A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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coupe 108 courbe coupe en long, longitudinale, longitudinal section; transversale, a tree); en travers, tion; cross-section; cross-section, end grain (of transverse sec- verticale, vertical section. coupe, a., (top.) intersected, accidented; pan , (fort.) pan coupe; (in gen.) any corner cut off (of a room, buildin?, etc.); terrain , (top.) ground full of natural ob- stacles. coupe, m., (fenc.) disengagement over the adversary's point. coupe-cercle, m., round punch. coupe-choux, m., (mil. slang) "frog-sticker" (U. S. A.). infantry sword, coupe-circuit, m., (elec.) circuit-breaker, cut-out, safety cut-out. 1 coupe e, f., (nav.) gangway of a ship. coupe-filet, m., (nav.) torpedo-net cutter. coupe-gazon, m., sod-cutter. coupe-gorge, m., (mil.) tight place, from which escape is impossible, death-trap. coupellation, f., (met.) cupellation. coupelle, f., (met.) cupel; (art.) gas-check cup, reinforcing cup (of a cartridge case); (sm. a.) small copper shovel for gunpowder; essaib la , (met.) cupel assay; d languette, (art.) brass cup and wire of French naval electric primer; mettre & la , (met.) to submit to cupellation; obturatrice,. (art.) annular obturator (of French double-action fuse); rondelle d, , (art.) cup-shaped washer on axle-spindle. coupeller, v. a., (met.) to test or assay by cupellation. coupe-net, m., cutting pliers or nippers. coupe-paille, m., straw-chopper, chaff-cutter. coupe-queue, m., (hipp.) docking-knife. couper, v. a., to cut; cross, intersect; to amputate; to chop, strike; to mix, dilute; (hipp.) to geld, cut, castrate; (mil.) to cut off (a body of troops, a retreat, etc.), to break through (a line); (cord.) to wear, chafe, be chafed; (steam) to cut off, shut off, steam; ' un un cheval, (hipp.) to geld a horse; correspondent, (sig.) to break off, in- terrupt, a correspondent; unejument, (hipp.) to spay a mare; de longueur, to cut to proper length; ne pas y , (mil. slang) to be in for extra drill, fatigue, or other punishment ; se , (hipp.) to cut or strike a leg in bearing by one in motion, to interfere; en travers, to cut across; la vapeur, (steam.) to cut off steam. couperet, m., chopper. eouperose, f., copperas. coupe-vent, m., wind guard, windbreak (in bicycling). couple, m., frame, timber; (mechanical) couple; (elec.) couple, element, cell; de I'arriere, after-body; de I'avant, fore-body; de cavalerie, (expL) disposition of charges on opposite sides of a rail, in demolition, so as to produce rotation; a eau, (elec.) cell oi a water-battery; en , (expl.) on opposite sides, e. g., of a rail, so as to set up a rotation; de renversement, (art.) overturning couple; de soulevement, (art.) raising or lifting couple. couplet, m., hinge-joint; (harn.) backhand; (sm. a) gun whose barrel is formed of two parts screwing together. couplifcre, f., (harn.) name-strap. coupoir, m., cutter, cutting-press, punchingcutter. coupole, f., cupola; (fort.) cupola; . caponni&re, cupola recommended by Brialmont as the equivalent of a caponier; a eclipse, disappearing cupola; oscilfante, oscillating cupola; coupole a pivot, pivot-mounted cupola;

