A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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consommation 98 contre-brisure consommation, f . , consumption; expenditure; objets de , expendable articles. consommer, v. a., to use up, expend; finish, accomplish. conspiration, f., conspiracy, plot; combination (in a bad sense). conspirer, v. n., to plot, conspire. constante, f., constant quantity, constant; magnetiyue d'un lieu, magnetic elements of a place. constatation, f., verification, authentication; statement. constater, v. a., to verify, prove, establish, declare, authenticate. constituant, a., (mil.) forming an integral part of the organic composition of a troop unit, consiitue, a., (mil.) having an organic existence of its own, organic. constituer, v. a., to constitute, appoint, place, depute; to give into custody; (mil.) to form, organize, a body of troops, etc.; une pension, to settle or grant a pension; un prisonnier, to commit a prisoner; se prisonnier, to surrender. constitute, a., v. constitue. constitution, f., constitution, make-up; d'un pays, nature and description of a region, of a country. constitutionnel, a., constitutional. constructeur, m., builder, constructor; designing engineer; mecanicien, mechanical engineer. construction, 'f., construction; building, structure, edifice; d'art, (r. r.) bridge, culvert, etc.; en bois { woodwork; enfer, ironwork; enfer et en bois, composite work; en pise, (fort.) pisa work. construire, v. a., to build, construct; (min.) to drive (a gallery); (fort.) to throw up (a work). consul, m., consul. consultatif, a., consulting (as committee, board). contact, m., touch, contact; (mil.) contact with the enemy; touch (of elbow); (elec.) contact, contact-plate, contact-strip; condensation par , (steam) surface condensing; conserver le , (mil.) to keep (the enemy) in touch, to keep in touch with (the enemy); du coude, (mil.) touch of elbows in ranks; escadron de , (cat;.) contact squadron; etre au , (mil.) to be in contact (with the enemy); par frottement, (elec.) friction-contact; garder le , (mil.) v. conserver le ; de glissement, (elec.) sliding-contact; rft mercure, (elec.) mercury contact; perdre le , (mil.) to lose touch (with the enemy); prendre le , (mil.) to establish contact, touch (with the enemy); rester en avec, (mil.) to remain in touch (with the enemy); roulant, (elec.) rolling contact. contagieux, a., contagious. contagion, f., contagion. contenance, f., capacity; contents; (nav.) burden. contenir, v. a., to contain, hold; restrain, hold; check (as an advance, the enemy). contentieux, administratifs, (Fr. adm.) difficulties arising from antagonism of public and of private interests. contenu, m., contents. contigu, a., adjoining, contiguous. continent, m., mainland, continent. continental, a., continental; defense e, (fort.) land defense of a seacoast work. contingent, m., contingent, quota; annuel, (mil.) annual contingent that a classe must furnish. contondant, a., acting by shock; (art.) racking. contour, m., outline, circuit; plan; (top.) contour; (unif.) edging of an epaulet, (also) of a flag tassel. con ton moment, m., (fort.) crochet (of a trav- erse). contourner, v. a., to turn, to go around; to contour, give a contour to; to distort, deform. contractor, v. a. r., to shrink, contract, shorten; to stipulate, make a contract. contraction, f., contraction, shrinking; force de , contractile force. contractuel, a. , stipulated by a contract. contracture, f., diminution. contradictoire, a., (law) after having heard both sides; (adm.) after examination of both sides of an account. contrainte, f., constraint, violence; (adm.) order to pay decreed against a person owing public money; par corps, compulsory, i. e., forced, attendance of a witness. contraire, a-, contrary, opposite, adverse, hostile. contrarifi, a. , with joints broken. - contrat, m. , contract. contravention, f., infraction, infringement, violation; Stre en , to break regulations, etc. centre, prep., against, near, close by; (in composition, contre carries with it the notion generally of opposition, and frequently of juxta- position); ft , (cord.) the wrong way, against the sun. contre, m., (fenc.) counter; de quarte, quart-, cart-counter; de tierce, tierce-counter; double- double , counter. centre-acceleration, f., (ball.) retardation. contre-a-contre, adv., (nav.) side by side. contre-aiguille, m., (r. r.) main rail, line or stock rail. contre-alizC, a., vent anti-trade , (wind). contre-amiral, m., (nav.) rear-admiral; rearadmiral's flagship. contre-appel, m., (mil.) check roll-call, check; (fenc.) caveating; (teleg.) call. contre-approches, f. pi., (siege) counter approaches. contre-appui, m., systeme.b, , (art.) system in which the trail rests on the limber instead of over a pintle-hook. contre-arquer, v. n., to sag. contre-assaillir, v. a., (mil.) to make a counter assault. contre-assifiger, v. a., (siege) to besiege a besieging force. contre-attaque, f., (mil.) counter attack (by the defensive). contre-aube, f., strip laid against an aube. contre-balancer, v. a., to counterbalance, counterpoise. contrebande, f., contraband, contraband goods; smuggling; de guerre, (mil.) contraband of war. contrebandeiette, f ., fork-strap (of a pack saddle). contrebandier, m., smuggler. contre-bas, en , adv., below, downward, on a lower level, lower; from down up; embrasure en , (fort.) counter-sloping embrasure; etre en de, to be lower than, on a lower level than. contre-batterie, f., (siege) counter-battery; (more generally) any battery intended to engage a given hostile battery, and particularly battery engaging hostile batteries during the infantry advance. contre-battre, y. a., (art.) to counter batter, to oppose batteries to those of the enemy. contre-biais, ft contrariwise. , contrebord, (nav.) oiler ft to run aboard or , foul (of each other). contre-bordee, f., (nav.) the other tack. contre-boutant, m., buttress, counterfort. contre-bouter, v. a., to prop, to support (as a wall by a buttress). contre-bride, f. counter flange. contre-brisure, f., (fort.) outer brisure.

