A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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coulisseau 106 coup coulisseau, m., (art.) way-plank; (mach., etc.) slide-block; slipper-block, motion-block, slipper-slide block; guide-block; (sm. a.) handleguide; du te, (steam) crosshead guide. coulissement, m., (mach.) sliding motion, coulomb, m., (elec.) coulomb. couloir, m., (fort., etc.) passage; (art.) feed-guide, hopper, feed-trough; d'assainissement, (fort.) ventilation passage or conduit of a powder magazine; de chargement, (art.) feed-trough, feedhopper; de circulation, (siege) communication along rear of platforms; de surveillance, (fort.) exterior corridor (Carnot trace). coup, m., blow, stroke, shock; (art., sm. a.) shot, round; (surv.) sight through an instrument; (mach., etc.) stroke; (fenc.) cut, thrust, I. Artillery, small arms, etc.; II. Fencing and related terms; III. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms, etc. accuser son , (t. p.) to " call " one's shot; amorti, (art.,sm. a.) spent shot; d'armeiifeu, shot; d'arrosoir, (art.) the sheaf or spray of bullets, etc., from a shrapnel; (inf.) the sheaf of bullets produced by a volley; - d'assurance, (nav.) gun fired by a ship under her true colors; d'audace, bold stroke; de baguette, (mil.) drum tap; & balles, (sm. a.) round or shot fired with ball cartridge; -bas, (art.) a shrapnel bursting at a height lower than the type height; tres bas, (art.) shrapnel that bursts below the target; a blanc, shot fired with blank cartridge; de blanc, (t. p.) bull's-eye; bleu, (art., sm. a.) miss; de bricole, (art.) shot intended to rebound laterally and strike after the graze (obs.); au but, (art., sm. a.) hit; de canon, (art.) cannon ,shot (wound, report, round); de canon de detresse, distress gun; de canon de diane, (mil.) morning gun, reveille gun; de canon dl'eau, (art.) water-line hit, hit between wind and water; de canon & fleur d'eau, (art.) v. de canon & I'eau. de canon pour indiquer le midi moyen, time gun, noon gun; de canon dans I'ceuvre vive, (art.) shot below water line of a ship; de canon en plein bois, (art.) shot into the broadside; de canon ft poudre, (art.) blank round; de canon & projectile, (art.) shot or round with projectile; de canon de rejouissance, salute gun; de canon de retraite, (mil.) evening gun; de canon de. signal, (mil.) signal gun; s de canon & une minute d'mtervalle, minute guns; en chasse, (nav.) bow shot; pour , (art.) shot for shot, of a salute; court, (art.) short, shot that falls short, the " short '' in ranging; de crosse, (sm. a.) kick; de diane, (mil.) morning gun, reveille gun; en direction, (sm. a., art.) line shot; de doigt, (sm. a.) involuntary pull of the trigger, by a sudden jerk of the ringer; jerk of finger on trigger; d'echarpe, (art.) shot fired in direction making a small angle, as with interior crest, etc.; d'embrasure, (art.) embrasure