2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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Z ’ Daniel M. Lund Condenselt’M<br />


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I nienhcrs wae going lo rcccive?<br />

I A. it was after this ant: right now? No, it<br />

1 2 A. Kight.<br />

5 Q. Do you understand that that prevents you from<br />

1 bringing a clain~ now’!<br />

5 A. No, hecause tben they, after it was -- I never<br />

i did do anything about it. I never got any discounts or<br />

7 anything because nay reasoning was why would I wan1 to go to<br />

I 1 a ston: and give then1 more money just to get a discount?<br />

, I And. anyway, I didn’t think the discount was that grwt.<br />

I( 3 Ten percent on $2,000. and you get $200 off when they<br />

1 I overcharge you 614OO’! I ~nean that’s a pretty good -- I<br />

1: 2 mnean, I would give up $200 to get $1200 mote. back. That<br />

1: 3 would be a pretty good deal.<br />

11 4 Q. But you didn’t do anything affirmatively b<br />

1: 5 opt out of the settlement?<br />

II 6 A. Not at that time, no.<br />

I’ 7 Q. Have you ever taken any steps to opt out ot<br />

II K the setllana1t?<br />

I’ 9 A. Yes. 1 did. That’s why I got into this.<br />

21 II Q. What did you do’!<br />

2 I A. Because sonic of the ones that were on tbe list<br />

2 2 called nle and wanted 10 know because they knew I bought a<br />

2 3 motorcycle tbetx. and they say you can get on this list, so<br />

2, 4 that’s when I called the lawyer. And he said we’ll see if<br />

5 we can get you on Ibe list. and I got on the list before<br />

2<br />

2 wasn’t afler that. II had Lo lx hefore that. Otllet-wi~ I<br />

3 wasn’t have hem in the lawsuit.<br />

1 Q. Somebody informed you there was another<br />

5 lawsuit starting and that mayhc you could get involved in<br />

I 5 it?<br />

7 A. No, just the lawsuit that was taking place,<br />

8 the one where you got the discount. That’s the only one [<br />

, 9 was aware of at the time.<br />

I( 3 0. The class action lawsuit’?<br />

I 1 A. Right.<br />

1: 2 Q. And you got a notice saying that you had to<br />

1. 3 either elect to stay in that or opt out of that?<br />

1, 4 A. Right.<br />

I. 5 Q. And you didn’t take any affirmative steps to<br />

I’ 6 opt out of that lawsuit. Correct?<br />

I 7 A. (Indicating in the Negative.) Not at that<br />

I 8 time, no.<br />

l -<br />

I’ 9 Q. What did you ever do -- did you ever<br />

21 0 affirmatively tell somebody that you wanted tcs opt out ol<br />

‘2 I that lawsuit?<br />

2 2 A. When 1 c&xi the lawyer.<br />

2 3 (2. And 1 want to know as best you can recall when<br />

2 4 that was. When did you call the lawyer?<br />

2 5 A. Well, I think -- if 1 remember right, I<br />

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l (he lawsuit was taking place.<br />

I believe the -- you had to take this discount deal al Twin<br />

2 Q. You wanted to get on what list?<br />

2 City <strong>Harley</strong> before May lst, I believe, and I never got a<br />

3 A. The list for the lawsuit,<br />

3 letter stating that I was entitled to do that. I had heen<br />

4 Q. The prtxnt lawsuit that you’re a plaintiff<br />

4 in the store many times before that, and I could have used<br />

5 in”!<br />

5 it every time I went for service on my bike. I could have<br />

6 A. Yes.<br />

6 used that discount for that, or whatever, whatever the<br />

7 Q. Did anyone explain to you that hecause you 7 discount was for. I’m not even sure what it was all for.<br />

8 failed to opt out of the class action, you couldn’t partake 8 1 heard it was just fUt%ztain things. You couldn’t get<br />

9 in this lawsuir?<br />

9 for everything anyway. I don’t know. I’m not sun: what it<br />

I 0 A. No, because they said they had the opportunity 1 0 was.<br />

I I 10 do it when they entered my name in it.<br />

I I Q. So you understood your time frame for either<br />

I 2 Q. Entered your name in what?<br />

I 2 opting out of the .settlement or accepting the settlement<br />

I 3 A. On this class action lawsuit with the other<br />

I 3 was the time made available to take advantage of the<br />

I 4 wlmwx is on there.<br />

1 4 discount‘! That was your deadline for opting oul oT the<br />

I 5 Q. Did you ever submit anything in writing to<br />

I 5 .settlement? Was that you nderstanding’!<br />

I 6 anyone saying you did not want to he a member of the class 7 I 6 A. No. I had-just un !L :tood what the letter<br />

I 7 A. I don’t believe so.<br />

I 7 said, the original letter said, that there’s a chess action<br />

I 8 Q. And you never verbally informed anyone that I 8 lawsuit against Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>, and if YOU don‘t opt out<br />

1 9 you didn’t want to be a member of the class?<br />

I 9 of it, you’re automatically in the class action lawsuit.<br />

2 10<br />

2 :I<br />

A. Just to the lawyer.<br />

0. Okay. Can you tell me approximately when that<br />

2 !O So then I just took and put it away. I said, Well, I’ll<br />

r<br />

l !I think about that later. When I went lo get the letter, it<br />

2 12 was’?<br />

2 !2 was past that date. When I looked at lilt: letter, I<br />

2 13 A. No. I’m not sure when it was.<br />

2 !3 thought, well, I guess I’m just going to have to go along<br />

2 14 Q. It was after you had heard ahout this lawsuit<br />

2 !4 with it. I wasn’t happy about il, hut il’s too late. I<br />

2 !5 that you’re presently involved in?<br />

I<br />

1 !5 didn’t submit my letter.<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 1955<br />

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