A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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dejeter 124 dni6nager dejeter, v. r., (of wood, trees) to cast, to warp; (met.) to warp, become distorted, to get out of true (as, in tempering). dejoindre, v. a., to disjoin; start; part, open, gape. dejouer, v. a., to baffle, to neutralize, to render null and void. dejour, m., opening left in the fellies of a new wheel. dSjuger, v. r., (man.) to undercover, undercheck. delabrement, m., dilapidation. delabrer, v. a., to shatter, batter, ruin, dilapidate. cISlacer, v. a., to unlace. delai, m., delay; time, allowance of time (as, to carry out an order, for a change of station, etc.); d'arrivee, ( Fr. a.) time granted every soldier to reach his destination; dans le plus bref , as soon as possible, with the least possible delay; de grace, (Fr. a.) allowance of time for joining, granted every recruit or volunteer that fails to join on the assigned day, before being taken up as an imoumis, q. v. (1 month in France, 2 months for Algiers, Tunis, etc.); de recours, ( Fr. a.) period (3 months) within which a regular decision of the minister of war must be appealed to the conseil d'etat; de repcntir, (Fr. a.) time allowed a man absent without leave to return to duty before being declared a deserter or insoumis; de route, (Fr. a.) time allowance for making de tolerance, (Fr. a.) 4 days allowed an officer changing residence, in addition to regular allowance of time for the purpose; (in gen.) permission to delay in carrying out an order; de transport, ( Fr. a.) time allowed for transportation by rail, wagon, etc. delaissement, m., abandonment. delaisser, v. a., to abandon, give up. delardement, m., chamfer, chamfering; splay, slope; slope of earthwork. delarder, v. a., to chamfer, splay; to cut sloping (as earthwork). delavage, m., dilution of a color by water. deiaver, v. a., to dilute a color. deiaye, a., (of the soil) reduced to a state of mud, soaked, soaking wet. delayer, v. a., to dilute, temper (lime, clay, etc.); to soak. delegataire, m., (in gen.) deputy; one who has received authority (delegation) to act in the name and place of another; (Fr. mil. adm.) officer or functionary who receives the delegation of the funds of the minister of war. delegation, f., (adm.) warrant or authority bestowed upon or granted to a person; 'de la commission superieure, (mil. r. r.) a board, at general headquarters, in charge of transports beyond the base of operations, in the zone operated by the personnel of the regular railway companies, or otherwise, from that base to the stations de transition (q. v.); de signature, authority to sign; signature par , authorized signature of one person for another; de solde, (mil.) assignment of his pay, by an officer or soldier, to third persons. delestage, m., removal of ballast from a vessel. d61ester, v. a., to unballast a vessel. deiiaison, f., (mas.) unbound masonry. deiicat, a., delicate, difficult; entree e, difficult entrance (of a port). deiicoter, v. r., (/mm.) to strip off his halter or collar. dSlie, a., thin, slender, fine; m., up-stroke of a letter. delier, v. a., to untie, unfasten. delimitation, f., delimitation (of a territory, of a sphere of influence). delimiter, v. a., to delimit. delineation, f., delineation. deliquescence, f., deliquescence. deliquescent, a., deliquescent. deiit, m., misdemeanor; (mas.) wrong bed of a stone; le corps du , the offense itself; mettre unc pierre en , (mas.) to lay a stone on the wrong bed. deiiter, v. a., (mas.) to lay a stone on its wrong bed; to split a stone along its cleaving grain; la chaux vive, to slake quicklime; se , (mas.) to cleave, split (as slate, etc.); to exfoliate (by the action of frost). deiivrance, f., delivery, issue (of stores, arms, etc.); par force, (mil.) rescue of a prisoner. deiivrer, v. a., to deliver, deliver over; to free from; set at liberty, free (a prisoner); par force, par violence, to rescue a prisoner. deiogement, m., removal, departure; (mil.) change of quarters (of billets) (obs.). dlloger, v. a. n., (mil.) to change quarters (of billets) (pbs.); to dislodge the enemy, drive him out of his position (v. debusquer); to decamp, move out hastily and in disorder (when surprised). delta, m., (top.) delta; metal , delta metal. deiutage, m., unluting. deiuter, v. a., to unlute. dftnaconner, v. a., to undo, take down, masonry work. dgmaigrir, v. a., to thin, reduce (a slab, a log, a piece of timber, wood, etc.). dfemaigrissement, m., feather-edge; thinning; place where a stone, etc., has been thinned reduced in thickness. demailler, v. a., to unlink, unshackle; to unlace demaillonner, v. a., to unlink a chain. demanchement, m., unhafting; taking off a haft or handle; removal of a handle. demancher, v. a., to remove a haft or handle. demande, f., demand, request, petition, suit, inquiry, application; (mil.) requisition; (cons.) proportions required in a piece of timber; h la de, so as to fit, take, apply to; en cassation, (mil.) request of the c. o. of a detachment for the reduction of a n. c. o. to the ranks; filer d la , (cord.) to pay off a rope according to the stress. demander, y. a., to demand, require, call for, want; (mil.) to submit a requisition; du cable, (cord.) to require more rope. demandeur, m., (law) plaintiff. demanillage, m., unshackling. demaniller, v. a., to unshackle. demantelement, m., (fort.) dismantling; blowing up works. demanteler, v. a., (fort.) to dismantle, to raze, demolish. demarcation, f., demarcation; ligne de , line of demarcation. demarche, f., gait; walk; step; bearing; measure. demarquage, m., erasure of a mark (as, the letter, number, etc., from a weapon, etc.). demarquement, m., fraudulent removal of the mark on anything (as, clothes, etc.). demarquer, v. n., (hipp.) to lose mark of mouth, demurrage, m., (cord.) unmooring; casting off of a rope; untying, undoing (of lashings); (r. r.) starting of a train; (mach.) starting of an engine; (art.) starting, moving off (of teams, car- demarrer, v. a., (cord.) to cast off a rope, to clear, to unbend; to cast loose; to unmoor; to unlash; (mach.) to start an engine; (art.) to start, to cause to start (of teams, carriages); (r. r.) to start. demasquer, v. a., (mil.) to unmask a front, a position, a movement, an attack. demler, v. a., to disentangle, unravel; to part. demenagement, m., moving out. demenager, v. a. n., to move out (of one house into another).