contre-b liter 99 contre-platine eontre-buter, v. a., to press up against a resisting or supporting mass; to prop, support. eontre-calquer, v. a., (draw.) to take a counterproof of a counterdrawing. eontre-capsule, f., (art., etc.) primer-cover or cap. contrecarrer, v. a., to oppose directly (the efforts of the enemy, etc.), thwart. eontrechangement, m., tie main, (man.) double change of hands. eontrechanger, v. n., de main, (man.), to make a double change of hands. eon Ire-charge, f., counterpoise. centre-chassis, m., (fond.) top-flask; (cons.), outer sash. eontre-chef, m., foreman. contre-clavette, f., gib. tightening key, foxwedge. eontre-clfe, f., gib. eontre-clef, f., (mas.) second stone in the crown of an arch. eontre-coeur, m.,back plate of a forge, as of a traveling forge; chimney-back; (r. r.) guardrail, wing-rail. contre-couder, v. a., to bend the other way. contre-coup, m., return-stroke, counterstroke; rebound; (expl.) reverse stroke or effect sometimes remarked in (high) explosive blasts; (man.) sudden start, jump (of a horse); (hipp.) heaving (of a broken-winded horse); fane , (mach., etc.) to receive, support, a blow (as in riveting). contre-courant, m., back draught, countercurrent. eontre-degagement, m., (fenc.) counter-thrust (i. e., a degagement, q. v.. made simultaneously with the adversary's degagement); general expression for contre de guarte, de tierce, qq. v.; counter-disengage. contre-de'gager, v. n., (fenc.) to make a eontredegagement, to counter-disengage. centre-derive, f., (art.) negative lateral allowance (on a sight). contre-digue, f., a dike protecting another; construction protecting a dike. contre-ecrou, m., jam nut, lock nut, keep nut, check nut. contre-enquSte, f., counter-inquiry. contre-epaulette, f., (unif.) epaulet having neither bullion nor fringe; shoulder-knot. contre-epreuve, f., counter-proof, counter-test, check-test. contre-escarpe, f., (fort.) counterscarp. contre-essai, m., counter-test. contre-etai, m., (cord., etc.) backstay. contre-etampe, f., swage, upper tool. contre-expertise, f., counter-valuation. contrefaeon, f., counterfeiting, illegitimate imitation or copy, in manufactures; de brevet, infringement of a patent. contrefacteur, m., counterfeiter, forger; infringer. contref aire, v. a., to counterfeit, forge; to infringe a patent. contre-feu, m., back plate (of a hearth); a fire lighted to check another (as in woods or plains), back fire. contre-fenfitre, f., inside sash. contre-fiche, f., (cons.) strut, brace, stud, shore, stay; any compression piece in construction. contre-fll, m., the opposite direction; & backwards. , contre-flanc, m., (art.) loading-edge. contre-forger, v. a., (fan.) to shape out a horseshoe. contrefort, m., buttress, shoulder, pillar, pier, supporting mass; reinforcing piece; (of boots, shoes, etc.) stiffener, reinforce, counter; (top.) spur of a mountain range, lesser chain of mountains. confre-fosse', m., counter-drain; (fort.) synonym of avant-fosse. contre-foulement, m., upward motion of water in a pipe or tube. contre-fruit, m., (mas.) inside