2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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. James D. Kinncv CondenseItTM DEPO-SQUISE<br />

Page 17<br />

Page 15<br />

I A. I can’t even recall what he looks like.<br />

I A. He showed me a clipboard with a list on it and<br />

! Q. Can you tell me what color hair he had?<br />

2 said, Here are the prices. I’m sure it will be more<br />

1 A. Not offhand. no.<br />

3 because they go up every year.<br />

I Q. Can you tell me if he was a young person or an 4 Q. Did he tell you anything else at that time’.?<br />

5 older person’?<br />

5 A. No. ,<br />

5 A. He was a younger guy.<br />

6 Q. And that’s the best you can remember today<br />

7 Q. About how old would you say?<br />

7 word for word what Mr. Young told you?<br />

3 A. 30%<br />

8 A. Yeah.<br />

> Q. Can you tell me if he was a bigger person or a 9 Q. Did you talk to anybody else at that time<br />

I smaller person, thin person, heavy person?<br />

o about price?<br />

I A. Average.<br />

I A. No, I did not.<br />

2 Q. What do you mean by average?<br />

2 Q. You said he showed you a clipboard’.!<br />

3 A. He was just average size.<br />

3 A. Yeah.<br />

4 Q. Can you give me any more information than 4 Q. Describe that for me.<br />

5 that?<br />

5 A. It was just a nine-by-eleven clipboard.<br />

6 A. Not at this time.<br />

6 Q. And tbere was something on the clipboard?<br />

7 Q. Was be taller than six feet?<br />

7 A. A list was attached to it.<br />

8 A. I don’t recall.<br />

8 Q. Describe that*iist for me.<br />

9 Q. And on that occasion, you actually decided to<br />

0 put your name on the waiting list. Correct?<br />

1 A. tirrect.<br />

9 A. It was just a photocopy of all the bikes and<br />

,O models and prices.<br />

J<br />

,<br />

:I Q. Did you read it’?<br />

2 Q. What was your understanding as to bow the 12 A. I went to the bikes that I was interested in.<br />

3 waiting list would work?<br />

13 yeah.<br />

4 A. My name would go on a list, and when my bike 14 Q. Was this colored? Black and white? What did<br />

5 came in, it was my turn.<br />

15 it look like’?<br />

Page II<br />

I Q. Did you have to put any money down?<br />

2 A. Yes. 1 did.<br />

3 Q. How much money did you put down?<br />

4 A. $sot).<br />

5 Q. And was it your understanding that money was<br />

6 fully refundable?<br />

7 A. Yes.<br />

8 Q. You understood at any time you could get your<br />

9 r’nantybaek’? : f . .<br />

0 A. Yes. ‘, ,<br />

1 Q. Do you remember tli’,, bike you placed<br />

2 your name on the waiting list for? ’<br />

3 A. A Heritage Softail.’ ’<br />

4 Q. And you hadn’t ma& any at&mpts at that time<br />

s toobtainthatbikeanywheIeel&?<br />

6 A. No.<br />

::, :<br />

I, ,<br />

7 Q. And you hadn’t done any research.i~to the<br />

18 p&eOf those types Of nWOrcyCks? .<br />

19 A. No.<br />

!O Q. Did you have any discussions with Mr. Young<br />

! I about, prioe?<br />

. *<br />

12 A. He just told me Ha hhda~ way of knowing the<br />

13 price on a bike that wasn’t made yet.<br />

14 Q. ~wantyoutottlimCaS~jr6ucIin~~~<br />

Page 2(<br />

1 A. Black and white. it was like a photocopy.<br />

2 Q. And you said it had prices on it?<br />

3 A. Yeah --yes.<br />

4 Q. How wee they ammged on the document?<br />

5 A. Itwasthebikeandthenthepricc:hyit,and<br />

6 itwasfXorFLmodelnumhers.<br />

7 Q. Do you mmemher anything else about the<br />

F<br />

8 document?<br />

9 A. Notattbistime.<br />

IO Q. Didyoureadthedoeumen t,or&dyoujusr<br />

I 1 look at whatever’ price was lii for your bike?<br />

I2 .A. I was just looking at the prices of-the bikes.<br />

13 Q. Was them any header or descriptive termsat ”<br />

14 thetopofthedocurnent? - .- ’<br />

.;.,’ 1<br />

IS A. Not that-1 ie&ll. -<br />

16 Q. Did Mr. Young m 3&l y ~ttxnents i&Nit the<br />

%z<br />

17 document?<br />

18 A. Not that I can recall.<br />

I9 Q. Were you shown any other written materials,<br />

20 paperwork, price lists on that occasion’!<br />

21 A. No. :<br />

22 Q. So you’ve told me absolutely everything you<br />

23 can remember about what may have been told to YOU that da<br />

24 or what may have ‘been’ shown to you that day?<br />

25 A. Everythiq I recall.<br />

Page 17-Page2

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