hit; d' enfilade, (art.) enfilading shot; d'enfoncement, (art.) shot to set spade, in guns fitted with trail or axle spades; coup d'epaule, (sm. a.) jerk or drawing back of shoulder through fear of recoil; d'cperon, (nav.) blow with a ship's ram, ram, ramming blow; d'epreuve, (art., etc.) proof shot; d'essai, (art., etc.) proof shot; faire un beau , to make a fine shot; faire le de feu, (mil.) to exchange shots; to fight as a private (said of an officer); faire le de fusil, (mil.) v. faire le defeu; faire le de pistolet, (cav.) to exchange shots; faire le de sabre, to exchange blows; to fight with the saber; fairepartir un , to fire a shot; fait, (art.) round of fixed ammunition (obs.); sans ferir, (mil.) without firing a shot, without striking a blow; de feu, (art., sm. a.) shot; shot wound; report; fichant, (art.) plunging shot (angle of fall greater than 4); de flambage, (art.) scaling or warming shot; defond, shot that tells; -fusant, (art.) time-fuse round or shot; de fusil, (sm. a.) rifle shot, bullet wound, report of a rifle; de fusil de pavilion, shot at colors; haut, (art.) shrapnel, etc., bursting at a height greater than the type height; tres haut, shrapnel, etc., bursting at a height more than twice the type height; & hauteur, (art.) shrapnel, etc., that bursts at the type height; heureux, (art., etc.) lucky shot or hit; isole, (art., etc.) single shot; de langue, (mil. mus.) short note or blast on a bugle or trumpet, "toot;" long, (art.,sm. a.) hang fire; "over;" in ranging, the over or long shot; de main, (mil.) sudden attack, surprise, bold stroke; manque, (art., sm. a.) miss; ft mitraille, (art.) generic term for shrapnel, canister, shot; d'ozil militaire, (mil.) the ability to take in the military situation at a glance; de parlance, (nav.) sailing gun; de pavilion, (nav.) morning (evening) gun; perdu, (art., etc.) random shot, unaimed shot; de pistolet, (sm. a.) pistol-shot, -wound, -report; de plein fouet, (art.) round fired with full service charge in direct fire; (t. p.) direct hit (notarichochet); plongeant, (art.) plunging shot; pointe, (art., sm. a.) aimed shot; rasant, (art.) shot whose direction is parallel, or nearly so, to ground, at point considered; rate, (art., sm. a.) miss-fire; de reglage, (art., sm. a.) sighting, ranging, shot; de rejouissance, (art.) salute gun or round; de retraite, (mil.) evening gun, retreat gun; reussi, (art.) hit; de revers, (art.) shot or hit in reverse; de revolver, (sm. a.) revolver shot, report, etc.; de semonce, (nav.) bringing-to shot; de sifflet, whistle, signal or call made with a whistle; de sonde, (nav.) cast with the lead; tire en blanc, (art.) blank round; tirer & perdu, to fire at random; tirer un to fire a , shot; touche, (art., sm. a.) hit; & toute volee, (art.) random shot, shot fired so as to give the greatest range possible; de vigueur, (mil.) decisive blow, stroke, action.