batter (of a wall). contre-garde, f., (fort.) counterguard. contre-gulde, m., (mach.) link. contre-hacher, v. a., to cross-hatch. contre-hachure, f., cross-hatching. contre-hauban, m., (cord., etc.) back guy. contre-haut, en , on a higher level, el, ui upwards; from up down; ttre en d'un point, to be higher, on a higher level than. contre-heurtoir, m., (art.) counter-hurter; garnish plate. contre-jauger, v. a., to counter-gauge. contre-jour, m., false light, counter-light. contre-latte, f., (cons.) lathwork at right angles to laths already laid on; counter-lath. contre-latter, v. a., (cons.) to counter-lath. contre-lattoir, m., lath-holder, clincher. contre-lisoir, m., (art.) bolster-block. contre-lunette, f., (art.) lower pintle-plate. contre-maitre, m., overseer, foreman; (nav.) boatswain's mate; aide, , assistant foreman. contremandement, m., countermand, counter order. countremander, v. a., to countermand. contre-manivelle, f., (mach.) countercrank, return crank. contre-manoeuvre, f., (mil.) counter-maneuver (rare). contre-marche, f., (mil.) countermarch; (cons.) riser of a stair. centre-marcher, v. a., (mil.) to countermarch. contre-maree, f., back or contrary tide, eddy tide. contre-marque, f., check; (hipp.) bishoping. contre-marquer, v. a., to countermark; (hipp.) to bishop a horse. contre-mine, f., (mil. min.) countermine. centre-miner, v. a., (mil. min.) to countermine. contre-mineur, m., (mil. min.) counterminer. contre-mont, adv., up hill, upwards; against the stream. contre-mot, m., (mil.) the "word" given in answer to the mot d'ordre, and hence equivalent to the mot de ralliement; counter-parole, parole (U. S. A.). contre-mouvement, m., countermovement. contre-mur, m., (fort., etc.) countermure, contramure. contre-murer, v. a., (fort., etc.) to countermure. contre-ordre, m., (mil.) counter order; countermand. contre-ouverture, f ., counter opening. contre-outil, m., any plate, wedge, key, etc., set against a tool to hold it in place. contre-paroi, f., (met.) casing of a blast furnace. contre-pas, m., (mil.) a half-step taken to recover the step, when lost; man that has lost step. contre-pMaler, v. a., to back-pedal (bicycle). contre-pente, f., descent or slope toward one, (fort.) toward the interior of the work; ft , en . countersloping; talus It , (fort.) countersloping glacis (Carnot's substitute for the counterscarp). contre-percer, v. a., to pierce from the other side; (fan.) to pierce through-holes in a horseshoe. contre-perc.ure, f., (fan.) through-hole, hole for shank of nail, in a horseshoe. contre-peser, v. a., to counterbalance. contre-pied, m., wrong scent, back-scgnt. contre-pierre, f., the support or holder of a jewelbearing (as in the Schmidt chronograph). con tre-plaque, f., reinforcing plate; anchorplate, etc.; (fond.) back-plate; (art.) bottom plate, as of a pintle; (fort.) underskin, backing - plate (e. g., on which Griison armor rests); de poulie, (art.) outer reinforcing plate of a ginleg (near the head). contre-platine, f., (sm. a.) side plate (opposite lock side).