demon tir 125 demi-voQte dementir, v. a. r., to give way, bulge (building). dmettre, v. a. r., to dislocate, put out of joint; dismiss; turn out; resign; lay down. demeure, f., lodging; residence; &- , fast; fixed; rigidly attached to; fixer &- , to secure permanently. demeurer, v. n., to remain, last, stand, stay; to live in. demi-a-droite (-gauche), m., (of foot troops, marching, or from a halt) right (left) oblique; (art., cav.) right (left) half-wheel. demi-appel, m., (Fr. cav.} signal for the execution of an order previously given. demi-arret, m., half-stop; - des doigts, (man.) slight check or stoppage (of the horse, by the reins). demi-bastion, m., (fort.) half-bastion. demi-bataillon, m., (inf.) half-battalion, wing (obs.). demi-bateau, m., (pont.) sort of half-ponton boat, used by the French engineers. demi-batterie, f., (art.) half-battery (administrative subdivision). demi-bois, v. mi-bois. demi-brigade, f., (mil.) Revolutionary name for regiment. demi-caponnidre, f., (fort.) half-caponier, single caponier. demi-capucine, f., (sm. a.) lower band. demi-cercle, m., semicircle; (art.) semicircular gauge; (inst.) half-circle; (fenc.) half-circle parry; - graduc, semicircular protractor. demi-chantier, m.. (art.) half-block. demi-chassis, m. , (fond.) half of a molding-box. demi-cheminement, m., (surv.) a combination of the method by polar coordinates and of cheminement, q. v. deml-clef, f., (cord.) half-hitch; - fi capeler, clove-hitch. demi-colonne, f., (mil.) half-column. demi-comble, m., (cons.) area or garret under the roof of a.shed. demi-compagnie, f., (inf.) half-company. demi-cuirasse, f., (cav.) breastplate. demi-cylindre,m., (art.) half roller. demi-distance, f., (mil.) half-distance. demi-crou, m., half-nut. demi-equipage, m., ( Fr. pont.) half bridge train; (Fr. art.) subdivision of the siege train, so called. demi-escadron, m., (cav.) the French equivalent for troop (U. S.). demi-essieu, m., half-axletree. demi-etampe, f., (mocA.) half-die; one of the parts of a die or swage in two parts. demi-etape, f., (mil.) half a day's march. demi-fer, m., (farr.) tip. demi-ferme, f., (cons.) half-frame, half-truss (of a roof). demi-fiche, f., half the depth to which a pile is to be driven into the earth. demi-flasque, f., (art.) bracket of a block-trail carriage. demi-fleche, f., (art.) middle rail, one of the two parts of the under body prolongation of the Jleche( French 80mm ). demi-fourniture, (auxiliaire de campement), (Fr. a.) bedding of straw, issued for lack of regular bed outfit (appel des reservistes et territoriaux). demi-fourreau, m., (art.) axle-plate (French demi-fraise, a., half-countersunk. demi-galerie, f., (mil. min.) low gallery, 1 meter wide by 1.30-1.5 meters high. demi-gargousse, (art.) half-cartridge (the full charge being subdivided for convenience of loading). demi-gite, f., (art., siege) half-sleeper of a platform. gun demi-gorge, f., (fort.) demigorge. demi-guStre, f., (unij.) half-legging, short legging. demi-haut-fourneau, m., (met.) blast furnace whose height is less than 7 or 8 meters. deml-joue, f., (cord.) check