2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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lEPO‘-SOIJISH Tcrrancc J Carter<br />

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Page 45 Page 47<br />

I know tllcrc wxs more. I with Mike. Is thcrc a spccil‘ic convcrs~~~~on you wcrc going<br />

2 Q. And this rctl ‘9% I Icrilagc is ii niotorcyclc you 2 to tell mc ahout?<br />

3 tllcn sold to Wully McCarthy? 3 A. Well, I was going lo Ccl1 you again lhc one<br />

4 .A. I traiictl il. J ahou~ whcrc hc said he’d take Cart <strong>01</strong>‘ mc. hu\ I don’ I<br />

5 0. Tratlccl it? 5 rcmcmhcr il‘ it Ilappcned alicr that or hdorc tlla~. Bdorc<br />

h A. Yes. h that convcrsatinn, I &in’\ know that they wrrc charging<br />

7 0. Now, you’re claiming damages Ibr LI third 7 cxlra. Alicr lliiil conversation, tlicrc was ;I short period<br />

8 nWxcyclc. s of tin~c hclbrc nly next hike come in and I lhunt out 11~<br />

9 A. Yes. 9 wasn’t going lo honor what I tliouglil wc had an agrcemcnt,<br />

I) Q. Why don’t you tell me about tld mo~orcyclc. 10 and I don’t roncmher which tin-c (‘ralnc it was, hut I’m sure<br />

I A. I hclievc Ilid was anollicr slamlard. 1 I it was helbrc I purchad 111~ ‘9X Ilcrihgc. And tt1;1( is<br />

2 Q. And had you placed your name on lk. waiting 12 when I knew for sure that they were going to, no matter how<br />

3 lisr for thal niotorcyclc? I3 much I nb%oliatcd, charge me the S ISOO. So any time prior<br />

4 A. Yes. And I placed it split with a friend <strong>01</strong> I4 to that that I got on tk list, I would he assumed t wds<br />

5 mine, Bob Hammond, u guy I grew up with. I5 gelling it aI MSKI’.<br />

6 Q. How do you spell Mr. Hammonci? 16 Q. And eventually that motorcycle hecame<br />

7 A. H-A-M-M-O-N-D, Hammond. 17 available?<br />

8 Q. What type of motorcycle was that? 18 A. It actually became avaitzible a couple of<br />

9 A. Another standard. 19 times. I was supposed to get a -- and 1 don’t remember the<br />

0 Q. Is there a model name for that? 20 year. But I was supposed to get one year newer, and they 2<br />

I A. FLT. same as the first one. 21 call4 me and said I could take the one year older one<br />

2 Q. Do you remember when you placed your name on 22 quicker. And I said I didn’t want that, I wanted to hold<br />

3 the waiting list for that bike? 23 out for the newer one. And then after a couple of months<br />

4 A. A year and a half, two years prior to when it 24 went by, 1 talked to my friend --<br />

5 was smppo.sed to come in, and 1 believe it was going to be a 25 Q. Let me stop you there. As part of this<br />

Page 46 Page 4%<br />

I ‘99. I communication where they offered you a one year older bike<br />

2 Q. So would this have been after you had placed 2 was there any dis&ssion about price at that time’?<br />

3 your name on the waiting list for the two other bikes we’ve 3 A. No. We didn’t discuss price.<br />

4 talked about? 4 Q. Do you remember when that was that you were<br />

5 A. Yes. 5 notified that a one year older model was available to you?<br />

6 Q. Do you remember who you dealt with for this 6 A. No, but 1 remember it was Dave Borri telling<br />

7 transaction? 7 me that it was available.<br />

8 A. I’m sure it was Dave Borri. 8 Q. Okay. *t hapwxt’?<br />

9 Q. And are you claiming you expected to gel that 9 A. 1 said I’d wait for the next bike. And<br />

0 bike at MSRP as well? 10 ~inthatperiodoftime,Ifinaly--thissuit<br />

1 A. Ican’tn+emberwhenwewentontheiist. I 11 started up and we had the conversations with Mike, and it<br />

2 believe it would have been prior to me even bowing what I I2 justeametore&ethattheewasnowayIwasgoingto<br />

13 paidformy’97. ’<br />

13 getaroundthe$lS~O. Andtbereasonmyfriendwason<br />

i4 Q. But ” you &+ing you believed you were<br />

14 ~wassoIoouldgethimabike,andIdidn’twanthim<br />

IS goingtogett&t&keatMsftPasweI1?<br />

15 payhgtheexhamoky. SoIjust<br />

16 A. Yey;‘<br />

16 eventhc+ghwe’dbeenwaiting,ju<br />

17 Q. Doyo&asethatcIaimonthesameteasonsyou 17 bikemelst. I’dgethimoaemeIseand<br />

18 thought you wm going to get the other bikes at MSRP? 18 not have to pay that kind of money. So we together agreed<br />

19 A. I believe so. 19 togetoffthelist.<br />

lo Q. Do you base it on anything other than what 20 Q. Explain to me again why your friend’s name was<br />

II we’ve already talked about here today? 21 on the list with you.<br />

c2 A. No. The conversation with Mike, I believe I 22 A. Remember when you started out about selling<br />

13 probably -- I can’t tell the dates. I don’t remember. I 23 places on the list? My 1997 Heritage, the standard that<br />

14 redly don’t when I gor on the list. 24 came in, I wanted to give that bike to my friend. (.)kay’!<br />

15 Q. You started to refer to a conversation you had 25 And I wanted him to buy it directly and get my price. Mike<br />

‘age 45 - Page 48 Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922-195

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