contre-b liter 99 contre-platine<br />

eontre-buter, v. a., to press up against a resisting<br />

or supporting mass; to prop, support.<br />

eontre-calquer, v. a., (draw.) to take a counterproof<br />

of a counterdrawing.<br />

eontre-capsule, f., (art., etc.) primer-cover or cap.<br />

contrecarrer, v. a., to oppose directly (the efforts<br />

of the enemy, etc.), thwart.<br />

eontrechangement, m., tie main, (man.)<br />

double change of hands.<br />

eontrechanger, v. n., de main, (man.), to<br />

make a double change of hands.<br />

eon Ire-charge, f., counterpoise.<br />

centre-chassis, m., (fond.) top-flask; (cons.),<br />

outer sash.<br />

eontre-chef, m., foreman.<br />

contre-clavette, f., gib. tightening key, foxwedge.<br />

eontre-clfe, f., gib.<br />

eontre-clef, f., (mas.) second stone in the crown<br />

of an arch.<br />

eontre-coeur, m.,back plate of a forge, as of a<br />

traveling forge; chimney-back; (r. r.) guardrail,<br />

wing-rail.<br />

contre-couder, v. a., to bend the other way.<br />

contre-coup, m., return-stroke, counterstroke;<br />

rebound; (expl.) reverse stroke or effect sometimes<br />

remarked in (high) explosive blasts;<br />

(man.) sudden start, jump (of a horse); (hipp.)<br />

heaving (of a broken-winded horse);<br />

fane , (mach., etc.) to receive, support, a<br />

blow (as in riveting).<br />

contre-courant, m., back draught, countercurrent.<br />

eontre-degagement, m., (fenc.) counter-thrust<br />

(i. e., a degagement, q. v.. made simultaneously<br />

with the adversary's degagement); general<br />

expression for contre de guarte, de tierce, qq. v.;<br />

counter-disengage.<br />

contre-de'gager, v. n., (fenc.) to make a eontredegagement,<br />

to counter-disengage.<br />

centre-derive, f., (art.) negative lateral allowance<br />

(on a sight).<br />

contre-digue, f., a dike protecting another; construction<br />

protecting a dike.<br />

contre-ecrou, m., jam nut, lock nut, keep nut,<br />

check nut.<br />

contre-enquSte, f., counter-inquiry.<br />

contre-epaulette, f., (unif.) epaulet having<br />

neither bullion nor fringe; shoulder-knot.<br />

contre-epreuve, f., counter-proof, counter-test,<br />

check-test.<br />

contre-escarpe, f., (fort.) counterscarp.<br />

contre-essai, m., counter-test.<br />

contre-etai, m., (cord., etc.) backstay.<br />

contre-etampe, f., swage, upper tool.<br />

contre-expertise, f., counter-valuation.<br />

contrefaeon, f., counterfeiting, illegitimate imitation<br />

or copy, in manufactures;<br />

de brevet, infringement of a patent.<br />

contrefacteur, m., counterfeiter, forger; infringer.<br />

contref aire, v. a., to counterfeit, forge; to infringe<br />

a patent.<br />

contre-feu, m., back plate (of a hearth); a fire<br />

lighted to check another (as in woods or<br />

plains), back fire.<br />

contre-fenfitre, f., inside sash.<br />

contre-fiche, f., (cons.) strut, brace, stud, shore,<br />

stay; any <strong>com</strong>pression piece in construction.<br />

contre-fll, m., the opposite direction;<br />

& backwards.<br />

,<br />

contre-flanc, m., (art.) loading-edge.<br />

contre-forger, v. a., (fan.) to shape out a<br />

horseshoe.<br />

contrefort, m., buttress, shoulder, pillar, pier,<br />

supporting mass; reinforcing piece; (of boots,<br />

shoes, etc.) stiffener, reinforce, counter; (top.)<br />

spur of a mountain range, lesser chain of mountains.<br />

confre-fosse', m., counter-drain; (fort.) synonym<br />

of avant-fosse.<br />

contre-foulement, m., upward motion of water<br />

in a pipe or tube.<br />

contre-fruit, m., (mas.) inside batter (of a<br />

