A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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compas 94 compte compas b, diviser, dividers; elastiqueb, ressort, spring compasses; b. ellipse, oval compass, trammel; ellipsograph; elcctrique, (dec.) galvanometer; elliptique, v. b, ellipsei d'epaisseur, (art., etc.) calipers for measuring thickness of walls of guns, gun-barrels, and shells; gauge; d'epaisseur b, cremaillere, rack compass; d'epaisseur b, ressort, spring gauge or callipers; etalon, standard compass; b. glissiere, sliding compasses; jambe de , compass leg; liquide, liquid compass, fluid compass; b, lunettes, double-bowed compasses; de mer, mariner's compass; mort, compass whose needle has lost its life; b. ovale, oval compass. . b, pointcs changeantes, b, pointes de rechange, compass with shifting or movable points; b, pointes seches, dividers; b, pompe, bow-compasses; de precision, v. b, cheveu; de proportion, proportional compasses; b-pression constante, (art.) verifying compasses (for emplacement of hoops in shrinkage); quart de , point of the compass (mariner's, etc.); b, quart de cercle, wing compasses; & quart de' cercle ii cremaillere, rack compasses; reciter les pointes du to box the , compass; de reduction, v. rde proportion,' renverse, hanging compass; ti ressort, spring-divi ders, -compasses; de route, mariner's compass; spherique, v. bcourbe: btire-hgne, compass with shifting points; b, trusquin, beam compasses; b, verge, beam compass; trammel; verificateur, (art.) inspecting, verifying, compasses (for projectiles, etc.). com passage, m., (sm. a. operation of setting the borings of a gun-barrel so that their axes shall be in the same straight line. compassement, m., (mil. min.) proporti9ning trains, matches, etc., so as to produce simultaneous explosion of several charges (obs.); (in gen.) measuring with compasses; en derivation, (mil. min.) shunt system of proportioning trains, etc.; desfeux, (mil. min.) same as compassement,' mixte, (mil. min.) compound system of proportioning trains, etc.; en serie, (mil. min.) series system of proportioning trains, etc. compasser, v. a., (mil. min., etc.) to proportion the trains, fuses, etc., so as to produce simultaneous explosion of several charges; lesfeux, (mil. min.) same as compasser. compas seur, m., (sm. a.) workman who verifies the preliminary boring of a barrel; ouvrier same as , compasseur. competence, f., (mil. law, etc.) jurisdiction; jurisdiction in general. complement, m., complement; de , necessary to oring up anything to its full status (e. g., to a war footing). complet, a. and m., complement; full, complete; grand , full complement; petit reduced , complement; reglementaire de la masse individuelle, (Fr. adm.) maximum amount of V avoir b, la masse, q. v. compieter, v. a., to complete, fill up; (mil.) to fill up the ranks, to bring up a unit to its full number. complication, f., (mil. law) case in which a court finds a prisoner guilty of a charge different from that on which tried. compliee, m., accomplice. complicity, f., complicity. complot, m., plot, conspiracy; chefde , ringleader. composante, f., component (force, stress, etc.). compose, m., chemical compound; a., complex, compound, combined, composite; component (force, stress, etc.); explosif, (expl.) explosive compound. composer, v. a., to compose, compound; adjust fashion; (mil.) to compound for terms, as of capitulation; to come to terms of surrender. composite, a., composite, i. e., of iron and of wood. composition, f., composition; compounding; make-up; ingredients; adjustment, settlement; essay or discussion on a given theme in an examination; (mil.) capitulation, terms of capitulation, articles of agreement for a surrender; (artif.) composition; d'amorce, primer composition; d'artifices, firework composition; eclairante, (artif.) any light-giving composition; faire bonne , (mil.) to grant favorable terms of surrender; fulminante, (art., etc.) priming, detonating composition; fusante, (art.) fuse composition; rocket composition; b, fusees, v. fusante; incendiaire, (artif.) carcass composition; lente, (artif.) slow-burning composition; neuve, (powd.) " green" charge; porte-retard, (art.) delay-action composition (of a torpedo shell); se rendre par , (mil.) to capitulate; < vive, (artif.) quick-burning composition. compound, a., compound (of armor); (elec.) compound; m., compound armor. compresse, f., (med.) compress; pledget. compresseur, m., compressor; a., compressive, compressing. compressible, a., compressible; (of ground) insecure, not affording a good foundation. compression, f., compression, condensation; globe de , (mil. ram.) overcharged mine, globe of compression. comprimer, v. a., to compress, as gun-cotton, etc. comptibilite, f., accountability, responsibility; (adm.) papers, returns, accounts, paper work; argent, v. deniers; deniers, money accountability, money responsibility (sometimes, en deniers); matieres, property responsibility (sometimes, en matieres); -nominative, (Fr. a.) papers, etc., in which officers, n. c. o.'s, rengages, etc., are recorded by name; numerique, (Fr. a.) papers, etc., in which n. c. o.'s and men are recorded by their numbers; piece de , voucher. comptable, a., responsible, accountable, for money, property, etc.; to be taken into account; m., accountable officer or official, e. g., officier d''administration; officier , (adm.) responsible officer (either by virtue of his duties, e. g., officier d'habillement, or by virtue of his position, e. g., officier d'administration); place , (Fr. a.) a principal place, under the charge of a comptable, and to which are annexed smaller places, so far as the same service is concerned, depot of issue and receipt; du tresor, treasury official (Fr.a., paying or disbursing officer). compte, m., account, return, statement: number, annuel de gestion, ( Fr. adm.) the ledger kept in property accounts by the responsible officer, the ledger so kept being turned in as a return; s-deniers, money accounts; elemcntaire, ( Fr. adm.) account furnished by responsible officers, by councils of administration, and by contractors;

