We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180

We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180

We stand together or fall alone - CWA Local 1180


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10 J u l y /Au g u s t ’11<br />

C o m m u n i q u e<br />

executive BoArd meeting minutes<br />

<strong>We</strong>dnesdAy, April 20, 2011<br />

Meeting called to <strong>or</strong>der at 6:15 pm.<br />

Present: Arthur Cheliotes, Linda Jenkins, Bill<br />

Henning, Gl<strong>or</strong>ia Middleton, Gerald Brown,<br />

Charles Garcia, Alan Goldblatt, Michael Lamb,<br />

Len<strong>or</strong>a Smith, Gina Strickland, and Hazel W<strong>or</strong>ley.<br />

Absent: Gwen Richardson, Harlan Reid, and<br />

Clarona Williams.<br />

Guests: Venus Williams, Steve Ferrer, and Nadya<br />

Stevens<br />

Reading of the minutes from the March 9th meeting.<br />

Motion was made and carried to accept the<br />

minutes with the necessary c<strong>or</strong>rections.<br />


Arthur rep<strong>or</strong>ted that he attended the W<strong>or</strong>ld<br />

Federation meeting in Athens, Greece in April<br />

’11 and there were 900 people registered from<br />

around the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Arthur feels there needs to<br />

be a broader connection of unions throughout<br />

the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Also, he feels some common ground<br />

has to be found f<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>king people to stop the<br />

concentration of wealth by the rich which is<br />

getting out of hand. He is troubled and disappointed<br />

that the notion of democracy is on the<br />

way out.<br />

Discussed the need f<strong>or</strong> a mobilization build up<br />

f<strong>or</strong> the May 12th Rally.<br />

There will be an email blast as well as a robo call<br />

to remind members to wear red on Thursday. In<br />

addition, there will be pictures on the web-site<br />

showing members wearing red on Thursdays.<br />

Discussed the <strong>Local</strong>’s new publication of “In<br />

the Public Interest.” It will be mailed to every<br />

member.<br />

Requested Executive Board approval f<strong>or</strong> a<br />

$10,000 annual contribution to the Fiscal Policy<br />

Institute. Motion was made and carried.<br />

Motion was moved and carried to accept the<br />

President’s rep<strong>or</strong>t.<br />

Arthur deferred to Alan Goldblatt.<br />

Alan Goldblatt<br />

Alan submitted the following resolution<br />

which was written by Shirley<br />

Littman and Edward Yood on April 6,<br />

2011.<br />

Resolved, that <strong>CWA</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong><br />

Committee f<strong>or</strong> People with Disabilities<br />

recommend to the <strong>CWA</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong><br />

Executive Board at its next meeting that <strong>CWA</strong><br />

<strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong> immediately become an end<strong>or</strong>ser<br />

of Parents to Improve School Transp<strong>or</strong>tation<br />

(P.I.S.T.)’s attached “School Bus Bill of Rights,”<br />

and be so listed as such on P.I.S.T.’s literature in<br />

<strong>or</strong>der to better assist the Officers and members<br />

in our common goal of promoting the status and<br />

careers of disabled persons in the w<strong>or</strong>kplace,<br />

the union, and society.<br />

Specifically our <strong>Local</strong>’s end<strong>or</strong>sement of P.I.S.T.’s<br />

School Bus Bill of Rights is necessary because<br />

the children with disabilities and special needs<br />

whose rights P.I.S.T., with NYC trade union supp<strong>or</strong>t,<br />

is advocating f<strong>or</strong>, could very well be the<br />

children of not only millions of New Y<strong>or</strong>kers but<br />

also members’ very own daughters and sons.<br />

Their education and future is threatened by the<br />

government’s anti-disabled transp<strong>or</strong>tation and<br />

education cutbacks.<br />

In this period when po<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>king people, especially<br />

