A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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congS 97 console<br />

congg & titre de soutien de famille, ( Fr. a.) leave of<br />

absence on account 9! applicant being necessary<br />

to the support of his family; lasts until benefi-<br />

into the reserve of the active<br />

ciary passes<br />

army.<br />

congedier, v. a., to discharge; disband; pay off.<br />

congelation, f., congelation, freezing, congealing;<br />

cold storage.<br />

congeler, v. a., to freeze, congeal.<br />

congrtage, m., (cord.) worming, keckling.<br />

congrter, v. a., (cord.) to worm, keckle.<br />

congres, m., congress.<br />

congreve, m., (artif.) Congreve rocket;<br />

fusee & la , Congreve rocket.<br />

eonicit, f., state of being coned or tapered.<br />

conification, f., (sm. a.) operation of tapering the<br />

seat of the bullet.<br />

conique, a., conical, tapering; (mach.) taper;<br />

fortement , (mach., etc.) quick tapering.<br />

conjoncteur, m., (elec.) connector, key;<br />

disjoncteur make-and-break , key;<br />

de mise de feu, (mil. min., expl, etc.) firingkey.<br />

conjugaison, f., des Musses, (art.) employment<br />

(when range is unknown or observation<br />

difficult) of several elevations, differing by 100m<br />

or 200, in the same battery, in order to determine<br />

the range.<br />

conjugtUJ, a., (art.) in pairs (of guns in turrets);<br />

(fort.) having end faces in same line (so as to<br />

secure the defilade of a given point, as in a<br />

salient).<br />

conjuration, f., conspiracy.<br />

conjurfi, m., conspirator.<br />

connaissance, f., acquaintance, knowledge;<br />

des temps, nautical almanac.<br />

connaissement, m., bill of lading,<br />

<strong>com</strong>mit re, v. a. n., to know; to have authority to<br />

pass on a matter, take cognizance of;<br />

la bride, les eperons, la jambe, (man.) to be<br />

bridle-, spur-, leg-, wise.<br />

connexer, v. a., to join (as two shafts, etc.).<br />

connexion, f.. connection;<br />

directe, (mach.) direct action;<br />

& directe, (mach.) direct acting.<br />

conquerant, m., conqueror, victor; a., conquering,<br />

victorious.<br />

eonque"rir, v. a., to conquer, over<strong>com</strong>e, vanquish.<br />

conque"te, f., conquest.<br />

consacrer, v. a., to sanction;<br />

une prise, (nay.) to legalize a capture.<br />

consanguin, a., (hipp.) inbred.<br />

consanguinity, f., (hipp.) in-and-in breeding.<br />

conscience, f., breastplate of a bit.<br />

conscription, f. (mil.), conscription; familiar expression<br />

for recruiting by means of appels, q. v.:<br />

des chevaux, (Fr. a.) census of horses and<br />

mules fit for military service.<br />

consent, m. (mil.), conscript; in familiar language,<br />

a recruit not yet joined.<br />

conseil, m., board, council;<br />

d'administration, (mil.) council of administration,<br />

(Fr. a., receives funds, etc., from the<br />

state and turns them over to the regiment, or<br />

corps counting as a regiment);<br />

d'administration central, ( Fr. a.) the council<br />

of the portion centrale, q. v.;<br />

d 'administration eventuel, ( Fr. a.) the council<br />

for detached portions of at least 6 <strong>com</strong>panies<br />

of infantry or 3 troops of cavalry;<br />

de I'amiraute, (nav.) admiralty board;<br />

de defense, (Fr. a.) board of officers and of<br />

functionaries which assists the governor of a<br />

place, and the c. o. of forts during a siege (v.<br />

<strong>com</strong>mission de defense) ;<br />

de discipline, (Fr. a.) court passing on re<strong>com</strong>mendations<br />

to the <strong>com</strong>pagnies de discipline,<br />

q. v.;<br />

d'enquete, ( Fr. a.) court of inquiry in general;<br />

more specially, a court or board passing on certain<br />

specified cases, as the reforme of an officer,<br />