compte 95 conducteuv comptc en deniers, quarterly money account; general, (Fr. adm.) account or return submitted by ministers of the government, equal to the sum of s elementaires; general de I'etat, (Fr. adm.) the sum of the comptes generaux, general du materiel, (Fr. adm.) a general return of all the property of the war department, i. e., army in its widest sense; -. de gestion, ( Fr. adm.) annual return of government property (materiel); en journees, (mil.) return of number of days of treatment in hospital; matieres, (Fr. adm.) all and any sorts of .property accounts, receipts, invoices, memorandum receipts, etc.; d'ordonnancement, (Fr. adm.) account submitted by officers authorized to warrant the disbursement of funds; du recrutement, (Fr. adm.) ministerial return on the execution of the recruiting laws, made annually to the Chamber of Deputies; rendre -, to report; rendu, report ; de revues, ( Fr. adm.) comparison of amounts due (money or stores) and amounts actually received. compte-pas, m., (inst.) odometer, pedometer. compter, v. a., to compute, number, reckon, tell off, count; (Mpp.) to advance and withdraw the knee continually, owing to a shoe set too close to the quick. compteur, m., counter, meter; (mach.) counter, telltale; b, eau, water meter; electrique, (elec.) electric meter; & gaz,r gas meter; de resistances electriques, (elec.) resistance box; telemetre, m., (art.) proposed range-finder, to act on velocity of sound. comptoir, m., factory (in a colony). cOnage, m., (mach.) coning. concasser, v. a., to pound, bruise, beat small; to crush, break, stone. concassement, m., pounding, crushing; stonecrushing. concave, a., concave. concavite, i., concavity. conceder, v. a., to yield, grant. concentrateur, m., (sm. a.) concentrator, pasteboard tube containing bird shot, so as to secure close grouping of shot. concentration, f., concentration; (mil.) concentration, or period of, following mobilization; concentration of troops in general; dufeu, (mil.) concentration of fire; du tir, (art.) concentration of fire upon a given target; zone de , (mil.) zone of concentration (mobilization, etc.). concentre, a., (chem.) concentrated. concentrer, v. a., (mil., etc.) to concentrate. concentrique, a., concentric. concession, f., concession; grant of land in a colony. conciliation, f., (adm.) act of causing laws, etc., in apparent disagreement, to agree. concordance, f., agreement; des charges, (art.) selection of charges so as to obtain an agreement of results. contours, m., competition; competitive examination; match; (top.) meeting point of - de conduite de voitures, (art.) artillery drivers' competition; au fusil, rifle match; de marche, (mil.) long-distance march; de pointage, (art.) aiming competition; aii revolver, revolver match; - -de tir, (art. and inf.) artillery target competition; rile match, rifle competition (or any other firearm); - de voitures, (art.) v. de conduite de voitures. concret, a., concrete. concurrence, f., competition (of contractors etc., commercial, etc.); (frequently) equal- concurrent, m., competitor. concutant, a., striking, coining in contact systeme - ,(art.) the time system of a double- -- systeme -percutant, (art.) double-action system of a double-action fuse concuteur, m. , (art.) striker of 'a fuse; plunger; plunger of a double-action fuse; time time-train plunger ' firing-pin, of a double-action fuse condamnation, f., conviction, judgment, sen- - sur procedure sommaire, summary conviction.condamne, ^ person under uner sentence; senence; con- vict; a., unfit for service; condemned, sen tenced. condamner, v. a., to condemn, convict, sentence; to seal up, block up, a window or door. condensabilite, f., condensability condensable, a., condensable. condensateur, m.. (elec.) condenser. condensation, f., (steam, etc.) condensation- (mil ) close order (rare); auge de-, condensing cistern; auget de-, v. auge de- ; - par contact, surface condensing; eau de -, waste water, water of condensation; - par I'exterieur, surface - condensing; par injection, condensation by injection; machine h-, condensing engine ; - par melange, condensation by injection; - sans melange, surface condensing; - & sec, surface condensing; - ti surface, v.- it sec. condenser, v. a., to condense; (mil.) to close up (rare for serrer); machined,-, (steam) condensing engine. condenseur, m., (steam, elec.) condenser; condensing vessel; barometre du-, condenser gauge; - & double effet, double-acting condenser; - & injecteur,- & injection, jet - condenser; h jet, jet condenser, injection condenser; - &,par, melange, v.tijet; & simple effet, single-acting condenser; - & surface, surface condenser; - tubulaire, surface condenser. condition, f., condition; terms; -s ambiantes, (ball.) atmospheric condi- tions; sans-, (mil.) unconditional (as ; a surrender). conducteur, m., conductor, guide, manager, leader, superintendent; teamster; conductor of a railway train; conductor (of heat, etc.); (art., eng., train) driver; (man.) leading trooper in riding-hall; (elec.) conductor, lead wire, main; - d'aller, (elec.) main or direct wire; -, canonnier- (art.) (full expression for) driver; - de deniere, (art.) wheel driver; - de devant, (art.) lead driver; double-, (elec.) double-wire, two-wire conductor; - maitre, (elec.) lead or main wire; (mil. min., etc.) wire connected with firing machine or detonator; (in gen.) a conductor with one interior wire; --mecanicien, locomotive engineer; driver (British); - du milieu, (art.) swing driver; - de mise de feu, (min., mil. min.) any means of communicating fire, electric or pyrotechnic; - moteur, (mach.) driver; - primaire, (elec.) lead, lead wire; - de retour, (elec.) return wire; sapeur-- , (eng.) driver, engineer driver; - secondaire, (elec.) secondary wire; (mil. min., etc.) two-wire conductor (to primers, fuses, etc.).