coup 107 coupe II. Fencing and related terms: coup, allonger un , to make a pass or thrust; d'arret, stopping thrust; assener un , to deliver a violent blow (fist, club, stick, etc.); en avant, front thrust (lance); s en avant, front cuts and thrusts; de bawnnette, bayonet thrust; de banderole, diagonal cut (broadsword); de bout de pointe, point thrust (single- stick); de bout de talon, butt thrust (singlestick); compose, thrust or lunge resulting from several preceding motions; s composes, combination of blows (single- stick); de cote, side thrust (lance); s de cdte, side cuts and thrusts (saber); donner le & I'arme, in a cutting weapon, so to distribute the weight as to make an effective blow possible, (hence) to balance a cutting weapon; droit, straight lunge; d'epee, sword thrust; d'estremac.on, cutting blow; side or back stroke (saber); de figure, blow at the face (singlestick); de figure d droite (gauche), cut at right (left) cheek (broadsword); de flanc, body blow (singlestick); body or flank cut (broadsword) ; fourre, return cut or thrust (said when each combatant is pierced, etc.); simultaneous attack by the adversaries (singlestick); de lance, lance thrust; lance, in bayonet exercise, the release of the piece from the left while still holding it in the right hand; de manchette, clever blow or stroke on adversary's wrist; parer un , to ward off, parry, a blow, thrust; de pied, kick (French boxing); de pied bas, a low kick to the front (French boxing); de pied brise (en arriere, en avant, de flanc, de figure), sort of cow kick (to the front, etc.) < de (French boxing); pied brise tournant en avant (arriere'), cow kick (front, rear), preceded by a face about (French boxing); de plat de sabre, blow with flat of sword; de poing, blow with the fist; de poing droit, blow from the shoulder (boxing); de poing de masse, swinging downward blow or cut, sort of moulinet with the fist (French boxing); de poing de revers, blow to the rear (French boxing); de pointe, thrust, point; point cut (saber); porter un , to give a olow, stab, cut, etc.; -s reunis, combined movements (saber exer- cise); de revers, back stroke, cut, or thrust; de sabre, saber cut, sword cut; simple, simple thrust or lunge (proceeds from one preceding motion); de taille, cut; de temps, time thrust or blow; de tete, head cut (saber); blow at head (singlestick); de venire, cut at the belly (saber). III. Miscellaneous: amortir un , to weaken, deaden, a blow; arriere, (surv.) back sight; d'arriere, (steam, etc.) backstroke (of a piston, etc.); d'audace, bold stroke; d'avance, (steam, etc.) forward stroke (of a piston, etc.); - avant, (surv.) fore sight; d'avant, (steam, etc.) forward stroke piston, etc.); (of a d'aviron, stroke, pull, with an oar; de balai, hipshot; avoir de balai, (hipp.) to be coup de belier, (steam, etc.) water-hammering; de boutoir, (fan.) wound due to paring the hoof too deep; de chalcur, (hipp.) heat stroke: de collier, great effort, renewed effort; d'eau. (in pumps, etc.) impact of water (on piston face, etc.); d'epee dans I'eau, vain effort, wasted effort; de feu, overheating due to overeating (carrier pigeons, etc.); (in the arts) heating, (sometimes) burning, everburning, overheating; de fond, (fig.) home thrust, blow that tells; deforet, tool mark, boring mark; defoudre, stroke of lightning; de fouet, blow or crack with a whip; (hipp.) "lift," or second expiration of a broken-winded horse; (elec.) time during which a current on first making is more powerful than it is normally; (expl.) 11 whipping out'' of a Bickford or other fuse when improperly set, on the flame reaching the end; dislodgment of a second charge by the explosion of the first (before the second goes off); de foulard, (hipp.) insertion of a small sponge, etc., in nostrils that discharge (horse dealer's trick); grand , master stroke, (fig.) home thrust; de hache, (hipp.) marked depression between withers and neck; de Jarnac, stab in the dark; mortal wound; underhand blow; de lance, (hipp.) depression at junction of neck and shoulders, at base of neck (seen in Turkish and in Spanish horses); de mer, heavy sea, wave; de mine, (expl.) blast; de mine crachant, (expl.) blast in which mortel, death blow; de mouchoir, v. de foulard; de niveau, (surv.) leveling sight; d'outil, tool mark; parer un , (fig.) to ward off, parry, a blow; de pied, kick; de pied en vache, (hipp.) cow kick; de piston, (mach.) piston stroke; de piston double, (mach.) complete piston stroke; de piston simple, (mach.) single piston stroke; de poing, blow with the fist; (expl.) firingkey, exploder; qui porte, blow that tells, telling blow; porter - -, to hit home; porter le dernier , to deal, give, the finishing blow; sans porter un , without a blow; prendre , to settle, get out of plumb (of walls); de rame, stroke, pull (rowing) ; de rein, (man.) sort of swing, throw, of the haunches; de revers, misfortune; de roulis, lurch, roll (of a ship); de soleil, sunstroke; sous le de, exposed to, threatened by or with; de surface, (mm., expl.) surface blast; - de tangage, pitching (of a ship); de tonnerre, clap of thunder; en venir aux s, to come to blows; de vent, squall, gust of wind. coupable, a., guilty; m., guilty person, culprit; se declarer to , plead guilty; se reconnaitre to , plead guilty; se rendre de, to be guilty of. coupant, a., cutting, sharp; m., edge, cutting edge. coupe, f., cut, cutting, felling (of trees); chopping; end grain of wood; cup, basin; (drawing) section and elevation; fausse , splice; horizontal, horizontal section, plan;