reduction of certain classes of n. c. o., etc.;<br />

de guerre, (mil.) council of war; (mil. law)<br />

court-martial;<br />

3877 17<br />

conseil de guerre prevdtal, (mil.) drumhead courtmartial;<br />

d'honneur, (mil.) court of honor;<br />

passer devant un de guerre, (mil.) to be tried<br />

by court-martial;<br />

de regiment, ( Fr. a.) board to pass on requests<br />

of n. c. o. to be reenlisted;<br />

de revision, ( Fr. a.) military court of appeal;<br />

recruiting board (see next word);<br />

de revision (cantonal), ( Fr. a.) board to examine<br />

claims of exemption from military service<br />

(name frequently given to the de revision<br />

in view of this special duty);<br />

de sante, medical board;<br />

superieur de la guerre, (Fr. a.) board that<br />

assists the war minister, deliberates on questions<br />

of mobilization, concentration, supplies,<br />

etc.<br />

consent!, a., admitted, admissible.<br />

consentir, v. n., to consent; (tech.) to spring, give<br />

way (as a mast, etc.).<br />

des bailments, (Fr. a.) one<br />

conservateur, m.,<br />

of the principal employees of the war department,<br />

a sort of chief clerk for military buildings,<br />

their construction, etc.<br />

conservation, f., preservation;<br />

des tranches, James Bernoulli's principle of<br />

the "parallelism of sections," in the strength of<br />

materials.<br />

conserve, f., (nav.) convoy, consort; (fort.) counterguard;<br />

(in pi.) preserved meats, vegetables,<br />

soups;<br />

de , preserved (meats, etc.);<br />

naviguer de , (nav.) to sail in <strong>com</strong>pany with.<br />

conserver, v. a., to preserve, keep, secure; to keep<br />

in pay; to keep sight of;<br />

les distances, (drill) to keep distances, marching<br />

in column;<br />

une position, (mil.) to hold a position;<br />

la Vitesse, (art.) to hold up well (of a projectile<br />

that keeps its velocity well).<br />

consignation, f., (adm.) deposit of a sum of<br />

money, of an article, in the hands of a public<br />

official.<br />

consigne, f., (mil.) orders, instructions, e. g.,<br />

special orders, orders for a particular post or<br />

duty, especially sentinel's orders; confinement<br />

to barracks, quarters; barrack-stove<br />

poker;<br />

caporal de , (Fr. a.) corporal responsible<br />

for guardhouse material (the senior if there are<br />

more than one);<br />

& la chambre, confinement to room as punishment<br />

(of a n. c. o.);<br />

forcer la , to force a sentry, to break orders;<br />

generate, general orders for a sentinel or<br />

post; & gros grains, (mil. slang) imprisonment<br />

in the cells;<br />

lever la . to cancel an order;<br />

manquer & la , to break an order;<br />

particuliere, special orders for a sentinel<br />

or post;<br />

portier- , (Fr. a.) gate-keeper<br />

(retired n. c. o.);<br />

of a fortress<br />

au quartier, confinement to barracks (n. c. o.'s<br />

and men);<br />

verbale, temporary or special order.<br />

consigns, m., (mil.) man confined to barracks,<br />

not allowed to pass the guard, by way of punishment;<br />

salle des s, (Fr. a.) sort of guard room for<br />

disorderly or insubordinate soldiers in hospital.<br />

consigner, v. a., to consign (merchandise); to<br />

deposit (money); to forbid, to prevent access<br />

to or egress from; (mil.) to confine to barracks<br />

or quarters; to have the men ready in<br />

an emergency; to give orders to a sentinel or<br />

vedette.<br />

consistant, a., tenacious.<br />

console, f., bracket, corbel, console, wall-fixture;<br />

(art.) loading-tray, plug-tray, bracket;<br />

(sm. a.) part of revolver frame into which<br />

the barrel is screwed; (mach.) traveling or<br />

movable plate (for the work) ;<br />

volet- . (art.) revolving plug-tray, tray and<br />

shutter in one.

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