2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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EP&-SOUISH .<br />

Condcnsclt IM Daniel M. Lund<br />

Page 2 I Page 23<br />

daxtnic~iI i II my way’! I placcti your deposit down?<br />

, A. No. 2 A. Wcii, when I pun the dcposil down. I just look<br />

I Q. Spccil~tcally I wanI (0 call your aNcntion to 3 for grrinlcd tiiar ix said it was going lo hc MSKP price<br />

I the wriling al lhc ho(lom lhcrc ,jusl dx~v~ your signalurc. 4 wixmxx it con~cs in. Ilc didn’l know when it was going 10<br />

i Did you tlavc an ot~por(unily lo rcnti lhl hdhrc: you signed 5 come in, whether il was going to he 1 ‘97, ‘98, or Inter.<br />

) il’.’ h He said it could he ‘98 or whatever. So lx said wllalevtx<br />

1 A. Yes. 7 lhc MSKP price is when Ihal tonics in, haI’s whl you’ll<br />

t CJ, Did you rcxd wiicrc il says (hat this tlocs ml X pay. I said that’s fine. I undzrstaiitl liinr.<br />

) guxinkxz price’! 9 CJ. i lcrc is what I wml lo know, lt~ougi~, is when<br />

) h. Yes. I undcrslooti lhl would not guarankx IO did lit tell you that’! Is it possible hc told you tiial ;L<br />

I chit1 I would i-e gcerting it 31 the ‘95 MSRI’ price. I I couple weeks later whctn you were in the store?<br />

1 0. LCI me ask you ~~LII ail your cw~ac~s with 12 A. No. 1-1~ told me al ihe time I put my $500<br />

1 Twin City I-larlcy-navicisotl. Okay? I want lo do this 13 down.<br />

1 clironologically. 14 Q. But you had made the decision IO put your $500<br />

5 How many lines did you visit Twin Cily I5 down ixfore you were even told anything ahoul price?<br />

5 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> &fore you pul your money down lo get on 16 A. No, because that’s what I agreed on. 1<br />

7 the waiting list*! I 7 wouldn’t have given him the $500 if he would have told me<br />

B A. I’m not really sure. I don’t remember. 18 it’s going to he higher than the t%RP price. I would have<br />

3 Q. Was it more than on&? 19 said forget it. 1’11 go buy it the market, shop someplace<br />

0 A. lt prohahly was. 20 else.<br />

I Q. Do you remember who you dealt with on those: 21 h. At what point did this topic of price come up’?<br />

2 occasions? 22 A. Before 1 put the $500 down.<br />

3 A. Most of the time I jusl want in there and just 23 Q. I want your he& --<br />

4 looked at them. I looked at the difftxent ones. 24 A. I mean, why would you want to put some money<br />

5 Q. 13ventually did you have any discussions with 25 down on .something you don’t know what you’re going to pa<br />

Page 22 Page 2L<br />

I anyhody at Twin Cily <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> ahout the price? I for it. Right?<br />

2 A. No, &au.% all the ones that were there were 2 Q. I understand that completely. hut I want to<br />

3 marked the price and 1 had the brochure and 1 knew what the 3 know your best recollection verbatim of what was said and<br />

4 pricing brochures were for new ones. 4 how it came about.<br />

5 Q. .So you never had any discussions with anybody 5 A. 1 had tlw: brochure. I got the brochure from<br />

6 ahout price’! 6 Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>, and the MSRP price and the model<br />

7 A. No. 7 that I wanted to buy was listed in thee. And the salesman<br />

8 Q. What did you understand the price for your 8 says whatever this MSRP price is, v&en this motorcyck<br />

9 motorcycle would he’? 9 comes in. that’s what you will pay. ‘And I said 1<br />

0 A. nK MSRP in the brochure. 10 understand that. And I said, Well, how much does it<br />

I Q. Had anyone ever told you that this would he 11 increaseperyau? Andbsays,~~Amightgoup 1<br />

2 the price of your motorcycle? I2 pacentor2percentor,whagsva. ke+dtbatwill?ea<br />

3 A. Yes, the salesman actually did. 13 slight in&ase. I said that I undeqtand that ,&cause I<br />

4 Q. Who was that? 14 had looked at brochures b&m, and thy m lowa-prices<br />

5 A. Dick Gnxman, I think his name was, 15 thanthe’95swcn. SoIsaidIwiIljust the MSRp<br />

6 G-R-E-E-M-A-N, I believe. 16 pricewhatcvaitiswfienhcamsin. “fl;.<br />

7 Q. When did Mr. Gnxman tell you this? 17 Q. And this was Dick C@xnan that told you this?<br />

8 A. When I gave my $500. 18 A. Yes.<br />

.9 Q. Was that the fti time anybody at Twin City 19 Q. You mentioned brochures that you wezc relying<br />

!O <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> had ever told you anything about the price? 20 on and that you observed. What wese those?<br />

!I A. It’s the only time I ever asked, I helieve. 21 A. The brochures that <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> puts out<br />

!2 Q. When did you ask him about the price? After 22 to all the de&a-s.<br />

!3 you had placed your deposit down? 23 Q. And what did those brochures say?<br />

!4 A. I don’t remember if it was hefore or after. 24 A. The brochures had the pictull: of all rix:<br />

15 Q. It’s possible it was sometime after you had 25 lnobrcycka. the mnode~s, and it’s got the MSRP price, whl<br />

a. - ^* -_. a _ -- - - _<br />

rage ZI - Page 24 Ruby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-lY55

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