2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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Q. SO a good<br />

A. Right.<br />

IS ycnrs?<br />

3 Q, Did you graduate from high school?<br />

4 A. No. I did not.<br />

5 Q. How far did you tnakc it in school’!<br />

h A. I went to nay -- I started my senior year and<br />

7 went and got a (il!D.<br />

x Q. When did you get your (i13?<br />

9 A. A couple of years later. I’m not sure of the<br />

o date.<br />

I Q. Any formal education beyond your ND?<br />

2 A. No.<br />

Condo<br />

Page 5<br />

3 Q. Have you ever served in the military?<br />

4 A. No.<br />

5 Q. Do you have a criminal record of any type?<br />

6 A. None other than driving.<br />

7 Q. What type of driving offenses have you had ?<br />

8 A. Alcohol-related DWI.<br />

9 Q. How many DWIs have you had?<br />

0 A. Three.<br />

I Q. What years were those in?<br />

i2 A. I’d be guessing ‘78, ‘83, and ‘9 1.<br />

:3<br />

I4<br />

5<br />

Q. Do you remember what counties those were in?<br />

A. Hennepin and Dakota.<br />

0. Consecutivelv?<br />

Page C<br />

i A. Right.<br />

2 Q. Have you ever gone through any chemical<br />

3 dependency treatment?<br />

4 A. No..<br />

5 Q. Or alcohol abuse treatment programs?<br />

6 A. N&<br />

7 Q. Are you ‘presently employed?<br />

8 A. No. I wasjust Iaidoff.<br />

9 Q. Who did you work for?<br />

0 A. PaceCQnueteconstructiion.<br />

11 MR. fSwCSQN: Excuse me, 1 didn’t hear<br />

‘2 thai Wl&hatPace? ., _.. ,<br />

I3 t THE WITNESS: ct’aa c0peret.e<br />

.<br />

14 constructHla<br />


J<br />

, : I! ,L? ,. .<br />

16 Q. vt’hewmtheylooated?.<br />

17 A. Inwzr Grove Heights. I<br />

18 Q. What did you & for them?<br />

19 A. cement finisher.<br />

to Q. How iong did you work for them?<br />

II A. Tht’e0,yetu-s.<br />

u Q. Was this, a f$ll-t&e position?<br />

u A. Yes.<br />

14 Q. was it seasonal?<br />

ls A. Yes.<br />

‘age S,‘- Page 8<br />

sdt Ihi James D. Kinnky<br />

I q. What did you do in rhc ofl-sc;cason during those<br />

2 three years’?<br />

3 A. Lxt .~ason I coultln’~ I’ind work. hut I hook4<br />

Page 7<br />

4 up with other cornpanics and (r~tvclcd. work4 in Floritlu one<br />

5 year, work4 in Kansas City it littlc hit. They send mc: oul<br />

h on JilTcrcnr rclck jobs, arlil’icial rcxk work.<br />

7 Q. I neglec~ccl to ask you, xc you Inarriccl’!<br />

x A. No.<br />

9 Q. I-law you ever be431 married?<br />

0 A. No.<br />

I Q. Do you have any kids?<br />

2 A. No.<br />

3 Q. And where did you work prior to Paw: Cancrett:<br />

4 Construction?<br />

5 A. Custoln Rock International in St. Paul.<br />

6 Q. And how long did you work for Custoln Rock<br />

7 International?<br />

18 A. I believe that was nine-&.<br />

I9<br />

!O<br />

Q. What did you do for them?<br />

A. Iwasacementmason. I<br />

!I ,Q. Was that a full-time position?<br />

!2 A. Yes, it was.<br />

!3 Q. Was that seasonal?<br />

!4 A. Yes and no. Some seasons, yes. Otlwr seasons<br />

15 they would send me. on the road.<br />

1 Q. Tell me, how long is the cement season that<br />

Page 8<br />

2 you can do cement work?<br />

3 A. It varies. ‘Ihe last couple of winters have<br />

4 been warm, so it goes eight, nine months. If it’s real<br />

5 cold,itcanbeassbortasxvenmontbs.<br />

6 Q. You indicated you worked for Pace Concrete<br />

7 Construction for roughly three years?<br />

8 A. Comxt. IsbeuldmentienIbadmyown<br />

9 businessinbetweentbosetwo.<br />

IO Q. Whatpaiodoftimedidyoubaveyourown<br />

II business?<br />

12 A. FortwoyearspriortoPaee. .I<br />

13 Q. Wbatwastbenameofyourbusiness?<br />

14 A. FirstImpmssionsComxete. -<br />

15 Q. Did FirstImp+si&ns tbesame<br />

16 t.ypeoftbiqsasPaeeCanc&e?<br />

17 A. Yes.<br />

T<br />

18 Q. AndCustomRock?<br />

19 A. No, not Custom Rock.<br />

20 Q. WbattypeofworkdidCustomRo&do?<br />

21 A. TbeydidartiCcialro&worlcsuebasan<br />

22 example would be Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America.<br />

23 Q. You idbated while you wm at Pace Concrete<br />

24 Constructionthxwemsomeseasons$atyougotworkin<br />

25 otberpartsoftllecoun~solneoff-sea%ms andsome.<br />

Kirby A. Kemedy st~ktzsda~~(~~2) 922-195

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