We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180

We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180

We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180


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The American Taliban war<br />

on women<br />

By Gary Schoichet<br />

The Taliban are here. They do<br />

not wear robes, n<strong>or</strong> do they<br />

carry AK47s, <strong>or</strong> bandoliers<br />

loaded down with bullets. Business<br />

suits, white faces, male, is the basic<br />

description. They can be found sitting<br />

in the halls of Congress and<br />

statehouses countrywide where<br />

they are waging a war on women<br />

that would make their counterparts<br />

in Afghanistan envious. They are<br />

called Republicans. They want<br />

to take decision making about<br />

women’s health away from women<br />

and give it to those who know best:<br />

Republican men.<br />

Although long in the making,<br />

the current attack started with the<br />

Tea Partyish freshman class (80<br />

<strong>or</strong> so) in the House that said it was<br />

dedicated to cutting the deficit and<br />

creating jobs. To cut the deficit<br />

they took aim at social welfare and<br />

health programs that contribute<br />

very little to the deficit—they<br />

actually save en<strong>or</strong>mous sums by<br />

preventing catastrophic illnesses—but<br />

greatly to preserving the<br />

health and welfare of those in need.<br />

Ideology, that blinding light that<br />

sees only straight ahead, took over<br />

and women and children also,<br />

were directly in the sights of men<br />

with fundamentalist fingers on<br />

the trigger.<br />

A little hist<strong>or</strong>y<br />

During the heady liberal times of<br />

Richard Nixon, yes, the president<br />

Richard Nixon, Title X was enacted<br />

by the Congress. Public Law 91-572,<br />

<strong>or</strong> Title X Family Planning Program,<br />

also known as “Population Research<br />

and Voluntary Family Planning<br />

Programs” was enacted in 1970 as<br />

part of the Public Health Service<br />

Act. It was the first-ever national<br />

program aimed at the health needs<br />

of women.<br />

The services provided by Title X<br />

grantees include family planning<br />

and provision of contraception,<br />

education and counseling, breast<br />

and pelvic exams, breast and cervical<br />

cancer screening, screenings<br />

and treatment f<strong>or</strong> sexually transmitted<br />

diseases (STDs) and Human<br />

Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),<br />

education about preventing STDs<br />

and HIV and counseling f<strong>or</strong> affected<br />

patients, referrals to other health<br />

care resources, pregnancy diagnosis,<br />

and pregnancy<br />

counseling.<br />

Ab<strong>or</strong>tion services<br />

are not part of Title<br />

X and, in fact, it is<br />

prohibited to spend<br />

federal monies on ab<strong>or</strong>tion except<br />

in cases of rape, incest, <strong>or</strong> preserving<br />

a woman’s life. Republicans<br />

introduced a bill that would change<br />

the definition of rape to “f<strong>or</strong>cible<br />

rape” which would rule out statut<strong>or</strong>y<br />

rape, the rape of a min<strong>or</strong> that<br />

might not be “f<strong>or</strong>ced.” Other types<br />

of rapes that wouldn’t have been<br />

covered are those in which the<br />

woman was drugged <strong>or</strong> given excessive<br />

amounts of alcohol, rapes of<br />

women with limited mental capacity,<br />

and many date rapes.<br />

The outcry was so great that they<br />

took it back.<br />

So what are they doing<br />

The Republicans’ aim is on the<br />

almost 100-year old family planning<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganization Planned Parenthood.<br />

