2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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1 .sell to the third guy for the same price, but them there’s<br />

B So I went and got on the list with my friend<br />

, 3 so that either one of us could have bought the bike. And<br />

I( D that was a compromise, discussing the place on the list,<br />

1 1 that he allowed me and Dave Bon-i allowed it, and so we<br />

1: 2 both sat and waited on the bike. The reason I had my name<br />

1.<br />

1’<br />

1<br />

1 6 had a lot of bikes. So that’s the whole story.<br />

I I Anyway, we just gave up. It wasn’t going lo<br />

I<br />

I’<br />

21<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

crrancc J. Carter Condo<br />

Page 49<br />

I said that’s no1 allowctl specifically. I said I grew up<br />

2 4 A. Yes.<br />

2<br />

! with this guy. I’m not trying to make a profit. He said<br />

3 we don’t do that bccausc people do it to make profit. They<br />

5 money that goes under the table in profit, and he didn’t<br />

5 like not getting in on that profit. So he kept the list.<br />

7 You can’t sell your place.<br />

3 on it at all is because I live next to Twin City South. He<br />

4 lives up in Blaine. So I’m always in close contact. I can<br />

5 suggest to him what to get on it for options because I’ve<br />

8 happen. I really didn’t want to deal with South anymore,<br />

9 and I said forget the bike.<br />

0 Q. J-et me make sure I understand your story here,<br />

I Mr. Carter. You originally tried to get Mr. Kuelbs to let<br />

2 your friend, Mr. Hammond, take your spot on the list’for<br />

3 the very first bike we talked about?<br />

5 Q. And Mr. Kuelhs didn’t let you do that?<br />

I A. correct.<br />

Page 5(<br />

2 Q. So at that time you decided to place your name<br />

3 on the list for yet a third motorcycle?<br />

4 A. Don’t know if it was at that time.<br />

5 Q. But sometime subsequent to that you decided to<br />

6 put both of your names on the waiting list?<br />

7 A. Comt.<br />

8 Q. And why was it that you couldn’t just put his<br />

9 name on the waiting list?<br />

0 A. Because I was the contact. I knew about the<br />

1 bike. He trusted my judgment as far as what options he<br />

2 should get right away. If my name was not on the list,<br />

3 then I would have no place in negotiations or settirig up<br />

14 anything for extras. You see what I’m’ sa$g? it wouldn’t<br />

I5 be any of my business if I w’t<br />

I6 we all saw it that way.<br />

on the list; a&d I think<br />

17 Q. Mr. Carter, are you familiar with the practice<br />

I8 c&d co-titling?<br />

19 A. Would that be putting both of our names on the<br />

10 title’!<br />

21 Q. Yes.<br />

22 A. Okay. I’m not familiar with it, but I’m sure<br />

23 it would work just fine.<br />

24 Q. Have you ever participated in a practice like<br />

25 that?<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-1955<br />


I A. I don’1 think so, no.<br />

2 Q. Did you ever have any discussions with<br />

Page 5 I<br />

3 Mr. I lanuuond ahout bow Ihal acl~al ~~llc~rcyclc would hc: paid<br />

1 for it‘ the Iwo oT you ultinialely purchascxi it’!<br />

5 A. Well, the two of us wouldn’t. II would gc~<br />

h into either one or the other’s name. Bul if something<br />

7 happened or the <strong>Harley</strong> dmler insisted they ~0 in both <strong>01</strong><br />

K our nauies, that’s not a prohleni bccarrst: <strong>01</strong>11: <strong>01</strong> us c<strong>01</strong>1lti<br />

9 take our name off the title at any time without any extra<br />

0 hassle. It would have worked that way, I hclicvc. I’ve<br />

I never done it before, but I assun~ it would have workctl<br />

2 okay.<br />

3 Q. Did you ever discuss with Mr. Haumond in fact<br />

4 how you would handle that transaction if you purchasal the<br />

5 bike?.<br />

6 A. Yeah. He was going to pay for it.<br />

7 Q. Did you ever c@uss who was going to take<br />

8 title to the motorcycle?<br />

9 A. Yes. He would. It was going to hc his hike.<br />

0 Q. And you said Mr. Hammond lives in Blainc!<br />

I A. He’s north. He probably doesn’t live exactly<br />

2 in Blaine. That’s not the towuship, but he’s way north.<br />

3 This is the way it would work: Like 1 say.<br />

4 we’ve been friends since we wae. 13. If at the lime the<br />

5 bike came in he could not afford it, then I would just take<br />

I it and put it in my name, drive it for a year and sell it.<br />

2 It was going to go either way. If he could afford it at<br />

3 that time, then he would take the bike.<br />

4 I put my name on there specifically because I<br />

Page 52<br />

5 was encouraging him to buy one. He always wanted one but<br />

6 didn’t know if he would he in a financial position at the<br />

7 time, so it just didn’t matter. -<br />

8 Q. I thought yo%aid earlier that you went going<br />

9 to get the bike at a certain price for Mr. Hammond.<br />

IO A. I don’t understand the question. i was going<br />

II. togetthebikeatacertainprice. AnytimeIboughta<br />

I2 bike from. .!&th, I tho&ht it &as going td be at MSRP. I<br />

13 don’t &ov.&&tt y&r&s&ring. ‘I& reason 1 didn’t buy the<br />

14 ‘97 and give it to Bob Hammond because I would have paid<br />

IS salestaxandhew&ldh~’ adtopaysalesti. And<br />

I6 that’s tax On another $1 ,OO xll the price of the bike,<br />

17 that’s just money that’s going down the drain.<br />

18 Q. Explain that to me. Why would that have<br />

19 worked that way?<br />

20 A. Well, if I buy a bike, I pay sales lax on it.<br />

21 If I .sell it to you, then you pay sates tax on il tm. If<br />

22 you sell it to someone else, then they pay sales tax on it<br />

23 too. I have never skipped title. I don’t play games or<br />

24 things like that. I try and do things straight up.<br />

25 Q. Did Mr. Hammond have any separate negotiations<br />

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