2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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IEPO-SOUXSH p -\-<br />

Condcnsclt IM James D. Kinnev J<br />

Page 37<br />

Page 39<br />

I motorcycle, thal pulting %SOO down on a niotorcyclc would I contained on that clipboard, whether it ILKI a hader or any<br />

2 give me iI list price.<br />

2 dcxriptive terms or anything like that’!<br />

3 Q. What do you hnsc that claim on?<br />

3 A. I wasn’t looking for a header hcl’orc.<br />

4 A. Tlr: lUcl that I was shown a list p&c when I<br />

4 Q. What has Mr. (.iough told you ahout his<br />

5 pick&l up my motorcycle.<br />

s cxpcricncc with Twin City l-lnrley-DavidsoIl’!<br />

6 Q. And you’ve nlrcady told inc cvcrylhing you can 6 A. Can you hc more spccil’ic?<br />

7 rull ahout -- and you’re relet-ring to the document lhat’s 7 Q. YCW’VG talked to him ahout your claim.<br />

8 an unidcntil’ied salesman showed you‘?<br />

x A. Yes.<br />

9 A. COtTGCl .<br />

0 Q. And 1~‘s told you about the claims he’s<br />

0 Q. And you’ve already told mc everything you can o making?<br />

I recall nhout lh~~t documcnt’l<br />

I A. I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting<br />

2 A. Well. everything I can recall at this time<br />

2 at, what you want.<br />

3 Tile word list was used by the salesman a~ the time of<br />

3 Q. All I want to know is whal he’s told you about<br />

4 looking at the cliphoard.<br />

4 his experience at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>.<br />

5 0. You liave a better recolleclion now <strong>01</strong>’ what lie 5 A. He just thinks it’s expensive<br />

ii told you:’<br />

6 Q. Has be told you that be was -- anything was<br />

7 A. I remember list being u.sed.<br />

7 misrepresented to him by Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>’?<br />

8 Q. Who told you that’!<br />

8 A. I believe he said he nxn&bers list price also<br />

9 A. The sakman.<br />

9 being mentioned.<br />

l -<br />

10 Q. What did he tell you about list price’?<br />

10 Q. What price is that? i<br />

!I A. He told me those were list prices, but they<br />

!I At. pardon?<br />

il wue not going to be that in ‘99.<br />

!2 ‘Q. What price is that?<br />

13 Q. Did he tell you anything else at thaat time?<br />

!3 A. The manufacturer’s retail price.<br />

14 A. Not that I recall.<br />

!4 Q. Have you talked to anyone else about your<br />

15 Q. So as we sit here today, I’m asking you --<br />

!5 claims against Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

Page 38<br />

1 this is the second or third time I’ve asked you this. To<br />

2 the best you cao -11 on that occasion, he showed you<br />

3 some type of price list and said these are the list prices,<br />

4 but he couldn’t tell you that those were going to be the<br />

5 prices whenever you got your bike?<br />

6 A. He told me those were the !ist prices for all<br />

7 the bii and he had no way of knowing what the price wouk<br />

8 bein’99orlater.<br />

9 Q. So. again, t@‘s the beg you can recall<br />

10 ahoutwhatyou~toldonthat.d@e?<br />

‘! A. Ash&IcanIrdcall. Aswetalkaboutit,it<br />

12 stmscomingaround. You tememberthings.<br />

13 Q. Isitpossiblewhatyou~berisbasedon<br />

I4 conmtions you’ve had with people since that time?<br />

IS A. No. Well, I can’t say.<br />

16 Q. Is it possible it’s based “‘what other people<br />

17 huvetoldyoutheymayhavebeentold?<br />

18 A. Ican’t say.<br />

I9 Q. It’s possible?<br />

20 A. I can’t say for sunz.<br />

II Q. Do you have any specific recollecti~, of him<br />

22 telling you anything?<br />

13 A. I remember him saying this was list price on<br />

24 thr: clipboard.<br />

25 Q. But you don’t cemembq anyfhing ~1sGhat. was<br />

‘agc37-‘Pagc:40~ -<br />

Page 40<br />

I A. Not that I’m awax of.<br />

2 Q. You’re part of a lawsuit that has several<br />

3 plaintiffs, and I want to know if you’ve talked to anyone<br />

4 else other than Mr. Gough about your experience at Twin<br />

5 City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>.<br />

6 A. 1 don’t recall any in particular, no.<br />

7 Q. Have any of the other plaintiffs-talked to you<br />

8 about theii experience at Twin Gily <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

9 A, Other than at the attorney’s off&. no.<br />

IO Q. What wae you~told at the attomey’s office?<br />

II Ma. IsMcsoN: Objection.<br />

I2 Attorney-client privilege.<br />

I3 Q. Idon’twanttoknowwhatyouratto~may<br />

I4 havetoldyou. Ijustwauttoknow.wl@theotbez<br />

I5 plaintiffs mayhavetoldyou. ! I’ i ‘1’:<br />

16 A. Iguessweall;justt&eda<br />

I7 the&Ice.s. I I’ I.<br />

L t<br />

Tr<br />

costof<br />

I8 Q. So you had an opportunity to discuss these<br />

I9 matters with all the other plaintiffs?<br />

20 A. Yes.<br />

21 Q. And did the other people tell you what they<br />

22 may or may not have been told by people at Rvin City<br />

23 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

24 A. Yes.<br />

25 Q. You’re claiming you’re: entitled to damages’<br />

’ Kirby, A:f&qt$&~ & :&&iates (9X&),922-198<br />


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