2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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1 BP+SQUXSH<br />

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I Q. l4ow long have you hvcn a mcmlxx of IloCi?<br />

2 A. I goI ;I one-year nicnihcrship wh I ho~iglll my<br />

3 motorcycle<br />

4 v. Which mororcyclc?<br />

5 A. The <strong>01</strong>11: I‘rom Twin City South.<br />

6 0. Do you rcccivc any motorcycle-rclatcJ<br />

7 publications?<br />

8 A. None other than from <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>.<br />

9 Q. Is that the publication you retxivl: as part <strong>01</strong><br />

0 your HOc; suhscriplion?<br />

I A. Kighl.<br />

Condo<br />

Page I3<br />

2 Q. Do you helong 10 the <strong>Minnesota</strong> Valley HO(; c’luh<br />

3 or Association?<br />

4 A. Not if it didn’t come with my hike. I haven’t<br />

S joinedany.<br />

6 Q. Do you know if the membership you have has any<br />

7 type of local chapter?<br />

8 A. 1 have no idea.<br />

9 Q. Do you belong to any <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>-related<br />

0 Internet or e-mail groups?<br />

:I A. No.<br />

12 Q, Do you have any friends or relatives in the<br />

3 motorcycle business?<br />

!4 A. No.<br />

!S Q. Any friends or relatives in the<br />

Page 14<br />

1 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> business‘?<br />

2 A. No.<br />

3 Q. Did you know any employees or owners of Twin<br />

4 CiIy <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> hefoe you first contacted them about<br />

5. buying a motorcycle?<br />

6 A. No.<br />

7 Q. How did you learn about Twin City<br />

8 <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>?<br />

9 A. i guess just the phone book. I don’t recall<br />

IO anyeHain-.<br />

I1 Q. WhendidyoumakeMec&ntobuyan<br />

I2 alditional <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> motorq&?<br />

I3 A. Ikncwitwouldtakcaconsidexableamountof<br />

I4 timetogctm,soIjustjumpedtmtheli&thinkhgI<br />

1s hedthetimt. ! . . I.<br />

I6 Q. tbymrememkwhentbatwas?<br />

17 A. I suppose April of ‘96.<br />

I8 Q. What did you know about the <strong>Harley</strong>-JIavidson<br />

I9 markctatthattimc?<br />

lo A. Welt not mu& really. I guess I’d ask you to<br />

21 hemote-whatdoyouwanttoknowaboutit?<br />

22 Q. It’s your testimony you put your name on ,the<br />

23 waiting list at Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> in April of ‘96,<br />

14 orsom&nearoundtbcrc?<br />

2s A.cofmct.<br />

‘agc13-Page:16c<br />

sdt I*( James D. Kitmel<br />

Page 1s<br />

I Q. And at that time you had to sclcct a model<br />

2 that you wanted?<br />

3 A. Correct.<br />

4 0. Bcforc you went to Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong><br />

5 had you done any shopping around, price comparison:’<br />

h A. No.<br />

7 ~2. Had you done any research at all into<br />

x <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong> motorcycles at that time?<br />

Y A. Other than on my own inotorcyclc, no.<br />

0 Q. What do you mean by your own motorcycle’!<br />

I A. Well, I owned an ‘82 Sturgis already.<br />

2 Q. So before you put your nainc on the waiting<br />

3 list, you hadn’t checked prices anywhere else?<br />

4 A. No.<br />

5 Q. You hadn’t talked to any other dealers?<br />

6 A. No.<br />

I Q. You hadn’t looked in the newspaper to check<br />

8 prices of <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>s?-*-<br />

9 A. I followed used prices in the newspaper.<br />

!O Q. What did that teII you, if anything, about the z<br />

! I ma

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