2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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DEPQ-SQUUSH Condcnscl t lM James D. Kinney<br />

1 Q. And spaificlilly rqg-cling price, you’ve ~trld I A. c’1wrcct.<br />

Page 21 Page 23<br />

2 mc cvqlliing’! 2 Q, Wcrc thzrc any discussions 3hoUI price ;I( that<br />

3 A. I~vctytliing I recall, yes. 3 lime?<br />

4 Q. When was the 1~x1 lime you had any contacl or 4 A. No.<br />

5 communication with anybody nt Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>? 5 Q. Wcrc you shown any ~OCUIIKIIIS, paperwork, price<br />

6 A. 1 went in a couple of years after the initial h lists at tlial time?<br />

7 down paymem and asked IO change the motorcycle, and I was 7 A. No.<br />

8 tolci I’d go IO the holtom <strong>01</strong>‘ llic list. 8 TV, Do you know if the moclcl mo~orcyclc rl~ar you<br />

9 Q. Who did you deal with on hit occasion? 9 switched to was a new model that I Ii&y-Davidscn was<br />

0 A. I don’t recall. It was ;I salesman, and wc IO selling?<br />

I didn’t gc:cc formal nhout it. I jusl mentioned it to him, I I A. When I switched?<br />

2 and that’s what lie told inc. so I left it alone. 12 Q. Yes.<br />

3 Q. Can you describe that salesperson for me’! I3 A. I knew it was a new edition of the Road King.<br />

4 A. Long brown hair and a scruffy beard. I4 Q. When did you next have any contact with anycnc<br />

5 Q. And you wanted to switch -- I5 at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>’?<br />

6 A. Models. I6 A. When 1 came in and switched motorcycles.<br />

7<br />

.i<br />

Q. -- models at that time?<br />

A. Correct.<br />

I7<br />

I8<br />

Q. And that’s what you just told me ahout.<br />

*-<br />

CQmt? l -<br />

9<br />

!O<br />

Q, What model did you want to switch to?<br />

A. The Road King.<br />

I9<br />

20<br />

A. No.<br />

Q. So you switched a mnd time? I<br />

!I Q. Why did you want to switch models’? 21 A!. No. I didn’t switch the first time. The ’<br />

!2 A. My tastes changed, I suppose. 22 first’time I went in and asked them him about switching,<br />

13 Q. Was this bike significantly different than the 23 He said no, and I said -- he said you cannot switch, or you<br />

!4 bike that you originally wem on the waiting List for’? 24 can switch but you go to the bottom of the List.<br />

15 A. No. 25 Q. And so at that time you elected not to switch.<br />

Page 22 Page 24<br />

I Q. Was it diff&ent in any respect? I A. And 1 just said no, and that was the end of<br />

2 A. styling. 2 that meeting.<br />

3 Q. Tell me how it was diffemnt. 3 Q. I’m sorry. I was confused. And then you went<br />

4 A. Styling. It’s a different look. It’s 4 back--<br />

S basically the same motorcycle. : 5 A. -- at a later time and talked to a big guy,<br />

6 Q. Well, it was different enough that you made it 6 and he said it would be no problem.<br />

7 apainttomake~you~on~listforthattypc:of 7 Q. Do you dl that person’s name?<br />

8 mobcycle. Omect? 8 A. It’s the guy I got my&&e from. I don’t<br />

9 A. WhenIsignedup,Ipicked.oneout,andIhad 9 recall his name right now.<br />

IO admugeofIica& Iguess. IO Q. And you said it was a big guy?<br />

If Q. Buttherewasa’maaonwbyyouhadachangeof II A. Yeah<br />

I2 beart. Ijuatwanttoknowbowthatniotorcyclediffered, I2 Q. Howbiii<br />

I3 ifyeueau,qiember~, ./, (.,.. ,, I3 A. Well, muscular, looks like he works out<br />

I4 A. [don’t ICC& 3’ ,, ,%A. 14 regul~ly. ‘ .: -<br />

IS Q. Wasthemotorcyclethatyouhadputyourname I5 Q. &@hanyou? -<br />

I6 on the list for still available?<br />

I7 A. Yes.<br />

I6<br />

I7<br />

A. oh,yeah.<br />

Q. Height-wise?<br />

xr<br />

x11<br />

I8 Q. <strong>Harley</strong>-Davidsen was still making that typeof, 18 A. Alittlebit,yeah.<br />

I9 motorcycle? I9 Q. How tall are you?<br />

20 A. Yes. ’ 20 A. Five-ten.<br />

21 Q. Did you complete any additional paperwork when 21 Q. And you talked to this person, and you were<br />

22 yeuwentinamtbatq3easion? 22 told you could awitoh models?<br />

23 A. No. 23 A. He told me they used to not do that, but now<br />

24 Q. You were told that you would . . go to the bottom<br />

2s of the list?<br />

-* - --<br />

21 -Page 24<br />

24<br />

25<br />

they’re mom flexibie.<br />

Q. Was them any @oussion about price at that<br />

.-*. 2, . 1,L ‘.i.” ,--<br />


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