Desmids from Thailand and Malaysia

Desmids from Thailand and Malaysia

Desmids from Thailand and Malaysia


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<strong>Desmids</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Thail<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> 49<br />

2c. var. undulatum Hirano, var. nov. Pl.23, f.1.<br />

Cellulae mediocres, circiter 2.5 plo longiores quam latae, profunde constrictae ad<br />

medium, sinu angusto-lineari; semicellulae subpyramidatae, marginibus lateralibus 4-un-<br />

dulatis, inter lobos polares et laterales retusis, lobis polaribus subpyramidatis, apice con-<br />

vexo et cum incisionibus apicalibus angusto-lineari, angulis apicalibus late rotundatis,<br />

lobis lateralibus rectangularibus. Long. 81.5 ptm, lat. 33 ptm, lat. isth. 12 xtm.<br />

Type: Pl.23, f.1. Loc. Non Boa Saket, <strong>Thail<strong>and</strong></strong>.<br />

Cells of medium size, approximately 2.5 times longer than the breadth, deeply con-<br />

stricted at the middle, sinus closed; semicells subpyramidate, lateral margins with 4-un-<br />

dulations, incision between polar <strong>and</strong> lateral lobes shallow <strong>and</strong> retuse, polar lobe<br />

pyramidate, apex slightly convex with a deep <strong>and</strong> closed apical incision. L. 81.5 ptm, B.<br />

33 pt m, <strong>and</strong> I. 12 Ltm. St. 47. <strong>Thail<strong>and</strong></strong>.<br />

3. E. bidentatum Nag. Pl.25, f.13; Pl.26, f.1.<br />

West 1905, 2, 39, Pl.37. f.16-19; Krieger 1937, 601, Pl.85, f.1,2; F6rster 1982, 312,<br />

Pl.42, f.4-6.<br />

L. 40-47 ptm, B. 26.5 -33 ptm, <strong>and</strong> I. 5.7-6.5 ptm. Sts. 1,10,36,41. Cosmopolitan.<br />

4. E. bilobum LUtkem. var. bilobum Pl.30, f.7.<br />

Migula 1907, Krypt. Fl. 2:1, 493, Pl.27c, f.7; Krieger 1937, 597, Pl.82, f.10-12; Hira-<br />

no 1959, Contr. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ. 7, 259, Pl.33, f.22.<br />

L. 26.5 gm, B. 14 ptm, <strong>and</strong> I. 4.5 ium. Cells small, approximately 1.8 times longer<br />

than the breadth, deeply constricted at the middle, sinus narrowly linear; semicells semi-<br />

elliptic, apical incision deep <strong>and</strong> linearly open, lateral margins convex with slight 3-un-<br />

dulations; cell wall with a pair of small granules below the apex. St. 31. Japan, Europe.<br />

The specimens examined are smaller than the typical form of E. bilobum given by Migu-<br />

la <strong>and</strong> Krieger.<br />

4a. yar. thail<strong>and</strong>icum Hirano, var. nov. Pl.36, f.7.<br />

Cellulae hexagonales, circiter 1.4 plo longiores quam latiores, profunde constrictae,<br />

sinu angusto-lineari sed ad medium leviter dilatato; semicellulae truncato-pyramidatae,<br />

apice cum incisuris medianis profunde lineari-aperto, marginibus lateralibus leviter con-<br />

cavis et paullo undulatis. Long. 44 ptm, lat. 31 ptm, lat. isth. 8 ptm. St. 30.<br />

Type: Pl.36, f.7. Loc. Khao Yai, <strong>Thail<strong>and</strong></strong>.<br />

Cells hexagonal in outline, approximately 1.4 times longer than the breadth, deeply<br />

constricted at the middle, sinus narrowly linear but slightly dilated at the middle; semi-<br />

cells truncate-pyramidate, with a deep median incision <strong>and</strong> linearly open or closed but<br />

the outer part open, apical angles broadly rounded, lateral margins slightly concave <strong>and</strong><br />

delicately undulate in the lower part. St. 30.<br />

5. E. binale (Turp.) Ehrenb. var. hians W.West Pl.30, f.12.<br />

West 1905, Brit. Desm. 2, 53, Pl.38, f.33 (forma); Krieger 1937, 13:1, 551, Pl.75, f.16.<br />

L. 12-13 ptm, B. 9-10 ptm, <strong>and</strong> I. 3 ptm. Sts. 30,35,36,40. Ceylon, Europe,<br />

N.America, Africa.

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