Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis

Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis


1048 J. Holck et al. / Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 1039–1049 requires a different pathway than metabolism of saturated galacturonic acid, as described for Erwinia and Pseudonomas species [47,48], but previous studies by Dongowski and Anger [49] showed that unsaturated pectic oligosaccharides were formed as intermediate metabolites in in vitro fermentation of pectin by human faecal microbiota. This indicates that the human gut microbiota is able to metabolize unsaturated galacturonic acid residuesas the data obtained in the present study also suggests. The homogalacturonan oligosaccharides described in this paper (DP2–8, without methyl esterification) are candidates for in vitro prebiotic activity based on the literature and will be the subject of our future investigation. 4. Conclusions The present work provided a new lean method for biorefining of pectin involving the sequential targeted enzyme catalyzed dissection to produce homogalacturonides and rhamnogalacturonides of defined molecular size. The results showed that it was possible to separate individual HG oligomers with DP from 2 to 8, as well as short RGI oligomers by one integrated procedure. The RGI oligomers were separated with respect to the number of repeating backbone units, and also with respect to galactose substitutions. The detailed MS/MS analysis revealed the presence of RGI molecules containing either two consecutive galacturonic acid moieties in the non-reducing end or a galacturonic acid in both reducing and non-reducing end, indicating the covalent link between homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan I in sugar beet pectin. An interesting spin-off result was the finding of the molecular structure containing two consecutive galacturonic acid attached to a rhamnose, which rejects the alternative pectin structure proposed by Vincken et al. [45]. This integrated method provides an option for production of at least milligram quantities of high purity HG and RGI oligosaccharides of defined size and structure. The production of larger amounts and/or industrial scale production by use of this methodological strategy may require further optimization with respect to the cost of the chromatographic downstream processing. The availability of well defined structures makes it possible to examine and develop an improved understanding of the functionality and possible bioactivity of pectin derived structural elements. An important further direction may also be the comparison of the putative prebiotic activity of unsaturated vs. saturated pectic oligosaccharides. In vitro assessment of the influence of DP4 and DP5 homogalacturonides on the relative abundance of two different bacterial phyla in faecal microbial communities revealed a significantly different effect of the two slightly different structures, which opens a range of possibilities for further research addressing the effect of oligosaccharide length on the metabolic syndrome associated with obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and prebiotic potential. Acknowledgements We thank Dorte Møller Larsen for provision of the cloned RGI lyase and Arland T. Hotchkiss for valuable input to the manuscript. We acknowledge the Fungal Genetic Stock Center (FGSC) for the Pichia pastoris clone expressing the pectin lyase gene AN2569.2. The study was supported by the Danish Strategic Research Council’s Committee on Food and Health (FøSu, to the project “Biological Production of Dietary Fibres and Prebiotics” no. 2101-06-0067). 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