiler). detendre, v. a., to unbend, slacken, loosen; to relax (a spring); (sm. a.) to pull the trigger; (steam) to expand, to cut off, to allow to expand; un camp, une tente, to strike a camp, a tent. detenir, v. a., to hold, detain; to keep in custody; to have legal custody of. dfitente, f., detent, tension of a spring; expansion of a gas; (sm. a.) trigger; (r.f. art.) firing mechanism, firing gear (all parts); (steam) expansion; cut-off; expansion valve (and gear); cut-off mechanism; ft anneau, (sm. a.) sort of annular trigger in magazine pistols; appareil de , (steam) expansion gear, cut off; came de , (sm. a.) cylinder cam; corps de , (sm. a.) body of the trigger as distinguished from the finger-piece; de depart, (sm. a.) in a double trigger, the one that determines the discharge of the piece; double, (sm. a.) double trigger; double , (sm. a.) hair-trigger; & double bossette, (sm. a.) double-pull trigger; douce, (sm. a.) light trigger, trigger of easy pull; dur ft la , (sm. a.) hard on the trigger; echelonnement de la , (steam) compounding; gdchette, (sm. a.) trigger and sear in one; fausse , (sm. a.) false trigger; lacker la , (sm. a.) to let go the trigger; machine & , (steam) expansion engine; des membres, (man.) stretching out, stepping out; piece de , (sm. a.) trigger plate, guard plate and trigger; (steam) cut-off valve, cut-off plate; de preparation, (sm. a.) in the double, that which almost disengages the sear; prcparer la , (sm. c.) to pull the de preparation; sous-garde de la , (sm. a.) trigger plate and guard; de surete, (r.f. art.) safety sear. detenteur, m., (law.) legal custodian of anything. detention, f., detention, confinement, imprisonment, keeping in custody; (mil. law) confinement to a fortress for not fewer than five nor more than twenty years; preventive, (mil.) confinement before trial. detenu, m., (mil.) officer or man in confinement; prisoner; prisoner in a fortress; par mesure disciplinaire, prisoner suffering a disciplinary confinement; par mesure preventive, prisoner held for trial by a court-martial. deterioration, f., deterioration; wear and tear; par arrachement, tear; par Vusure, wear. detriorer, v. a. r., to become defaced; to deteriorate, debase, deface. detirer, v. a., to draw out, stretch. detiser, v. a., to rake out a fire; calm, quell, still. detoner, v. n., (expl.) to detonate, explode. detonant, m., plosive. (expl.) detonating substance, ex- detonateur, m., (art., expl, mil. min.) detonator; (art.) dry gun-cotton priming of a torpedoshell; the fuse complete of a torpedo-shell, of certain high-explosive shells; b, double effet, (art.) double-action detonator fuse; retarde, (art.) delay-action detonator (torpedo-shell). detonation, f., detonation, report; (expl.) detonation; & , detonating; par influence, (expl.) sympathetic detonation, detonation by influence. detordre, v. a., (cord.) to untwist, unlay. detors, a., untwisted, unlaid. detortiller, v. a., to untwist, unravel. detouper, v. a., to unstop, uncork; take out tow or stuffing. detour, m., winding, turn, detour, circuit; fold, recess. detournement, m., embezzlement; (mil.) making way with, disposing of, arms, accouterments, articles -of equipment, etc. detourner, v. a., to turn, turn aside; (mil.) make way with, dispose of, arms, equipment, etc. detraque, a., (man.) broken-gaited; allure e, broken gait. detraquer, v. a., (man.) to break up, ruin, a horse's gaits; se to lose his goodness of gait, his paces (of ahorse). detrempe, a., diluted, soaking, soaked through; terrain , ground soaking wet, soaked through. detremper, v. a., to dilute, to soak, weaken; (met.) to anneal, take out the temper; de la chaux, to slake lime. detresse, f., distress; en , jammed, stuck (as, a shell-hoist); canon de , (nav.) distress gun; signal de , (nav.) signal of distress. detroit, m., strait, narrow sound; (top.) defile, pass; (hipp.) communication between pelvis and abdomen. detruire, v. a., to destroy, raze, break up. deuil, m., mourning; defamille, private mourning; militaire, official mourning. deux, a., two; donner des , (man.) to clap spurs to a horse; entre , interval, space between; piquer des , v. donner des . deux-ponts, m., (vav.) two-decker. devancement, m., d'appel, ( Fr. a., etc.) entry into service before the legal date fixed for such entry (navy and colonial troops usually, and in a few other cases). devancer, v. a., to get the start of, outstrip, precede;