women and people of col<strong>or</strong>, are asked to<br />

become government’s lambs to be sacrificed<br />

in the name of the economic crisis, we should<br />

heed the slogan of a time of greater fight back<br />

and struggle to seek to become part of the solution<br />

and not part of the problem.<br />

Motion was made to adopt the resolution<br />

in supp<strong>or</strong>t of “Parents to Improve School<br />

Transp<strong>or</strong>tation.” Motion carried.<br />

Alan asked to be excused from the balance of<br />

the meeting and was excused by the President.<br />


OCB<br />

HHC titles Asst. Dir. Hospitals and Assoc. Dir.<br />

Hospitals<br />

Hearings were held on March 22 and April 7. The<br />

next hearing date is May 3, 2011. At that time we<br />

will have one person from East NY to testify and<br />

start hearing from people from Kings County<br />

Hospital. There are 127 people in the titles at KCH<br />

but at this time the HHC att<strong>or</strong>ney does not know<br />

how many they will call to testify. <strong>We</strong> have the following<br />

dates scheduled: May 3; June 1, 14, 23, 28;<br />

July 12, 28; August 9, 23; September 12, 22; October<br />

19; November 3, 9, 21; December 1, 14, 19.<br />

PERB<br />

Administrative Manager: NYCTA – Our att<strong>or</strong>ney<br />

has withdrawn our <strong>or</strong>iginal petition f<strong>or</strong><br />

Hay level managers. <strong>We</strong> are still <strong>or</strong>ganizing the<br />

Administrative Managers appointed from the<br />

Adm. Mgr. List. <strong>We</strong> have collected 24 signed<br />

PERB cards and continue to recruit others.<br />

School Computer Technology Specialist:<br />

DOE<br />

<strong>We</strong> withdrew our intervention in this case.<br />

Civil Service Committee<br />

The committee is w<strong>or</strong>king to develop Civil<br />

Service Fact Sheets. The next meeting is on<br />

Tuesday, April 26.<br />

Education Committee<br />

The committee is planning a Lab<strong>or</strong> Hist<strong>or</strong>y<br />

Program f<strong>or</strong> the May Membership Meeting.<br />

Bernadette Sullivan will do a presentation<br />

on lab<strong>or</strong> hist<strong>or</strong>y and the New Y<strong>or</strong>k City Lab<strong>or</strong><br />

Ch<strong>or</strong>us will perf<strong>or</strong>m. The next Book Club meeting<br />

is <strong>We</strong>dnesday, April 27, 2011.<br />


The next bargaining at Amnesty International,<br />

USA is scheduled f<strong>or</strong> Friday, April 22 and there<br />

will be several sessions after that. Hopefully we<br />

will then be able to wrap it up.<br />

The contract at Human Rights Watch ends in<br />

June. The bargaining committee is in place and<br />

sessions have been scheduled.<br />

Unified Court System is faced with massive budget<br />

cuts and proposed layoffs system wide.<br />

Attended <strong>CWA</strong> PHERN meeting in<br />

Memphis, Tenn. Among the things discussed<br />

were A) Agenda f<strong>or</strong> the <strong>CWA</strong><br />

Public W<strong>or</strong>ker Conference, B) The<br />

attacks on Public W<strong>or</strong>kers: Fl<strong>or</strong>ida<br />

now has f<strong>or</strong>bidden dues check-off, C)<br />

Various States are considering annual<br />

recertification status f<strong>or</strong> representation.<br />

Motion was made and carried to accept Second<br />

Vice President’s Rep<strong>or</strong>t.<br />

Rep<strong>or</strong>t from Bill Henning<br />

Following the rep<strong>or</strong>t from the Executive Board<br />

Audit Committee at the March meeting, I undertook<br />

to view a limited sample of expenditure<br />

from January, February and March. There were<br />

some red flags that should concern us all as the<br />

governing body with fiduciary responsibility f<strong>or</strong><br />

<strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong>.<br />

Limousine Service<br />

From 12/30/10-3/9/11, there were total expenditures<br />

by <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong> in the amount of $1,428.15<br />

f<strong>or</strong> 18 trips solely f<strong>or</strong> commutation, that is, taking<br />

Gl<strong>or</strong>ia Middleton and/<strong>or</strong> Gwen Richardson<br />

home. Leaving aside f<strong>or</strong> a moment the propriety<br />

of approving these types of expenditures under<br />

any circumstances, they do not meet the criteria<br />

in the undated “policy” we were shown last<br />

month. If there were legitimate business expenses<br />

(which I emphasize they were not). Gl<strong>or</strong>ia<br />

gets $400 a month and Gwen gets $900. These<br />

expenditures were over and above the amount<br />

we have approved f<strong>or</strong> unvouchered expenses.<br />

Also as I assume you all know, this is not a tax<br />

exempt business expense. It implicates <strong>Local</strong><br />

<strong>1180</strong> and the members of the Board in auth<strong>or</strong>izing<br />

