2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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xmncc J. Carter<br />

hike.<br />

Q. Boll 1 lanunl~nd. 1’111 sony.<br />

A. I hclicvc so. It would appear that’s the<br />

I Q. The hotlom of the doctunent reflects that you<br />

i were refunded that nloney on 1 i/l /99.<br />

1 A. I belicvc I got that money.<br />

I Q. Does that sound accurak?<br />

, A. II see~ns rcasonahlc, yes.<br />

t (At this tiune Terrance John Carter Deposition<br />

) Exhihit Nunlbcr 3 was nlarked for identification<br />

I by tbc Court Reporter.)<br />

! Q. Mr. Carter, I’d like you to take look at<br />

l what’s been alarked as Deposition Exhibit Number 3. Do you<br />

I recognize that doctunent?<br />

5 A. No. I’d have to look it over and try to<br />

5 fiw out what bike it is.<br />

7 Q. Go ahead and take a few seconds.<br />

3 A. I’m trying to think. That looks like the ‘98<br />

) Heritage, the red one. Yes. Okay. That’s the one I<br />

3 traded. Okay.<br />

I Q. And this would be the last motorcycle that you<br />

2 actually purohased front Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

3 A. I believe so. yes.<br />

4 Q. And is that your signahue in the box e&led<br />

5 “Dealer’s Disclaialer of Warranty”?<br />

I A. Yes, it looks like it.<br />

CondenscIt’”<br />

Page (is<br />

Page 6( 5<br />

Page 67<br />

I A. Until I heard ahout 11~ lawsuil, I thought l<br />

; ; ! was the only one that really nladc ;L lol <strong>01</strong>’ noise: over what<br />

I _<br />

1 they did. I didn’t cart for it. Mike told me that was<br />

f l lhcir policy and that’s what they wcrc doing. 1 was<br />

< j surprised nlore people weren’t complaining, hut I just lake<br />

t ) cart of myself. I did what I could do. I couldn’t do<br />

7 anymore, so I just quit dtxling with lhcm.<br />

1 i Q. Mike told you this was their policy?<br />

‘ ) A. Mike said that what he was charging mt: hcrc<br />

I( ) was their policy.<br />

I I Q. When did he tell you that?<br />

I: 2 A. When he insisted that 1 pay that price. He<br />

1: 3 said that’s their policy, they charge everybody that.<br />

Id 1 Q. By policy, you lnean charging over MSRP?<br />

1. 5 A. I believe he meant that, yes.<br />

iI 6 Q. Other than any conversations or discussions<br />

I’ 7 with your attorneys, have you ever heen contacted by anyone<br />

I: 8 about either this laws& that we’re presently in or the<br />

I’ 9 class action, the prior class action lawsuit?<br />

21 0 A. No, not that I can recall.<br />

,<br />

2 I Q. Have you ever heen contacted by anyone from<br />

2 2 St. Croix <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> about either of those lawsuits7<br />

2 3 A. No.<br />


2 4 Q. Have you ever hrxn contacted hy anyhody at<br />

2 5 Wally McCarthy’s regarding either of these two lawsuits?<br />

1 A. I said nohody.<br />

Page 68<br />

2 (2. And although it appears to be partially cut<br />

2 Q. Mr. Carter, did you attend the International<br />

3 off at the bottom of the page, does that appear to be the 3 Motorcycle Show which was held here in Minneapolis a few<br />

4 top of your signature:’<br />

4 years back?<br />

5 A. C)n the lower right corner’?<br />

5 A. 1 have no idtx. I’ve been to a couple<br />

6 Q. Yes.<br />

6 motorcycle shows. I’ve mis.sed a couple good ones. I don’t<br />

7 A. Itqearstobe.<br />

7 know which one you’re talking about.<br />

8 Q. Does this document accurately reflect the<br />

8 Q. Motorcycle%iows here in the Twin Cities<br />

9 price that you paid for that ‘98 red Heritage?<br />

9 you’ve attended?<br />

0 A. It looks like it.<br />

I 0 A. Yes.<br />

I Q. Did you have an opporhmity to rc#d this<br />

I ,I Q. Within the past four to five years?<br />

2 document before you signed it?<br />

I 12 A. Yes, one or two for sure.<br />

3 A. ‘Ihey always give you an opportunity. Did I<br />

I 13 Q. Have you ever had any discussions with anibody<br />

4 cad it? No, not actually., I looked over the figun~.<br />

I 14 at any of those shows regarding Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>’,<br />

5 Complained.<br />

I I5 A. Icanhonestlysa heneverI’vebeena;lywhere<br />

6 Q. Mr. Carter, do you have any knowledge or<br />

I I6 around motor&es, we’ve %rd di&ussions about Twin City<br />

7 evidence to se that this was a practice or pattern on I 17 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> and theii negative policies toward<br />

8 the part of Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> to supposedly promi se1 I8 customers.<br />

9 people bikes at MSRP?<br />

I I9 Q. Who have you discusxd Twin Cities’ policies<br />

!O A. l’m sorry, you’ll have to repeat the question.<br />

20 with other than your attorneys?<br />

!I 1 remember the first part, what you were asking me.<br />

21 A. Anybody that owned a <strong>Harley</strong>. Any and<br />

!2 Q. Do you have any knowledge or evidence to<br />

22 everybndy.<br />

!3 suggest that this was a pattern or practice on Twin City 23 Q. Can you recall any of those people that you<br />

!4 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>’s part to suppo.sedly offer hikes to people 24 talked to, their names*!<br />

25 at MSRr’?<br />

25 A. Other than mv friends and relatives, no, 1<br />

Cirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 1955 Page 65 - Page 6

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