deserter 130 ciesimioii<br />

deserter & I'ennemi, to go over to the enemy.<br />

cUiserteur, m., (mil.) deserter;<br />

ennemi, deserter from the enemy.<br />

desertion, f., (mil.) desertion;<br />

d I'ennemi, desertion to the enemy;<br />

& I'etranger, desertion involving escape to a<br />

foreign country; desertion from troops serving<br />

abroad;<br />

d I'intlrieur, desertion without quitting the<br />

country.<br />

dfishgrite, a., badly formed, imperfect (as, organs<br />

of a horse).<br />

dCshydrater, v. a., (chem.) to remove water from<br />

(a substance).<br />

designation, f., appointment, nomination, assignment;<br />

(mil.) detail.<br />

designer, v. a., to appoint, nominate, assign;<br />

(mil.) detail, tell off for service or duty.<br />

desincorporation, f., (mil., etc.) disincorporation.<br />

desincorporer, v. a., to disincorporate, disunite.<br />

desincrustant, a., (steam) scale destroying.<br />

dOsiiicrustation, f., (steam) destruction, removal,<br />

of scale.<br />

dfisincruster, v. a., (steam) to scale a boiler.<br />

desinfecter, v. a., to disinfect, fumigate.<br />

disinfection, f., disinfection, fumigation.<br />

dfisobfeir, v. a., to disobey.<br />

desobeissance, f., disobedience, contumacy.<br />

desoler, v. a. to , waste, lay waste.<br />

desordonne, a., disorderly, unruly, ungovernable.<br />

d6sordonner,-v. a., to revoke orders; to confuse,<br />

disorder; to throw into disorder.<br />

dsordre, m., disorder, confusion; uproar, riot;<br />

havoc.<br />

dts organisation, f., disorganization; (mil.) confusion<br />

or disorder (of troops, of the enemy , etc.);<br />

dismantling (as, of a farmhouse, to keep the<br />

enemy from making use of it); destruction, disorder<br />

(as, of the enemy's siege works,<br />

etc.).<br />

dCsot-ganiscr, v. a., to disorganize, disorder;<br />

(mil.) to break up the enemy, etc. ; to dismantle<br />

(as, a farmhouse, to keep the enemy from<br />

using it); to disorganize, destroy (the enemy's<br />

siege works, etc.).<br />

dfisorientation, f., (top., in gen.) loss of bearings;<br />

(inst.) state of being out of station.<br />

dfisorienter, v. a., (top., in gen.) to cause to lose<br />

one's bearings; (inst.) to get out of station;<br />

se -. to lose one's bearings, one's way.<br />

dfcsoxydant, a., (chem.) deoxidizing.<br />

dfisoxydation, f., (chem.) deoxidation.<br />

dfisoxyder, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidize.<br />

desoxygenation, f., (chem.) deoxidation.<br />

dfisoxygSner, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidize.<br />

dessanafcr, v. a., (harn.) to ungirth, to loosen<br />

the girths.<br />

dessechant, a., drying, dessicative.<br />

dess6ch6, a., dried, seasoned (of wood).<br />

dessechement, m., draining, drying;<br />

fosse de , drain;<br />

travaux de , drainage.<br />

dessfcclier, v. a., to dry, drain;" to season (wood).<br />

dessecheur, m., steam-drier.<br />

dessein, m., design, plan; project; resolution,<br />

intention.<br />

desseller, v. a., to unsaddle.<br />

desserrement, m., (mil.) loosening or loss of distance<br />

in columns on the march.<br />

desserrer, v. a., to slacken, to loosen; to unclamp;<br />

(inst.) to let the <strong>com</strong>pass card down on the<br />

pivot; (art.) to unship a brake;<br />

se , to work loose;<br />

une vis, to loosen a screw.<br />

desserroir, m., screw-driver.<br />

desservir, v. a., to supply; to perform, or attend<br />

to, the service of anything;<br />

un caisson, (art., sm. a.) to pass out ammunition<br />

from a caisson.<br />

dessicatif, a., drying; m., (Fr. a.) regulation drying<br />

oil.<br />

