2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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L Daniel M. Lund Condcnsclt’M DEPO-SQUISH<br />

I iI is if you w2nl solid color, Iwo lone. It’s all Iislctl<br />

! right in the: hrochurc.<br />

i Q, Okay. And just to make sure we’re clear, did<br />

Page 25<br />

1 you ask Mr. (irccman ahout the price, or did hc just<br />

5 volunteer this information lo you?<br />

i A. It was in a brochure. It’s all in the<br />

1 hrochurc. Thai’s how I knew what the price was going to<br />

1 he<br />

> Q. But hefore you signed this document and put<br />

) your $500 down, did you ask him about the price?<br />

I A. No. 1 just said -- he just said it was going<br />

2 to be the MSRP price. That’s all I went by.<br />

3 Q. And hc told you this before you signed this?<br />

1 A. Yes.<br />

5 Q. Okay. Do you understand the difference<br />

6 between market price and MSRP?<br />

7 A. Well, MSRP is the one that comes from the<br />

E factory, I understand. Market price, I suppose that would<br />

I) he whatever you can get for i 1.<br />

3 Q. Did you understand that at that time the<br />

I market priti was actually above MSRV<br />

2 A. I didn’t even check those. I’m not sure<br />

3 Q. Wet-c thcrc any witnes.ses to Mr. Grtxman’s<br />

4 statements about the price:) Were you<br />

5 anybody at thal time’!<br />

accompanied hy<br />

1 A.<br />

Page 2(<br />

I don’t remember. I don’t remember. It could<br />

2 have been with my son, or it could have been with my wife<br />

3 could have been there too. I’m not sure.<br />

4 Q. Have you ever had any discussions with them<br />

5 about this topic?<br />

6 A. My wife or my son or .xmwthing?<br />

7 Q. Yes.<br />

8 A. No.<br />

9 Q. Did you understand that the deposit you were<br />

0 placing do&n was fully afundable?<br />

II A. Yes.<br />

I2 Q. Do $0~ know. were t&i any, besides people<br />

I3 acch&y& you, &tG 6% + wit&&es, meaning other<br />

I4 employees or representatives of Ttiin City <strong>Harley</strong>-D&dson<br />

IS that hay Ihe o&rh&rd Mr. 0 m’s<br />

‘.<br />

16 price?<br />

statements about<br />

,<br />

17 A, I don’t know. I’m not surtz<br />

I8 Q. But you don’t remember if there was anybody<br />

19 there or not’?<br />

20 A. Well, their office then at that time was right<br />

21 out kind of in the open. I mean, there was other &sks<br />

22 around, other salesmen, other people walking around. I<br />

23 don’t know if anyhody overheard what I was talking about (<br />

24 not.<br />

25 Q. Did you ever ask Mr. Greeman to put in writing<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 19&<br />

5 rclicd <strong>01</strong>1 10 support your claiin thiil you wcrc going 10 pzc<br />

6 this hike al MSKI”’<br />

7 A. Yes.<br />

8 Q. So thcrc wcrcn’1 any orhcr price lists or<br />

9 written niaterial Ihal you r&xi <strong>01</strong>1 suggesting br ycu<br />

0 would get this hike at MSKP”<br />

I A. No.<br />

2 Q, After you p111 yotir IUIW <strong>01</strong>1 the waiGng lisl.<br />

3 were kxe. any &cr suhsqultlenl coiiuiilrliic;ttions YOII hod will1<br />

4 any representatives ol’ Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> ahcu the<br />

5 price of your niotorcyck?<br />

6 A. What do you nxan after 1 -- right alit+!<br />

7 Q. At any time: aticr.<br />

8 A. I don’t helievc’k.<br />

9 Q. Hz told you s~~pposedly thal you’d get il ZII<br />

0 MSKI’?<br />

I A. Yes.<br />

:2 (2. You had given him your SSOO. signal this<br />

Page 27<br />

2 Q. You were never told again by anyhody at Twin<br />

3 City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> that you would gel this molorcyclc at<br />

4 MSRP’<br />

5 A. That I would get it at that price:’ No, I<br />

6 never talkti to anybody about it<br />

7 Q. 0kay. Now, eventually while your name was<br />

8 still on this waiting l?Ft, you went and purchased<br />

9 motorcycles elsewhere. Correct?<br />

JO A. ‘97, yes. WeI!, I actually purchastxl them<br />

I I both after that.<br />

12 Q. what caused you to do that? You just wanted<br />

13 a motorcycle soontx than it was going to be available al<br />

14 Twin City? -<br />

15 A. Right.<br />

16 Q. %‘as Detano the fi 3% ther dealer you Went to?<br />

I7 A. No, I di&‘t even have my name on that list at<br />

18 Delano. That was my daughter’s.<br />

I9 Q. Oh, that’s right. When you purchased the<br />

20 motorcycle from Delano, did you have any discussions wit11<br />

21 anybody there at the time about MSRI’?<br />

22 A. No, because 1 was hying my daughter’s. It<br />

23 was my daughter’s motorcycle, and I was iust buying her<br />

24 motorcycle, whatever the prim was.<br />

25 Q. So you weren’t cvcn intcrcslcd al lhal point<br />

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