2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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1 &PO-SQUISH<br />

Condcnsclt ’ M<br />

James D. Kin&y<br />

.<br />

Page 29<br />

I Q. And you I’CII this price was high had on what<br />

2 y(ju llad .stxn in tlic ncwspapcr?<br />

I<br />

2<br />

Page 3 1<br />

A. Yes. Jim Selecta.<br />

Q. What had you heard from Mr. Selecta?<br />

3 A. Corrccl<br />

3 A. That Twin City was marking their bikes up.<br />

4 Q. And you said you Id also talked LO pcoplc?<br />

4 Q. When did he tell you that?<br />

5 A. ull-lllll~.<br />

5 A. Oh. a couple of months before I bought it, I<br />

6 0. Who IKKI you talkcd to’!<br />

6 guess.<br />

7 A. Sonw Iricntls. Rick I’acc: my boss, IX IWI<br />

7 v. Is Mr. Sclecta a friend of yours?<br />

): rccmtly hou&t ;I I larlcy at St. Croix.<br />

x A. YCS.<br />

9 Q, Did hc: tell you what Ix Id paid at St. Croix?<br />

‘J CJ Is hc somebody you work with’!<br />

0 A. Yes.<br />

0 A. No.<br />

I 0. Do you know W/MI model motorcycle hc<br />

I Q. Do you know if Mr. Sclccta owned a<br />

2 purciias&<br />

2 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

3 A. The Heritage Soliail.<br />

3 A. Not at the time. He was researching one.<br />

4 Q. Do you know what he had paid for his<br />

4 Q. Do you know what he based his statement. on’<br />

5 motorcycle?<br />

5 A. He had a book with all the retail prices<br />

6 A. $16,000 something.<br />

6 listed from <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>.<br />

7 Q. Do you know what year Softail that was?<br />

7 Q. Had you ever looked at that book before?<br />

8 A. ‘99.<br />

8 A. Not until then. l -<br />

9 Q. Do you know if it was a new motorcycle when he 9 Q. So you had never lo&d at anything that<br />

!O purchased it’?<br />

o showed any <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> retail prices‘? 5<br />

!I A. It was new, yes.<br />

I A! Well, I don’t recall any.<br />

!2 Q. Do you know if it bad any extra features on<br />

2 ‘Q. Did you base your belief that the price was<br />

!3 it?<br />

3 high on discussions with anyone else?<br />

!4 A. I don’t believe so.<br />

:4 A. Not that 1 recall.<br />

Y Q. Did you complain about the price that Rod<br />

:5 Q. Did you base your belief that the price was<br />

Page 30<br />

I quoted to you’?<br />

2 A. I don’t recall.<br />

3 Q. I want you to tell me as best you can remember<br />

4 today all the discussions that occuned regarding price on<br />

5 tbatoeeasion.<br />

6 A. I don’t think we had a long discussion on<br />

7 price. It was I guess understood it was nonnegotiable.<br />

8 Q. You can’t remember any of tbe specifics of the<br />

9coavasatiar’l<br />

IO A. Notrightnow,no.<br />

II Q. Tcli me what happened next.<br />

12 A. I went back out and pieked up tbe motorcycle.<br />

I3 Q. And who did w deal with on@mt~~~~~ion?<br />

I4 A. Rod.<br />

IS Q. Were there any ditxusdons about price on that<br />

16 occasion?<br />

17 A. .No.<br />

18 Q. Did you still feel you were paying too much<br />

19 fortbe motorcycle? .<br />

20 A. I b’it was expensive, ye&.<br />

21 Q. Based on what you had seen other bikes selling<br />

22 ,foR .’ -!. I<br />

23 A. From what I have beard from other people, yes.<br />

24 Q. Did you bear anything from anyone other than<br />

2s Mr. Face?<br />

‘age 29 -‘Page 32<br />

I high on any other infonnation you had ohtaiued?<br />

2 A. I don’t recall.<br />

3 Q. You went ahead and purchased the bike?<br />

4 A. comt.<br />

Page 32<br />

5 Q. Did you make any-complaints to anyone about<br />

6 the price at tbat time?<br />

7 A. Not tbat aI nxall.<br />

8 Q. I’ve asked you a lot aboweonversations<br />

9 you’ve had with pcepk f&n Twin City Ha&y-<strong>Davidson</strong> about<br />

10 price Wcllt~ewxanywitnesstoanyofrhe<br />

II cunversationsyoumigbtbavebadaboutpriee?<br />

I2 A. NottbatIamtirigbttunv.<br />

13 Q. Doyouatillbavethatmouxeyek? ‘,<br />

14 A. Yes, Ido. w<br />

I5 Q. :Ha-/e youmade 6ny-attanpts to &at<br />

16 motorcyck? ,.- 35<br />

I7 A. No, I haven’t. 4 lr<br />

18 Q. Havr:youiuulanyoMasfromanybodytobuy<br />

19 that motorcyck?<br />

20 A. No. I haven’t.<br />

II Q. Have you made any attempts to buy an<br />

22 additional Ha&y-<strong>Davidson</strong> motaacyck?<br />

23 A. No, I bavc not.<br />

14 (At this time J~I~w D. Kinney DqxrJitiou<br />

25 Exhibit~Nttttt& I was m&ced for identification<br />

Kirby A. Kemkdy & Assooiam (95B) 922-1955

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