Only three percent of Planned<br />

Parenthood’s budget goes towards<br />

ab<strong>or</strong>tion. The remainder is spent on<br />

the services provided by Title X.<br />

What do they want to do?<br />

Following is a compendium, ever<br />

changing as the days pass: A 32<br />

percent cut in international family<br />

planning–and a note specifically<br />

f<strong>or</strong>bidding a cent of it from going to<br />

the UNFPA, which provides reproductive<br />

and maternal health care to<br />

the developing w<strong>or</strong>ld; $747 million<br />

cut from the Women Infant Children<br />

(WIC) program, which provides<br />

food and nutrition f<strong>or</strong> low-income<br />

pregnant women, new mothers<br />

and children under the age of five;<br />

$110 million cut in teen-pregnancyprevention<br />

community grants; $50<br />

C o m m u n i q u e<br />

million decrease in maternal and<br />

child health block grants, which all<br />

states receive; $1.83 billion cut in<br />

Head Start programs, which double<br />

as crucial pre-kindergarten childcare<br />

f<strong>or</strong> low-income<br />

families.<br />

Those were the<br />

feds. In New Y<strong>or</strong>k,<br />

newly elected<br />

Assembly member<br />

Steve Katz, Republican and Tea<br />

Party member, has proposed legislation<br />

that would amend state law<br />

to deny state funding to Planned<br />

Parenthood <strong>or</strong> any <strong>or</strong>ganization<br />

that perf<strong>or</strong>ms ab<strong>or</strong>tions. What<br />

will this mean to people who turn<br />

to Planned Parenthood and other<br />

women’s health <strong>or</strong>ganizations? In<br />

In South Dakota it would be legal<br />

to murder a doct<strong>or</strong> who provides<br />

ab<strong>or</strong>tion care.<br />

2010 Planned Parenthood provided<br />

m<strong>or</strong>e than 350,000 women with<br />

STD/HIV tests; m<strong>or</strong>e than 150,000<br />

women with birth control; m<strong>or</strong>e<br />

than 70,000 women with pap tests;<br />

and m<strong>or</strong>e than 65,000 women with<br />

breast exams.<br />

From MoveOn comes some of<br />

the m<strong>or</strong>e outlandish pieces of<br />

proposed legislation. In Ge<strong>or</strong>gia,<br />

a state legislat<strong>or</strong> wants to change<br />

the legal term f<strong>or</strong> victims of rape,<br />

stalking, and domestic violence to<br />

“accuser.” Victims of other less gendered<br />

crimes, like burglary, would<br />

remain “victims.” In South Dakota it<br />

would be legal to murder a doct<strong>or</strong><br />

who provides ab<strong>or</strong>tion care and<br />

in Maryland, and this was passed,<br />

all county money f<strong>or</strong> low-income<br />

pre-school was cut because women<br />

should be home with the kids.<br />

It’s all about women all the time<br />

with these guys. The population<br />

of the United States is a little m<strong>or</strong>e<br />

than 307 million, 50.7 percent of<br />

whom are women. The U.S. House<br />

of Representatives has 74 women,<br />

15 of whom are Republicans while<br />

the Senate has 17 women, four of<br />

whom are Republicans. How did<br />

those 91 women vote?<br />

J u l y /Au g u s t ’11 5<br />

<strong>We</strong> [women] are being assaulted<br />

everyday.<br />

Diane Savino:<br />

It’s all about<br />

controlling women<br />

It’s always been about controlling<br />

women, ever since the Garden of<br />

Eden. I don’t think they think it<br />

though—it comes naturally.<br />

There are 50 states and every level of<br />

government with budget deficits and<br />

look at what’s being cut: health care,<br />

day care, education, and w<strong>or</strong>kfare<br />

which essentially serves women. It is<br />

all attacks on women. Women have<br />

to wake up. <strong>We</strong> are being assaulted<br />

every day economically and from a<br />

policy perspective.<br />

I couldn’t justify taking a vote that<br />

would turn the clock back on women.<br />

There has to be pushback. Why elect<br />

m<strong>or</strong>e women if that’s how they act.<br />

It doesn’t matter what level of society<br />

you’re in, women still have the<br />

responsibility of taking care of the<br />

family. <strong>We</strong> [women] are never that far<br />

from w<strong>or</strong>king at McDonalds, no matter<br />

how much we’ve achieved in life.<br />

Women have to make their own decisions<br />

about our own lives. They go after<br />

Planned Parenthood by saying they<br />

want to stop taxpayer-funded ab<strong>or</strong>tions.<br />

There are no tax-funded ab<strong>or</strong>tions; it’s<br />

already written into law. They go after<br />

Planned Parenthood to end end-of-term<br />

ab<strong>or</strong>tions. There are none.<br />

It’s all wrapped up in looking at, of<br />

thinking that women are second-class<br />

citizens. <strong>We</strong> are not good enough.<br />

And what really drove them crazy was<br />

when women started taking responsibility<br />

f<strong>or</strong> their own sexuality.<br />

Diane Savino is a New Y<strong>or</strong>k State senat<strong>or</strong><br />

representing the 23rd Senat<strong>or</strong>ial<br />

District in Brooklyn and Staten Island.<br />

Gary schoichet

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