A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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desajuste 129 deserter<br />

desajustt, a.,<br />

paces.<br />

cheval horse not true in his<br />

,<br />

desajuster, v. a., to derange, disorder, disarrange.<br />

desamarrage, m., (cord.) taking off (a mooring)<br />

or lashing, undoing of a knot or seizing, unlashing,<br />

unmooring.<br />

dfisamarrer, v. a., (cord.) to undo a knot, to unmoor,<br />

to unbend, to take off a seizing or lashing,<br />

to unlash.<br />

dSsamorcage, m., (sm. a.) unpriming of a cartridge<br />

case; (art.) unpriming of a gun.<br />

dfisamorcer, v. a., (art.) to unprime a gun; (sm. a.)<br />

to unprime a cartridge case;<br />

pince & , (sm. a.) unpriming-pincers;<br />

se , (elec.) to run down (of a dynamo).<br />

desancrer, v. a., to weigh anchor.<br />

dfisapprovisionnement, m., (sm. a.) removal of<br />

cartridges from the magazine.<br />

dCsapprovisionner, v. a., (sm. a.) to remove the<br />

cartridges from the magazine of a rifle.<br />

dfisarborer, v. a., (nav.) to strike the colors.<br />

de'sarsonner, v. a., (man.) to unseat; to unsaddle;<br />

to unhorse; to throw.<br />

desarmg, a., (nav.) out of <strong>com</strong>mission.<br />

dSsarmenient, m., (mil.) disarming (of prisoners,<br />

etc.); disarmament, i. e., a term descriptive of<br />

the (proposed) reduction of the excessive numbers<br />

of modern armies on a peace footing;<br />

passage of an army from war to peace footing;<br />

(fort.) turning into arsenals, etc., the armament<br />

of a fort; removal of a gun from a battery,<br />

a fort; (nav.) laying up a ship in ordinary.<br />

desarmer, v. a., to disarm; (mil.) to pass from a<br />

war to a peace footing; to reduce armaments,<br />

armies; (fort.) to remove a gun from a fort, a<br />

battery; (sm. a.) to put the hammer, bolt,<br />

at the safety notch, to uncock; (art.) to unload a<br />

gun; to release the brake (after firing); (fenc.) to<br />

disarm one's adversary; (nav.) to put a ship out<br />

of <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

unfrein, (art., etc.) to release a brake.<br />

desarriiner, v. a., (nav.) to shift the stowage;<br />

(mil.) to strip a balloon of its car and acces-<br />

dSsarticuler, v. a., to disjoint.<br />

disassembler, v. a., to take apart or asunder,<br />

down, to^pieces.<br />

desas sieger, v. a., (mil.) to raise a siege.<br />

desa ture, a. . urisaturated; (of steam) superheated.<br />

dt'saxer, v. a., (mach.) to get out of axis.<br />

dfisazotation, f., (chem.) denitrification.<br />

dfesazoter, v. a., (chem.) to denitrify.<br />

desceller, v. a., to unseal, unfasten, loosen.<br />

descendant, m., ebb tide.<br />

descendant, a., (mil.) <strong>com</strong>ing off, marching off<br />

(guard, trenches, etc.);<br />

garde e, old.guard.<br />

deseendre, v. a. n., to descend, <strong>com</strong>e, get down;<br />

to dismount (from a horse); to flow off, to fall,<br />

to ebb; to go down, descend (a river); (art.) to<br />

dismount (cannoneers from chests); to dismount<br />

(a gun); (mil.) to make a descent, an irruption;<br />

de cheval, to dismount;<br />

de garde, (mil.) to <strong>com</strong>e off guard;<br />

la garde, (mil.) to be relieved from guard;<br />

(mil. slang) to die;<br />

une rivi&re, to drop down a river;<br />

la tranchee, (siege) to bo relieved from duty<br />

in the trenches.<br />

descentc, f., fall, descent; slope; <strong>com</strong>ing down,<br />

letting down; (cons.) cellar stairs; (mil., nav.)<br />

landing, irruption; (mil.) <strong>com</strong>ing off (a duty);<br />

(steam, etc.) down stroke of a piston;<br />

blindee, (siege) bunded descent (into the<br />

ditch);<br />

de cave, (cons.) cellar stairs;<br />

de cheval, (man.) dismounting;<br />

& del ouvert, (siege) open descent (into the<br />

ditch);<br />

& la double attaque, (siege) descent (into the<br />

ditch) made in two stories;<br />

faire une , (mil.) to make a landing or irruption;<br />

8877 17 9<br />

descente de fosse, (siege) descent into the ditch;<br />

de fosse blindee (siege) descent into the ditch<br />

by blinded sap;<br />

de la garde, (mil.) <strong>com</strong>ing off, marching off,<br />

guard;<br />

de main, (man.) relaxation of the hand, of<br />

the reins;<br />

du piston, (steam, etc.) down stroke of a<br />

piston;<br />

souterraine, (siege) descent (into the ditch)<br />

le la tranchee, (siege) <strong>com</strong>ing off duty in the<br />

trenches;<br />

luyau de , soil-pipe.<br />

description, f., inventory, description;<br />

signaletique, (mil.) descriptive list.<br />

de'sechouer, v. a., to get a ship or boat afloat.<br />

desemballage, m., unpacking.<br />

d6semballer, v. a., to unpack.<br />

dfisembarquement, m., disembarking, landing.<br />

desembarquer, v. a., to disembark, land, unship.<br />

d(jsembofter, v. a., to disjoint, get out of joint,<br />

dislocate.<br />

desembrayage, m., (mach.) throwing out of gearuncoupling,<br />

disengaging, disengagic j-gear.<br />

dfisembrayer, v. a., (mach.) to throw out of gear,<br />

to uncouple, to disconnect, to disengage.<br />


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