wall).<br />

contre-garde, f., (fort.) counterguard.<br />

contre-gulde, m., (mach.) link.<br />

contre-hacher, v. a., to cross-hatch.<br />

contre-hachure, f., cross-hatching.<br />

contre-hauban, m., (cord., etc.) back guy.<br />

contre-haut, en , on a higher level, el, ui upwards;<br />

from up down;<br />

ttre en d'un point, to be higher, on a higher<br />

level than.<br />

contre-heurtoir, m., (art.) counter-hurter; garnish<br />

plate.<br />

contre-jauger, v. a., to counter-gauge.<br />

contre-jour, m., false light, counter-light.<br />

contre-latte, f., (cons.) lathwork at right angles<br />

to laths already laid on; counter-lath.<br />

contre-latter, v. a., (cons.) to counter-lath.<br />

contre-lattoir, m., lath-holder, clincher.<br />

contre-lisoir, m., (art.) bolster-block.<br />

contre-lunette, f., (art.) lower pintle-plate.<br />

contre-maitre, m., overseer, foreman; (nav.)<br />

boatswain's mate;<br />

aide, , assistant foreman.<br />

contremandement, m., countermand, counter<br />

order.<br />

countremander, v. a., to countermand.<br />

contre-manivelle, f., (mach.) countercrank, return<br />

crank.<br />

contre-manoeuvre, f., (mil.) counter-maneuver<br />

(rare).<br />

contre-marche, f., (mil.) countermarch; (cons.)<br />

riser of a stair.<br />

centre-marcher, v. a., (mil.) to countermarch.<br />

contre-maree, f., back or contrary tide, eddy<br />

tide.<br />

contre-marque, f., check; (hipp.) bishoping.<br />

contre-marquer, v. a., to countermark; (hipp.)<br />

to bishop a horse.<br />

contre-mine, f., (mil. min.) countermine.<br />

centre-miner, v. a., (mil. min.) to countermine.<br />

contre-mineur, m., (mil. min.) counterminer.<br />

contre-mont, adv., up hill, upwards; against<br />

the stream.<br />

contre-mot, m., (mil.) the "word" given in<br />

answer to the mot d'ordre, and hence equivalent<br />

to the mot de ralliement; counter-parole,<br />

parole (U. S. A.).<br />

contre-mouvement, m., countermovement.<br />

contre-mur, m., (fort., etc.) countermure, contramure.<br />

contre-murer, v. a., (fort., etc.) to countermure.<br />

contre-ordre, m., (mil.) counter order; countermand.<br />

contre-ouverture, f ., counter opening.<br />

contre-outil, m., any plate, wedge, key, etc., set<br />

against a tool to hold it in place.<br />

contre-paroi, f., (met.) casing of a blast furnace.<br />

contre-pas, m., (mil.) a half-step taken to<br />

recover the step, when lost; man that has<br />

lost step.<br />

contre-pMaler, v. a., to back-pedal (bicycle).<br />

contre-pente, f., descent or slope toward one,<br />

(fort.) toward the interior of the work;<br />

ft , en . countersloping;<br />

talus It , (fort.) countersloping glacis (Carnot's<br />

substitute for the counterscarp).<br />

contre-percer, v. a., to pierce from the other<br />

side; (fan.) to pierce through-holes in a horseshoe.<br />

contre-perc.ure, f., (fan.) through-hole, hole for<br />

shank of nail, in a horseshoe.<br />

contre-peser, v. a., to counterbalance.<br />

contre-pied, m., wrong scent, back-scgnt.<br />

contre-pierre, f., the support or holder of a jewelbearing<br />

(as in the Schmidt chronograph).<br />

con tre-plaque, f., reinforcing plate; anchorplate,<br />

etc.; (fond.) back-plate; (art.) bottom<br />

plate, as of a pintle; (fort.) underskin,<br />

backing - plate (e. g., on which Griison armor<br />

rests);<br />

de poulie, (art.) outer reinforcing plate of a<br />

ginleg (near the head).<br />

contre-platine, f., (sm. a.) side plate (opposite<br />

lock side).

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