2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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Tcrrancc J. Carter Condcnscl t IH DEPO-SQUISH<br />

P<br />

I<br />

i ! altomey.<br />

A. No, I can’t rcmcmhcr his IKIIW. I IC was an<br />

Page 57<br />

I Q. Do you know if you sold that one for more or<br />

i less than you had originally paid for it?<br />

5 A. I gol my salts tax hack on that one.<br />

, Q, How long did you have that 2000 hike heforc<br />

7 you sold it?<br />

i A. Couple months.<br />

3 Q. You indicated that you purchased a bike from<br />

1 St. Paul IHarlcy.<br />

I A. Purcha.sed a bike from St. Paul?<br />

2 Q. Yes.<br />

3 A. I can’t remember what bike that was. I<br />

1 remember leaving St. Paul and driving it home. And I don’t<br />

5 remember what kind of bike it was, to be honest with you.<br />

5 I think it was a -- I just don’t remember. I think it was<br />

7 a Softail Custom. That’s what I was into, Customs and<br />

K Herilages.<br />

9 Q. And was this subsquent to your tmnsactions<br />

3 at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>:’<br />

I A. I don’t remember the lime frame.<br />

2 Q. But you ultimately sold that motorcycle as<br />

3 well. Correct?<br />

4 A. Yes.<br />

5 Q. Do you remember who you sold that motorcycle<br />

Page 51<br />

I to’?<br />

2 A. If I remember, it was a ‘98 Softail Custom. I<br />

3 sold a ‘98 Softail Custom to a priest or a minister in<br />

4 Farmington by the name of Sboli, S-B-O-L-I, something like<br />

5 that, a minister. He officiated at a friend of mine’s<br />

6 funeral. That’s how I met him.<br />

7 Q. Do you know if you sold that one for more or<br />

8 less than you had paid for it?<br />

9 A. No. Plus all the options I had on it, I don’t<br />

I 0 remember, but it was close. I might have retrieved my<br />

I I sales tax back on that one too.<br />

I 2 Q. Do you remember how long you owned that bike<br />

1 3 before you sold it?<br />

I 4<br />

I 5 of.<br />

A. Most of the sum&r. That’s all I can think<br />

I 6 Q. while your name was on the waiting list for<br />

1 7 the three bikes we’ve talkedabout at Twin City<br />

1 8 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>, did you purchase any <strong>Harley</strong>s from any<br />

1 9 other dealers during that period of time?<br />

2 !O A. 1 would say probably.<br />

i !I Q. Do you rememher which bikes you purchased<br />

; !2 during that period of time you were waiting for motorcycles<br />

*<br />

1 !3 at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>’?<br />

; !4 A. No, I can’t.<br />

2 !5 Q. Do you remember what dealers you dealt with<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-1955<br />

I during Ihal period of lind!<br />

2 A. I can rcnlcink7 lhe dwlcrs I da~ll with in<br />

3 gcncral. hut I don’t know which hikes I hc~ph~ when and how<br />

4 ~hcy fin in between other bikes. 1’111 sorry.<br />

5 0. Do you know if you ever paid MSW or less than<br />

6 MSKP al any other dealers that you purchased ninlorcycles<br />

7 lions’!<br />

8 A. All nly prices thal 1 ever bought n~otorcyclcs<br />

9 for were based on MSRP excqt Twin City South.<br />

0 Q. No, that’s not nay question. All prices arc<br />

1 hased on MSRP in sotne way or the other.<br />

2 A. Except Twin City South. He spifically said<br />

3 his prices are not based on MSRP. .rhey’rc hased on nlarket<br />

4 value.<br />

5 0. I want to know if at any other de&r you’ve<br />

6 dealt with other than Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>, the price<br />

7 you paid for those motn,r~ycles was either a~ MSRP or<br />

8 sonlewhen: below MSRP.<br />

9 A. They were all at MSRP plus whatever extras I<br />

0 had on there.<br />

!I Q. So you never paid more than MSRP at any other<br />

12 dealers that you purchased a motorcycle from?<br />

13 A. No. MSKP, freight and selu~. and IINXI niy<br />

!4 extras. That’s it.<br />

!5 Q. Do you remember how much you paid for freight<br />

I can .setup at these other dealers?<br />

2 A. No, I don’t. It varied, but mostly il was<br />

3 what was in the book, in the price book.<br />

4 Q. Can you give me a ballpark figure as to what<br />

5 you were paying for freight and setup at these other<br />

6 dealers?<br />

Pilgc 59<br />

Page 60<br />

7 A. Between four and a half, somewhere around<br />

8 there, four and a halmve hundred, depending on<br />

9 different models had different amounts.<br />

IO -.<br />

II<br />

Q. $500?<br />

A. Four ‘and a half, five’hundmd. Four a& a<br />

.%;i,.<br />

12 half U&lly I think. FOG h&ted, four a;lh a b&f.’ ‘I<br />

1 ,. .I .*:,,<br />

I3 Q. & you &be$ if f&&t an! ,stiit k?@S. ” y “’<br />

14 included in the price you were paying f@r:yo$J$+&~es ’<br />

15 at Twin City Hz&y&vi ii? ’<br />

16 A. It wasnevermenti 7liixi . ‘.<br />

”<br />

t. ,,;,<br />

1;<br />

.,::<br />

17 Q. So to the extent you believe you wet+&%<br />

18 over MSRP. that included freight and setup at Twin City<br />

I9 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

20 A. I had no reason to believe that. It<br />

2 I included -- the price they gave me included everything,<br />

22 whatever they wanted to make it.<br />

23 One thing they specifically did not call it<br />

24 was additional dealer markup, which is what it was.<br />

25 Q. What was your understanding as to whether you<br />

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