<strong>com</strong>pas 94 <strong>com</strong>pte<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas b, diviser, dividers;<br />

elastiqueb, ressort, spring <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

b. ellipse, oval <strong>com</strong>pass, trammel; ellipsograph;<br />

elcctrique, (dec.) galvanometer;<br />

elliptique, v. b, ellipsei<br />

d'epaisseur, (art., etc.) calipers for measuring<br />

thickness of walls of guns, gun-barrels, and<br />

shells; gauge;<br />

d'epaisseur b, cremaillere, rack <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

d'epaisseur b, ressort, spring gauge or callipers;<br />

etalon, standard <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

b. glissiere, sliding <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

jambe de , <strong>com</strong>pass leg;<br />

liquide, liquid <strong>com</strong>pass, fluid <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

b, lunettes, double-bowed <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

de mer, mariner's <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

mort, <strong>com</strong>pass whose needle has lost its life;<br />

b. ovale, oval <strong>com</strong>pass. .<br />

b, pointcs changeantes, b, pointes de rechange,<br />

<strong>com</strong>pass with shifting or movable<br />

points;<br />

b, pointes seches, dividers;<br />

b, pompe, bow-<strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

de precision, v. b, cheveu;<br />

de proportion, proportional <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

b-pression constante, (art.) verifying <strong>com</strong>passes<br />

(for emplacement of hoops in shrinkage);<br />

quart de , point of the <strong>com</strong>pass (mariner's,<br />

etc.);<br />

b, quart de cercle, wing <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

& quart de' cercle ii cremaillere, rack <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

reciter les pointes du to box the , <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

de reduction, v. rde proportion,'<br />

renverse, hanging <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

ti ressort, spring-divi ders, -<strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

de route, mariner's <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

spherique, v. bcourbe:<br />

btire-hgne, <strong>com</strong>pass with shifting points;<br />

b, trusquin, beam <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

b, verge, beam <strong>com</strong>pass; trammel;<br />

verificateur, (art.) inspecting, verifying, <strong>com</strong>passes<br />

(for projectiles, etc.).<br />

<strong>com</strong> passage, m., (sm. a. operation of setting the<br />

borings of a gun-barrel so that their axes shall<br />

be in the same straight line.<br />

<strong>com</strong>passement, m., (mil. min.) proporti9ning<br />

trains, matches, etc., so as to produce simultaneous<br />

explosion of several charges (obs.); (in<br />

gen.) measuring with <strong>com</strong>passes;<br />

en derivation, (mil. min.) shunt system of<br />

proportioning trains, etc.;<br />

desfeux, (mil. min.) same as <strong>com</strong>passement,'<br />

mixte, (mil. min.) <strong>com</strong>pound system of proportioning<br />

trains, etc.;<br />

en serie, (mil. min.) series system of proportioning<br />

trains, etc.<br />

<strong>com</strong>passer, v. a., (mil. min., etc.) to proportion the<br />

trains, fuses, etc., so as to produce simultaneous<br />

explosion of several charges;<br />

lesfeux, (mil. min.) same as <strong>com</strong>passer.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas seur, m., (sm. a.) workman who verifies<br />

the preliminary boring of a barrel;<br />

ouvrier same as , <strong>com</strong>passeur.<br />

<strong>com</strong>petence, f., (mil. law, etc.) jurisdiction; jurisdiction<br />

in general.<br />

<strong>com</strong>plement, m., <strong>com</strong>plement;<br />

de , necessary to oring up anything to its<br />

full status (e. g., to a war footing).<br />

<strong>com</strong>plet, a. and m., <strong>com</strong>plement; full, <strong>com</strong>plete;<br />

grand , full <strong>com</strong>plement;<br />

petit reduced , <strong>com</strong>plement;<br />

reglementaire de la masse individuelle, (Fr.<br />

adm.) maximum amount of V avoir b, la masse,<br />

q. v.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pieter, v. a., to <strong>com</strong>plete, fill up; (mil.) to fill<br />

up the ranks, to bring up a unit to its full<br />

number.<br />

<strong>com</strong>plication, f., (mil. law) case in which a court<br />

finds a prisoner guilty of a charge different from<br />

that on which tried.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pliee, m., ac<strong>com</strong>plice.<br />

<strong>com</strong>plicity, f., <strong>com</strong>plicity.<br />

<strong>com</strong>plot, m., plot, conspiracy;<br />

chefde , ringleader.<br />

<strong>com</strong>posante, f., <strong>com</strong>ponent (force, stress, etc.).<br />

<strong>com</strong>pose, m., chemical <strong>com</strong>pound; a., <strong>com</strong>plex,<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound, <strong>com</strong>bined, <strong>com</strong>posite; <strong>com</strong>ponent<br />