coup 107 coupe<br />

II. Fencing and related terms:<br />

coup, allonger un , to make a pass or thrust;<br />

d'arret, stopping thrust;<br />

assener un , to deliver a violent blow (fist,<br />

club, stick, etc.);<br />

en avant, front thrust (lance);<br />

s en avant, front cuts and thrusts;<br />

de bawnnette, bayonet thrust;<br />

de banderole, diagonal cut (broadsword);<br />

de bout de pointe, point thrust (single-<br />

stick);<br />

de bout de talon, butt thrust (singlestick);<br />

<strong>com</strong>pose, thrust or lunge resulting from several<br />

preceding motions;<br />

s <strong>com</strong>poses, <strong>com</strong>bination of blows (single-<br />

stick);<br />

de cote, side thrust (lance);<br />

s de cdte, side cuts and thrusts (saber);<br />

donner le & I'arme, in a cutting weapon,<br />

so to distribute the weight as to make an<br />

effective blow possible, (hence) to balance a<br />

cutting weapon;<br />

droit, straight lunge;<br />

d'epee, sword thrust;<br />

d'estremac.on, cutting blow; side or back<br />

stroke (saber);<br />

de figure, blow at the face (singlestick);<br />

de figure d droite (gauche), cut at right (left)<br />

cheek (broadsword);<br />

de flanc, body blow (singlestick); body or<br />

flank cut (broadsword) ;<br />

fourre, return cut or thrust (said when<br />

each <strong>com</strong>batant is pierced, etc.); simultaneous<br />

attack by the adversaries (singlestick);<br />

de lance, lance thrust;<br />

lance, in bayonet exercise, the release of the<br />

piece from the left while still holding it in the<br />

right hand;<br />

de manchette, clever blow or stroke on adversary's<br />

wrist;<br />

parer un , to ward off, parry, a blow,<br />

thrust;<br />

de pied, kick (<strong>French</strong> boxing);<br />

de pied bas, a low kick to the front (<strong>French</strong><br />

boxing);<br />

de pied brise (en arriere, en avant, de flanc,<br />

de figure), sort of cow kick (to the front, etc.)<br />

< de<br />

(<strong>French</strong> boxing);<br />

pied brise tournant en avant (arriere'), cow<br />

kick (front, rear), preceded by a face about<br />

(<strong>French</strong> boxing);<br />

de plat de sabre, blow with flat of sword;<br />

de poing, blow with the fist;<br />

de poing droit, blow from the shoulder<br />

(boxing);<br />

de poing de masse, swinging downward<br />

blow or cut, sort of moulinet with the fist<br />

(<strong>French</strong> boxing);<br />

de poing de revers, blow to the rear (<strong>French</strong><br />

boxing);<br />

de pointe, thrust, point; point cut (saber);<br />

porter un , to give a olow, stab, cut, etc.;<br />

-s reunis, <strong>com</strong>bined movements (saber exer-<br />

cise);<br />

de revers, back stroke, cut, or thrust;<br />

de sabre, saber cut, sword cut;<br />

simple, simple thrust or lunge (proceeds<br />

from one preceding motion);<br />

de taille, cut;<br />

de temps, time thrust or blow;<br />

de tete, head cut (saber); blow at head (singlestick);<br />

de venire, cut at the belly (saber).<br />

III. Miscellaneous:<br />

amortir un , to weaken, deaden, a blow;<br />

arriere, (surv.) back sight;<br />

d'arriere, (steam, etc.) backstroke (of a piston,<br />

etc.);<br />

d'audace, bold stroke;<br />

d'avance, (steam, etc.) forward stroke (of a<br />

piston, etc.);<br />

-<br />

avant, (surv.) fore sight;<br />

d'avant, (steam, etc.) forward stroke<br />

piston, etc.);<br />

(of a<br />

d'aviron, stroke, pull, with an oar;<br />

