2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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DEPd-SQUlSH Condcnsclt IM Tcrrancc J. Carter<br />

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I wcrc hcins ch;qccI lix I‘rci& ant1 setup :II Twin City I ahout finally dchg tbal. so WC wcrc soing 111 ~L’I ~IIIOI~~CI<br />

2 I-i;lficy-<strong>Davidson</strong>? 2 Sbrinc bike IO proudly show. sonxtbing IIXII WC didn’t do<br />

3 A. I tlon’l rcnxnlhzr ;I cliscussion ahout it. Arc 3 lasl tiinc. But. anyway. I wasii’l iI1 il position <strong>01</strong><br />

4 you rcl‘crring IO Ihciii ,justil‘ying lhc $ I SW! is 11x11 whal 4 soinclbing bappencd. I doii’l rcmitmher why I didn’t gel in<br />

5 you’re asking? 5 on it. I think I gave up my spot lbr one 4 the guys in<br />

6 Q. My yucstion is simple. I want IO know what 6 Minneapolis. Those guys arc serious al~c~ut tlleir riding.<br />

7 your undcrsl~in~lin~ wiis as lo whctlicr you wcrc hciiig cliargcd 7 and OIIC guy was sl10rt.<br />

8 freight nncl setup at Twin City I iarlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong>. 8 Q. I want lo call your alleiIlioI~ 10 lhe Id1 side<br />

Y A. I don’t rtmcmhcr ;I discussion ahout il. 9 of IIIC &lc1111Km1.<br />

0 Q, Did you cvcr ask ahou( it? IO A. Okay.<br />

I A. I clon’( rciiicnihcr iI cvcr coming iIl>. I I Q. A1 tlic I~ollo~iI. you can’t SLZ il very well. hi11<br />

2 0. And you I~ad paid soinc ~11n0u1~l rqxscnting I2 it q-pars 10 hc Kcceipl NUII~~LT 20705.<br />

3 freight and .sclup over ancl dx~vc 111~ IMSKI’ price u( olhcr I3 A. I CUII’I veril’y tlm number.<br />

4 dealers? I4 Q. Do you see t1u11 docI~nxmt I’m daring IO’!<br />

5 A. Yes. I5 A. Yeah. on the left side of tlx copy you gave<br />

6 (At this time Tcrranw: John Carter Deposition I 6 me, yes.<br />

7 Exhibit Number 1 was marked for identification 17 Q. And do you see toward the bottom of that<br />

8 by the Court Keporter.) 18 document it says $250 from invoid-Number 2306?<br />

9 Q. Mr. Carter, I want to show you what’s been I9 A. Oh, okay. All right. That’s probably wbexc<br />

.O marked as Deposition Exhibit Number I. I ask you to take a 20 it went.<br />

,I look at that, plea... 21 Q Do you recognize that document?<br />

:2 A. (Witness complies.) 22 A. I don’t remember it. I really don’t. But I<br />

i3 Q. Do you recognize that document? And, in 23 wasn’t aware of other than the money that was charged on my<br />

14 particular, I’d like you to pay attention to the right side 24 bikes tbat they bad done anything wrong on the other money.<br />

15 of the document which at the bottom reflects that it’s 25 The down payments and moneys I gave I thought were always<br />

Page 62 Page 64<br />

I Receipt Number 2306. I straight up.<br />

2 A. Okay. 2 Q. It appears that your &posit originally placed<br />

3 Q. Do you recognize that document? 3 on August 22, 1994, was being used for an additional bike<br />

4 A. No, I don’t remember. I see the word 4 you’re being placed on the waiting list for on December<br />

5 “Shriner” on there, so that must go back to ‘9 I. Oh, no, I 5 i4ti1, 1995‘~<br />

6 had one on order, I guess, but I never took it. I was 6 A. Thal would have been the 1997 one that 1<br />

7 involved in the ordering of -- I remember when they 7 finally ended up purchasing, 1 believe.<br />

8 specifically beat Mike up pretty badly, and I don’t 8 (At this time Terrancekahn Carter Deposition<br />

9 IUTI&XX if he finally got the order or if I went to 9 Exhibit Number 2 was marked for identification<br />

0 Faribault, but I was somehow in on that. I even wrote a 10 by the Court Reporter.)<br />

I 1 letter beeause I believed those m white Shrine bikes 11 Q. M&zt&,‘Iwanttoshowyouw@t’sbeen<br />

12 they were going to supply and the Shriners didn’t yt I2 marked as Deposition Exhibit Number 2. Do you &ognize<br />

13 them. Anyway, that’s all I can remember about that. I 13 that docuhent? ’<br />

14 never did get a bike. 14 A. No, not particularly, but . it :.,.. looks -: l&e a 8,<br />

I5 Q. Well, did you, in fact, place a deposit down 15 receipt for money. Okay. ”<br />

16 for a Shriner-bike at that time?<br />

17 A. Idon’t remember. It looksL&eIdid. And<br />

16<br />

17<br />

Q. You’ve w a chance to revi &<br />

A. Yes.<br />

document?<br />

18 if I did, I don’t nmember getting it back. 18 Q. Does ii &zsh your recollection at all what<br />

19 Q. Can you tell me why you would have been 19 it represents?<br />

10 interested in a Shriner bike at that time? 20 A. ItappearstobethedepositIputononeof<br />

II A. i liked the bikes. And you didn’t ask, but 21 the Standards that was refunded to me when I decided not to<br />

22 the breakup between St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minneapolis 22 buy it.<br />

23 has 24 Shrine hikes and St. Paul has two. And the other 23 Q. Would this be the bike that you were<br />

24 guy didn’t iikc to ride par&s and therefore I didn’t ride 24 interested in huying with John Hammond’!<br />

25 alone. That’s why WC didn’t ride parades. We had taikcd 25 A. Boh Hammond’?<br />

Page iii - Page 64 Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-1955

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