of a block. demi-lune, f., (mach.) eccentric catch; (fort. demilune, ravelin; double, ravelin with a redoubt; simple, simple ravelin. demi-lune tte, f., (mach.) collar (as, for a gun in a boring bench). deml-madrier, m., (pont.) half-chess; (art.) shift) ing-plank. demi-merlon, m., (fort.) half-merlon. demi-moule, f., (fond.) half-mold. deml-moyeu, m., half-nave (in the manufacture of iron wheels). demi-nceud, m., (cord.) overhand knot. demi-parallele, f., (siege) demiparallel, short parallel covering only a part of the work attacked, and constructed in the zigzag zone, after the second parallel. demi-placed'armes,,f., (siege) v. demi-paramie. demi-portge, f., (ball.) half-range. demi-portiere, f., (pont.) raft of two pontons. demi-ration , f . , (mil. ) half-ration short allowance , ; mettred , to put on allowance. deml-redoute, f., (fort.) half-redoubt, sort of lunette open in rear. demi-regiment, m., ( Fr. car.) half-regiment (two squadrons). demi-revetement, m., (fort.) half-revetment, scarp revetted up to the natural level of the ground. demi-rond, m., half round of a wagon body; half round (stick, bar, etc.). demi-sang, m., (hipp.) half-bred horse.. demi-section, f., ( Fr. inf.) half section (of a company). deml-signalement, m., (Fr. a.) summary description or descriptive list. demi-solde, f., (mil.) half-pay (no longer an official expression); officer on half-pay; en on , half-pay. dCmission, f., resignation; (mil.) resignation from the service (of officers, and also of commissionnes) ; donner sa to , resign from the service; donner sa de, to resign an office or employment. demissionnaire, m., (mil.) officer who has resigned; officier , officer who has resigned. demi-teinte, f., half-tint. demi-tore, m., half-round. demi-tour, m., (cord.) half-turn, elbow, kink; (inf.) about face (from a halt), to the rear (if marching); (art.) reverse (of a single carriage team, section, mule), about (of a platoon, of a cannoneer, driver, mounted) ; (cav.) about (individual), (left, right) about (of a platoon); & droite, (inf.) about face (from a halt), to the rear (if marching); (cav.) an individual right about, right about (of a platoon); (art.) right about (of a canoneer, driver, mounted); (fenc.) right rear volt (bayonet exercise); d gauche, (art.) reverse (of a single carriage team, section, mule); left about (of a platoon, of a cannoneer, driver, mounted) ; (cav.) individual about; left e.bout (of a platoon); (fenc.) left rear volt (bayonet exercise); individuel, (inf.) about face (from a halt), to the rear (if marching); (car.) an individual about; (art.) reverse (of a single team, carriage, section, mule); about (of a cannoneer, driver, mounted); par section, (art.) left about (of a platoon); sur les epaules, (man.) half-circle on the fora hand; sur les hanches, (man.) half-circle on the rear hand. (Demi-tour is frequently used alone, the context indicating the nature of the movement. It is also the name of the call for the movement. ) demi-volte, f., (man.) half-circle, followed by a change of hands. demi-voute, f ., half vault or arch.