de balai,<br />

hipshot;<br />

avoir de balai, (hipp.) to be<br />

coup de belier, (steam, etc.) water-hammering;<br />

de boutoir, (fan.) wound due to paring the<br />

hoof too deep;<br />

de chalcur, (hipp.) heat stroke:<br />

de collier, great effort, renewed effort;<br />

d'eau. (in pumps, etc.) impact of water (on<br />

piston face, etc.);<br />

d'epee dans I'eau, vain effort, wasted<br />

effort;<br />

de feu, overheating due to overeating<br />

(carrier pigeons, etc.); (in the arts) heating,<br />

(sometimes) burning, everburning, overheating;<br />

de fond, (fig.) home thrust, blow that<br />

tells;<br />

deforet, tool mark, boring mark;<br />

defoudre, stroke of lightning;<br />

de fouet, blow or crack with a whip;<br />

(hipp.) "lift," or second expiration of a<br />

broken-winded horse; (elec.) time during<br />

which a current on first making is more<br />

powerful than it is normally; (expl.)<br />

11<br />

whipping out'' of a Bickford or other<br />

fuse when improperly set, on the flame<br />

reaching the end; dislodgment of a second<br />

charge by the explosion of the first (before the<br />

second goes off);<br />

de foulard, (hipp.) insertion of a small sponge,<br />

etc., in nostrils that discharge (horse dealer's<br />

trick);<br />

grand , master stroke, (fig.) home thrust;<br />

de hache, (hipp.) marked depression between<br />

withers and neck;<br />

de Jarnac, stab in the dark; mortal wound;<br />

underhand blow;<br />

de lance, (hipp.) depression at junction of neck<br />

and shoulders, at base of neck (seen in Turkish<br />

and in Spanish horses);<br />

de mer, heavy sea, wave;<br />

de mine, (expl.) blast;<br />

de mine crachant, (expl.) blast in which<br />

mortel, death blow;<br />

de mouchoir, v. de foulard;<br />

de niveau, (surv.) leveling sight;<br />

d'outil, tool mark;<br />

parer un , (fig.) to ward off, parry, a<br />

blow;<br />

de pied, kick;<br />

de pied en vache, (hipp.) cow kick;<br />

de piston, (mach.) piston stroke;<br />

de piston double, (mach.) <strong>com</strong>plete piston<br />

stroke;<br />

de piston simple, (mach.) single piston<br />

stroke;<br />

de poing, blow with the fist; (expl.) firingkey,<br />

exploder;<br />

qui porte, blow that tells, telling blow;<br />

porter -<br />

-, to hit home;<br />

porter le dernier , to deal, give, the finishing<br />

blow;<br />

sans porter un , without a blow;<br />

prendre , to settle, get out of plumb (of<br />

walls);<br />

de rame, stroke, pull (rowing) ;<br />

de rein, (man.) sort of swing, throw, of the<br />

haunches;<br />

de revers, misfortune;<br />

de roulis, lurch, roll (of a ship);<br />

de soleil, sunstroke;<br />

sous le de, exposed to, threatened by or<br />

with;<br />

de surface, (mm., expl.) surface blast;<br />

- de tangage, pitching (of a ship);<br />

de tonnerre, clap of thunder;<br />

en venir aux s, to <strong>com</strong>e to blows;<br />

de vent, squall, gust of wind.<br />

coupable, a., guilty; m., guilty person, culprit;<br />

se declarer to , plead guilty;<br />

se reconnaitre to , plead guilty;<br />

se rendre de, to be guilty of.<br />

coupant, a., cutting, sharp; m., edge, cutting<br />

edge.<br />

coupe, f., cut, cutting, felling (of trees); chopping;<br />

end grain of wood; cup, basin; (drawing) section<br />

and elevation;<br />

fausse , splice;<br />

horizontal, horizontal section, plan;

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