2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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,<br />

Danicl M. Lund Condcn.sclt’M DEPO-SOUISH<br />

Page 4 I<br />

I 0, Did Mr. ( irccman intlicatc one way or the other<br />

2 whcthcr hc had cold you you could get the hike al MSRI’?<br />

3 A. No, I’m sure hc wouldn’t lx ahlc to say char<br />

1 in fronl of the manager, the owner.<br />

r Q. Did hc say anything ahout that suhjcct?<br />

h A. No. I Ic didn’t really say much of anything.<br />

7 I-lc just said, whatcvcr Kevin asked him, then he’d give him<br />

t; an answer.<br />

9 Q. Did Kevin ask him if he had promised you the<br />

0 hike al MSRP?<br />

1 A. Did Kevin ask him’?<br />

2 Q. Yes.<br />

3 A. I don’t klieve so.<br />

4 Q. Did you ultimately reach an agreement with<br />

5 Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> to purchase the motorcycle?<br />

6 A. Yes, after our discussion.<br />

7 Q. So you negotiated a price that day that you<br />

8 wcrc conifhrtahlc with’!<br />

9 A. No1 really. l3u1 it was -- I didn’t want to<br />

0 wail any more lime. I wanted a motorcycle. I was getting<br />

I tired of wailing Ihrcx: and a half years.<br />

2 Q. Did whey offer to do anything to accommodate<br />

3 you’?<br />

4 A. As far as -- well, he took my motorcycle<br />

5 finally on trade after a IOI of hassling around. First hc<br />

Page 4:<br />

I didn’t want to take it on trade, according to Dick Greeman,<br />

2 and then Kevin said. Well, what did we get for that one<br />

3 last week? or whenever we sold one. Well, we got so much<br />

4 for it, whatever it was. Well, about how about we give him<br />

5 this much’? And 1 said, Well, I’m not taking some<br />

6 ridiculous prier: he said, like $6500 on a $10,000<br />

7 motorcycle they .sell it for. I said I’m not taking that.<br />

8 He finally came up to $7500, and then he said<br />

9 I’ll throw you in a $250 gift certificate. So I thought<br />

IO I’m saving a little money on the sales tax because now<br />

I I that’s a trade-in and that cuts down on the original price<br />

I2 of the motorcycle, so I’d pay less sales tax, so I thought<br />

I 3 I’d be saving money there, but it wasn’t as much a t wanted<br />

14 to save, but I wasn’t going to take any mart: m&ey out of<br />

IS my annuity.<br />

16 Q. But the:te was no requirement that you trade in<br />

I7 your motorcycle that day, was there?<br />

I8 A. No.<br />

I’) Q. You still could have sold it yourself?<br />

20 A. Yes.<br />

21 Q. And this .saved you the hassle of having to do<br />

22 thar?<br />

23 A. True.<br />

24 Q. Do you still have that motorcycle?<br />

25 A. The ‘977<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-1955<br />

Q, llic one you gol from Twin C.‘iry<br />

! <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

I A. Yes.<br />

I Q, Have you made any altcmpls lo XII lhal<br />

i motorcycle’?<br />

, A. No.<br />

1 Q. Have you had any offers from anybody 10<br />

; purchase that motorcycle from you’!<br />

) A. No.<br />

) Q. And when you got that -- ultimately purchased<br />

I that motorcycle from Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>, you had<br />

2 called around to see if you could get thaw nlotorcyc\c<br />

3 better price anywhere el.se?<br />

at a<br />

1 A. Not after I bought it, no.<br />

5 Q. But before you bought it?<br />

l-l A. Oh, yeah, 1 told you 1 did that. 1 called<br />

7 St. Paul <strong>Harley</strong>. I ca!led Delano, ones that 1 dealt with<br />

B before.<br />

9 Q. Now, Mr. Lund, you’re claiming that you’re<br />

0 entitled to damages from Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-Datiidson.<br />

I Correct?<br />

2 A. 1 believe so, yes.<br />

3 Q. Whal do you claim you’re entitled to receive<br />

4 from Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-David.son?<br />

5 A. I think the amount of money lhal was over the<br />

I MSRP price.<br />

Page 44<br />

2 Q. Do you know what thal amou111 was’!<br />

3 A. I think it was like $1400 or something like<br />

4 that.<br />

5 Q. Are claiming anything else from Twin City<br />

6 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>‘?<br />

7 A. No.<br />

8 Q. Did you hav?any other communications or<br />

9 conversations with any representatives of Twin City<br />

o <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> about the price of your motorcycle that we<br />

1 haven’t talked abotit hem today:’<br />

2 A. Have I what?<br />

3 Q. Have you had any other conversati;ins or<br />

4 communications witi any tepresematives of Twin City<br />

5 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> about th rice of your motorcycle that we<br />

6 haven’t talked about here 7L t y? ”<br />

i7 A. No.<br />

18 MR. KEVIN K~JELBS: 1911 going to take a<br />

19 break.<br />

!O MR. LAFEBER: I jUSC haVc ahOUt five Or<br />

!I ten more minutes, Mr. Lund. &I mr: iusl take ;1 quick<br />

!2 break.<br />

?3 -I-HI’ WI’INESS: ~rhank you.<br />

14 (At this time a hrief recess was takal.)<br />

25 BY MR. LAFEIJER:<br />

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