demon tir 125 demi-voQte<br />

dementir, v. a. r., to give way, bulge (building).<br />

dmettre, v. a. r., to dislocate, put out of joint;<br />

dismiss; turn out; resign; lay down.<br />

demeure, f., lodging; residence;<br />

&- , fast; fixed; rigidly attached to;<br />

fixer &- , to secure permanently.<br />

demeurer, v. n., to remain, last, stand, stay; to<br />

live in.<br />

demi-a-droite (-gauche), m., (of foot troops,<br />

marching, or from a halt) right (left) oblique;<br />

(art., cav.) right (left) half-wheel.<br />

demi-appel, m., (Fr. cav.} signal for the execution<br />

of an order previously given.<br />

demi-arret, m., half-stop; - des doigts, (man.) slight check or stoppage<br />

(of the horse, by the reins).<br />

demi-bastion, m., (fort.) half-bastion.<br />

demi-bataillon, m., (inf.) half-battalion, wing<br />

(obs.).<br />

demi-bateau, m., (pont.) sort of half-ponton boat,<br />

used by the <strong>French</strong> engineers.<br />

demi-batterie, f., (art.) half-battery (administrative<br />

subdivision).<br />

demi-bois, v. mi-bois.<br />

demi-brigade, f., (mil.) Revolutionary name for<br />

regiment.<br />

demi-caponnidre, f., (fort.) half-caponier, single<br />

caponier.<br />

demi-capucine, f., (sm. a.) lower band.<br />

demi-cercle, m., semicircle; (art.) semicircular<br />

gauge; (inst.) half-circle; (fenc.) half-circle<br />

parry;<br />

- graduc, semicircular protractor.<br />

demi-chantier, m.. (art.) half-block.<br />

demi-chassis, m. , (fond.) half of a molding-box.<br />

demi-cheminement, m., (surv.) a <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

of the method by polar coordinates and of<br />

cheminement, q. v.<br />

deml-clef, f., (cord.) half-hitch; - fi capeler, clove-hitch.<br />

demi-colonne, f., (mil.) half-column.<br />

demi-<strong>com</strong>ble, m., (cons.) area or garret under<br />

the roof of a.shed.<br />

demi-<strong>com</strong>pagnie, f., (inf.) half-<strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