courfoe 109 courroie courbe de defilement, (ball.) in small-arm fire, curve used in obtaining elevations for plunging des densites, (ball.) curve showing grouping of shots about the center of impact, (hence) probability curve; d'egale teinte, (top. drawing) curve of equal - d''epaulement, (batt.) v. de defikd'evacuation, (steam) initial exhaust line of an indicator diagram; d'evitement, (r. r.) side track; enfer, iron knee; grosse, (top. drawing) contour drawn in with heavy stroke, in heavy line; horizontal, (top.) contour; hypsometrique, (top.) contour; de I'indicateur, (steam) indicator diagram, curve; de justesse, (ball.) curve comparing accuracy of different guns; de liaison, strengthening knee; & longue inflexion, (mach.) Watt's link motion; inontant de , (pont., etc.) upper part of a knee; de niveau, de nivellement, (top.) contour; des pressions, (ball., etc.) curve of pressures; (cons.) thrust line (of an arch); de sections horizontals, (top.) contour; s de tir, (batt.) graphical table of fire, range table; de Vaucanson, (mach.) heart-wheel. courbe, a., bent, curved; devenir par le tir, (art.) to droop at the muzzle; tir , (art.) curved fire. courbe, a., bent, curved, crooked; secured by knees. courbement, m., bending, incurvation. courber, v. a. n., to curve, to bend; to shape, bend to shape; to sag, bow, bend. courbet, m., (ham.) bow of a saddle; pack-saddle tree. courbette, f., (man.) curvet, curvetting; faire des to curvet. , corn-better, v. a., (man.) to curvet. courbure, f., curvature; curve; bend; de la crosse, (sm. a.) bend or angle of thestock, inclination of the butt; double, double curvature, S - shaped curve; du sol, curvature of the surface of the ground; de la terre, curvature of the earth. coureur, m., runner; (mil.) mounted scout (obs.); defond, long-distance runner; de vilesse, sprinter. courir, v. a. n., to run; to flow; go over; (mil.) to overrun (a country), to raid; aux armes, to fly to arms; la bague, to ride at the rings; la bouline, to run the gauntlet; a bride abattue, to ride at full speed; un cheval, (man.) to run, gallop, race, a horse; ' une manoeuvre, (cord.) to pass along a rope; sus, (mil.) to make incursions, raids. couronne, f., crown; hoop; (fort.) crownwork; (hipp.) coronet; (mach., etc.) rim of a wheel, driving face of a couronne du cabestan, sprocket wheel of the capstan; - circulaire dentee, (art.) traversing rack; - en cuivre, (art.) rifling band, centering band; -- dentee, (art.) traversing rack; double - , (fort.) crown work of three fronts; double crown work: - d'eau, (mach.) (lit., water crown) a device in turret gear permitting the continuous supply and evacuation of water under pressure; - a cmpreintes, (mach., etc.) sprocket wheel; - de I'etoupage, (steam) packing ring; -- foudroyant, (artif.) pitch ring; - defrottement, (art., mach.) pulley, rim; (art.) shoulder of a projectile (rare); (cord.) strap; d'appui, (fort.) supporting crown or ring (of a turret); (art.) bearing-ring (of the Krupp fermeture); d'asservissement, (mach.) controlling or communicating bevel-gear wheel; avant, (art.) front centering band; de balles, (art.) layer of bullets in shrapnel; barbotin, (mach.) sprocket wheel; de boulets, (mach., etc.) circle of ball-bearings; de brelage, (pont.) balk lashing knot; friction ring; - de galets, (art., etc.) live-roller ring; -- de guindage, (pont.) rack lashing knot; ouvrage &- , ( Fort.) crown work; - de pieu, pile-hoop; - de piston, (mach.) junk ring, piston cover, piston ring; -- de presse-etoupe, (mach.') stuffing-box gland; - & rochet, (mach.) crown wheel; - de roue, rim of a wheel; - de roulement, (art.) roller path; - de spheres, (fort.) spherical-roller ring; - de tour, (fort.) casting around turret spindle. couronne, a., (hipp.) broken-kneed; ouvrage- , (fort.) crown work. couronnement, m., cap, coping; top or summit (of a road, dike, etc.); top piece; (siege) crowning; - du chemin convert, (siege) crowning of the covered way; - d'un entonnoir de mine, (siege) crowning of a mine crater; - de la gabionnade. (siege), laying, act of laying, fascines on top of the gabion work, of the gabion revetment; pied & pied, (siege) crowning of the covered way by gradual approach; - de vive force, e, (siege) cro crowning of the covered way by open assault; de voute, (mas.) crown. couronner, v. a. r., to cap, crown; (mil.) to occupy heights, a position, after driving out the enemy; (siege) to crown, to make a lodgment in; (of trees) to begin to wither at the top; (of horses) to spring the knees ; - le chemin couvert, (siege) to crown the covered way; - un entonnoir, (siege) to make a lodgment in, to crown, a mine crater; - la gabionnade, (siege) to lay fascines on top of the gabion work. courre, v. a., to run, race (a horse); to hunt (run) (deer, etc.). courrier, m., courier, messenger; - de cabinet, bearer of dispatches, king's messenger; d'ordonnance, v. messager de campagne; -- volant, shell containing message (obs.). courroie, f., strap, throng; (mach.) belt, band, driving belt; (harn.) coupling strap, collarstrap, etc.; - d 'agrafe de colleron, (art., harn.) pole-yoke strap; - d'arcade, (harn.) yoke strap; (cav., etc.) equipment strap; --arret, (harn.) keep strap; -- d'attelle, hame-strap; - de I'avaloire, (harn.) hip-strap, flank-strap; - d,e botte, (cav.) bucket strap (carbine); -- & boucle, strap and buckle; - de brelage, lashing strap; - d brins croises, (mach.) crossed belt; - & brins paralleles, (mach.) open belt; -- -ceinture, strap belt; - de ceinture, (med.) belt of a cacolet; (unif.) waist strap; --chaine, (mach.) Kouiller's belt; - de charge, (mil.) luggage strap; (art.) shoecase strap; -- de chargement, (harn.) securing strap (for gun-carriage on pack-mule); - de chasse, (mach.) driving belt;

