A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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contre-poids 100 controter<br />

contre-poids, m., counterpoise, counterweight,<br />

counterbalance; balance-weight.<br />

contre-poil, m., wrong way of the hair, of the<br />

nap.<br />

contre-poinc.on, m., counter punch; upper die,<br />

or punch.<br />

contre-pointe, f., (sm. a.) back edge of a sword,<br />

near the point; (fenc.) saber or broadsword<br />

fencing or exercise; (mach.) back-center, dead<br />

center, center, center-support, spindle on fixed<br />

poppet of a lathe.<br />

contre-porte, f., double door, folding door; (fort.)<br />

second gate (as, in a passage).<br />

contre-poupSe, f., (mach.) foot stock, foot-stock<br />

center.<br />

contre-pression, f., (steam, etc.) back pressure,<br />

counter pressure.<br />

contre-puits, m., (mil. win.) defensive mine<br />

or shaft, prepared in advance, and intended<br />

to annoy enemy without destroying the galleries<br />

of the defense;<br />

camouflet- camouflet , prepared by boring<br />

from a gallery (defense).<br />

contre-queue, f., d'hironde, (fort.) work<br />

whose branches splay inward, counter swallowtail<br />

work.<br />

contre-quille, f>, (nav.) keelson.<br />

contre-raid, m., (mil.) counter-raid.<br />

contre-rail, m., (r. r.) guard-rail, safety-rail,<br />

check-rail.<br />

centre-riposte, f., (fenc.) counter-thrust.<br />

contre-rivure, f., burr, rivet-plate.<br />

contre-ronde, f., (mil.) check-rounds.<br />

contre-sabord; m., (art. nav., etc.) port-lid.<br />

contre-salut, m., (mil.) return salute.<br />

contre-sanglon, m., (harn.) strap, fixed at<br />

one end and free at the other, pierced for<br />

the tongue of the buckle; girth strap: any<br />

small strap buckling or lying over a larger<br />

one, or serving to join adjacent parts of harness.<br />

contrescarpe, f., (fort.) counterscarp;<br />

a voutes en decharge, counterscarp with relieving<br />

arches.<br />

contrescarper, v. a., (fort.) to counterscarp.<br />

contre-scel, m., counterseal.<br />

contre-sceller, v. a., to counterseal.<br />

contre-seing, m., counter signature.<br />

contre-sens, m. , wrong side or way.<br />

contre-signal, m., (mil.) any cautionary signal,<br />

e.g.,thecontre-mot,q,v.<br />

contresigne, f., (mil.) countersign.<br />

contre-signer, v. a., to countersign.<br />

contre-sortie, f., (mil.) counter-sortie, attack<br />

directed against a sortie.<br />

contre-taille , f . crosscut .<br />

,<br />

contre-tailler, v. a., to crosscut.<br />

eontre-temps, m., accident, disappointment<br />

(hipp.) the second expiration or "lift" of<br />

broken-winded horse; (man.) sudden and<br />

unexpected passage from action to inaction.<br />

eontre-tenir, v. a., to hold up a rivet.<br />

contre-tige, f., (art.) the central counter rod of the<br />

Canet system.<br />

contre-timbrage, m., counter stamping.<br />

contre-timbre, m., counter stamp.<br />

contre-timbrer, v. a. to counter , stamp.<br />

contre-tirage, m., back-draught, reverse<br />

draught.<br />

contre-tirer, v. a., to counter prove;<br />

un plan, to make a tracing of a contrevent, m., outside shutter; straining<br />

piece, brace; (met.) blast plate<br />

plan.<br />

contre-torpilleur, m., (nav.) torpedo-catcher.<br />

contre-tranchee, f., (fort., siege) counter<br />

trench.<br />

contreval, h , downstream, down the<br />

of a firing<br />

forge.<br />

contreventement, m., (cons.) lateral bracing<br />

(of a roof or of a bridge truss); windbracing;<br />

piece de , wind-bracing; brace.<br />

contreventer, v. a., (cons.) to brace laterally (as a<br />

truss).<br />

contre-verrou, m., (art., etc.) bolt-stop; any<br />

