2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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EPO‘-SOUlSH Condcnsclt IM Tcrrancc J.<br />

P3gc 69 Page 71<br />

i doil’l. I Dll~li(“l‘ I;XAMINA’I‘IOK<br />

) Q. D~I you recall having any disctlssions will1 2 UY MR. ISAh(‘SON:<br />

1 anyhtwly involvccl in 11x I larlcy-D;I\:idsc,tl husincss ahou~ Twin 3 0. Kcgarding I:xhihit Numhcr 3, woultl you lake ;I<br />

1 Cily Iiorlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong> tmcliccs? 4 look al thal apin, plcasc?<br />

5 A. ()lhccr Ihail Ile discussions I had inside lhc 3 A. (Wilncss coniplics.) Yc:s.<br />

5 dwlcrsliip. no. with tllc \:ilrious s;IIcsmcIl. Wollld yell h Q. Would you look ;11 lhc: hack of ~llut shecc? Is<br />

7 rqlirasc IhuI qucslicln. hccausc llicrc ini@ he soinclhing I 7 thcrc anything on (he hack‘?<br />

$ have lo aiiswcr tlil‘l~rciilly’.’ s A. No.<br />

J tJ. 1*11i curicjus il ycru’vc cvcr had any discussions 0 Q. Was thcrc anything on rllc hack <strong>01</strong>‘ (hc original<br />

:J or coi111ii1i1iiciltiolis with aiiyhody in lht: IHibrlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong> IO of that hill of sale when you sign4 i[?<br />

I business rqarding Twin Cities I larlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong> practicm II A. A Ior of fine print.<br />

2 A. Ye. other dealers loo. 12 Q. Okay. So that’s no1 the entire agreement?<br />

3 Q. What other dcale.rs have you talked to ahout I3 A. Certainly not.<br />

4 Twin Cities Harlq+<strong>Davidson</strong>’s practices? I4 Q. Okay.<br />

5 A. I’rohahly cv~zry clcxtr I’ve cvcr dealt with. IS MR. ISAACSON: ‘That’s all I have. You<br />

6 Q. And what havt: you talkti about with thm? 16 have the right to read the transcript of this deposition to<br />

7 A. How 1 wus unhappy perticularly how thq I 7 make any corrections of errors or wrong answers or<br />

8 -ted me. llxy chanted my dal from Point A to Point B. I 8 whatever. That would involve 96~ going either to the court<br />

9 Q. Have you cvtx had any discussions with any IO reporter’s location or our oftis to sit down and read it<br />

0 factory pxsunnel from <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>? 20 and writing out corrections on a separate page. You also i<br />

I A. No. 1 don’t know anybody. I don’t know if 21 have the right to waive that reading. And I would<br />

2 I’ve ever talked to anyhody. factory people. 22 recommend that you read it.<br />

3 Q. Have you ever run any adverGements that have 23 niE wrrmss: I will not waive the<br />

4 mf&tmced Twin City Harlq-<strong>Davidson</strong>? 24 reading.<br />

,5 A. I know my son-in-law did, and I wanti to. but 25 MR. ISAACSON: -rhank you.<br />

Page 70 Page 7:<br />

I I don’t know if I did. I (Whereupon, at 450 p.m., Monday, Novcmbcr 13,<br />

2 Q. Tell me ahout your son-in-law’s advertisement. 2 2000, the taking of the deposition of TERRANCE<br />

3 A. I don’t remember. I just thought he did 3 JOHN CARTER Was adjourned.)<br />

4 something that had something to do with it. He just 4<br />

5 mentioned that he didn’t buy from -- or didn’t get ripped 5<br />

6 off from Twin Cities .South on a bike he was .selling so that 6<br />

7 people wouldn’t think the price was too high for him to 7<br />

8 1~~211 it, .sornething to that effect. 8 C<br />

9 Q. And where did hc place that ad? 9<br />

IO A. I believe it was in the Star and Tribune, I 10<br />

I I never saw it myself. 11<br />

L2 Q. Have you ever placed ads? 12<br />

I3 A. I told you I had. 13<br />

14<br />

IS<br />

Q. Ft refer to or reference Twin City<br />

Ha&y-<strong>Davidson</strong> in any way?<br />

14<br />

15<br />

.a<br />

-6 A. I remember thinking about it. I don’t<br />

16<br />

7 remember if I ever did. I honestly don’t remember.<br />

17<br />

8 Q. It’s possible you did?<br />

18<br />

9 A. It’s possible. I’d Liked to have.<br />

19<br />

!O MR. LAFEBER: That’s all I have,<br />

20<br />

!l Mr. Carter. Thank you very much for your time.<br />

21<br />

!2 THE WITNESS: Thank you.<br />

22<br />

!3 MR. ISAACSON: I’ve got a Couple Of<br />

23<br />

~4 qUestions, I think.<br />

24<br />

15 Ill<br />

25<br />

Page 69 - Page 72 Kirby<br />

-<br />

A. Kennedy<br />

-.<br />

& Associates<br />

_- --_ --- _^_C<br />

(952) 922-lY33

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