Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis

Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis


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Methodology part Paper 6 Tailored enzymatic production of oligosaccharides from sugar beet pectin and Paper 6 evidence of differential effects of a single DP chain length difference human fecal microbiota composition after in vitro fermentation. Published in Process Biochemistry (Page numbers are relative to paper) 135

Methodology part<br />

Paper 6<br />

Tailored enzymatic production <strong>of</strong> oligosaccharides from sugar beet pect<strong>in</strong> and<br />

Paper 6<br />

evidence <strong>of</strong> differential effects <strong>of</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle DP cha<strong>in</strong> length difference human fecal<br />

microbiota composition after <strong>in</strong> vitro fermentation.<br />

Published <strong>in</strong><br />

Process Biochemistry<br />

(Page numbers are relative to paper)<br />


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