Switzerland - The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Switzerland - The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Switzerland - The Graduate Institute, Geneva


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Address<br />

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Rosenthaler Str. 40/41,<br />

10178 Berlin, Germany<br />

Phone ++49-30 - 285 34-0<br />

Fax ++49 30 - 285 34-109<br />

Web www.boell.de<br />

E-Mail info@boell.de<br />

Category Dialogue<br />


<strong>The</strong> Heinrich Böll Foundation, affiliated with the Green Party and headquartered in Berlin, is a legally independent political foundation<br />

working in the spirit of intellectual openness. It was founded in 1997 by uniting the three foundations Buntstift (Göttingen), Frauen-<br />

Anstiftung (Hamburg), and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Cologne). <strong>The</strong> Foundation's primary objective is to support political education both<br />

within Germany and abroad, thus promoting democratic involvement, socio-political activism, and cross-cultural understanding. Its<br />

activities are guided by the fundamental political values of ecology, democracy, solidarity, and non-violence.<br />

Founding year 1997<br />


By way of its international collaboration with a large number of project partners – currently numbering about 200 projects in 60<br />

countries – the Foundation aims to strengthen ecological and civil activism on a global level, to intensify the exchange of ideas and<br />

experiences, and to keep our sensibilities alert for change. <strong>The</strong> Heinrich Böll Foundation’s collaboration on socio-political education<br />

programs with its project partners abroad is on a long-term basis. Additional important instruments of international co-operation<br />

include visitor programs, which enhance the exchange of experiences and of political networking, as well as basic and advanced<br />

training programs for committed activists.<br />

A “Dossier” on “Exporting Democracy: Opportunities and Risks of External Democracy Promotion in Fragile States “can be found<br />

online and contains relevant publications on conflict and peace studies: http://www.boell.de/asp/frameset_en.html<br />


(2001). Muslime im säkularen Rechtsstaat. Berlin, Heinrich Böll Stiftung.<br />

(2005). Diaspora, Öl und Rosen: Zur innenpolitischen Entwicklung in Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien. Berlin, Heinrich Böll<br />

Stiftung.<br />

Ottaway, M. (2006). Is Democracy the Answer? Exportschlager Demokratie? Chancen und Risiken der Demokratieförderung in<br />

fragilen Staaten. Berlin, Heinrich Böll Stiftung.<br />

(2006). In Gottes Namen? Frauen und Fundamentalismus: Das Magazin der Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Berlin, Heinrich Böll Stiftung. 1.<br />

(2006). External Promotion of Democracy in Fragile States: Conference Draft. External Promotion of Democracy in Fragile States,<br />

Berlin, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the German <strong>Institute</strong> for International and Security Affairs (SWP).

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