improper expenses and possible tax<br />

problems. I would also note that we apparently<br />

auth<strong>or</strong>ized a staff member to use the limousine<br />

service to pick up cakes in the middle of the day<br />

f<strong>or</strong> another staff member’s party, at the cost to<br />

the <strong>Local</strong> of $144.14.<br />

American Express<br />

Several expenditures on the union’s credit<br />

card appear to lack proper documentation. F<strong>or</strong><br />

example, there are a variety of relatively small<br />

charges f<strong>or</strong> local restaurants that were explained<br />

as merely as “lunch f<strong>or</strong> staff” without notations<br />

as to which staff and why, other than to say they<br />

occurred on times when the clerical “staff” was<br />

asked to w<strong>or</strong>k through their lunch hour. There<br />

were other expenditures which occurred<br />

during the President’s time in Washington<br />

in connection with the Member<br />

Relief Fund/Defense Fund Oversight<br />

Committee which should have been<br />

reimbursed by the national union. As of<br />

the date of my looking at the rec<strong>or</strong>ds, we<br />

had not yet got such reimbursement.<br />

Motion<br />

That the practice of using limousine service f<strong>or</strong><br />

commuting purposes be immediately curtailed.<br />

That we auth<strong>or</strong>ize an audit by our Accountant<br />

of the limousine utilization, the credit card<br />

expenditures, and any other issues which may<br />

expose us to scrutiny by the national union <strong>or</strong><br />

the Department of Lab<strong>or</strong>, <strong>or</strong> which we would<br />

not be proud to expose to our members. This<br />

audit should go back as far as it needs to, and<br />

any improper expenditure should be repaid to<br />

the local.<br />

Motion was seconded. The motion was defeated<br />

with 6 no votes, 1 yes (Bill Henning) 1 abstain<br />

(Linda Jenkins).<br />

Rep<strong>or</strong>t from the Audit Committee<br />

Concerning President Cheliotes’ expenses in<br />

reference to his elected position on the <strong>CWA</strong><br />

National Member Relief Fund/Defense Fund<br />

Oversight Committee, when elected to the position<br />

President Cheliotes discussed his role with<br />

the <strong>Local</strong>’s executive board. He stated that in<br />

keeping with the practice established by the<br />

previous Defense Fund Committee chairperson<br />

that he would only accept payment from<br />

the National <strong>CWA</strong> f<strong>or</strong> his hotel bill and no other<br />

reimbursement. The <strong>Local</strong>’s executive board<br />

was and continues to be in agreement with the<br />

current practice.<br />

Concerning the <strong>Local</strong> transp<strong>or</strong>tation f<strong>or</strong> staff,<br />

at every board meeting the transaction rep<strong>or</strong>t<br />

indicating the total amount used each month<br />

f<strong>or</strong> car service is presented during the secretary/treasurer’s<br />

rep<strong>or</strong>t. Any questions about<br />

the usage were answered and accounted f<strong>or</strong><br />

in acc<strong>or</strong>dance with policy and was always followed<br />

with a motion to accept the secretary/<br />

treasurer’s rep<strong>or</strong>t. Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, the expenditures<br />

are audited by the audit committee and<br />

the <strong>Local</strong>’s accountant who is a Certified Public<br />

Accountant (CPA).<br />

The issue raised about the undated policy in<br />

reference to the car service is unwarranted. It<br />

was stated by our audit<strong>or</strong> and accountant, Steve<br />

Schlapp, when he brought to the secretary/treasurer<br />

a number of years ago that we needed a<br />

policy and the board approved.<br />

The specifics associated with the expenditures<br />

are due to a number of fact<strong>or</strong>s including the<br />

severe winter we had and well documented<br />

reluctance of NYC taxi drivers to take individuals<br />

to the Bronx and Harlem.<br />

Concerning food <strong>or</strong>ders, all future food <strong>or</strong>ders<br />

will be annotated with the following: A) Name<br />

of the person making the food <strong>or</strong>der and B)<br />

Name(s) of individual <strong>or</strong> group the food is<br />

<strong>or</strong>dered f<strong>or</strong>.<br />

In addition, all timesheet submissions shall be in<br />

compliance with the memo issued by secretary/<br />

treasurer Elaine Allman on February 24, 1999.<br />

Please note that the Executive Board Audit<br />

Committee is to review documents f<strong>or</strong> compliance<br />

with established rules and regulations.<br />

In addition, on an ongoing basis, w<strong>or</strong>k<br />

with the board to establish needed rules and<br />

regulations.<br />


The Transaction Detailed Rep<strong>or</strong>t and the Profit<br />

and Loss Rep<strong>or</strong>t were distributed f<strong>or</strong> review.<br />

