Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis

Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis


Acknowledgements The authors thank Anders Bergström, Bodil Madsen and Kate Vibefeldt for excellent technical assistance. This work was financed by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (Grant no. 2101‐ 06‐0067) and the Technical University of Denmark. 14

Table 1 ‐ 16S rRNA primers used in this study Target taxon Primer Sequence (5’‐3’) Fragment size (bp) Reference Bifidobacterium spp. F‐bifido cgc gtc ygg tgt gaa ag 244 [10] R‐bifido ccc cac atc cag cat cca Lactobacillus spp. Lacto‐F agc agt agg gaa tct tcc a 341 [21,55] Lacto‐R cac cgc tac aca tgg ag Clostridium leptum subgroup sg‐Clept‐F gca caa gca gtg gag t 239 [32,48] sg‐Clept‐R ctt cct ccg ttt tgt caa Clostridium coccoides group g‐Ccoc‐F aaa tga cgg tac ctg act aa 440 [32] g‐Ccoc‐R ctt tga gtt tca ttc ttg cga a Roseburia spp. RosF tac tgc att gga aac tgt cg 230 [27] RosR cgg cac cga aga gca at Firmicutes phylum Firm934F gga gya tgt ggt tta att cga agc a 126 [18] Firm1060R agc tga cga caa cca tgc ac Bacteroidetes phylum Bact934F gga rca tgt ggt tta att cga tga t 126 [18] Bact1060R agc tga cga caa cca tgc ag Bacteroides spp. BacAll_2F gtc agt tgt gaa agt ttg c 127 [1] BacAll_2R caa tcg gag ttc ttc gtg Prevotella spp. PrevF cac caa ggc gac gat ca 283 [27] PrevR gga taa cgc cyg gac ct Alistipes spp. Alis F1‐124 tta gag atg ggc atg cgt tgt 320 This study Alis R1‐423 tga atc ctc cgt att acc gcg Bac. fragilis group Bfr ‐F ctg aac cag cca agt agc g 230 [29] Bfr ‐R ccg caa act ttc aca act gac tta Desulfovibrio spp. DSV691‐F ccg tag ata tct gga gga aca tca g 136 [14] DSV826‐R aca tct agc atc cat cgt tta cag c V2‐V3 16S rRNA region* HDA1 act cct acg gga ggc agc agt 200 [55] HDA2 gta tta ccg cgg ctg ctg gca c 16S rRNA region* TBA‐F cgg caa cga gcg caa ccc 130 [11] TBA‐R cca ttg tag cac gtg tgt agc c *The HDA and TBA primer were used as total bacteria DNA targets in order to normalize, hence correcting differences in total DNA concentration between individual samples. 15

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors thank Anders Bergström, Bodil Madsen and Kate Vibefeldt for excellent technical<br />

assistance. This work was f<strong>in</strong>anced by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (Grant no. 2101‐<br />

06‐0067) and the Technical University <strong>of</strong> Denmark.<br />


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