Taiwantrade Digital Catalogs of Green Life - Consumer Electronics ...

Taiwantrade Digital Catalogs of Green Life - Consumer Electronics ...

Taiwantrade Digital Catalogs of Green Life - Consumer Electronics ...


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air cooler<br />

Contact Person : Sharry Chen<br />

URL : http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/EP/plasticsmolds/home/en_US<br />

Key Features : FRAGRANCE SPA AIR CLEANER 利用超音波高頻率震動, 破壞液態分子結構, 將水霧化成極小<br />

粒子, 利用電風扇傳播出去, 迅速增加空氣中的濕度. This device creates high frequent vibration<br />

by ultrasonic to atomize the water elements into extra fine spray. It quickly adds moisture in the air<br />

by blowing out the find spray through a fan. 超音波霧化過程中產生的負離子, 與空氣中帶正電荷<br />

漂浮的煙霧及粉塵結合, 以靜電方式將塵埃沉澱過濾, 能去除二手菸 甲醛 一氧化碳及其他異味,<br />

使空氣淨化清新. The atomization by ultrasonic will create anions which can neutralize the ions in<br />

the smoke and dust in the air, and filter the dirt with static electricity. It will clean the air by carrying<br />

away the odor <strong>of</strong> cigarettes, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and others. 能調節冷氣房內空氣濕<br />

度, 可加入精油或花水, 能紓解壓力, 放鬆精神, 頭腦清新, 身心平衡. It can adjust the air moisture<br />

in an air conditioned room. Ethereal oil or flower extraction can be added in the liquid to release<br />

stress, relax, refresh our brains and keep balance <strong>of</strong> body and mind. 本產品台灣製造 有三種顏<br />

色 The product is made in Taiwan. Three colors for options: 粉紫色 purple pink 蘋果綠 apple<br />

green...<br />

Primary Export Products : plastic injection molds, plastic molded products, OEM/ODM service for plastic items, DVD/VCD<br />

cases<br />

For more detailed information, please click the link below :<br />

http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/EP/plasticsmolds/products-detail/en_US/479441<br />

Company Name :<br />


Model No :<br />


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