coupe 108 courbe<br />

coupe en long, longitudinale, longitudinal<br />

section;<br />

transversale,<br />

a tree);<br />

en travers,<br />

tion;<br />

cross-section;<br />

cross-section,<br />

end grain (of<br />

transverse sec-<br />

verticale, vertical section.<br />

coupe, a., (top.) intersected, accidented;<br />

pan , (fort.) pan coupe; (in gen.) any corner<br />

cut off (of a room, buildin?, etc.);<br />

terrain , (top.) ground full of natural ob-<br />

stacles.<br />

coupe, m., (fenc.) disengagement over the adversary's<br />

point.<br />

coupe-cercle, m., round punch.<br />

coupe-choux, m., (mil. slang)<br />

"frog-sticker" (U. S. A.).<br />

infantry sword,<br />

coupe-circuit, m., (elec.) circuit-breaker, cut-out,<br />

safety cut-out.<br />

1<br />

coupe<br />

e, f., (nav.) gangway of a ship.<br />

coupe-filet, m., (nav.) torpedo-net cutter.<br />

coupe-gazon, m., sod-cutter.<br />

coupe-gorge, m., (mil.) tight place, from which<br />

escape is impossible, death-trap.<br />

coupellation, f., (met.) cupellation.<br />

coupelle, f., (met.) cupel; (art.) gas-check cup,<br />

reinforcing cup (of a cartridge case); (sm. a.)<br />

small copper shovel for gunpowder;<br />

essaib la , (met.) cupel assay;<br />

d languette, (art.) brass cup and wire of<br />

<strong>French</strong> naval electric primer;<br />

mettre & la , (met.) to submit to cupellation;<br />

obturatrice,. (art.) annular obturator (of<br />

<strong>French</strong> double-action fuse);<br />

rondelle d,<br />

, (art.) cup-shaped washer on<br />

axle-spindle.<br />

coupeller, v. a., (met.) to test or assay by cupellation.<br />

coupe-net, m., cutting pliers or nippers.<br />

coupe-paille, m., straw-chopper, chaff-cutter.<br />

coupe-queue, m., (hipp.) docking-knife.<br />

couper, v. a., to cut; cross, intersect; to amputate;<br />

to chop, strike; to mix, dilute;<br />

(hipp.) to geld, cut, castrate; (mil.) to cut<br />

off (a body of troops, a retreat, etc.), to break<br />

through (a line); (cord.) to wear, chafe,<br />

be chafed; (steam) to cut off, shut off,<br />

steam;<br />

' un<br />

un cheval, (hipp.) to geld a horse;<br />

correspondent, (sig.) to break off, in-<br />

terrupt, a correspondent;<br />

unejument, (hipp.) to spay a mare;<br />

de longueur, to cut to proper length;<br />

ne pas y , (mil. slang) to be in for extra drill,<br />

fatigue, or other punishment ;<br />

se , (hipp.) to cut or strike a leg in bearing by<br />

one in motion, to interfere;<br />

en travers, to cut across;<br />

la vapeur, (steam.) to cut off steam.<br />

couperet, m., chopper.<br />

eouperose, f., copperas.<br />

coupe-vent, m., wind guard, windbreak (in<br />

bicycling).<br />

couple, m., frame, timber; (mechanical) couple;<br />

(elec.) couple, element, cell;<br />

de I'arriere, after-body;<br />

de I'avant, fore-body;<br />

de cavalerie, (expL) disposition of charges<br />

on opposite sides of a rail, in demolition, so<br />

as to produce rotation;<br />

a eau, (elec.) cell oi a water-battery;<br />

en , (expl.) on opposite sides, e. g., of a rail,<br />

so as to set up a rotation;<br />

de renversement, (art.) overturning<br />

couple;<br />

de soulevement, (art.) raising or lifting<br />

couple.<br />

couplet, m., hinge-joint; (harn.) backhand; (sm. a)<br />

gun whose barrel is formed of two parts screwing<br />

together.<br />

couplifcre, f., (harn.) name-strap.<br />

coupoir, m., cutter, cutting-press, punchingcutter.<br />

coupole, f., cupola; (fort.) cupola;<br />

. caponni&re, cupola re<strong>com</strong>mended by Brialmont<br />

as the equivalent of a caponier;<br />

a eclipse, disappearing cupola;<br />

oscilfante, oscillating cupola;<br />

coupole a pivot, pivot-mounted cupola;<br />

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