2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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EP&SOUISH Condcnscl t IM Daniel M. Lund<br />

I A. Yes.<br />

2 0, Whal year w;~s 111;11?<br />

: .A 1950.<br />

1 Q. Whcrc tlitl you go 10 high scl~ool?<br />

5 A. Columl~ia I Ici@s I ligh Scl~ool.<br />

5 Q. I’m Irom aiitl slill live in Columhin Heights.<br />

7 I didn’( rfiilizc tlic hi~li scl~ool was alrudy opcraling in<br />

K IYSO.<br />

4 A. It wasn’t al tl~c <strong>01</strong>x whcrc il’s al now. It<br />

i) was at -- the one I graduated from is Northwestern<br />

I Eleclronics. Tlv.0 was the high school.<br />

2 Q. Sure. All righl, which was a junior high for<br />

3 a long timne and then --<br />

4 A. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I think it<br />

5 probably was. It was Sony kind of a high school.<br />

6 Q. Do you have any education beyond high school?<br />

7 A. Well, with my trade, I was an electrician. I<br />

R went through apprenticeship school, trade school, and then<br />

9 I went to school when 1 was in the service in the Navy.<br />

0 Q. Anything other than your on-the-job training<br />

I as an electrician?<br />

2 A. As far as, yes, we used to have some night<br />

3 schools we used to go to keep up our currznt<br />

4 classification.<br />

5 Q. You indicated you were in the military?<br />

Page .s<br />

Page f<br />

I A. I was in the Navy, yes, four years.<br />

2 Q. What did you do in the Navy?<br />

3 A. I was electrician’s mate.<br />

4 Q. And I ask everyone this, so please don’t be<br />

5 offended. Do you have any criminal nzcord of any type?<br />

6 A. No, just speeding tickets and so forth.<br />

7. Q. 1 don’t need to ask you ahout that. Let me<br />

8 ask about your employment history. Are you pmently<br />

9 employed?<br />

0 A. No. I’m retired.<br />

1 Q. When did you retire?<br />

2 A. hbrch ‘95.<br />

3 Q. What did you do before you retired?<br />

,4 A. I was an etectrician.<br />

5 Q. Who did you. work for?<br />

I6 A. The hst shop I worked for?<br />

.7 Q. Yeah.<br />

I8 A. ColliSys Electric.<br />

19 Q. How do you spell that?<br />

10 A. C-O-L-L-Y-S-Y-S, I believe, ColliSys. It used<br />

!I to he Collins Electrical Company, and then they changed it<br />

t2 to CoHiSys.<br />

13 Q. How long did you work for them?<br />

14 A. That was in Minneapolis. I believe it was<br />

25 like close to 30 years. 1<br />

Page 5 - Page 8<br />

I CJ. And you wcrc ai clcclrician?<br />

2 A. I was ;iii clcclrici:ln, ~jounicyiii~ui clcctrici:ui.<br />

1 (2 I Inight kLvp your ;lddr~ss. II‘ I ncul sotnc’<br />

1 work done around my I~usc, I ‘II know who IO C;II I,<br />

i A. No, I can’t do rha.<br />

5 0. You can’l did tlial?<br />

7 A. I WI’I do any scahhing. I tlon’~ CVCII have ;I<br />

i; liccnsc: anymore. I droppzrl my liccnsc al‘lcr I rctircd.<br />

9 CJ, Let IW ask you ;i LittIc ;thout your cxpcriulcc:<br />

:j with <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> nlotorcyclcs. (Okay?<br />

I A. Okay.<br />

Pngc 7<br />

2 Q. I-low many <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> niolorcyclcs llavc you<br />

3 owned?<br />

4 A. Three.<br />

5 Q. And when did you first obtain :I<br />

6 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> motorcycle?<br />

I A. ‘95.<br />

8 Q. And who did you obta& that from?<br />

9 A. Delano.<br />

0 Q. The <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> --<br />

l x. -- in Delano.<br />

2 (1. What type of motorcycle is that?<br />

3 A. II was a Sportster, 1200 Custom Sportstcr.<br />

4 Q. What year was it?<br />

5 A. ‘96.<br />

I Q. Did you buy it new or used’!<br />

2 A. Brand new.<br />

3 Q. Do you mnember what you paid for it?<br />

4 A. Around $10,000. I’m uot SUIX exact.<br />

5 Q. Do you still have any of the paperwork on thal<br />

6 transaction?<br />

7 A. I’m not sure.<br />

8 Q. Do you ratEanber bow -paid for it?<br />

9 A. Cash. Well, check, personal check.<br />

0 Q. Personal c*k. Do you keep your cancelled<br />

1 ChaAcs?<br />

.2 A. No, I don’t get my personal checks back.<br />

.3 Q. Who do you bank with?<br />

Page 8<br />

14 A. Cheekcing-t? s<br />

I5 Q. At tbat time, which was ‘95.<br />

16 A. I think it was probably - it’s ca sill First<br />

17 Community C&it Union now. It was called Columbia Heights<br />

I8 Credit at the time.<br />

19 Q. Sure. I knoy wbue that’s at. And do you<br />

10 remember if the price you paid for that ‘96 Sportster was<br />

21 above MSRP?<br />

12 A. I‘m not sure. I don’t tunanber at this time<br />

23 if it was or not.<br />

24 Q. Would you have been familiar with the MSRP<br />

25 price at that time?<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-195

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