2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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Daniel M. Lund<br />

/ ----<br />

I .4PYEAIlAN A. Good morning.<br />

1 Q. My name is Michael Lafeber, and I rcprc.sent<br />

I Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>. I want to first ask you iI<br />

2 you’ve ever had your deposition taken before.<br />

3 A. Yes.<br />

4 Q. Let me start hy laying down a couple of ground<br />

5 rules. My guess is your attorney has already discussed<br />

6 some of these things with you, but as you can see, we have<br />

7 a court reporter here,;so I want you lo avoid any nonverbal<br />

8 responses such as shaking your head. I need you to avoid<br />

9 answers like huh-huh or uh-huh that are very difficult for<br />

0 the court reporter to get down. Okay? i<br />

1 A. Yes.<br />

2 Q. Second, if you would avoid -- if you would<br />

3 please wait until I’m done asking my question before you<br />

4 answer it so we don’t talk over each other. Again, it’s<br />

5 very difficult for the court reporter to get clown.<br />

Page 5<br />

I A. Yes.<br />

2 Q. And lastly I don’t want you IO answer any<br />

3 questions that you don’t understand. If 1 ask a queslion<br />

4 that you don’t understand, which 1 prohahly will do at some<br />

5 point in the deposition, just ask me to rephrase the<br />

6 question or let me know you don’t understand it, and f’tl<br />

7 be mote than happy to clarify it for you.<br />

8 A. Okay. -<br />

9 Q. Do we have an understanding that you.won’t<br />

IO answer any questions that you don’t understand?<br />

I! A. Yes, sir.<br />

12 Q. Okay. With that said, we’ll start with an<br />

I3 easy one. State your full name for the record, please.<br />

I4 A. Daniel Mark Lund:<br />

IS<br />

I6<br />

Q. And what is you<br />

A. Sixty-seven.<br />

‘t age?<br />

I7<br />

18<br />

%“”<br />

Q. And your date of birth?<br />

A. 2112133.<br />

I9 Q. What’s your current address’!<br />

20 A. 5021 Pourth Street Nortlmt, Columbia Heights<br />

21 55421.<br />

22 v. And how long have you lived d that address?<br />

23 A. Since ‘SA.<br />

24 Q. And let IIIZ ask you ahout your education. Did<br />

25 you graduate from high school?<br />

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