device controlling or affecting the motions or<br />

functions of a bolt.<br />

contre-vis, f., differential screw.<br />

contre-visite, f., second inspection, counter inspection,<br />

check inspection.<br />

contre-visiter, v. a., to make a counter or check<br />

inspection.<br />

contrevolte, f., (cat;.) countervolt.<br />

contrevolter, v. n., (cav.) to countervolt, to make<br />

a countervolt.<br />

contribuer, y. a., to contribute, to be laid under<br />

contribution.<br />

contribution, f., contribution, tax;<br />

en argent, (mil.) money contribution;<br />

directe, (adm.) direct tax; ^<br />

de guerre, (mil.) contribution of war;<br />

indirecte, (adm.) indirect tax;<br />

tncttre & , (mil.) to lay under contribution;<br />

en nature, contribution in kind.<br />

contrOle, m., register, list; check, as on a result;<br />

stamp; verification, inspection (as of<br />

sm. a. during manufacture); mark, official<br />

mark (as on sm. a. after inspection); (mil.)<br />

muster roll, roll, roster; (adm.) inspection<br />

or surveillance of administrative transactions,<br />

(hence, Fr. a.) le controle, i. e., functionaries<br />

or officers, in general, whose duty<br />

it is to watch over and inspect the administration<br />

or the gestion;<br />

de I'administration de I'armee, (Fr. a.)<br />

special branch of the war department, safeguarding<br />

the interests of the treasury on<br />

the one hand and of individuals on the<br />

other; verifies for the whole service the<br />

observance of ministerial orders, decrees,<br />

etc.;<br />

annuel, (Fr. a.) muster roll of officers, men,<br />

and horses belonging to each administrative<br />

unit, made out each year, or is kept up during<br />

the year;<br />

central, (Fr. a.) the contrdle exercised by<br />

the bureaus of the central administration<br />

of the war department, by inspectors-general,<br />

and by the personnel of the corps du<br />

controle;<br />

corps du de I'administration de I'armee,<br />

(Fr. a.) the personnel of the contrdle serv-<br />

'exterieur, (Fr. adm.) the controle exercised<br />

by the courts and by parliament;<br />

general des armes, (Fr. a.) register of all<br />

the arms in the hands of a body of troops;<br />

local, (Fr. a.) the care, surveillance, etc.,<br />

exercised constantly, and on the spot, by<br />

the directors of the various services (e. g.,<br />

artillery, engineers, etc.) over their respective<br />

personnels, and by the functionaries of<br />

the intendance, in a regiment or other troop<br />

unit;<br />

nomimtif, (mil.) list of names, roster by<br />

name;<br />

des personnes mises & la retraite, (mil.) retired<br />

list;<br />

porter sur les s,(mil.) to put on the rolls;<br />

- & posteriori, (Fr. a.) a general expression<br />

for the s local, central, and exterieur;<br />

rayer des s, (mil.) to strike off the rolls;<br />

de service, (mil.) duty roster, roster;<br />

de tir, (art. and t. p.) target-practice reports.<br />

contrdlement, m., (Fr. a.) subjection of responsible<br />

officers to the contrdle.<br />

controler, v. a., to check; to verify, inspect, <strong>com</strong>pare;<br />

(Fr. a.) to exercise the duties of the<br />

contrdle;<br />

le pointage,<br />

gun.<br />

(art.) to verify the aim of a<br />

contrevallation, f., (siege) countervallation<br />

(obs.).<br />

contrevaller, v. a., (siege) to construct a countervallation.<br />

contre-vapeur, f., (steam) returning, back, steam;<br />

steam cushion;<br />

donner , to interpose a steam cushion; to use<br />

back steam.<br />

contrevenant, m., offender.<br />

eontrevenir, v. a., to infringe, violate,<br />


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