2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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.- 1 ,EPQ-SQUISH Condcnsclt IM J~CS D. &n&y<br />

1.<br />

1 anyone ut SI. Croix I-larlcy-<strong>Davidson</strong> rqarding Twin City I (JAMIS D. KINNEY)<br />

1 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

2<br />

1 A. No, I have ma.<br />

3 I. JAMES n. KINNFY. do hcrehy czrtiry that I<br />

1 Q. Have you tivcr had any discussions with anyone 4 have rc;ltl the I,rqoing tnrnscript of my Deposition and<br />

j at I-larley-<strong>Davidson</strong>’s hudquarters?<br />

s believe the same to he true and correct (or except as<br />

5 A. No, I have non.<br />

6 follows, noting the page and line number of the change or<br />

7 Q. l-law: you cvcr had any discussion wilh anyone 7 addition desired and the reason why):<br />

3 aI Freeway Dodge?<br />

8<br />

9<br />

3 Q. How about Wally McCarthy dealerships? Have 0<br />

I you ever talked with anyone at any Wally McCarthy’s I<br />

2 dealerships?<br />

2<br />

3 A. No.<br />

3<br />

4 Q Have you ever attended any motorcycle shows? 4<br />

5 A. I have in the past, yes. 5<br />

6 Q. Did you attend the International Motorcycle 6<br />

7 Show that was held in Minneapolis a while ago?<br />

6 A. No.<br />

9 Q. What motorcycle shows have you attended?<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

.-<br />

*-<br />

0 A. Years ago, the Crocodile production in<br />

I St. Paul.<br />

2 Q. Any others:’<br />

!O<br />

!I<br />

!2<br />

b<br />

b<br />

3 A. Not to my recollection, no.<br />

!3<br />

4 Q. And,, once again, I just want to make clear,<br />

!4 Dated this -dayof , so-.<br />

5 you’ve told me everything you can wmember about any<br />

!5 (RDH)<br />

Page 46<br />

1 conversations or communications you’ve had with Twin City<br />

2 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> qarding the price of your motorcycle.<br />

3 A. At this time, yes.<br />

4 Q. Is it safe tq say your memory is not going to<br />

5 getanybet.ter~tW point?<br />

6 A. I don’t know if anything would jog my memory.<br />

7 Idon’tknow.<br />

8 MR LAFEBER: lids all 1 have. Thank<br />

9 yolkMr.Kipey. 1<br />

0 THEWITNESS: Thankyou. ,,<br />

I MR ISAACSON: Mr. KinncJ” yoU bavf2 the<br />

2 righttore+thetmnsa$ofthis+positionandmake<br />

3 awections, and that would involve going to the court<br />

I4 nporta’sofflceorourofflceandreadingthroughthe<br />

IS tmwxiptandmakhg~&td,~~~~gettingit<br />

16 ~~~~~33?‘+?y~waive~righ~~<br />

I7 Iwolhxo~tbatyou,~it.~<br />

18 ,%’ ~ME. yw: I.vuld like to.& it.<br />

19 (M@etqxm, at 10:10.a~.. Wednesday,<br />

Lo Nowxnber 15.2000, the taking of the deposition<br />

21 Of JAMES F),.lUNNEY ~&Utdjourned.)<br />

L2<br />

23<br />

24<br />

,~; , I,<br />


)f=.<br />

2 (30UNlYOFWRtGHT )<br />

3 FkitknownmptltooktkdcpositiottofIAMfBD.<br />

KtNNEY at! the 15th da of November. 2oM), ttt ~+rt<br />

4 c$$te&,ete 1800.33 r south stvauh sIta& Ml~lts.<br />

Page 47<br />

I<br />

Page 4l

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