2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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Terrance J. Carter<br />

Condcnscl t IM<br />

Page 3:<br />

I (her the next month, monlh and a half, we had many<br />

I fall.<br />

2 conversations, hut I do remember that I was on the list for<br />

3 tha.t ‘98 Heritage, and so 1 said, You ripped mc ofl‘ on that<br />

1 last hike. What are you going to do on the next one? And<br />

3 to?<br />

5 after several conversations with Dave Borri and hc said he<br />

5 couldn’t do anything, Mike said, I will take care of you.<br />

7 Don’t worry ahout it.<br />

K Q. And this conversation supposedly took place<br />

, 3 approximately six months after you picked up that ‘97 bike’!<br />

11 3 A. All I can say for sure it’s within two or<br />

1 J three days of when I found out they charged me $1500 extra<br />

1: 2 on the Standard.<br />

I: 3 Q. And is that the best you can remember verbatim<br />

11 4 what Mike Kuelbs said to you? I will take care of you*?<br />

1: 5 A. Those are the words that be said.<br />

Jr 6 Q. Did he say anything else?<br />

1’ 7 A. Yes, I‘m sure he did because we had many<br />

Jr B conversations. I can’t possibly remember it all. If you<br />

J’ 9 would have anything to refresh my memory, I’d appreciate<br />

21 0 it.<br />

2 J Q. Well, do you remember if Mr. Kuelbs made any<br />

2: 2 statements to you about whether or not you had been<br />

2. 3 promised a bike at MSRF?<br />

2g 4 A. Yes.<br />

2. 5 Q. And what did he say about that?<br />

J A.<br />

Page 31<br />

I believe I remember that he denied promising<br />

2 me a bike at MSRP. His denial was based on the fact that<br />

3 he never mentioned MSRP.<br />

4 Q. Did you ever have any discussions with<br />

5 Mr. Borri?<br />

6 A. Yes.<br />

7 Q. Did Mr. Boni make any statements to you<br />

8 qarding w&her or not be had promised you a bike at<br />

9 MSRP?<br />

I IO A. I don’t believe I pressured Dave Boni for<br />

J I J t&it. Dave Bon-i is in the middle. He doesn’t make<br />

1 I2 policy, so I wouldn’t put him in the middI& and 1 don’t<br />

I I3 ’ believe Dave Borri would intentionally mislead anybody.<br />

I 14 Q. Now, earlier $0~ said you’re claiming damages<br />

1 I5 for three motorcycles.<br />

I 16 A. Right.<br />

I 17 Q. Let me back up. With respect to the ‘97 FLXT<br />

I I8 motorcycle --<br />

I 19 A. it’s not an FLX. It’s an FLT. 1 believe it’s<br />

I<br />

4 10 an FLT. I believe that’s called a standard.<br />

II<br />

d 11 Q. Do you still have that motorcycle’?<br />

, 12 A. No.<br />

, 13 Q. When did you sell that motorcycle’!<br />

24 A. Oh, boy, probably the fall of that year.<br />

15 That’s what I typically do is sell all my bikes in the<br />

Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 1955<br />


2 (2. Do you renicniher Who you soltl Illat lll(j((~rcyclc<br />

4 A. No.<br />

5 Q. DO you rcmcmhcr what you sold it Ior?<br />

6 A. No.<br />

I Q. Do you know if you sold it for mot-c or 1~s~<br />

8 than you had purchased it for?<br />

9 A. I’m pretty sure it was less hccausc l had<br />

(1 extras on it, so I took a little hit of a hath on it. l<br />

Page 3s<br />

1 figured the little money I lost during 111~ year was the fun<br />

2 1 was paying for.<br />

3 Q. NOW, you said you’re claiming damages for<br />

4 three separate motorcycles.<br />

5 A. Yes.<br />

6 Q. I think we just got done talking about the<br />

7 first motorcycle.<br />

8 A. Yes.<br />

*-<br />

9 Q. I want you to tell me about the second<br />

0 motorcycle you’re claiming damages for. i<br />

J A. That was the red ‘98 Heritage, FIXI’C’.<br />

2 Q. what year was that?<br />

3 A. ‘98, I believe.<br />

4 Q. Had your name been on the waiting list for<br />

5 that motorcycle?<br />

I A. Yes.<br />

Page 36<br />

2 Q. Do you remember when you put your name on a<br />

3 waiting list for that motorcycle?<br />

4 A. I’m pretty sure it was around ‘95.<br />

5 Q. Was there a specific salesman that you dealt<br />

6 with for that motorcycle?<br />

7 A. I think it was Dave Bon-i again.<br />

8 Q. And you believed you were going to gel that<br />

9 motorcycle for MSRP as well?<br />

JO A. Yes.<br />

II Q. And what do you base that claim on?<br />

12 A. Mike’s statement that he said he would take<br />

J 3 care of me after we had our long heated discussions since<br />

14 the last bike.<br />

w<br />

15 Q. Okay. I want to k up to the time you<br />

16 originally put your name % --<br />

17 list for that motorcycle.<br />

t your name on the waiting<br />

18 A. That was prior to me knowing that they had<br />

19 charged me too much for the other bike that 1 just bought.<br />

20 Arc you following me‘?<br />

21 Q. Yes. It’s my understanding you put your nane<br />

22 on the waiting list for the ‘98 hike in ‘95.<br />

23 A. I believe it was somewhere around there, and<br />

24 it was before 1 knew what they were doing on price.<br />

25 Q. When you got your n;une on tht: wailing list for<br />

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