2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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I&-SQUISH Condo mr scIt”M Daniel M. Lund<br />

1<br />

Page 13 T-<br />

Page I5<br />

I 0. Do you rcmcmhcr what you sold il lid<br />

I publications?<br />

2 .A. The price I sold il li>r?<br />

3 (J, Yes.<br />

4 A. II was in the SX,OOO I’igurc. I’m not sure<br />

5 cxnclly whal il was.<br />

h 0, Do you know how nlany nlilcs you had on il?<br />

7 A. II wx over IO,OOO, hul I’m WII sure of the<br />

X 6~x1 niilcagc on il.<br />

LJ 0. Okay. So you dtl IW ahoul IIW ‘96 Sportstcr<br />

I) you purchased, mrl then you’ve indicnlcd you purchased 3<br />

I ‘97 niotlcl t‘roni Sl. I’ml I Ix-Icy?<br />

2 A. uh-tllllL<br />

3 Q. Was lhal lhc sccontl I Inrley-<strong>Davidson</strong> lhal you<br />

4 owned?<br />

5 A. Uh-huh.<br />

6 Q. What model was that?<br />

7 A. Same thing, 1200 Custom sportster.<br />

8 Q. What did you pay for that?<br />

9 A. I think that was probably in the same figure<br />

0 as the ‘96 was, probably around $10,000.<br />

I Q. And had you placed your name on a waiting list<br />

2 to obtain that motorcycle?<br />

,3 A. Yes, I did.<br />

:4 Q. Did you have to pul any money down to get on<br />

5 that one?<br />

Page If<br />

I A. No money down.<br />

2 Q. Do you know if the price you paid for the ‘97<br />

3 gportster was above MSRPY<br />

4 A. Yes, it was.<br />

5 Q. Do you know by how much it was above MSRPS<br />

6 A. No, I’m not sure.<br />

7 Q. Do you still have that motorcycle?<br />

8 A. No. 1 traW that in when I bought the one<br />

9 from Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>.<br />

0 Q. And you said you owned three <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>s?<br />

1 A. Yeah. That was my second one, the ‘97.<br />

I2 Q. Thethirdonewastheoneyouobtainedfrom<br />

13 Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>?<br />

14 A. Yes.<br />

15 Q. Do you belong to any motorcycle or<br />

16 H&y-<strong>Davidson</strong>-related clubs, groups, or .aqociations?<br />

17 A. I belong to the HOG chapter. I don’t belong<br />

I8 to any chapter. I’m a member of the HOGgroUp.<br />

I9 Q. When did you become a member of HOG?<br />

20 A. When I bought my first motorcycle, they<br />

11 automatically signed you up and paid your first-year<br />

L2 membership.<br />

13 Q. And you retained a membership ever since?<br />

14 A. Yes, I have.<br />

25 Q. And as part of that, do you rcmive any<br />

‘age 13 - Page 16<br />

2 A. Yes, I do. They scncl oul m xxxssory<br />

3 magazine, culalog, parls ~md sld‘l‘. And I dso ycr ;I<br />

4 couple <strong>01</strong>’ ma@ncs lhal lclls ahoil~ Ihc niolorcyclcs,<br />

5 stories and ahout other mcmhers mltl slul‘f.<br />

h 0, Arc Ihosc IIW;-rclnlctl mgnzincs’!<br />

1 A. Yes.<br />

8 0. Do you suhscrihc IO tiny other --<br />

9 A. I’m also a member of the AMA. which they IIWJ<br />

0 a nxgazinc loo.<br />

I Q. Any olhcr motorcycle-lcl3lctl pthlicalions’!<br />

2 A. As fir as clubs go?<br />

3 Q. JUSI in general.<br />

4 A. I belong to the Christian Motorcycle<br />

5 Association, too, CMA.<br />

6 Q. Any olher clubs or groups? associations’!<br />

7 A. 1 don’t believe so.<br />

8 Q. Any other publications: motorcycle-related<br />

9 publications that you routinely receive?<br />

:O A. No.<br />

!I Q. Do you belong to any Internet or e-mail<br />

12 communication groups of any type like chat rooms, that type<br />

:3 of stuff?<br />

!4 A. I belong to -- well the C:MA has a -- it’s not<br />

!5 a chat room. It’s just an e-mail address. All the members<br />

Page IC<br />

1 have e-mail addresses, and then when you send out e-mail<br />

2 like they’re -- like when they’re having their meetings or<br />

3 whatever, then they send it out on e-mail. That’s the only<br />

4 one as far as motorcycle groups.<br />

5 Q. All right. Do you know anyone in the<br />

6 motorcycle business, someone thal works for a motorcycle<br />

7 dealer or involved in the motorcycle business in any way’!<br />

8 A. Huh-huh, no. -<br />

9 Q. Let me ask you about your experience with Twin<br />

IO Cities<strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>. Okay?<br />

I1 A. Okay.<br />

I2 Q. Do you know gny of the owners or employees of<br />

I3 Twin City Hfirlw-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

I4 ,A...JustwhenImetKevinwhenIboughtmy<br />

I5 motorcycte.<br />

I6 Q. You didn’t know anybody & that?<br />

I7 A. No, I didn’t.<br />

I8 Q. How did you learn about Twin City<br />

I9 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

20 A. It was just the closest dealership to my<br />

21 house, so I just went out there to look at their<br />

22 motorcycles.<br />

23 Q. Just strictly due to location?<br />

24 A. Yes.<br />

25 Q. You previously had a relationship with<br />

A<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 195 5

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