demi-cuirasse, f., (cav.) breastplate.<br />

demi-cylindre,m., (art.) half roller.<br />

demi-distance, f., (mil.) half-distance.<br />

demi-crou, m., half-nut.<br />

demi-equipage, m., ( Fr. pont.) half bridge train;<br />

(Fr. art.) subdivision of the siege train, so<br />

called.<br />

demi-escadron, m., (cav.) the <strong>French</strong> equivalent<br />

for troop (U. S.).<br />

demi-essieu, m., half-axletree.<br />

demi-etampe, f., (mocA.) half-die; one of the parts<br />

of a die or swage in two parts.<br />

demi-etape, f., (mil.) half a day's march.<br />

demi-fer, m., (farr.) tip.<br />

demi-ferme, f., (cons.) half-frame, half-truss (of<br />

a roof).<br />

demi-fiche, f., half the depth to which a pile is to<br />

be driven into the earth.<br />

demi-flasque, f., (art.) bracket of a block-trail carriage.<br />

demi-fleche, f., (art.) middle rail, one of the two<br />

parts of the under body prolongation of the<br />

Jleche( <strong>French</strong> 80mm ).<br />

demi-fourniture, (auxiliaire de campement), (Fr.<br />

a.) bedding of straw, issued for lack of regular<br />

bed outfit (appel des reservistes et territoriaux).<br />

demi-fourreau, m., (art.) axle-plate (<strong>French</strong><br />

demi-fraise, a., half-countersunk.<br />

demi-galerie, f., (mil. min.) low gallery, 1 meter<br />

wide by 1.30-1.5 meters high.<br />

demi-gargousse, (art.) half-cartridge (the full<br />

charge being subdivided for convenience of<br />

loading).<br />

demi-gite, f., (art., siege) half-sleeper of a platform.<br />

gun<br />

demi-gorge, f., (fort.) demigorge.<br />

demi-guStre, f., (unij.) half-legging, short legging.<br />

demi-haut-fourneau, m., (met.) blast furnace<br />

whose height is less than 7 or 8 meters.<br />

deml-joue, f., (cord.) check of a block.<br />

demi-lune, f., (mach.) eccentric catch; (fort.<br />

demilune, ravelin;<br />

double, ravelin with a redoubt;<br />

simple, simple ravelin.<br />

demi-lune tte, f., (mach.) collar (as, for a gun in a<br />

boring bench).<br />

deml-madrier, m., (pont.) half-chess; (art.) shift)<br />

ing-plank.<br />

demi-merlon, m., (fort.) half-merlon.<br />

demi-moule, f., (fond.) half-mold.<br />

deml-moyeu, m., half-nave (in the manufacture<br />

of iron wheels).<br />

demi-nceud, m., (cord.) overhand knot.<br />

demi-parallele, f., (siege) demiparallel, short<br />

parallel covering only a part of the work attacked,<br />

and constructed in the zigzag zone,<br />

after the second parallel.<br />

demi-placed'armes,,f., (siege) v. demi-paramie.<br />

demi-portge, f., (ball.) half-range.<br />

demi-portiere, f., (pont.) raft of two pontons.<br />

demi-ration , f .<br />

, (mil. ) half-ration short allowance , ;<br />

mettred , to put on allowance.<br />

deml-redoute, f., (fort.) half-redoubt, sort of<br />

lunette open in rear.<br />

demi-regiment, m., ( Fr. car.) half-regiment (two<br />

squadrons).<br />

demi-revetement, m., (fort.) half-revetment,<br />

scarp revetted up to the natural level of the<br />

ground.<br />

demi-rond, m., half round of a wagon body; half<br />

round (stick, bar, etc.).<br />

demi-sang, m., (hipp.) half-bred horse..<br />

demi-section, f., ( Fr. inf.) half section (of a <strong>com</strong>pany).<br />

deml-signalement, m., (Fr. a.) summary description<br />

or descriptive list.<br />

demi-solde, f., (mil.) half-pay (no longer an official<br />

expression); officer on half-pay;<br />

en on , half-pay.<br />

dCmission, f., resignation; (mil.) resignation from<br />

the service (of officers, and also of <strong>com</strong>missionnes)<br />

;<br />

donner sa to , resign from the service;<br />

donner sa de, to resign an office or employment.<br />

demissionnaire, m., (mil.) officer who has resigned;<br />

officier , officer who has resigned.<br />

demi-teinte, f., half-tint.<br />

demi-tore, m., half-round.<br />

demi-tour, m., (cord.) half-turn, elbow, kink;<br />

(inf.) about face (from a halt), to the rear (if<br />

marching); (art.) reverse (of a single carriage<br />

team, section, mule), about (of a platoon, of a<br />

cannoneer, driver, mounted) ; (cav.) about (individual),<br />

(left, right) about (of a platoon);<br />

& droite, (inf.) about face (from a halt), to the<br />

rear (if marching); (cav.) an individual right<br />

about, right about (of a platoon); (art.) right<br />

about (of a canoneer, driver, mounted); (fenc.)<br />

right rear volt (bayonet exercise);<br />

d gauche, (art.) reverse (of a single carriage<br />

team, section, mule); left about (of a<br />

platoon,<br />

of<br />

a cannoneer, driver, mounted) ; (cav.) individual<br />

about; left e.bout (of a platoon); (fenc.) left<br />

rear volt (bayonet exercise);<br />

individuel, (inf.) about face (from a halt),<br />

to the rear (if marching); (car.) an individual<br />

about; (art.) reverse (of a single team, carriage,<br />

section, mule); about (of a cannoneer, driver,<br />

mounted);<br />

par section, (art.) left about (of a platoon);<br />

sur les epaules, (man.) half-circle on the fora<br />

hand;<br />

sur les hanches, (man.) half-circle on the<br />

rear hand.<br />

(Demi-tour is frequently used alone, the<br />

context indicating the nature of the movement.<br />

It is also the name of the call for the movement. )<br />

demi-volte, f., (man.) half-circle, followed by a<br />

change of hands.<br />

demi-voute, f ., half vault or arch.

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