dessication, f., drying; (of wood) seasoning.<br />

dessin, m., drawing, draught, sketch; design,<br />

plan; designing;<br />

dessin d'apres nature, sketch from life, from nature;<br />

d' atelier, working drawing;<br />

cahicr de , drawing book, sketchbook;<br />

caique, tracing;<br />

cote, drawing, etc., with dimensions marked<br />

on it;<br />

de construction, working drawing;<br />

au crayon, pencil sketch;<br />

dccalque, counter tracing;<br />

de, en, detail, detailed drawing sketch,<br />

of details;<br />

d' ensemble, drawing of the whole, general<br />

plan, general view;<br />

a' execution, working drawing*,<br />

lineaire, linear, mechanical, drawing;<br />

& main levee, free-hand drawing;<br />

militaire, sketch for military purposes;<br />

ne.gatif, negative of a drawing (blue print);<br />

ft la plume, pen-and-ink drawing;<br />

de projets, working drawing;<br />

topographique , field sketch;<br />

au trait, line-drawing, drawing in outline.<br />

dessinateur, m., draughtsman, designer.<br />

dessiner, v. a., draw, to sketch, design, delineate,<br />

outline;<br />

d'apres nature, to sketch, draw from nature,<br />

from life;<br />

it main levee, to draw free-hand.<br />

dessoler, v. a., (hipp.) to draw the sole of a horse's<br />

hoof.<br />

dessoudage, m., (met.) unwelding, separation<br />

along a welding joint.<br />

dessoudfe, a., (met.) unwelded, unsoldered, separated<br />

along a welding joint;<br />

angle , (met.) in plate rolling, the overlapping<br />

corners not welded together.<br />

dessouder, v. a., (met.) to unsolder, to separate<br />

along a weld;<br />

se , to be<strong>com</strong>e unsoldered, separated along<br />

a welding joint.<br />

dessoudure, f., (met.) unwelding, separation along<br />

a welded joint; break or crac"k in a welded<br />

joint or surface; unsoldering.<br />

dessous, adv., under, underneath.<br />

dessous, m., under part or side; wrong side (of<br />

cloth);<br />

avoir le , (mil.) to have the worst of it in a<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat;<br />

beau , (hipp.) fine, well-shaped, legs;<br />

de gorge (d'une bride), (harn.) throat-latch;<br />

du vent, (nav.) lee-gauge.<br />

dessus, adv., on, upon, over, above;<br />

sens dessous, upside down, topsy turvy.<br />

dessus, m., upper part, top; right side (of cloth);<br />

lid, cover;<br />

avoir le , (mil.) to have the advantage, the<br />

upper hand, to get the best of it (in a <strong>com</strong>bat)<br />

;<br />

beau bon , , (hipp.) good back, fine and<br />

good upper line of back;<br />

de cou, (harn.) support of the breast-collar;<br />

neck or shoulder strap;<br />

enfer du caveqon, (man.) cavesson-iron;<br />

de nez, (harn.) nose-band;<br />

prendre le , (mil.) to get the upper hand, to<br />

have the best of it;<br />

de tete, (harn.) crown piece (of a headstall);<br />

du vent, (nav.) weather-gauge.<br />

destinataire, m. , f . , addressee.<br />

destination, f., destination;<br />

ft , (r. r.) through (of a train).<br />

destituer, v. a., to dismiss, discharge; deprive<br />

of employment; turn out; (Fr. a.) to dismiss<br />

an officer.<br />

destitution, f., dismissal, discharge, removal, de-<br />

privation of employment; deprivation of office,<br />

of grade; (Fr.a.) dismissal of an officer.<br />

destruction, f., destruction, ruin; (mil.) intentional<br />

destruction, demolition.<br />

desuni, m., (man.) horse that drags his hips, that<br />

gallops false, or on the wrong foot;<br />

au pas, au trot, irregular in his walk, trot.<br />

des union, f., disunion, separation.

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