The finances of the <strong>Local</strong> are:<br />

In the T.D. Checking Acct. as of 4/19/11 is<br />

$1,043.783.46 and in the M<strong>or</strong>gan Stanley Account<br />

is $150,192.41.<br />

Gl<strong>or</strong>ia attended the Anniversary of Equal Day<br />

Pay f<strong>or</strong> Women at Hunter College’s Roosevelt<br />

House. The panel included a representative<br />

from the New Y<strong>or</strong>k City Comptroller’s Office.<br />

Gl<strong>or</strong>ia brought up the issue of pay equity f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

female members of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong>.<br />

Gl<strong>or</strong>ia discussed the possibility<br />

of inviting candidates running<br />

f<strong>or</strong> national office in <strong>CWA</strong> to our<br />

executive board meeting. The idea<br />

was well received and Gl<strong>or</strong>ia was<br />

instructed to do so.<br />

Motion was made and carried to accept<br />

the Secretary/Treasurer’s Rep<strong>or</strong>t<br />

Grievance Manager Rep<strong>or</strong>t<br />

The rep<strong>or</strong>t continues to be fine tuned. As of<br />

today among the seven staff reps there are:<br />

248 Rec<strong>or</strong>ds<br />

Step 1 = 144<br />

Step II = 48<br />

Step III = 36<br />

Arbitration = 20<br />

The seven staff reps are to update the Grievance<br />

Manager Rep<strong>or</strong>t each month.<br />

Venus Williams<br />

Venus submitted a request to the board to have<br />

two staff reps attend the Lab<strong>or</strong> Arbitration:<br />

Lab<strong>or</strong> Law and Lab<strong>or</strong> Arbitration Conference on<br />

June 13-14, 2011. Harlan Reid will be the 1st rep<br />

and the 2nd to be determined.<br />

Motion was made and carried.<br />


Assistant Direct<strong>or</strong>s and Associate Direct<strong>or</strong>s<br />

at the Health and Hospitals C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ation<br />

(HHC)<br />

Hearings are currently being held by the New<br />

Y<strong>or</strong>k City Office of Collective Bargaining (OCB),<br />

Board of Certification (BCB). To be considered<br />

at these hearings are whether employees serving<br />

in the titles of Assistant Direct<strong>or</strong>, Hospitals<br />

and Associate Direct<strong>or</strong>, Hospitals are managerial<br />

and/<strong>or</strong> confidential under the New Y<strong>or</strong>k City<br />

Collective Bargaining Law and the New Y<strong>or</strong>k<br />

State Tayl<strong>or</strong> Law and the appropriate bargaining<br />

unit f<strong>or</strong> any eligible employees. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong><br />

is the petitioner in these proceedings. There<br />

are 650 employees in the Assistant Direct<strong>or</strong> title<br />

and 626 Associate Direct<strong>or</strong>s in question. The<br />

Organization of Staff Analysts (OSA) has filed as<br />

“interven<strong>or</strong>s.” <strong>We</strong> have attended hearings with<br />

<strong>CWA</strong> Att<strong>or</strong>ney Amy Young during March and<br />

these hearings will continue through at least<br />

December 2011.<br />

If after completion of the hearings, it is determined<br />

by OCB that these titles are eligible f<strong>or</strong><br />

collective bargaining an election will be held.<br />

OSA will be competing with <strong>Local</strong> <strong>1180</strong> to represent<br />

these employees. <strong>We</strong> have held inf<strong>or</strong>mational<br />

meetings at the various hospitals and<br />

have identified contact persons to help in our<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganizing eff<strong>or</strong>t. On March 7 we met at East<br />

New Y<strong>or</strong>k Diagnostic Center and on March 31 at<br />

the Harlem Hospital Center. <strong>We</strong> have additional<br />

visits planned f<strong>or</strong> April.<br />

Administrative Managers in the Metropolitan<br />

Transp<strong>or</strong>tation Auth<strong>or</strong>ity (MTA)<br />

To date we have received 24 signed PERB cards.<br />

The actual target group has not been finalized.<br />

Seventy-two employees have been called from<br />

the Administrative Managers (non-managerial)<br />

promotion list. Several of these employees have<br />

been transferred to other titles. <strong>We</strong> believe<br />

that the number of Administrative Managers<br />

(non-managerial) is now 51. <strong>We</strong> will meet with<br />

Management to determine the exact number in<br />

the target group.<br />

Next meeting date is <strong>We</strong>dnesday, May 18th.<br />

Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Gerald Brown

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