2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch

2001-01-26 Harley-Davidson Response - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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3a<br />

be’.:. File NO. U-00-<strong>01</strong><strong>26</strong>49<br />

3 1<br />

4 1<br />

5 1<br />

6 The Cepooitlon of JSJ4ES 0. KINNEY, taken I<br />

7 pursuartt to N*>Clci ot Taking “eporltion, taken betor+ 1<br />

e Ranad 0. Hacr~la, RI’N, a Uotrry Public In and tar the I<br />

9 County c-f Nriqlrt. Sute .>t <strong>Minnesota</strong>, taken on the 1Sth day I<br />

” at November, zuou, .t l4ecropdltrn Ccntr,, suitt 1600. 333 2<br />

1 Sour.h Seventh Acc+et, Winn~apolis. <strong>Minnesota</strong>, connencinq at 2<br />

2 rpprox1natc1y 9:u5 4.111. 2<br />

3 2<br />

4 2<br />

5 2<br />


6<br />

55439, gecrsd for md on boholfof Maldmt.<br />

7 Als43P8fseNx<br />

8 Mr. Mike Kuelh<br />

Mr.uevillcudbs<br />

9<br />

I4 cnlu-Mi by Mr. Lei* ( 3<br />

IS<br />

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. ,.:<br />

Condenseit IM DEPO-SQUISH<br />

Page 3 1<br />

2<br />


2 the Witness in the above-entitled<br />

3 matter after having been duly sworn<br />

Q depots and says as follows:<br />

5<br />


7 BY MR. LAFEBER:<br />

8 Q. Good morning, Mr. Kinney. My name is Michael<br />

9 Lafeber, and I represent Twin City <strong>Harley</strong>-<strong>Davidson</strong>. 1 want<br />

1’<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1’ 0 to begin by asking if you’ve ever had your deposition taken<br />

1 before.<br />

2 A. No.<br />

3 Q. Let me go over a few of the ground rules to<br />

4 make it go as quickly and smoothly as possible. You need<br />

5 to avoid any nonverbal responses. As you can see, we have<br />

6 a court reporter hen% and it’s real diffbzult for him to<br />

7 transcribe a shake of the head or any other nonverbal<br />

8 ttsponses. Okay? ,-*-<br />

9 A. &-rect.<br />

10 Q. Avoid txsponses such as uh-huh or huh-huh.<br />

11 Again, it’s real difficult for the nxord to reflect what<br />

!2 those responses were intended to mean. Okay’!<br />

!3 A. Okay.<br />

!4 Q. And in addition, let me finish asking my<br />

!5 question before you answer it. That way we won’t talk over<br />

I eachother.<br />

Page 4<br />

2 A. okay.<br />

3 Q. And lastly, I don’t want you to answer any<br />

4 questions you don’t understand. If 1 ask a question you<br />

5 d&t understand, please ask me to rephrase it or clarify<br />

6 it, 1’11 be mono than happy to do that. All right?<br />

7. A. til right.<br />

8 Q. &-) w h&&% agretment YOU Won’t aflswet an:<br />

9 qucstionsyoudon’tunderstaudtoday?<br />

10 A. sum<br />

.;<br />

..<br />

I.<br />

’<br />

3. I<br />

II Q. we!@ $&ut with an easy one. Wbuld YOU St&<br />

12 yourfullnameforthenxor~please?<br />

13 A. J- p&,kG. Kinney. ‘:t i: :<br />

“’ -‘-.‘;’<br />

14<br />

I5<br />

Q. Can you spell your-last name, please? ‘: ‘. :<br />

. 4: :, q; f j.’<br />

A. K-I-N-N-E-Y. -<br />

16<br />

17<br />

Q.<br />

A.<br />

And, Mr. Kinne x!w old are you?<br />

Forty-three. %<br />

18 Q. .What is yourdati of birth?<br />

19 A. 9/<strong>26</strong>/57.<br />

20 Q. And tire do you currently resie?<br />

21 A. 2 112 West 86th Street in Bloomington.<br />

22 Q. b that a home or an apartment?<br />

23 A. It’s a home.<br />

24 Q. How long have you been at that address?<br />

25 A. Since November of ‘85.<br />

rage I- rage

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