2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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thnicl M. Lund<br />

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I(1 MSRI’?<br />

II A. I pmhahly -- yes, I probably knew what it<br />

12 I probably was. 1 probably knew what the MSRP price was, bul<br />

13 I’m not sure whether it was above or whatever.<br />

14 Q. Okay. Was there any waiting list for your<br />

I5 ; purchase of that motorcycle?<br />

I6 , A. Actually, there was. But it wasn’t --<br />

Ii ’ actually, it actually was my daughter’s motorcycle I<br />

lb I bought. In fact, it came out in both of our names. She<br />

I ? 1 hid wenl oul Ihere and signed up for it.<br />

2t I Q. Put her name on the waiting list’!<br />

21 A. Put her name on the waiting List. Right. And<br />

2; ! when it came due, and I had put my name on the waiting list<br />

2: i hut not at that dealership.<br />

2’ I Q. Okay.<br />

2’ i A. So that when hers -- then when hers came in,<br />

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I and mine wasn’t supposed to come in until the next spring,<br />

1 I hers came in and she didn’t have the finances for it, so<br />

J she says, Well, do you want to buy mine, and then 1’11 buy<br />

5 fine. So I went out and bought hers.<br />

6 Q. Arr: you familiar with how Delano’s waiting<br />

7 list worked at that time?<br />

8 A. All I know is that she just put her name on<br />

9 the list for whatever motorcycle she wante& whatever<br />

I (1 model, and then when her name came up, they just called he<br />

I I and said, Your motorcycle came in. Do you want it? If it<br />

I<br />

I 3 right color she wanted, then she’d just say yes. .<br />

I<br />

I 5 to put on that list?<br />

I<br />

A. Ycnh. I knew wh tlxy wcrc llccausc I had a<br />

‘95 hrochurc IIXII I actually pickd up from Twin-City<br />

I la&y.<br />

Q. So you may not rcmcmkr now, but you certainly<br />

knew at that time whether it was above or heiow MSRP’?<br />

A. l~ighl now 1’111 no1 sure. I’m not sure if I<br />

knew or not.<br />

Q. But at thaw time you knew what MSRP was, or<br />

you knew when you purchased it if it was ahovc or Mow<br />

4 yours when yours comes in’! I said, yeah, that would be<br />

2 wasn’t the right color, then &just said no. If it’s the<br />

4 Q. Do you know if she had to‘plaee any money down<br />

.._<br />

6 A. No, no money down,<br />

I 7 Q. No money down’?<br />

I 8 A. No.<br />

I 9 Q. Do you know how long she was on the waiting<br />

2 !O list’?<br />

i !I A. I’m not sure.<br />

i !2 0. Did you pay your daughter any money --<br />

2 !3 A. Ihlll-lllll~.<br />

; !4 Q. -- to ohtain the rights IO buy her motorcycle?<br />

2 !5<br />

c<br />

A. No.<br />

k Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-1955<br />

Condcn.4 t “’<br />


Q. You said you Ilad your Il~lnlc on ;I w;uliy lisl<br />

! somcwhcrc dsc.<br />

I A. Uh-huh.<br />

I v. Where did you have: your natnc on a waiting<br />

i list?<br />

Page I I<br />

) A. St. Paul <strong>Harley</strong>.<br />

1 0. What was St. Paul I<strong>Harley</strong>’s waiting list<br />

; practice?<br />

) A. Same as Delano’s, just sign up li,r wliatcvcr<br />

) model you wanted and just wait until your nmc WIIK up.<br />

I q. Did you have to put any money down on al<br />

2 St. Paul <strong>Harley</strong>?<br />

3 A. No, no money down.<br />

3 (1. Were you at all familiar with the practioz of<br />

5 people buying or selling spots on a waiting list?<br />

5 A. No.<br />

7 Q. Have you evz; heard of that?<br />

B A. No.<br />

9 (2. Have you had your name -- have either you or<br />

11 your daughter had your names on waiting lists tinywhere<br />

I other than what you%e already told me uhout or at Twin<br />

2 City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

3 A, Well, 1 haven’t. I don’t know uhout my<br />

4 daughter.<br />

5 (1. So you’ve had your name on a waiting list at<br />

Page IZ<br />

I St. Paul <strong>Harley</strong> and at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

2 A. fight.<br />

3 Q. Anywhere else?<br />

4 A. No.<br />

5 Q. Do you still have that ‘95 Sport&x?<br />

6 A. No. it’s a ‘96.<br />

7 Q. ‘96, I’m sorry.<br />

8 A. No, I sold=<br />

9 Q. When did you sell id<br />

IO A. When I got my ‘97 that I ordered at St. Paul<br />

I I <strong>Harley</strong>.<br />

I2 Q. Do you know who you sold it to?<br />

I3 A. My ‘96?<br />

I4 Q. Yes. m<br />

I5 A. ThegbythatO Jeff snd Bobby Steve’s,<br />

16 Columbia Heights. Tr<br />

I7 Q. Do jlou know if he won?<br />

18 A. If he what?<br />

19 Q. Do you know if he won the election?<br />

20 A. Williams’? Yeah, he did. Him and Bruce and<br />

21 Rocky.<br />

22 Q. Who was it Bobby that you sold it to’!<br />

23 A. No, I sold it to Jeff. That was when they had<br />

24 their business across the street, which they still do. but<br />

25 1 mean it’s been kind of moved around.<br />

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