2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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DEPO-SQUISH Condcnsclt’M Tcrrancc J. Carter<br />

Page 13 Page IS<br />

I .A I Ihoughl il was Sr Paul. I Q. Tlic olhcr niolorcyclcs. the otkr<br />

2 (I. I-low did you conic lo sell your niolorcyclc lo 2 I larlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong> niotorcyclcs that you owned, yo~i’vc s&l<br />

3 Wally McCarthy or tratlc il in? Tell mc how that 3 llicm lo privalc parks?<br />

4 transaction occurred. 4 A. Mostly, I hclicvc, yes, or all <strong>01</strong>‘ them. I<br />

5 A. They had kind <strong>01</strong>‘ ;I rare ss (Camaro. It was 5 can’t rcnxmhcr exactly who 1 sold them to.<br />

6 coming hack from Icasc. The value was pretty close. I h 0. Do you rcmmher the nanm <strong>01</strong>. any <strong>01</strong>‘ tllo.sc<br />

7 could trade in the hike and wvc all the sales tax, rend the 7 privalc parties you sold tlic motorcycles lo’!<br />

8 price on (hc Camarc~ was Ibur or I‘ivc thousand under hook, x A. Sure. I sold one to my son’s wife’s sister.<br />

Y and it was a deal I couldn’t pass up. Y I-lcr nanic is Dawn II-O-E-F-T.<br />

(1 0, What do you nwan hy you could save wlcs tax’? IO I sold one lo a policeman in I3gan. l can’t<br />

I A. If you lrutlc, you only pay salts lax on llic i I rcmcmhcr his name. IHe ended up riding with 111~.<br />

2 di Il’crcncc. I2 I sold one to -- I sold lhcni 10 rclativcs.<br />

3 Q. Do you rcmeniher (lie dale you lradzd in lhal 13 friends, pwpk I wanted lo gel in on lhc business.<br />

4 motorcycle to Wally McCarthy? 14 Q. I’m sorry, these were people you wanted 10 get<br />

5 A. It was within three wtxks of when 1 purchased I5 in on the business’?<br />

6 the bike. I can’t tell you what that day was, but it was I6 A. Not specifically. It’s just it was -- you<br />

7 right around that May, June time frame. 17 know, 1 liked to sell it to people I knew.<br />

8 Q. Do you remember how much you were credited for 18 Q. Did you consider this a’business7<br />

9 the trade-in? 19 A. Absolutely not. I meant the business of<br />

10 A. No. Somewhere around eighteen. 20 riding motorcycles.<br />

!I Q. Do you remember if it was more than you had 21 0. Okay. Why don’t you give me the names of some<br />

12 paid for the motorcycle? 22 of these other relatives and friends that you sold your<br />

13 A. Ido remember for a fact that it was not. 23 motorcycles to?<br />

!4 Q. Had you already made the decision to do a deal 24 A. I can’t remember. I gave you all the ones I<br />

15 with Wally McCarthy before you obtained possession af that 25 can remember right now. I apologize.<br />

Page 14 Page 16<br />

I motorcycle? I Q. Do you have any documentation from any of<br />

2 A. No. 2 these sales?<br />

3 Q. When did you originally make the decision to 3 A. I’m sure I have records, probably not from all<br />

4 trade that motorcycle in at Wally McCarthy? 4 ofthem.<br />

5 A. After I found out what Twin City South was 5 Q. If I ask you to provide those to your<br />

6 going to charge me for the bike, and after I got it home, I 6 attorney, would you be able to do that for me?<br />

7 started making plans to get rid of it. 7 A. As many as I have, he’s welcome to.<br />

8 Q. You knew you could have elected not to take 8 Q. Okay. C<br />

9 that bike. Correct? 9 A. And my son, he bought one from me too.<br />

IO A. And I waited three years for nothing? 10 Q. What’s hisname?<br />

II Q. B,ut ‘you uqdemtood you did not have to take 11 A. Thomas John Carter.<br />

12 ,fhe bike. bmect? 12 Q. Did you make a profit on the sale of any of<br />

13 , x. +t.<br />

13 these motorcycles?<br />

14 ,_ Q. p it @z,‘& ‘say you took it because you knew 14 A. SometimesImademore. MofrtlyImadeless.<br />

IS y&could sti.11 sell it or you thought you could sell it 15 Q. Tell me about the times you lEmember that<br />

16 formoremomy?<br />

17 A. No, it’s not safe to say that. I took it<br />

16 youmadeaprofitonthesaleofthe Sk l-Q&S.<br />

17 A. I can’t think of any offhand, but I do<br />

18 because I had waited three years for the bike.<br />

18 ~berthatIgot~mymoneybackandsometimesIfel~<br />

19 Q. But you knew when you picked it up you were 19 good and sometimes I just got out from under it. My policy<br />

20 going to get rid of it right away. Correct?<br />

20 wastobuyinthespringwhenitwastimetorideandget<br />

21 A. Somewhere around that time I made that<br />

21 ridofthemint.hefallsoIdidn’thavetowinterthe<br />

22 decision. I don’t know if I bought it and then made the 22 bikes. The prices of a <strong>Harley</strong> allowed people to do that<br />

23 decision. I was angry at the time that I was forced to pay 23 and not lose too much money.<br />

24 that price, yes. So I don’t know exactly when it was I 24 Q. Did you ever buy a motorcycle with the<br />

25 made that decision.<br />

25 intention of reselling it for a profit?<br />

13 - Page: 16 Kirby A. Kennedy & Associates (952) 922- 1

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