(force, stress, etc.);<br />

explosif, (expl.) explosive <strong>com</strong>pound.<br />

<strong>com</strong>poser, v. a., to <strong>com</strong>pose, <strong>com</strong>pound; adjust<br />

fashion; (mil.) to <strong>com</strong>pound for terms, as of<br />

capitulation; to <strong>com</strong>e to terms of surrender.<br />

<strong>com</strong>posite, a., <strong>com</strong>posite, i. e., of iron and of<br />

wood.<br />

<strong>com</strong>position, f., <strong>com</strong>position; <strong>com</strong>pounding;<br />

make-up; ingredients; adjustment, settlement;<br />

essay or discussion on a given theme in an examination;<br />

(mil.) capitulation, terms of capitulation,<br />

articles of agreement for a surrender;<br />

(artif.) <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

d'amorce, primer <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

d'artifices, firework <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

eclairante, (artif.) any light-giving <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

faire bonne , (mil.) to grant favorable terms<br />

of surrender;<br />

fulminante, (art., etc.) priming, detonating<br />

<strong>com</strong>position;<br />

fusante, (art.) fuse <strong>com</strong>position; rocket <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

b, fusees, v. fusante;<br />

incendiaire, (artif.) carcass <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

lente, (artif.) slow-burning <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

neuve, (powd.) " green" charge;<br />

porte-retard, (art.) delay-action <strong>com</strong>position<br />

(of a torpedo shell);<br />

se rendre par , (mil.) to capitulate;<br />

< vive, (artif.) quick-burning <strong>com</strong>position.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound, a., <strong>com</strong>pound (of armor); (elec.) <strong>com</strong>pound;<br />

m., <strong>com</strong>pound armor.<br />

<strong>com</strong>presse, f., (med.) <strong>com</strong>press; pledget.<br />

<strong>com</strong>presseur, m., <strong>com</strong>pressor; a., <strong>com</strong>pressive,<br />

<strong>com</strong>pressing.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pressible, a., <strong>com</strong>pressible; (of ground) insecure,<br />

not affording a good foundation.<br />

<strong>com</strong>pression, f., <strong>com</strong>pression, condensation;<br />

globe de , (mil. ram.) overcharged mine, globe<br />

of <strong>com</strong>pression.<br />

<strong>com</strong>primer, v. a., to <strong>com</strong>press, as gun-cotton,<br />

etc.<br />

<strong>com</strong>ptibilite, f., accountability, responsibility;<br />

(adm.) papers, returns, accounts, paper work;<br />

argent, v. deniers;<br />

deniers, money accountability, money responsibility<br />

(sometimes, en deniers);<br />

matieres, property responsibility (sometimes,<br />

en matieres);<br />

-nominative, (Fr. a.) papers, etc., in which<br />

officers, n. c. o.'s, rengages, etc., are recorded by<br />

name;<br />

numerique, (Fr. a.) papers, etc., in which<br />

n. c. o.'s and men are recorded by their numbers;<br />

piece de , voucher.<br />

<strong>com</strong>ptable, a., responsible, accountable, for<br />

money, property, etc.; to be taken into account;<br />

m., accountable officer or official, e. g., officier<br />

d''administration;<br />

officier , (adm.) responsible officer (either by<br />

virtue of his duties, e. g., officier d'habillement, or<br />

by virtue of his position, e. g., officier d'administration);<br />

place , (Fr. a.) a principal place, under the<br />

charge of a <strong>com</strong>ptable, and to which are annexed<br />

smaller places, so far as the same service<br />

is concerned, depot of issue and receipt;<br />

du tresor, treasury official (Fr.a., paying or<br />

disbursing officer).<br />

<strong>com</strong>pte, m., account, return, statement: number,<br />

annuel de gestion, ( Fr. adm.) the ledger kept<br />

in property accounts by the responsible officer,<br />

the ledger so kept being turned in as a<br />

return;<br />

s-deniers, money accounts;<br />

elemcntaire, ( Fr. adm.) account furnished by<br />

responsible officers, by councils of administration,<br />

and by contractors;

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